View Full Version : TV Shadowhunters: Should I watch it?

2017-01-01, 09:01 PM
I was rewatching some episodes of Cowboy BeBop earlier today on Hulu, when some ads came up for the show Shadowhunters. I was wondering if anyone else had watched it or would recommend it. It looks really familiar. Was there a movie about it before? City of Angels maybe? or am I thinking of a similar book/movie thing.

From the ad It looks like there's a bunch of warriors fighting the battle between good and evil and there's vampires and magic-users of some sort. It looks like something that would be up my alley, but it also looks like something that could end up really lame if done incorrectly.

So, what does the Playground think?

2017-01-02, 01:07 PM
It's an adaptation of The Mortal Instruments. It never seemed appealing to and never watched it, so I can't advise on it.

2017-01-02, 06:22 PM
Ah, yeah, I have heard that title before. Wasn't there a movie? City of bones? I've heard the books are good, but that doesn't mean anything for the adaptations.

2017-01-02, 06:52 PM
There was a movie that was really bad. From that, Netflix decided to make a series. It was also bad.
Only watch Shadowhunters if you literally have nothing else to watch, and if you're paying for Netflix anyway, you may as well watch everything on it, right?

2017-01-02, 07:05 PM
I would recommend against it. It's...I don't want to say expressly terrible, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired. If you've watched Buffy, Angel, Gone Girl, or the like, you've already seen it before.

If you like urban fantasy, I will highly recommend The Magicians.

2017-01-03, 12:11 AM
Hmm... sounds like something to pass on, then. Thanks for the input, else I might've wasted my time on it.

Now tell me, is The Magicians on Netflix or Hulu? I vaguely remember seeing it being run on Syfy a while back? or was it Spike? Either way they ran it as a marathon and I wasn't going to stay up to watch all of it.

2017-01-03, 01:27 AM
Hmm... sounds like something to pass on, then. Thanks for the input, else I might've wasted my time on it.

Now tell me, is The Magicians on Netflix or Hulu? I vaguely remember seeing it being run on Syfy a while back? or was it Spike? Either way they ran it as a marathon and I wasn't going to stay up to watch all of it.

It appears to be on Netflix.

Edit: I've also just started a series called Beyond. It's shaping up to be quite promising.

2017-01-03, 06:39 PM
Fantastic. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-17, 02:12 AM
I would recommend against it. It's...I don't want to say expressly terrible, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired. If you've watched Buffy, Angel, Gone Girl, or the like, you've already seen it before.

If you like urban fantasy, I will highly recommend The Magicians.

I wouldn't recommend Shadowhunters OR The Magicians. They're both pretty terrible, but for different reasons. I tried watching both of them; I watched at least a half-dozen episodes or so of each I think. Shadowhunters is very... well, the sort of supernatural teen melodrama that makes me think it's directed at the same kind of audience as things like Twilight, except a little broader to appeal to boys as well as girls. The Magicians... it's less urban fantasy and more "College Harry Potter except ADULT and SEXUAL plus TAKE THAT, Narnia!" The sex stuff also doesn't really flow naturally and comes across as being put in there to be edgy "look how MATURE this is" or something.

2017-01-17, 04:13 AM
Kind of a shame for the Magicians. I remember reading the book and it was fairly good. Also, there was sex in the book but it flowed more naturally.

2017-01-17, 07:19 AM
Well, Season 2 is marginally better than Season 1. The action is much better compared to the first season, but the melodramatic teen angst gets old really fast. I don't want to say that Simon is the only character worth watching on a serious level...But Simon is the only character worth watching on a serious level.

2017-01-17, 03:04 PM
I would recommend against it. It's...I don't want to say expressly terrible, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired. If you've watched Buffy, Angel, Gone Girl, or the like, you've already seen it before.

If you like urban fantasy, I will highly recommend The Magicians.

What the heck does Gone Girl have to do with Whedon's vampireverse?