View Full Version : Oh my god. Someone please translate!!!!!!

2017-01-02, 05:53 PM
found a game.... here's his rules on rolling stats.

Stats: Roll 3m3d6r1v1+6 then 3m4d6v1. Those are your six rolls. Or 36 point buy. You may roll before choosing.

What's that mean?

Taking a look at it again, it seems he wants 2 sets of rules for 2 halves of the rolls. 3m probably means roll 3 times (for the set of 3)? 3(or 4)d6 is the obvious part. r1 probably means reroll 1s....v1...I have no bloody idea. Maybe it means "drop one". And the +6 is easy.

So, any confirmations?

2017-01-02, 05:56 PM
I think it's 3 sets of 4d6 best 3, but I have no clue.

2017-01-02, 06:09 PM
First one is three sets of 3d6, reroll ones, drop the lowest, and second one is three sets of 4d6, drop the lowest. However, it honestly looks like a typo on the first one, and I think they mean 3m4d6r1v1. Ask them about it, because otherwise it makes no sense.

EDIT: oh, with the +6 it makes more sense. Basically, you're right, it's roll three, reroll ones, drop the lowest. For future reading (as it appears to be Myth-Weavers dice format), check out this (http://www.myth-weavers.com/wiki/index.php/Help:Myth-Weavers:DiceRoller).

Mr Adventurer
2017-01-03, 06:14 AM
Looks like.

So that first one is basically "replace the lowest die of your 3d6 with a 6". All seems kinda pointless really.

2017-01-03, 07:44 AM
As a side note, I've also been using the "roll 3d6, change lowest to 6" method. Players love the better stats, which still aren't all that major; I've noticed only a few more 18s than normal, but usually still no more than one per player, with way more above-average stats.

But that formula is stupid. I don't know why gamers can't just use effing English instead of some arbitrary dice notation. Guess they think it makes them sound smarter or cooler or whatever.

2017-01-03, 07:49 AM
But that formula is stupid. I don't know why gamers can't just use effing English instead of some arbitrary dice notation. Guess they think it makes them sound smarter or cooler or whatever.
Usually when people put that sort of thing in, it's for convenience - as in, it's tied to the roller formula on the forum in question, so all you have to do is wrap tags around it. Every time I've encountered it, it's by someone trying to make it easier for everyone else.