View Full Version : 3.5 Gish Gestalt build,

2017-01-03, 01:41 PM
I have come up with a pretty good gish build for DND 3.5. Sure, it requires 8 classes and a rarely used rule from Unearthed Arcana, but it's still fairly good

So without further ado:

Base Attack Bonus

Cleric, Sorcerer
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2
Spell Focus(conjuration), Silent Spell

Cleric, Sorcerer
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3

Cleric, Sorcerer
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Spell Focus(Enchantment)

Cleric, Sorcerer
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +4

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Skill Focus (Spellcraft)

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Fighter, Mystic Theurge

Rogue, Archmage

Rogue, Archmage

Rogue, Archmage

Rogue, Archmage

Rogue, Archmage

Cleric, Sorcerer

Spells per day/Spells known will follow

2017-01-03, 02:05 PM
Eldritch knight, mystic theurge, and arcane trickster are banned in gestalt, as is using two prestige classes at the same level.

Mr Adventurer
2017-01-03, 02:41 PM
Eldritch knight, mystic theurge, and arcane trickster are banned in gestalt, as is using two prestige classes at the same level.

Indeed, I was just about to say the same.

2017-01-03, 02:47 PM
Also even if this was legal, that mystic theurge isn't doing anything for you after its first level. You'd be better off with more cleric or a different prc.

2017-01-03, 02:57 PM
If, as it looks like you're doing, you're looking for a srd-only build, something like pure Cleric//Sorcerer would do a better job for you. Maybe Cloistered Cleric//Battle Sorcerer. You're putting a lot of effort into getting two extra points of BAB, on a character who can just cast Divine Power for the few times it matters.

2017-01-03, 05:46 PM
Cleric and Sorcerer are both fairly active classes, as in they both eat up either standard or full round actions each turn because of spells. Sure combining them together gets you a lot of spells but you're still limited to one spell per turn usually.

For gestalt characters I usually recommend an Active // Passive setup. An Active class is one that uses up actions in a turn, like spellcasters casting spells. A Passive class is a class that has buffs that are always on, abilities that ride along on other actions, or one that provides other synergies. An example of a Passive class would be a Rogue.

Here is a Gestalt Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?239352-Darth-Stabber-s-handy-gestalt-handbook-under-construction) that may be of some use.

2017-01-03, 06:04 PM
For best help, tell us a little more.

1. What you want your character to accomplish/party roles that you want to fill.
2. What books/sources are allowed.
3. Any house rules in use.
4. Starting and likely ending level
5. The power level of the game, are the other players optimizing at all?

What you posted, in addition to being not legal in gestalt, is also very unfocused.

2017-01-03, 06:06 PM
Eldritch knight, mystic theurge, and arcane trickster are banned in gestalt, as is using two prestige classes at the same level.
Ok, while I will give you that it is illegal for you to have two prestige classes for a gestalt, the SRD has this to say on the matter of the classes:

A gestalt character can't combine two prestige classes at any level, although it's okay to combine a prestige class and a regular class. Prestige classes that are essentially class combinations - such as the arcane trickster, mystic theurge, and eldritch knight - should be prohibited if you’re using gestalt classes, because they unduly complicate the game balance of what’s already a high-powered variant (emphasis added)

Meaning that they're not banned, just advised against. I will rebuild based on the forbidden though.

Also even if this was legal, that mystic theurge isn't doing anything for you after its first level. You'd be better off with more cleric or a different prc.
Now in the build you're talking about, the mystic theurge was only there to give me DOUBLE SPELL PROGRESSION for the Sorcerer levels. In the rebuild, it's there to give me spell progression in both of them.

For best help, tell us a little more.

1. What you want your character to accomplish/party roles that you want to fill.
2. What books/sources are allowed.
3. Any house rules in use.
4. Starting and likely ending level
5. The power level of the game, are the other players optimizing at all?

What you posted, in addition to being not legal in gestalt, is also very unfocused.

I am going for a SRD only solo build, RAW, first through twentieth level. Again, solo with no other players.

This is also purely theoretical. I wouldn't dream of using this in a real game.

2017-01-03, 06:18 PM
If you're not on SRD-only, I would get some Ordained Champion levels in there, or maybe Havoc Mage. See if you can't replace Eldritch Knight with Knight Phantom, Fist of Raziel, Knight of the Raven, Abjurant Champion, Swiftblade, Ruby Knight Vindicator, Jade Phoenix Mage, Impure Prince, Windwalker, whatever—there are a bunch of full BAB prestige classes that actually have class features where Eldritch Knight has an empty table.

2017-01-03, 06:29 PM
For best help, tell us a little more.

1. What you want your character to accomplish/party roles that you want to fill.
2. What books/sources are allowed.
3. Any house rules in use.
4. Starting and likely ending level
5. The power level of the game, are the other players optimizing at all?

What you posted, in addition to being not legal in gestalt, is also very unfocused.

If you're not on SRD-only, I would get some Ordained Champion levels in there, or maybe Havoc Mage. See if you can't replace Eldritch Knight with Knight Phantom, Fist of Raziel, Knight of the Raven, Abjurant Champion, Swiftblade, Ruby Knight Vindicator, Jade Phoenix Mage, Impure Prince, Windwalker, whatever—there are a bunch of full BAB prestige classes that actually have class features where Eldritch Knight has an empty table.

Well for the rebuild, I have removed eldritch knight entirely. Mystic Theurge stays though.

2017-01-03, 07:09 PM
Meaning that they're not banned, just advised against. I will rebuild based on the forbidden though.
I think most everyone who plays gestalt runs it that way, though.

So, your current build winds up with 16 BAB, 20th level Sorcerer casting, 15th level Cleric casting and 5d6 sneak attack? You're still not beating straight Cleric//Sorcerer, I don't think-- a few d6 of sneak attack damage is insignificant when you're slinging around 8th and 9th level spells, and you're only 1 point of BAB over a pure medium-BAB advancement-- and by the time you can make that fourth attack, you can Shapechange into a dragon anyway.