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2017-01-03, 10:24 PM
You probably heard these descriptions:

1- A psychopath draws two homeless people into his home to subject them to countless physical and psychological torture.

Home Alone

2- After the death of his family at the hands of the government, a young boy gets indoctrinated into a religion by a bearded man and commits a terrorist attack, killing thousands, maybe millions.

Star Wars

3- a man's wife is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events his son is kidnapped and he has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman

Finding Nemo

These are ones i already knew. I thought we could try our hands at more jokes of the same kind. Lemme try:

4- A veteran coming back early from the war decides to undermine the local authorities' mandate from the Commander in Chief to finance that war. All the way claiming to act in the name of the very same Commander in Chief, putting the local authorities in an impossible position.

Robin Hood

Another one:

A laborer only manages to keep doing his job by literally cannibalizing his coworkers. He eventually meets a girl, and decides to follow her home without her consent. He immediately starts to immisce himself in her environment; slowly befriending everyone that she lives with so she would have no choice but succumb to peer pressure.

In a way to make her dependant on him, he antagonizes her relationship with her boss.


2017-01-03, 11:18 PM
A band of thieves have kept property they know is stolen and in fact are planning to see it destroyed rather than allow it to be given back to its rightful owner. Multiple species unite in order to make sure another species is kept sealed away in a wasteland despite only occupying a tiny portion of the fertile land themselves.

Lord of The Rings

An Enemy Spy
2017-01-04, 01:19 AM
After his estranged son suffers an electrocution, a father must choose between furthering his career and trying to repair their relationship.

Return of the Jedi

Lord Raziere
2017-01-04, 01:39 AM
A young man doomed to never achieve his dream in eternal sisyphean torment is joined by a womanizing jerk who will never find love, and a girl who is forever seeing approval from her family but is never respected despite all her efforts. Together they abandon their homes, and go around enslaving dangerous animals to make them fight one another for their own amusement.


A bunch of idiots waste time punching and killing each other for the sake of their own selfish desires, causing much collateral damage in the process, instead of using literal wish granting powers to make the world a better place, using it only to cover up the fallout of their near disastrous escapades while neglecting to teach anyone how to better defend themselves against cosmic threats which few even know exist. The criminals and murderers that join them get off scot free.
Dragon Ball Z

A teenager with a good heart and plans to make the world a better place is granted the power to do so by a hot girl, building a righteous rebellion to free a nation from an empire, along the way facing a warrior who is a wimp too weak to do anything but follow orders, various evil nobility, and eventually uniting the world against tyranny and wiping it out for good with his selfless sacrifice.
Code Geass

A genius discovers a new tool to improve the world drastically in a short amount of time and uses it liberally. The police kill him for it and renders all his accomplishments moot.
Death Note

A crazy homeless person goes around asking people questions about a murder, no one cares enough to help him. When they find out that the first murder was to cover up the existence of someone preparing to launch a terrorist attack, he is then killed to cover up the truth about that successful terrorist attack.

A consumate liar tells his story of lying, cheating and fooling every member of the government he has ever met to a member of the governments secret agents, this secret agent lets him off scot free with no repercussions, then publishes his autobiography to other secret agents to read while keeping this scoundrel and his crimes secret from the public.
Ciaphas Cain

A foreigner from a peaceful home arrives in a culture of fighters out in the wild. He descends into becoming a territorial raider, losing all trappings of civilization then consistently breaking the laws of his own tribe for his own desires, accuses respected figures of his adopted tribe of being evil out of paranoia, and eventually becomes the leader of this tribe because of it.
Warriors (Cat)

A bunch of criminals go around opposing a government attempting to unite everyone in peaceful unity, not caring at all for the collateral damage they cause to the ordinary people around them, standing in the way of the rightful execution of dangerous people capable of mass destruction, of their group includes a crazy conspiracy theorist, a known inventor of dangerous weapons, a thief, and a reckless dangerous criminal with ambition who assaulted an important figure of the government.
One Piece

2017-01-04, 03:56 AM
Suvakkihuora rakastuu haittamaahanmuuttajaan. (In English: stupid hippie slut falls in love with savage immigrant.)

Disney's Pocahontas

Three crippled war veterans move illegally into United States, form a biker gang and start dishing out vigilante justice towards local mob boss. They spend their free time drinking, shooting guns, pumpin' iron and making sexist comments about their female mechanic.

Biker Mice from Mars

EDIT: Some more:

A young Scottish boy leaves the land of his fathers to pursue the American dream. Unfortunately, the hard capitalist-imperialist values he adopts to cope in the harsh world alienate him from his family, and he ends up as a bitter, hateful old man living in seclusion, with just his wealth to keep him company.

Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Not even turning anything on its head, just leaving out the last few chapters where he reconnects with his family and becomes slightly less awful.

A single man grows lazy and demotivated due to spiral of unemployment and short-term jobs. His moneygrubbing uncle holds him in de facto debt slavery and forces him to do dangerous or humiliating jobs at below-minimum wage, while his girlfriend cheats on him with another man. He takes out his frustrations by beating his nephews, the custody of which was forced on him by their deadbeat mother. Eventually he snaps completely, starts idolizing a deceased master criminal, dons a disguise and begins a crusade of vigilante justice against those who have wronged him.

Donald Duck, and Donald Duck as Paperinik

2017-01-04, 09:08 AM
This is fun! I loved the two most recents.

- A group of cultists claiming that reality is a devilish lie are committing terrorist actions while ordaining the arrival of their Messianic Figure.

They justify their indiscriminate killing of the innocents by claiming that "Satan" can instantly possess anyone's living body to oppose them.

The Matrix

A man with daddy issue gathers a group of unscrupulous mercenaries who seeking to sate their lust for money, power and bloodshed, in order to assassinate his father's old nemesis so he can get his approval.

While performing this hit, he inadvertently puts the whole world in jeopardy and gets captured by a nation state's Special Force operative.

Order of the Stick :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-04, 02:42 PM
A single man grows lazy and demotivated due to spiral of unemployment and short-term jobs. His moneygrubbing uncle holds him in de facto debt slavery and forces him to do dangerous or humiliating jobs at below-minimum wage, while his girlfriend cheats on him with another man. He takes out his frustrations by beating his nephews, the custody of which was forced on him by their deadbeat mother. Eventually he snaps completely, starts idolizing a deceased master criminal, dons a disguise and begins a crusade of vigilante justice against those who have wronged him.

Don't forget that he is aided by an inventor who at various times has invented faster than light space flight, teleportation, dimensional travel, matter replication and space travel, who then proceeds to outft him with... tear gas grenades, a cape and a slightly faster car.

(That one always annoyed me as a kid.)

2017-01-04, 04:30 PM
A teenage girl with depression falls in with a crowd of crooks, and over the course of a few months becomes a crook herself, takes over her city's criminal underworld, commits multiple thefts, murders, assaults, and technically even treason. She's given a chance to repent due to outside interference, a good lawyer, and a screw up by the authorities, but the distrust of her new boss and her own inability to move on results in her being distant from others. She relapses, briefly takes over the world with the help of serial killer and a woman who mutilated and brainwashed her own sister, and kills the world's greatest hero before being shot twice in the head.Worm. Removing all context and the epilogue makes the whole thing read like a tragedy.

Rogar Demonblud
2017-01-04, 09:53 PM
A child is born with a small but noticeable disfigurement. The parents try to mainstream him, but the other children torment him when he's not driven into isolation. Acceptance only comes when he helps the cool older guy finish a massive project on the very last day.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

2017-01-04, 10:32 PM
A teenage girl travels through time to help a friend welch on a legal agreement.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

A boy decides that he's spending too much time playing his favourite video game and begins to walk a path that leads him to murder its creator.

Sword Art Online

A group of girls barricade themselves in their school and force their mentally-ill friend to stay in the building at all times. Anyone else who enters the school is brutally beaten to death.

School Live!

The glorious army of the Gods take advantage of an enemy soldier's frustrations with her superiors and nearly complete the mission for which they had fought for three full centuries.

Yuki Yuna Is a Hero

2017-01-04, 10:33 PM
A genius rich man has to cope with his sentiment of loneliness and abandonment. He does this by pushing away everyone and going on the street anonymously to beat up the economically disfavored instead of using his wealth and intelligence to solve society's real problems.


2017-01-05, 02:11 AM
A young woman finds friends in unlikely places, and eventually saves the world!

Worm again.

2017-01-05, 11:42 AM
Rookie racer goes on a property destroying bender, gets kidnapped by the locals and forced into indentured servitude.

Unqualified outsider decides to take over an industry by kidnapping the CEO and impersonating them.
Nightmare Before Christmas

A young girl invades an alternate dimension and then proceeds to undermine the local ruler at every turn.

A single mother and her 3 children go on a cross country trip with a just met, seedy male.

A group of jaundiced mentally challenged individuals is taken advantage of by others, being used for absurdly dangerous work of questionable legality.
Despicable Me 1, 2 and Minions

Why yes, I do have a small child at home, why do you ask? :smallwink:

Non-movie ones:

A group of individuals, all who have a known dangerous contagion, resist all attempts at quarantining them and then proceed to overthrow the government.
Final Fantasy 13

A mute individual strip mines the local resources creating an industrial wasteland while attempting to gain dominion over multiple realities

A group of young adults resentful of a government sanctioned quarantine of Tokyo, enlist the help of demonic entities to assist in their escape.
Devil Survivor

2017-01-06, 02:23 AM
A preteen boy with mental disabilities lives with his mother who attempts to justify staying in an abusive relationship with his stepfather. After loosing his mother in a car crash he is taken to a secret religious facility where children are trained to fight and kill and then is sent along with similar children on a cross-country journey in the name of their faith involving kidnapping, theft, arson, beheading, brainwashing, contempt for other religions, mutilation, and the bombing of national landmarks that makes terrifying nationwide news and culminates in much damage being done to the city of Los Angeles. Afterwards he creates a convenient lie that shifts the blame, avoiding repercussions. In the end, he meets his real father who tells him to his face that he regrets that he was born, his uncle threatens to kill him, while his mother, revealed to be alive, murders her abuser and hides the evidence, all without shame or regret. Finally upon returning one of the other children at the facility injects him with lethal poison.
Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief

2017-01-06, 06:29 AM
A teenage girl with depression falls in with a crowd of crooks, and over the course of a few months becomes a crook herself, takes over her city's criminal underworld, commits multiple thefts, murders, assaults, and technically even treason. She's given a chance to repent due to outside interference, a good lawyer, and a screw up by the authorities, but the distrust of her new boss and her own inability to move on results in her being distant from others. She relapses, briefly takes over the world with the help of serial killer and a woman who mutilated and brainwashed her own sister, and kills the world's greatest hero before being shot twice in the head.Worm. Removing all context and the epilogue makes the whole thing read like a tragedy.

I prefer it as a tragedy and pretend that epilogue didn't happen.

It's just... there's a handful of characters in literature where I get the distinct feeling that they just have to die in the end. Usually because of a combination of stubbornness, ambition, drive, energy, intelligence and more stubbornness. Characters who won't stop until they are dead. And Tailor is one of them.

2017-01-06, 11:56 AM
A man loses his home, and to cope goes on a road trip with his best friend and tries to reconnect with an old girlfriend.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

After his father suffers a tragedy, a young man struggles to keep his family and the family business together, while maintaining his own individuality.

The Godfather


Arrested Development

Two selfish idiot children rebel against their parents. Six people die.

Romeo and Juliet.

As an aside, I hate this play

Single man, tired of being alone in the friendzone, strives to prove his worth to others by bringing back chivalry. Says "M'lady" and thinks he looks cool with his sword collection that he clearly has no idea how to use.

Don Quixote

An elderly aristocrat follows his dreams of finally leaving his responsibilities behind and seeing London while he still can. Unfortunately, he runs into trouble when a group of locals attack him because of his race.


2017-01-06, 12:57 PM
I prefer it as a tragedy and pretend that epilogue didn't happen.

It's just... there's a handful of characters in literature where I get the distinct feeling that they just have to die in the end. Usually because of a combination of stubbornness, ambition, drive, energy, intelligence and more stubbornness. Characters who won't stop until they are dead. And Tailor is one of them.
You are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree with it.

To me, Worm is Taylor's coming of age story--she goes through a hell of a lot of crap and it ultimately leads to her maturing and learning to overcome her depression.

Besides, this is a story where a the single most traumatized child in the world breaks out of her brainwashing and manages to have a relatively happy ending, so i's not like Worm is that, dark of a story. It's all a matter of perspective, really.

Two selfish idiot children rebel against their parents. Six people die.

Romeo and Juliet.

As an aside, I hate this play

To be fair, they rebelled against their parents because both families consisted entirely of idiots who were fighting for some stupid reason, so the two of them are arguably the smartest in their families for not giving a damn about that.

Which is sad, because it shows just how stupid both families are.

2017-01-06, 01:20 PM
Two selfish idiot children rebel against their parents and ultimately commit suicide to prove their devotion to each other. Six people die.

Romeo and Juliet.

As an aside, I hate this play

You forgot part. I also hate this play.

2017-01-06, 04:22 PM
I love the play for what it actually is. Not for what stupid clueless teenagers think it is.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-06, 05:09 PM
A man is traumatized by witnessing a random violent street crime. Instead of hiring a competent therapist, he stalks and brutally assaults strangers in an attempt to displace his feelings into a societally acceptable target.

Also Batman

2017-01-06, 05:32 PM
In a world with a dwindling population all hope lies with the daughter of a legendary scientist who may know the secret of her mother's last invention sadly however her father is an equally legendary soldier who taught his daughter how to survive in this doomed world.

2017-01-06, 09:32 PM
Let's see... I'll leave the solutions out and see what happens.

Two siblings suffer severe wounds because of their irresponsible experiment and on their quest to fix their problems end up overthrowing a nation's government.

After irresponsible company policies lead to the deaths of her coworkers, a woman decides to take her anger out on company property and an endangered species.

A young boy is considered a messiah by an entire society and thus forced to risk his life again and again.

A boy follows his cool older friend to unknown places. He ends up destroying several planets.

2017-01-06, 11:30 PM
Two siblings suffer severe wounds because of their irresponsible experiment and on their quest to fix their problems end up overthrowing a nation's government.
Fullmetal Alchemist.

An Enemy Spy
2017-01-06, 11:48 PM
After irresponsible company policies lead to the deaths of her coworkers, a woman decides to take her anger out on company property and an endangered species.

A young boy is considered a messiah by an entire society and thus forced to risk his life again and again.

Aliens and Avatar the Last Airbender?

Lord Raziere
2017-01-07, 12:30 AM
A boy follows his cool older friend to unknown places. He ends up destroying several planets.

......Dragon Ball (Z)? There can be many interpretations of this, from Goku originally following Bulma, to Gohan following Krillin.....

Though it might also be Star Wars with Luke following Han Solo or Obi-Wan.

or Homestuck, technically it counts as well, since John could be following any number of people into the game of Sburb which are technically older than him like his Nana, or Karkat since he technically existed before Earth and therefore is his creator,

Really vague, you got to narrow this down a little.

2017-01-07, 12:33 AM
A young boy is considered a messiah by an entire society and thus forced to risk his life again and again.

Life of Brian or Avatar, I suppose.

2017-01-07, 06:34 AM
Fullmetal Alchemist.
Too easy, I guess.

Aliens and Avatar the Last Airbender?
First good catch, second one no. I admit, it's a bit vague... I mean, I guess it could be. But it would be more like:
"100 year old man finally grows up and takes on the responsibilities he fled from in his youth. Also, he makes out with a teenage girl. :smalleek:"

How can I rephrase it better... All I can think of makes it too easy, I'm afraid...
"Savior sets out to stop genocidal mass murderer by destroying his trinket collection and murdering his pet."?

......Dragon Ball (Z)? There can be many interpretations of this, from Goku originally following Bulma, to Gohan following Krillin.....

How many planets does Gohan blow up? And how is Krillin a cool older friend? :smalltongue:
But yes, it's a bit arbitrary... Maybe "several galaxies" instead of "planets" would be better. Also, possibly, a god?

2017-01-07, 08:57 AM
Waaaay too vague. Put some heart into it sir!

2017-01-07, 09:40 AM
A young boy is considered a messiah by an entire society and thus forced to risk his life again and again.
Harry Potter.

Especially with this

"Savior sets out to stop genocidal mass murderer by destroying his trinket collection and murdering his pet."
as an additional hint.

The original hint covers a fairly large number of "chosen one" and boy/teen adventure stories, honestly, though Harry Potter is probably at present one of the most well-known such stories. It'd probably work for Young Merlin, some of the King Arthur stories, Eragon, the Chronicles of Narnia (granted, that usually involves a group of children as chosen ones, not all of whom are male), the Star Wars prequel trilogy and EU/Legends stories involving Anakin Skywalker between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, and most or all of the Legend of Zelda games, to name only a few.

Also, I'd argue that Harry Potter is not forced to risk his life because the society of which he is a part considers him to be a messiah but rather because a creepy old man who likes killing people and believes in the power of prophecies decided to stalk him, coupled with a bit of Hogwarts being a really, really unsafe environment in the first place.

2017-01-07, 01:30 PM
Waaaay too vague. Put some heart into it sir!
But I'm trying to make it not too obvious.. I guess I need to keep trying. (or the story is not well known enough)
"the cast starts a cult worshipping testosterone and a handyman tool as symbols for ignoring logic and common sense. "

Harry Potter.
Yes. But I'd argue Harry suffers much more than these others. but I'll admit his suffering is not only caused by his status.

Okay, I'll try another. Maybe too easy though..
"A terrorist kidnaps and brainwashes a woman to use her on his vengeful serial murders until he and a throng of imitators take down a country's government. "

2017-01-07, 01:44 PM
V for Vendetta. That's not even turned around much.

2017-01-07, 01:44 PM
I'd like to point out that, while Famous, Harry Potter isn't considered a Messiah figure until the sixth book,if even. Only a few people know about the prophecy until word gets out, and even then Harry is "just" the one chosen to beat Tom, not someone who will lead the wizarding world to greatness or something like that.

Harry's famous because he survived a curse that's otherwise impossible to block and instantly fatal, and his survival was died to the defeat of a powerful dark wizard, but no one exactly worships him except for annoying fans. In book five, the idea of worshiping him is even used to discredit him when Fudge has his head in the sand.

Lord Raziere
2017-01-07, 04:38 PM
How many planets does Gohan blow up? And how is Krillin a cool older friend? :smalltongue:
But yes, it's a bit arbitrary... Maybe "several galaxies" instead of "planets" would be better. Also, possibly, a god?


But I'm trying to make it not too obvious.. I guess I need to keep trying. (or the story is not well known enough)
"the cast starts a cult worshipping testosterone and a handyman tool as symbols for ignoring logic and common sense. "


I'll give everyone a guess description for this:
A band of heroes fearlessly fights evil in a world of black and white morality for the sake of their god, thinking only of the greatest possible good they can do to win the conflict, promoting unity to stand against terrifying hordes of monsters so that a status quo of stability and order is maintained and people are kept safe, much of their deeds go unsung in carrying out their glorious duty to defend mankind, but they press on nonetheless knowing that their god protects them and sees what they've done anyways. Their enemies include lepers who want a hug, honorable warriors, individualist artists, and genius scientists working for a better tomorrow, as well as cheerful hooligans who just want to have a good time, some locusts, a few slow mummies, and a completely fascist totalitarian regime bent on conquering everything that if not stopped in time could overwhelm the rest of the world and brainwash everyone into serving their twisted ideology that destroys all individuality for the sake of utilitarianism.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-07, 04:49 PM
PTSD-ridden veteran suffering from severe hallucinations massacres fellow soldiers and civilians working in an experimental research facility.

2017-01-07, 07:44 PM
V for Vendetta. That's not even turned around much.
I knew it was too obvious.


I'll give everyone a guess description for this:
A band of heroes fearlessly fights evil in a world of black and white morality for the sake of their god, thinking only of the greatest possible good they can do to win the conflict, promoting unity to stand against terrifying hordes of monsters so that a status quo of stability and order is maintained and people are kept safe, much of their deeds go unsung in carrying out their glorious duty to defend mankind, but they press on nonetheless knowing that their god protects them and sees what they've done anyways. Their enemies include lepers who want a hug, honorable warriors, individualist artists, and genius scientists working for a better tomorrow, as well as cheerful hooligans who just want to have a good time, some locusts, a few slow mummies, and a completely fascist totalitarian regime bent on conquering everything that if not stopped in time could overwhelm the rest of the world and brainwash everyone into serving their twisted ideology that destroys all individuality for the sake of utilitarianism.

And... Hm... Good one. The list of enemies seems to encompass a lot but gives little away.. I guess the deity might be helpful but I can't pinpoint it. A random guess might be W40k and the deity is the emperor but there's too much I think doesn't fit... :smallconfused:

PTSD-ridden veteran suffering from severe hallucinations massacres fellow soldiers and civilians working in an experimental research facility.
Reminds me of FEAR but probably wrong.

Lord Raziere
2017-01-07, 08:15 PM
And... Hm... Good one. The list of enemies seems to encompass a lot but gives little away.. I guess the deity might be helpful but I can't pinpoint it. A random guess might be W40k and the deity is the emperor but there's too much I think doesn't fit... :smallconfused:

Actually your correct. Hit the nail on the head. its just that I worded many of more terrifying enemies to sound harmless and weak, while the Tau are worded to sound like the most terrifying thing in existence.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-07, 09:01 PM
Yeah, that was pretty clearly WH40K, once it hit the 'hooligans' bit. Orks are, after all, literally a parody of violent football hooligans.

Reminds me of FEAR but probably wrong.

FEAR is a valid answer, but not the one I was thinking of. Additional clue: "with guns, melee weapons, and occasionally their bare hands."

2017-01-08, 01:01 AM
FEAR is a valid answer, but not the one I was thinking of. Additional clue: "with guns, melee weapons, and occasionally their bare hands."

The answer is DOOM.

2017-01-08, 01:27 AM
A few that I can think of:

4) A religious icon is sought by crazies and a guy that if he hadn't gotten involved much, the crazies would never have found it.

5) The same guy from above helps more crazies find another religious icon, which he could have avoided, but the guy is a bit daft.

Raiders of the Lost Arc, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusader OR Crystal Skull. But probably Last Crusade.

An Enemy Spy
2017-01-08, 01:28 AM
A few that I can think of:

1) An order of religious followers fight against another order of religious followers while a member of one of those orders reacts blandly to everything that happens, then passes up an opportunity to fix problems causing a bunch of people to die. Oh, and a woman dies, so he kills someone, leading to adventure! as an escaped criminal.

2) A leader of a band of heroes forcibly co-opts his followers to take on one more mission despite promises they could go free, then gets nearly all of them killed, and then joins forces with their enemies to fight even more enemies.

3) A group of individuals with an unique perspective on life have a rather violent disagreement over the fact.

4) A religious icon is sought by crazies and a guy that if he hadn't gotten involved much, the crazies would never have found it.

5) The same guy from above helps more crazies find another religious icon, which he could have avoided, but the guy is a bit daft.

6) A bunch of soldiers help a bunch idiot scientists try to fix up their mess but, this being scientists, everybody dies. Well, nearly everyone.

7) A hero with good intentions promptly wrecks everything by being heroic, helping the bad guy win a plan that makes little sense beyond "For the Evulz"

8) A group of heroes tries to save people, while fighting against their kind lead by a person that has a point, but is evil just cause.

9) A group of people engage in the same activity multiple times, while completely junk activities.

These are extremely vague.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-08, 01:38 AM
The answer is DOOM.

Yeah, the 'bare hands' bit I knew would give it away.


2017-01-08, 08:32 AM
You guys are waaaay too vague not to give the answer right away. Come on, instead of submitting 9 vague ones, work more on a single one.

Add details to the characters, the point is to have lots of details also turned on their head, to make the story come across as completely different than intended. Not "vague generic descriptions of movies".

Lemme try:

"A spymaster's reckless use of alien technology backfires and puts the world at risk.

To clean up his mess, he goes against the chain of command to hire a bunch of outsiders. These peoples count an alien visitor, a rampaging sociopath, an arms salesman and a guy suffering from massive PTSD."

2017-01-08, 08:46 AM
Here's one:

A high school cheerleader, aided and abetted by, among others, an immigrant with ties to a mysterious organization and an addict with magical powers, leads a crusade against demonic forces in spite of the fact that such this crusade lacks any formal authorization from either local or federal government. This crusade not only causes significant property damage, it also directly foils multiple government plans to manage said demonic forces.

2017-01-08, 08:59 AM
"A spymaster's reckless use of alien technology backfires and puts the world at risk.

To clean up his mess, he goes against the chain of command to hire a bunch of outsiders. These peoples count an alien visitor, a rampaging sociopath, an arms salesman and a guy suffering from massive PTSD."

The Avengers.

"A Police detective attempts to track down a group of killers against a background of social and political turmoil. But is there not someone closer he should be looking at? And are his own motives as clear as it seems?"

2017-01-08, 09:03 AM
Here's one:

A high school cheerleader, aided and abetted by, among others, an immigrant with ties to a mysterious organization and an addict with magical powers, leads a crusade against demonic forces in spite of the fact that such this crusade lacks any formal authorization from either local or federal government. This crusade not only causes significant property damage, it also directly foils multiple government plans to manage said demonic forces.

Buffy. Easy. Leaving things to the authorities is NEVER the smart thing to do in the horror genre.

2017-01-08, 09:06 AM
Buffy isn't a cheerleader. She only tries out for the team in one episode.

2017-01-08, 09:22 AM
Buffy isn't a cheerleader. She only tries out for the team in one episode.

She was a cheerleader before she moved to Sunnydale.

2017-01-08, 09:23 AM
Which means she isn't a cheerleader.

Lord Raziere
2017-01-08, 09:27 AM
"A former consultant for a overworked police force babbles on about crazy conspiracy theories, exhibits paranoid behavior and a belief that the entire world is out to get him. He consistently shows borderline sociopathic behavior, has known associations with clandestine religious organizations, assassins, mercenaries and crime bosses, claims he has met several beings from myth that have given him a "mission", has been found near the scene of many sites of massive unexplained destruction, has problems with authority, only living blood relation is an abandoned daughter, owns an underground lab full of chemicals, talks to deceased remains, and is the last person seen near a priceless museum piece before it was stolen. Seems to avoid electronics most of the time as if not wanting to be observed. If you see this dangerous suspected terrorist, please notify the authorities."

2017-01-08, 11:28 AM
"A former consultant for a overworked police force babbles on about crazy conspiracy theories, exhibits paranoid behavior and a belief that the entire world is out to get him. He consistently shows borderline sociopathic behavior, has known associations with clandestine religious organizations, assassins, mercenaries and crime bosses, claims he has met several beings from myth that have given him a "mission", has been found near the scene of many sites of massive unexplained destruction, has problems with authority, only living blood relation is an abandoned daughter, owns an underground lab full of chemicals, talks to deceased remains, and is the last person seen near a priceless museum piece before it was stolen. Seems to avoid electronics most of the time as if not wanting to be observed. If you see this dangerous suspected terrorist, please notify the authorities."

Pretty sure this is Harry Dresden, although I've only read the first book.

A thirteen-year-old girl and her two friends commit assault, armed robbery and grand theft auto, all to escape blame for petty vandalism.

2017-01-08, 11:31 AM
Pretty sure this is Harry Dresden, although I've only read the first book.

A thirteen-year-old girl and her two friends commit assault, armed robbery and grand theft auto, all to escape blame for petty vandalism.

Cant be Dresden, he's got more than one living relative.

2017-01-08, 12:25 PM
My favorite of these that I've seen: A Man and his on take a walk to the beach.

Cormac McCarthy's The Road

But for ones I'm coming up with off the top of my head...

"A young female criminal seeks out her estranged father figures, while bonding with a world-weary spy. After a trip to the library, they go to the beach."

I don't know. Kind of a beach theme for some reason.

Lord Raziere
2017-01-08, 02:58 PM
Cant be Dresden, he's got more than one living relative.

Thomas is a vampire. He doesn't count as a "living" relative. Rysto was right.

2017-01-08, 03:14 PM
Thomas is a vampire. He doesn't count as a "living" relative. Rysto was right.

A: White court vampires are perfectly alive, B: I was thinking of his grandfather.

2017-01-08, 03:53 PM
"A blonde fitness model tries her hand at mercenary work, accidentally destroys several planets and causes an endangered species go extinct."

"A war orphan grows up to be a speech-impaired hooligan, still manages to woo countless local ladies and dethrones the King."


"A Grim Reaper joins forces with Descartesian Evil Demon to kill the Son of God, preventing a world without fear and death from coming to being."

2017-01-08, 04:38 PM
"A blonde fitness model tries her hand at mercenary work, accidentally destroys several planets and causes an endangered species go extinct."


can we go back to putting the thing in spoilers after the hint? I don't get half of these.

2017-01-08, 04:42 PM
Metroid is correct.

I'm going to reveal the others, I'll just give others a chance to guess first.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-08, 05:18 PM
The second one is obvious only because the first one is Metroid. Specifics depend on the game though, because he's a reincarnation or symbol, not a single person.

Also not how I'd describe Samus. And only one species?

Let's see...

Rogue machine destroys industrial robots, but the human scientist manages to escape narrowly.
Mega Man.
God decides humanity is doing terribly and shuts down all our stuff. Humanity finds eldritch magic stuff, does even worse. Even though some learn from their mistakes, time-travel shenanigans are required to stop everything from ending horribly.
Guilty Gear. Not BlazBlue, which is the other ArcSys fighting game with eldritch magic and even more time-travel.

2017-01-08, 05:36 PM
A deposed prince awakens from his slumber in order to conquer the world with the help of his late father's treacherous vassal and an assassin sent to murder his father by a foreign power.the first half of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness/Afternoon of Darkness

A Man Kidnaps a Princess in order to force her to take him to her father, who he plans to murderDisgaea 2: Cursed Memories/Dark Hero Days

A Teenage nerd plots to murder his father, only to find that his father has already been murdered and takes revenge on the man who beat him to the chaseDisgaea 3: Absence of Justice/Absence of Detention

A Vampire plans to overthrow the democratically elected leader of his nation.Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten/A Promise Revisted

A newly crowned King must prove that he is worthy of the throne he inherited from his murdered father as his father's former vassals oppose him at every turn, meanwhile a foreigner claiming to be his long lost sister seeks his crown for herself.Disgaea Dimensions 2: A Lighter Darkness

A Ragtag bunch of misfits aligns for the purpose of beating the ever loving hell out of a King who they each have a beef with, some of which are rather petty about it.Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

2017-01-08, 07:36 PM
A couple more:

After getting a promotion, a middle-aged man feels out of place in the world. His midlife crisis runs headlong into that of an old acquaintance, whose wife has recently passed away. The two men struggle together, each trying to carve out a place in the world for themselves. Herman Melville is referenced fairly frequently.

In order to save a beautiful princess from a fearsome dragon, a lord makes a bargain with a disgusting, hideous monster, only to discover that this bargain may not end up working out in the lord's favor.

I'll stick the answers in spoilers if no one gets them.

2017-01-08, 08:02 PM
A couple more:

After getting a promotion, a middle-aged man feels out of place in the world. His midlife crisis runs headlong into that of an old acquaintance, whose wife has recently passed away. The two men struggle together, each trying to carve out a place in the world for themselves. Herman Melville is referenced fairly frequently.

In order to save a beautiful princess from a fearsome dragon, a lord makes a bargain with a disgusting, hideous monster, only to discover that this bargain may not end up working out in the lord's favor.

I'll stick the answers in spoilers if no one gets them.

The second one is clearly Shrek.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-08, 08:05 PM
In order to save a beautiful princess from a fearsome dragon, a lord makes a bargain with a disgusting, hideous monster, only to discover that this bargain may not end up working out in the lord's favor.

Shrek, of course. I haven't even seen it in ages.

2017-01-08, 09:10 PM
A youth is abandoned by his father then witnesses the murder of his mother. He flees his home for many years, and when he returns, the whole place burns to the ground.

The main character enslaves numerous sentient beings and pits them against one another in gladiatorial combat.

An eccentric and possibly unhinged individual terrorizes the locals with various bizarre divides before finally creating a machine that leads to the destruction of the entire city.
Cloudy With a Chance for Meatballs

Two children from opposite worlds become unlikely friends, but are forcibly split and grow up separately. After reuiniting, an unfortunate accident leads to hatred and resentment tearing them apart again, and one attempts to murder the other.
The Fox and the Hound

Two individuals terrorize children for sadistic pleasure. When the local authority attempts to detain and punish them, they brainwash him into following their commands and order him to run through the streets without his clothes whereupon he is almost killed by a vicious criminal.
Captain Underpants

2017-01-08, 10:26 PM
A couple more:

After getting a promotion, a middle-aged man feels out of place in the world. His midlife crisis runs headlong into that of an old acquaintance, whose wife has recently passed away. The two men struggle together, each trying to carve out a place in the world for themselves. Herman Melville is referenced fairly frequently.

Wrath of Khan?

2017-01-09, 07:37 PM
I apologize for believing people here were more capable than they appear to be, since apparently the plot is completely required before anyone can guess. Can't be vague because that would be to hard....

A few that I can think of:

1) An order of religious followers fight against another order of religious followers while a member of one of those orders reacts blandly to everything that happens, then passes up an opportunity to fix problems causing a bunch of people to die. Oh, and a woman dies, so he kills someone, leading to adventure! as an escaped criminal.
Kingdom of Heaven

2) A leader of a band of heroes forcibly co-opts his followers to take on one more mission despite promises they could go free, then gets nearly all of them killed, and then joins forces with their enemies to fight even more enemies.
King Arthur

3) A group of individuals with an unique perspective on life have a rather violent disagreement over the fact.

4) A religious icon is sought by crazies and a guy that if he hadn't gotten involved much, the crazies would never have found it.
Raiders of the Lost Ark

5) The same guy from above helps more crazies find another religious icon, which he could have avoided, but the guy is a bit daft.
The Last Crusade

6) A bunch of soldiers help a bunch idiot scientists try to fix up their mess but, this being scientists, everybody dies. Well, nearly everyone.
Doom Movie

7) A hero with good intentions promptly wrecks everything by being heroic, helping the bad guy win a plan that makes little sense beyond "For the Evulz"
A Song of Ice and Fire

8) A group of heroes tries to save people, while fighting against their kind lead by a person that has a point, but is evil just cause.

9) A Villain tries to save their homeworld, but are opposed by the Heroes on a technicality that could have been fixed easily enough and to another group's benefit.
Third Transformers Movie

2017-01-09, 08:28 PM
Persuasive cop convinces a man to stop smoking before killing his drug addicted replacement.
Robocop 2

Broken. Is. Narrative. The.

A doctor spends several months attempting suicide after a car accident and his partners leave him when he needs them the most.
Dr Strange

Thin guy in a green suit with questionable motives steals your private data before 9/11 makes it legal.
Batman Forever

Mostly male space crew attempt to raise a child, only female on board blows the ship up and loses the child through the air lock.

2017-01-09, 10:26 PM
I apologize for believing people here were more capable than they appear to be, since apparently the plot is completely required before anyone can guess. Can't be vague because that would be to hard....

You just cant be bothered to put more than 15 seconds of work into each ones.

I am sorry (nah, not really), but even with you revealing the titles, i wouldnt even have came even close to guessing half of them.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-09, 10:47 PM
A hero defeats a villain.

That's enough to identify which story I'm thinking of, right?:smallamused:

2017-01-09, 10:49 PM
A hero defeats a villain.

That's enough to identify which story I'm thinking of, right?:smallamused:

Is it...The Secret Life of Pets?

Lord Raziere
2017-01-09, 10:54 PM
A hero defeats a villain.

That's enough to identify which story I'm thinking of, right?:smallamused:

Clearly your actually referring to.....A villain defeats a hero! what a masterful display of turning the story on its head! :smalltongue: Greater than that time The Villain Is Not the Protagonist's Father, I mean what I twist! You thought it was the protagonists father, but it was just the villain! :smallamused:

2017-01-10, 12:14 AM
The second one is clearly Shrek.

Shrek, of course. I haven't even seen it in ages.

Wrath of Khan?

Yep. Clearly I need to step my game up here.

A smuggler legitimate businessman sets up shop in a military base, but his job becomes difficult when the base is captured by a different army and the base becomes strategically and logistically important. Worse, for some reason both of the people who hold the military base choose to hire the same sheriff.

A red-haired man is in love with two women, one blond and the other brunette, and has difficulty deciding between the two. His friend, rather than partake in romance, offers often-cryptic and sarcastic commentary about those involved in the love triangle and life more generally.

2017-01-10, 08:26 AM
Yep. Clearly I need to step my game up here.

A smuggler legitimate businessman sets up shop in a military base, but his job becomes difficult when the base is captured by a different army and the base becomes strategically and logistically important. Worse, for some reason both of the people who hold the military base choose to hire the same sheriff.

Thats a good one! Deep Space 9 : The Life of Quark

A red-haired man is in love with two women, one blond and the other brunette, and has difficulty deciding between the two. His friend, rather than partake in romance, offers often-cryptic and sarcastic commentary about those involved in the love triangle and life more generally.

That one was easy ;) Archie and his Harem

Lemme try another:

A prince desperately tries to limit the consequences of his brother's obsession to throw the peaceful kingdom into a genocidal war. He stages a masterful plot to both have the King realize the danger of his brother's warmongering as well as showing off his unfitness to assume the throne.

Sadly, the prince discovers his father still irrationally favors the outcast warmongerer over him.

During that time, the outcast prince meets girls, have lots of drinks and gets into brawls against local authorities.

2017-01-10, 09:11 AM
A runaway annoys his family and town after being forced to move to the family estate. Despite (or because of?) wacky antics with the aid of a talking bird, his nerdy sister, and his streetwise friends, he manages to gain the trust of the family and town just in time to save the day.

Wildbow's Pact

It was hard to write such that it wouldn't spoil the book for someone who hadn't read it.

2017-01-10, 09:27 AM
A small town group of friends playing at being murderhobos experiment with advanced physics and end up on the run from a government agency. One of their friends goes missing and the missing friend's mom and brother cope with the loss in ever increasingly unstable ways.

2017-01-10, 11:16 AM
A metal can full of apparent sentients (so small!) appears. Interesting! They tickle you with beams (communication attempt?). You try your darnest to be friendly towards your visitors, even rummaging through their memories to remake their dearest past acquaintances. They try to annihilate the constructs? Lets try again. Maybe they like them this time. ..... No. Nope. Oh it's no use, they just don't get it. Fine, be by yourself then, tiny can-sentients.
I think I'm bad at this


2017-01-10, 08:05 PM
A small town group of friends playing at being murderhobos experiment with advanced physics and end up on the run from a government agency. One of their friends goes missing and the missing friend's mom and brother cope with the loss in ever increasingly unstable ways.

Stranger Things?

2017-01-11, 02:31 AM
Can anyone guess this?

A young terminally ill boy is visited by a dictator and declared by him his successor in an attempt to loophole a tenet of his religion. Instead the boy survives and usurps control of the dictators kingdom, and then being declared a messianic figure proceed to usurp more leaders in an increasingly escalating war that ends with the destruction of all life. On the side, there's child abduction, bio-terrorism and oppressive government actions.

2017-01-11, 07:28 AM
Thats a good one! Deep Space 9 : The Life of Quark

That one was easy ;) Archie and his Harem

The first one is correct, the second... well, that would be too easy. But no, that description wouldn't really be turning the premise of Archie Comics on its head.

2017-01-11, 08:16 AM
The first one is correct, the second... well, that would be too easy. But no, that description wouldn't really be turning the premise of Archie Comics on its head.

Damn it. Care to give more clues?

2017-01-11, 08:45 AM
Stranger Things?


Unable to cope with being at peace with their more powerful neighboring country, a group of terrorists commit a continent wide spree of crimes ranging from prison breaking a known traitor, destroying an entire military fleet with a WMD, and consorting with supernatural creatures among other things. Ultimately they end up assassinating the more powerful country's leader, only to end up right where they started, at peace with the neighboring country.

2017-01-11, 01:10 PM
To my embarrassment I'm afraid I can't contribute to any open question :smallredface:
But I have a few new ones. I feel I saw the first one somewhere but... The others are less well known but more straight described I think.

A senior employee sees his position threatened by a new, more "modern" but mentally unstable coworker. But both are forced to work together to not only keep their job but likely also their life, saving a few others from a psychopath along the way.
Toy Story

Speaking of psychopath, a few characters with varying degrees of mental instability ranging from idiocy to genocidal sociopathy, are hired and later forced to commit heroic acts only to in the end be upstaged by "true heroes".
8 Bit Theater. Oh, wait, we're meant to twist this, right?

Also, a young person is confused about their sexuality, which is worsened by a tendency to attract people of both genders and their father's plan to elope them to every available person on the planet for his own benefit. Also, they need to protect their life by mastering a variety of skills, nobody should ever need to use in self defense.
Ranma 1/2

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-11, 04:47 PM
which is worsened by a tendency to attract people of both genders

This line alone makes it too obvious, as someone who has only ever read a quick blurb on it.

2017-01-11, 04:59 PM
A prince desperately tries to limit the consequences of his brother's obsession to throw the peaceful kingdom into a genocidal war. He stages a masterful plot to both have the King realize the danger of his brother's warmongering as well as showing off his unfitness to assume the throne.

Sadly, the prince discovers his father still irrationally favors the outcast warmongerer over him.

During that time, the outcast prince meets girls, have lots of drinks and gets into brawls against local authorities.

Nobody guess




2017-01-11, 05:35 PM
Can anyone guess this?

A young terminally ill boy is visited by a dictator and declared by him his successor in an attempt to loophole a tenet of his religion. Instead the boy survives and usurps control of the dictators kingdom, and then being declared a messianic figure proceed to usurp more leaders in an increasingly escalating war that ends with the destruction of all life. On the side, there's child abduction, bio-terrorism and oppressive government actions.

Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom?

Umm... A boy is stranded far from his home in the process of meeting a girl. Despite their dislike, they band together for a long journey back to his home and fall in love. Pursuing them is the girl's adoptive father, and part of their journey is uncovering the world-changing discoveries of her deceased mother. At the end of the story, the girl meets her remaining biological family in the boy's hometown and they come to terms with her existence.

An Enemy Spy
2017-01-11, 05:41 PM
Mostly male space crew attempt to raise a child, only female on board blows the ship up and loses the child through the air lock.

That's actually wrong. There were two female members of the crew.

2017-01-11, 06:37 PM
A man illegally defying industrial progression is suddenly kidnapped by his friend, who has in actuality been living undercover for a decade in service to his job. Despite protests, the man is dragged along as his friend joins up with a high-ranking government official, who is currently on the run for theft. Despite being pursued relentlessly by law enforcement, the official seems to be more interested in chasing legends, and finding a place to eat.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

2017-01-11, 06:48 PM
This line alone makes it too obvious, as someone who has only ever read a quick blurb on it.
Really? Damn...
How about...

A young athlete is pressured into joining a terrorist organization attempting to overthrow the government and with little choice in that regard at least gets to pick between a childhood friend and a somewhat obsessive stalker. (the stalker wins)
Mockingjay trilogy

2017-01-12, 12:18 AM
Alright, I'm gonna give one a try.

A deranged criminal genius travels far and wide; slaughtering, rescuing, and kidnapping people according to his own mercurial whims. Those who attempt to stop him tend to fare poorly, to the point that multiple governments have agreed to give him free reign within their jurisdictions in the hopes that his ire will more frequently fall on their enemies than on themselves.

I can provide more hints for those who want, but for those who just want the answer:
Doctor Who

2017-01-12, 02:00 AM
Lost girl commits manslaughter, twice, holding onto stolen goods and picks up strangers. They seek a genie to grant them their wishes, but he turns out to be a fakir.

The Wizard Of Oz

Sprinter scientist can only save the world with the help of smarter people all the while crying for his mommy.

The Flash CW tv series

New Year's Eve party gets literally tipsy. Small group defies authority to climb to the bottom.

The Poseidon Adventure

2017-01-12, 10:46 AM
A red-haired man is in love with two women, one blond and the other brunette, and has difficulty deciding between the two. His friend, rather than partake in romance, offers often-cryptic and sarcastic commentary about those involved in the love triangle and life more generally.

Damn it. Care to give more clues?

The previously-mentioned friend who isn't partaking in romance is dealing with a chronic health issue, the causes of and his responses to which are the source of serious tension between him and his family.

2017-01-12, 12:50 PM
Can anyone guess this?

A young terminally ill boy is visited by a dictator and declared by him his successor in an attempt to loophole a tenet of his religion. Instead the boy survives and usurps control of the dictators kingdom, and then being declared a messianic figure proceed to usurp more leaders in an increasingly escalating war that ends with the destruction of all life. On the side, there's child abduction, bio-terrorism and oppressive government actions.

Garth nix's series with the keys

A talented but socially inept young female, sent away from her royal mentor, builds a circle of devoted followers, and begins to climb her way up through the ranks of her society to a position of great power, using powerful mind-altering magic against all who oppose her, and, occasionally, even on her "friends".

2017-01-12, 01:21 PM
Garth nix's series with the keys

A talented but socially inept young female, sent away from her royal mentor, builds a circle of devoted followers, and begins to climb her way up through the ranks of her society to a position of great power, using powerful mind-altering magic against all who oppose her, and, occasionally, even on her "friends".

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

2017-01-12, 01:31 PM
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Goddamnit i should have picked that one.

Its brilliant

Okay. New try:

A family of adopted teenagers living like vermin occasionally clash heads by beating up an organisation of immigrants. They manage to get away with it by befriending an influential member of the Press as well as a Jason Vorhees cosplayer.

They usually go out of their home practically naked, but armed with illegal weapons. Their own adopted father figure is an illegal immigrant to America, who obvioudly taught them everything he knew to survive in their current lifestyle.

2017-01-12, 01:38 PM
Goddamnit i should have picked that one.

Its brilliant

Okay. New try:

A family of adopted teenagers living like vermin occasionally clash heads by beating up an organisation of immigrants. They manage to get away with it by befriending an influential member of the Press as well as a Jason Vorhees cosplayer.

They usually go out of their home practically naked, but armed with illegal weapons. Their own adopted father figure is an illegal immigrant to America, who obvioudly taught them everything he knew to survive in their current lifestyle.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... depending on continuity.

2017-01-12, 01:45 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... depending on continuity.

And here I thought i was being clever.

What tipped you off the most?

2017-01-12, 01:50 PM
And here I thought i was being clever.

What tipped you off the most?

Probably helped that I saw a turtles movie recently, but the adopted teenagers was all I needed XD

2017-01-12, 01:52 PM
And here I thought i was being clever.

What tipped you off the most?

You gave too much away--every aspect is either a core trait of the franchise or a common trait in many iterations.

2017-01-12, 01:54 PM
You gave too much away--every aspect is either a core trait of the franchise or a common trait in many iterations.

Well, yhea. I mean, thats kind of the point. You describe a movie/franchise. Just in a way that makes it relatively bad looking.

The point is not being deliberately vague :-P

2017-01-12, 05:53 PM
And here I thought i was being clever.

What tipped you off the most?

'Jason Voorhees cosplayer' was a very solid starting point.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-12, 06:54 PM
A wealthy businessman dedicates himself to stopping a dangerous illegal immigrant, despite lots of negative publicity.

A highly respected military officer, guilty of murder, attempts to betray his country by turning over top-secret technology to the enemy.

A highly respected military officer tries to convince his own government to honor its fallen soldiers, but is marked for assassination instead.

The Troubadour
2017-01-12, 07:24 PM
A wealthy businessman dedicates himself to stopping a dangerous illegal immigrant, despite lots of negative publicity.

Hmmm... "The Dark Knight"? Or possibly "Iron Man 3"?

A highly respected military officer, guilty of murder, attempts to betray his country by turning over top-secret technology to the enemy.

Not sure about this one.

A highly respected military officer tries to convince his own government to honor its fallen soldiers, but is marked for assassination instead.

Hmmm... "The Rock"?

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-12, 07:58 PM
A wealthy businessman dedicates himself to stopping a dangerous illegal immigrant, despite lots of negative publicity.

Is it illegal if he was adopted by Americans?

The Glyphstone
2017-01-12, 08:19 PM
Hmmm... "The Rock"?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

2017-01-12, 08:38 PM
A wealthy businessman dedicates himself to stopping a dangerous illegal immigrant, despite lots of negative publicity.

Batman vs Superman?

The Glyphstone
2017-01-12, 08:40 PM
Is it illegal if he was adopted by Americans?

Batman vs Superman?

...Eh, I'll take it. I was thinking specifically of plain old Superman, with Lex Luthor, but Batman also qualifies.

Lord Raziere
2017-01-12, 09:10 PM
An environmentalist kills her leader over some exotic pets. This starts a massive war, which the environmentalist wins until the other leaders of the rightful government drop a nuke on their base in the wild frontier. She and the last remaining of their environmental terrorists manage to survive afterwards and rebuild fighting against the mentally insane remains of their comrades while the pets gather around their hideout for protection. The environmentalist leader then commits bestiality. The resulting abomination of nature kills the environmentalist leader then proceeds to convert more members of the rightful government to its side through strange alien noises and emotional manipulation.

Steven Universe

2017-01-12, 09:13 PM
A highly respected military officer, guilty of murder, attempts to betray his country by turning over top-secret technology to the enemy.

The Hunt for Red October

Damn fine move

2017-01-12, 10:55 PM
Lost botanist can't find a phonebooth. Becomes a squatter in the home of a single parent family. The kids don't like keys.


Brother comes home for the holiday. There are complications.


Teenager starts and ends a nuclear war.

War Games

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-12, 11:10 PM

Ahem, aside from my preference for no more than two or three sentences, that's also some pretty big lore spoilers...

The Glyphstone
2017-01-12, 11:12 PM
The Hunt for Red October

Damn fine move

Good book too, with an ending that I think would have done just fine in the movie rather than the alternate ending that they used.

2017-01-22, 05:22 PM
A young man steals a car, inadvertently causing the death of all his family and friends.

2017-01-22, 05:27 PM
A young man steals a car, inadvertently causing the death of all his family and friends.

Okay, I'll bite, what's this one?

2017-01-22, 08:06 PM
Okay, I'll bite, what's this one?
John Wick.

Kid Jake
2017-01-22, 08:33 PM
John Wick.

Damn and here I searched through the whole thread to make sure noone had made a John Wick one yet. Aww, what the hell; here's another:

"A retired widower loses himself in his work to help take his mind off of his wife's passing...then steals a dog."

2017-01-22, 09:03 PM
An orphan is abducted by aliens and must grow up and fight to survive in a strange environment inhabited by hostile aliens with advanced technology.

Alien (1979)

2017-01-23, 09:07 PM
Archaeologist opens a door and walks through, but can't open it back up from the other side, so his military superior decides to nuke it instead.


A ship captain unwillingly goes on a spiritual journey after a botched rescue mission, finds God, then fights him.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

The US and Soviet Union must cooperate in order to figure out why a rectangle is trying to destroy Jupiter.

2010: The Year We Made Contact

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-24, 02:14 AM

Unable to cope with being at peace with their more powerful neighboring country, a group of terrorists commit a continent wide spree of crimes ranging from prison breaking a known traitor, destroying an entire military fleet with a WMD, and consorting with supernatural creatures among other things. Ultimately they end up assassinating the more powerful country's leader, only to end up right where they started, at peace with the neighboring country.

Oh boy! Nobody's answered this yet! This one's the first one I've gotten immediately. This one's Final Fantasy XII. Though I'm not sure I'd really call the Rebellion ("Resistance" pipes up Ashe) terrorists; more like insurgents.

Let's see...

A star athlete with daddy issues is taken away from home by an undead being and tags along on an orphan girl's journey of spiritual fulfillment alongside a ballplayer captain, a grown woman with a fondness for stuffed dolls, an inhuman creature, the aforementioned undead, and a member of an ethnic minority despised by the religion that the other travelers belong to. Eventually, the group turns traitor and undermines and destroys the basis of said world-wide religion, culminating in killing the entity for which the religion is named. Strangely, this causes the world to hail them as heroes.

Final Fantasy X, of course.

2017-01-24, 09:58 AM
Oh boy! Nobody's answered this yet! This one's the first one I've gotten immediately. This one's Final Fantasy XII. Though I'm not sure I'd really call the Rebellion ("Resistance" pipes up Ashe) terrorists; more like insurgents.

I just went for broke since we're turning things on their heads.

Its rather surprising the number of Final Fantasies that can have their PC groups called terrorists (from a certain point of view :smallwink:): 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 & 15. Really 1,3,5 & 11 are the only ones where the heros can be called murderhobos at worst XD. Makes for an interesting re-interpretation of the series.

Back on topic:

Teen scientist accidently creates time travel, then proceeds to rewrite time and reality through careless adventures with her friends. Her silent best friend ends up becoming an undead doll, and despite her and her friends' best intentions, causes a massive rift in reality, creating two parallel universes, both of which are flawed.

Drunken Deity goes on a universe destroying vandalism spree. Failing to take responsibility for his actions, he tasks his son with repairing the damage he cause while sitting idly by, constantly criticizing his son's efforts.

Astronaut who has crash landed on an inhabited alien planet decides that the best course of action is to savage the local resources while polluting the environment and killing off the locals in an attempt to create an escape ship.

Man finds mysterious puzzle box, solving said box inducts man into an inter-dimensional secret society and much fun and happiness was had by all.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-24, 10:30 AM
Man finds mysterious puzzle box, solving said box inducts man into an inter-dimensional secret society and much fun and happiness was had by all.

Not sure about the others, but this is obviously Hellraiser.

2017-01-24, 10:45 AM
Not sure about the others, but this is obviously Hellraiser.

Yup. Here's the others:

Teen scientist accidently creates time travel, then proceeds to rewrite time and reality through careless adventures with her friends. Her silent best friend ends up becoming an undead doll, and despite her and her friends' best intentions, causes a massive rift in reality, creating two parallel universes, both of which are flawed.

Chrono Trigger

Drunken Deity goes on a universe destroying vandalism spree. Failing to take responsibility for his actions, he tasks his son with repairing the damage he cause while sitting idly by, constantly criticizing his son's efforts.

Katamari Damacy

Astronaut who has crash landed on an inhabited alien planet decides that the best course of action is to savage the local resources while polluting the environment and killing off the locals in an attempt to create an escape ship.


Granted 2 of those barely have a plot.

2017-01-24, 10:51 AM
I just went for broke since we're turning things on their heads.

Its rather surprising the number of Final Fantasies that can have their PC groups called terrorists (from a certain point of view :smallwink:): 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 & 15. Really 1,3,5 & 11 are the only ones where the heros can be called murderhobos at worst XD. Makes for an interesting re-interpretation of the series.

Eh... taking it quite freely there. I mean, Cecil & Co commit... well, not none but hardly any terrorist actions. Maybe blowing up the Canon and infiltrating Baron... And can mercenaries by terrorists? I mean, isn't that more like proper warfare? So the SEEDs may try to assassinate a head of state multiple times but they get paid for it so its totally legit. And as was said, 10 is basically a group of religious pilgrims turning into murdering atheists. (Also, I take offense at calling the crew of 5 murderhobos. At worst they are an extreme danger to nature: they're dedicated to killing a tree after all)

Teen scientist accidently creates time travel, then proceeds to rewrite time and reality through careless adventures with her friends. Her silent best friend ends up becoming an undead doll, and despite her and her friends' best intentions, causes a massive rift in reality, creating two parallel universes, both of which are flawed.


Astronaut who has crash landed on an inhabited alien planet decides that the best course of action is to savage the local resources while polluting the environment and killing off the locals in an attempt to create an escape ship.

First sounds very anime-y somehow but I can't place it.

And #3 is probably any "crash landed alien/human" trying to get back into space from 50% of movies and 90% of games... but I can't exactly place it either.

Also: Young boy gets drafted into the military against his will, famously abused by his superior officer, forced to murder on multiple occasions and finally killing his first love which is also his much older rival's love interest causing a long lasting feud beyond the scope of the story. It ends in a fencing duel.

2017-01-24, 11:19 AM
Eh... taking it quite freely there. I mean, Cecil & Co commit... well, not none but hardly any terrorist actions. Maybe blowing up the Canon and infiltrating Baron... And can mercenaries by terrorists? I mean, isn't that more like proper warfare? So the SEEDs may try to assassinate a head of state multiple times but they get paid for it so its totally legit. And as was said, 10 is basically a group of religious pilgrims turning into murdering atheists. (Also, I take offense at calling the crew of 5 murderhobos. At worst they are an extreme danger to nature: they're dedicated to killing a tree after all)

I was going for the twist interpretation in my list. Just because something is funded, doesn't mean its not terrorism to the other guy. And 5 is one of my favorites, but interplanetary & inter-dimensional vagabonds who kill most of their problems seem like prime candidates for the murderhobo title to me :smalltongue:

2017-01-24, 12:13 PM
I was going for the twist interpretation in my list. Just because something is funded, doesn't mean its not terrorism to the other guy. And 5 is one of my favorites, but interplanetary & inter-dimensional vagabonds who kill most of their problems seem like prime candidates for the murderhobo title to me :smalltongue:
I know and I was arguing for the sake of the joke. :smalltongue: okay, better counter concerning V: four out of five characters are royalty. Bartz is the only hobo in the team :smallbiggrin:
But V lends itself to a new summary...

A homeless man, a princess, an amnesiac and a cross dresser set out to stop a nature spirit from fixing a world destroyed centuries ago. Their power comes from fancier and fancier clothes.

2017-01-24, 12:16 PM
And can mercenaries by terrorists? I mean, isn't that more like proper warfare? So the SEEDs may try to assassinate a head of state multiple times but they get paid for it so its totally legit.

This is such a hilarious quote to use

2017-01-24, 01:57 PM
A homeless man, a princess, an amnesiac and a cross dresser set out to stop a nature spirit from fixing a world destroyed centuries ago. Their power comes from fancier and fancier clothes.

You forgot the part about the Multiverse traveling 4 armed swordsman assisting the nature spirit. (Gilgamesh is hands down my favorite FF character)

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-24, 03:21 PM
Chrono Trigger

The doll is used as a decoy for Lavos, Chrono is real. The parallel dimensions thing reeks of Chrono Cross, which I've never played.

2017-01-24, 05:58 PM
An unfortunate sequence of events leads a resourceful botanist to become the first ever space pirate.

2017-01-24, 06:30 PM
An unfortunate sequence of events leads a resourceful botanist to become the first ever space pirate.
The Martian?

2017-01-24, 06:34 PM
A story of several children ruining the life of an elderly actor, while being narrated by an older man with severe depression.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-24, 07:19 PM
A story of several children ruining the life of an elderly actor, while being narrated by an older man with severe depression.

...An Unfortunate Series of Events.

2017-01-24, 09:26 PM
Three men on a trip break down along the way, causing the entire world to take notice and help them out. Based on a true story.

Apollo 13

Scientists steal the Statue of Liberty in an effort to stop a museum curator from kidnapping a baby.

Ghostbusters 2

A scavenger in the ruins of Washington DC gets caught up in a war with the government over who gets to turn on a water filter that nobody actually needs.

Fallout 3

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-25, 04:43 AM
You forgot the part about the Multiverse traveling 4 armed swordsman assisting the nature spirit. (Gilgamesh is hands down my favorite FF character)

I think Gilgamesh is everybody's favorite FF character.


He's my favorite FF character anyway. He's just awesome. FFV's portrayal is probably my favorite, but he's awesome no matter which game he's traveled to. He needs to learn to recognize the difference between a genuine legendary sword and a knockoff, though. Poor guy.

2017-01-25, 08:46 AM
The doll is used as a decoy for Lavos, Chrono is real. The parallel dimensions thing reeks of Chrono Cross, which I've never played.

I was always under the impression that they put Chrono's soul into the doll, making it become a Chrono Clone essentially. And the Parallel dimensions is reference to Chrono Cross, which comes about as a direct result of the actions of the heros in Trigger.


I think Gilgamesh is everybody's favorite FF character.


He's my favorite FF character anyway. He's just awesome. FFV's portrayal is probably my favorite, but he's awesome no matter which game he's traveled to. He needs to learn to recognize the difference between a genuine legendary sword and a knockoff, though. Poor guy.

Indeed, you'd think by now he'd figure out that one or two of his shiny weapons was useless ><

For me his appearance in 8 is his most BA He takes out flipping Odin in one hit! followed by a close 2nd in 12 where he makes one hell of a formidable foe to fight.

Back on topic:

A girl suffering from depression after her family relocates starts hearing voices in her head.

Inside Out

A spaceship with an experimental drive returns from its maiden voyage as an amusement park. Visits to the ship leave lingering memories of the fun times had.

Event Horizon

A group left out of the know on the worlds largest flash mob holes up in a mall for a spree of shoplifting and vandalism

Dawn of the Dead

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-26, 09:33 PM
I was always under the impression that they put Chrono's soul into the doll, making it become a Chrono Clone essentially. And the Parallel dimensions is reference to Chrono Cross, which comes about as a direct result of the actions of the heros in Trigger.

No, the doll was a sacrificial pawn that was placed in front of Lavos during a timefreeze.

That's retroactive. There's nothing indicating anything of the sort in the original game. And there's a reason that, regardless of its merits as a game, Chrono Cross is not considered a very good sequel.

2017-01-26, 10:51 PM
Lets try another one.

How about a rule: minimum of 3-4 full sentences!

A malfunctioning product causes the death of a corporate executive as well as several hired hands he personally contracted. The product was a field test prototype meant to replace the executive's pet project. The prototype was spearheaded by a young drug user who didnt cared about the human resources cost of his projects.

In fact, the prototype was sabotaged by an employee who would have seen her job done more effectively by the new product.

The Troubadour
2017-01-26, 11:24 PM

2017-01-27, 08:41 AM
No, the doll was a sacrificial pawn that was placed in front of Lavos during a timefreeze.

That's retroactive. There's nothing indicating anything of the sort in the original game. And there's a reason that, regardless of its merits as a game, Chrono Cross is not considered a very good sequel.

It's been a while sine I last played that one, apparently I'm rustier on remembering it than I thought :smallredface: (Still like the zombie doll idea though :smalltongue:)

2017-01-27, 09:00 AM

Yhea. Maybe tge original story was too cynic already, its hard to twist on its head

2017-01-27, 09:32 AM
Yhea. Maybe tge original story was too cynic already, its hard to twist on its head

That's when you go for the happy/light hearted interpretation:

In a world where everyone is concerned about who sits in what chairs, large groups of individuals keep going on camping trips and getting into disagreements. In the far east a young woman raises 3 reptilian pets while touring the countryside and dreaming of returning to her homeland. To the north a group of Men!(tm) rough it against the elements to prove how manly they are.

A Song of Ice and Fire

A flash mob trend takes over the world with a large portion of the population mindlessly participating. Refusing to succumb to peer pressure a small town cop and several others he meets travel the land looking for individuals who refuse to be sheeple and grow their community of non-conformists.

The Walking Dead

2017-01-27, 09:51 AM
Lets try another one.

How about a rule: minimum of 3-4 full sentences!

You probably want to limit it to 2. This is one of those cases where brevity is the soul of wit. Don't try and include the whole plot, it stops being funny.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-27, 11:03 AM
That's when you go for the happy/light hearted interpretation:

In a world where everyone is concerned about who sits in what chairs, large groups of individuals keep going on camping trips and getting into disagreements. In the far east a young woman raises 3 reptilian pets while touring the countryside and dreaming of returning to her homeland. To the north a group of Men!(tm) rough it against the elements to prove how manly they are.

A Song of Ice and Fire
I wouldn't have gotten it except for "reptilian pets." Then it all fell into place. But I haven't seen or read it, remove that and it's a great description guessable by fans.

A flash mob trend takes over the world with a large portion of the population mindlessly participating. Refusing to succumb to peer pressure a small town cop and several others he meets travel the land looking for individuals who refuse to be sheeple and grow their community of non-conformists.

The Walking Dead
Zombie stories are kinda obvious. But you're halfway to makng it sound like a show about a metal band, and that would be a hilarious description!

You probably want to limit it to 2. This is one of those cases where brevity is the soul of wit. Don't try and include the whole plot, it stops being funny.

Aye. The very thing this is based on is one, maybe two sentences each.

2017-01-27, 11:23 AM
I wouldn't have gotten it except for "reptilian pets." Then it all fell into place. But I haven't seen or read it, remove that and it's a great description guessable by fans.
Zombie stories are kinda obvious. But you're halfway to makng it sound like a show about a metal band, and that would be a hilarious description!

Aye. The very thing this is based on is one, maybe two sentences each.

All right, 2 sentences. Or at least 3-4 lines of text. Its just that i find the 12-words description to be lazy.

Put some heart into it!!

A native from a primitive population invade a ruler's homeland and palace and undermines his authority. The ruler tries to have his publicly executed to prevent chaos in his dominion, but is betrayed by his daughter who saves the (hot) native warrior.

She then proceeds to tour him around her father's dominion; sufficiently long to rally local rulers into a fully-fledged rebellion that ends up killing thousands and throw the entire government in chaos.

Everything could have been avoided if the primitive warrior had accepted rulership of his native land in the Ruler's name.

2017-01-27, 01:12 PM
All right, 2 sentences. Or at least 3-4 lines of text. Its just that i find the 12-words description to be lazy.

Put some heart into it!!

A native from a primitive population invade a ruler's homeland and palace and undermines his authority. The ruler tries to have his publicly executed to prevent chaos in his dominion, but is betrayed by his daughter who saves the (hot) native warrior.

She then proceeds to tour him around her father's dominion; sufficiently long to rally local rulers into a fully-fledged rebellion that ends up killing thousands and throw the entire government in chaos.

Everything could have been avoided if the primitive warrior had accepted rulership of his native land in the Ruler's name.

Flash Gordon

2017-01-27, 01:19 PM
The elite of society gamble on a sporting event while a mentally ill man plots a murder.

2017-01-27, 02:11 PM
Flash Gordon



The Glyphstone
2017-01-27, 02:38 PM
The elite of society gamble on a sporting event while a mentally ill man plots a murder.

Hunger Game is my first guess, though Gladiator might qualify.

2017-01-27, 03:33 PM
Hunger Game is my first guess, though Gladiator might qualify.


Hiro Protagonest
2017-01-27, 04:37 PM
The elite of society gamble on a sporting event while a mentally ill man plots a murder.

...Some random moment in real life?

2017-01-27, 08:30 PM
An oldy:

After his country is put into financial ruin a man is appointed president, and must balance his new station, his love life, and the dangers of a foreign invasion.

2017-01-28, 12:34 AM
An oldy:

After his country is put into financial ruin a man is appointed president, and must balance his new station, his love life, and the dangers of a foreign invasion.

The Mouse That Roared?

Treasure hunter interferes with other treasure hunters to find a vessel. He fails to get it, but the others regret their victory. Had he not bothered to interfere at all, the others would have regretted it even more by possibly killing their boss back home.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

A group of people flee their children trying to find their ancestors' home.

Battlestar Galactica

Construction worker gives the shirt off his back to mentor a coworker having financial trouble. The ingrate runs amok, and the mentor has to bail him out of a bad drug deal.

Magic Mike

2017-01-28, 01:39 PM
Nobody replied to my young soldier yet. Too obscure?

A teenage terrorist gets into a bloody conflict with a private investigator over the future of the world that leads to many people dying. The terrorist has an unfair advantage as he uses supernatural help and with this gains the upper hand later and then seems to have won. Finally he's defeated when he goes completely crazy and is killed by his associate.

2017-01-28, 02:03 PM
How about a few popular video games?

The voice in your head tries desperately to save you, but if you don't do what it says, it may decide to kill you, or accidentally break the universe.

Teenage superhero uses her new power to help people, and then decides whether to reverse all her efforts to help, or kill everyone involved.

A necromancer teams up with a crazed warrior, a renegade sorceress and two people who by rights ought to hate him. He goes forth to kill the three protagonists of the previous game.

Sapphire Guard
2017-01-28, 02:16 PM
Teenage superhero uses her new power to help people, and then decides whether to reverse all her efforts to help, or kill everyone involved.

Life is Strange

A teenage terrorist gets into a bloody conflict with a private investigator over the future of the world that leads to many people dying. The terrorist has an unfair advantage as he uses supernatural help and with this gains the upper hand later and then seems to have won. Finally he's defeated when he goes completely crazy and is killed by his associate.

Death Note.

Shipwrecked Mariner kills hundreds in effort to make the weather nice again.

Vampire spends centuries attempting to win a coin toss.

Re SeeD and terrorism, terrorist attacks are attempts to change public opinion. SeeD are not trying to change public opinion, they just want person X dead, so they're just assassins, not terrorists.

2017-01-28, 02:20 PM
Teenage superhero uses her new power to help people, and then decides whether to reverse all her efforts to help, or kill everyone involved.

Life is Strange

Yup. :smalltongue:

2017-01-28, 03:41 PM
A necromancer teams up with a crazed warrior, a renegade sorceress and two people who by rights ought to hate him. He goes forth to kill the three protagonists of the previous game.

Diablo II?

2017-01-28, 03:55 PM
Diablo II?

That has to be it. Pretty solid

2017-01-28, 04:02 PM
A man is desperate to acquire a certain commodity. He makes a wager with a prideful musician in order to acquire what he needs, betting something of value in the process, and even though he probably could have cheated to get what he needed, seeing as only he and the musician were involved in the wager he honorably accepts defeat and pays up when he loses.

2017-01-28, 04:30 PM
A man is desperate to acquire a certain commodity. He makes a wager with a prideful musician in order to acquire what he needs, betting something of value in the process, and even though he probably could have cheated to get what he needed, seeing as only he and the musician were involved in the wager he honorably accepts defeat and pays up when he loses.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

2017-01-28, 04:34 PM
The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Bingo.ten chars

2017-01-28, 06:27 PM
Diablo II?

I was thinking it but then the choice of characters is a bit arbitrary as there could be pretty different parties. Ah, well :smallbiggrin:

A man living lazily off his inherited wealth is forced to set out on a quest to commit murder and genocide by an older acquaintant. He takes his gardener and two equally lazy friends along for some grave robbing before they join a multiracial murder squad with its own internal problems. After many mistakes of their own they succeed due to an enemy's greed and divine intervention.

2017-01-28, 07:54 PM
Diablo II?

Spot on (I chose to fill the party with all the characters which weren't introduced in Lord of Destruction).

How about:

Bored mages summon mighty heroes to chop down a tree.

Demons hide on the main character's planet, so he blows it up. Then they do it again, so he starts blowing up every other planet. Also, two massive interplanetary wars get fought, but don't ultimately matter.

2017-01-28, 08:49 PM
I was thinking it but then the choice of characters is a bit arbitrary as there could be pretty different parties. Ah, well :smallbiggrin:

A man living lazily off his inherited wealth is forced to set out on a quest to commit murder and genocide by an older acquaintant. He takes his gardener and two equally lazy friends along for some grave robbing before they join a multiracial murder squad with its own internal problems. After many mistakes of their own they succeed due to an enemy's greed and divine intervention.

Lord of the Rings, clearly.

2017-01-29, 01:47 AM
An ex-con forms a highly skilled team of operatives with the objective of winning back his ex-wife. To accomplish this, they spy on his rival, build a vault, knock out power to the city, and earn several million dollars. Then he gets arrested for violating parole.

Ocean's Eleven

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-29, 04:09 AM
Video games...

A teenager working for a black ops group is sent on a mission to assassinate a head of state, but flees the country instead. Along with the cyborg daughter of the de facto and eventually duly elected new head of state and an ancient god-killer, he follows the advice of the voice in his head and becomes a terrorist working under a truly sadistic man attempting to steal the leadership position away, attempting to convince other nations to ally with his new master to defeat the new head of state. This new head simply wishes to improve the lives of all nation's citizens. Eventually, the girl's father is killed despite his every attempt to win her back and they proceed to destroy an entire city, civilians included.

Along the way they can opt to murder one of the teen's former coworkers and a pair of devoted brothers, the teen becomes a literal monster, and the voice is revealed to be a piece of the wicked god.

If you've played it, you probably got it: Baten Kaitos Origins

The Glyphstone
2017-01-29, 10:40 AM
A disaffected, unemployed intellectual fosters a violent uprising against the government and assassinates the head of state.

Half-Life 2

2017-01-29, 11:47 AM
These are aimed at guesswork.

A political tract resorts to magitech to argue the superiority of its policies.
Atlas Shrugged
An English letter writer references an American colleague when suggesting a way to solve a housing crisis.
A Modest Proposal
In an uplifting movie a capable but aimless warrior finds their purpose by abandoning their mission.
When the new regime provides free health care a paramilitary organization starts a rebellion.

2017-01-29, 02:17 PM
Illegal alien sneaks across the border. Tries to live a normal life but his ancestry has him set things on fire or blow them away. Billionaire tries to stop him. California threatens to secede as the illegal alien passes by flyover country.

Superman (Christopher Reeve)

Video gamer geek goes inside and takes apart his computer to find a missing file.


Plane crash survivor who thinks he's the Pied Piper infiltrates and destroys a mining corporation.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

The Troubadour
2017-01-30, 09:16 AM
Vampire spends centuries attempting to win a coin toss.

The "Legacy of Kain" series.

Sapphire Guard
2017-01-30, 03:49 PM
Dingdingding! Love that series, thought it might be too obscure.

2017-01-30, 07:13 PM
A nerdy boy gains the ability to hack the universe and teams up with his dumb muscle best friend, an engaged woman who gains a crush on said best friend, a crippled badass who has poor taste in friends, a princess and a deadbeat father. Together, they slay a god.

Xenoblade Chronicles

A bunch of humans get stranded in a dangerous and mysterious land. And then, everyone was a robot. Who pilot even bigger robots.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

The Troubadour
2017-01-30, 08:57 PM
Dingdingding! Love that series, thought it might be too obscure.

To be fair, it probably is at least a bit obscure; it's just that I also love it, particularly its voice acting. :-)

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-31, 02:22 AM
A kleptomaniac hoarder vandal quests to obtain all of everyone's loot, alive or dead, through fair means or foul. Included in his definition of "loot" are all of the money, all of the weapons, all of the gadgets, and two different emotions in physical form. Oh, and he also has a thing against dark-skinned guys and is quite the ladies man.

And another:

A bunch of rodents kill each other.

2017-01-31, 02:39 AM
A bunch of rodents kill each other.

Redwall? I would guess Watership Down, but rabbits aren't rodents.

A kleptomaniac hoarder vandal quests to obtain all of everyone's loot, alive or dead, through fair means or foul. Included in his definition of "loot" are all of the money, all of the weapons, all of the gadgets, and two different emotions in physical form. Oh, and he also has a thing against dark-skinned guys and is quite the ladies man.
Legend of Zelda?

Lord Raziere
2017-01-31, 03:16 AM
A kleptomaniac hoarder vandal quests to obtain all of everyone's loot, alive or dead, through fair means or foul.

Could be any adventurer in existence.

Included in his definition of "loot" are all of the money, all of the weapons, all of the gadgets, and two different emotions in physical form.

....getting more specific, but gadgets and emotions throw me off, since gadgets implies something sci-fi, while emotions imply something more fantasy

Oh, and he also has a thing against dark-skinned guys and is quite the ladies man.

........A Nord Dovaahkin on the side of the Stormcloaks with high Speech skill that he uses on the ladies and an odd obsession for Dwemer and Daedric artifacts? :smalltongue:

Fiery Diamond
2017-01-31, 05:06 AM
Redwall? I would guess Watership Down, but rabbits aren't rodents.

Legend of Zelda?

We have a winner! On both counts! Yep, Redwall and Legend of Zelda. (For those that don't get the emotions thing, it's the heart containers/pieces of heart from all the games and the gratitude crystals from Skyward Sword.)

2017-01-31, 09:48 AM
(For those that don't get the emotions thing, it's the heart containers/pieces of heart from all the games and the gratitude crystals from Skyward Sword.)

Oh. I figured at least one of them was a reference to the Triforce of Courage. :smallamused:

2017-01-31, 12:26 PM
We have a winner! On both counts! Yep, Redwall and Legend of Zelda. (For those that don't get the emotions thing, it's the heart containers/pieces of heart from all the games and the gratitude crystals from Skyward Sword.)

... hearts are an emotion? :smalltongue:

I assumed the rodent thing was about Lemmings... but then I'm not sure if those are rodents. And I guess in game they look pretty humanoid.

2017-01-31, 02:54 PM
You probably heard these descriptions:

1- A psychopath draws two homeless people into his home to subject them to countless physical and psychological torture.

Home Alone

2- After the death of his family at the hands of the government, a young boy gets indoctrinated into a religion by a bearded man and commits a terrorist attack, killing thousands, maybe millions.

Star Wars

3- a man's wife is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son is left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events his son is kidnapped and he has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with the help of a mentally disabled woman

Finding Nemo

These are ones i already knew. I thought we could try our hands at more jokes of the same kind. Lemme try:

4- A veteran coming back early from the war decides to undermine the local authorities' mandate from the Commander in Chief to finance that war. All the way claiming to act in the name of the very same Commander in Chief, putting the local authorities in an impossible position.

Robin Hood

Another one:

A laborer only manages to keep doing his job by literally cannibalizing his coworkers. He eventually meets a girl, and decides to follow her home without her consent. He immediately starts to immisce himself in her environment; slowly befriending everyone that she lives with so she would have no choice but succumb to peer pressure.

In a way to make her dependant on him, he antagonizes her relationship with her boss.


a father must choose between furthering his career

Fiery Diamond
2017-02-02, 09:09 PM
... hearts are an emotion? :smalltongue:

I assumed the rodent thing was about Lemmings... but then I'm not sure if those are rodents. And I guess in game they look pretty humanoid.

I see you are in Germany. I don't know how it is in German, but in English, the heart is the symbol of love and of romantic feelings in general. While love is not specifically an emotion and only an emotion by itself, there are "feelings" (which are emotions) that are ascribed to having love for someone rather than to another emotion.

Also, in at least one of the games, Link gets a piece of heart explicitly being called out as a representation of love when he receives it.

/explaining the joke

Hiro Protagonest
2017-02-02, 09:57 PM
Also, in at least one of the games, Link gets a piece of heart explicitly being called out as a representation of love when he receives it.

That's very specific. I don't associate heart containers with emotion because I have never seen a description like that. Hearts are also associated with, y'know, life and health, which is kind of the actual theme here.

2017-02-06, 01:14 PM
Smitten singer turns the world upside down to impress his love interest. In the end, she rejects him, returning to her family and friends.


An Enemy Spy
2017-02-10, 10:23 PM
A professional killer and his mentally unstable girlfriend vandalize sacred religious sites.


2017-02-10, 10:28 PM
The King's right-hand man foments civil war on the principle that a black-haired man and a blonde-haired woman could not have a blond-haired child.

A Game of Thrones

2017-02-14, 11:30 PM
A group of several high school students repeatedly break into a hidden area of their high school throughout their school year at precisely 10 AM Eastern Standard Time. They proceed to a hidden part of the school, which happens to be the tallest tower on campus where they practice extremely questionable gun safety while fighting monsters that, for the most part, only they can see. Their eventual objective in performing such strange behavior is to stop a deity from granting humanity what it views as humanity's deepest desire. Throughout the course of the story, the group gains several new members including a robot girl, a rather intelligent dog, and most strangely an elementary school student.

2017-02-14, 11:39 PM
A group of several high school students repeatedly break into a hidden area of their high school throughout their school year at precisely 10 AM Eastern Standard Time. They proceed to a hidden part of the school, which happens to be the tallest tower on campus where they practice extremely questionable gun safety while fighting monsters that, for the most part, only they can see. Their eventual objective in performing such strange behavior is to stop a deity from granting humanity what it views as humanity's deepest desire. Throughout the course of the story, the group gains several new members including a robot girl, a rather intelligent dog, and most strangely an elementary school student.

...I must know what this one is.

An Enemy Spy
2017-02-14, 11:42 PM
What starts as an innocent scavenger hunt ends with a pig in panties.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-02-14, 11:49 PM
A group of several high school students repeatedly break into a hidden area of their high school throughout their school year at precisely 10 AM Eastern Standard Time. They proceed to a hidden part of the school, which happens to be the tallest tower on campus where they practice extremely questionable gun safety while fighting monsters that, for the most part, only they can see. Their eventual objective in performing such strange behavior is to stop a deity from granting humanity what it views as humanity's deepest desire. Throughout the course of the story, the group gains several new members including a robot girl, a rather intelligent dog, and most strangely an elementary school student.

Persona 3.

Bam. Never even played it. I am good.

Edit: That actually sounds exactly like how most people would describe Persona 3, though. The only curveball is the time, and I completely eyeballed that to being midnight in Japan.

2017-02-15, 02:06 AM
Teenagers get to meet the man of their dreams, and their hearts are all a flutter. Even the boys.

Nightmare On Elm Street

A handsome lothario with a speech impediment and his bi-racial sidekick interrupt people's lives to make them behave as he believes they should.

Star Trek

The Troubadour
2017-02-15, 07:57 PM
What starts as an innocent scavenger hunt ends with a pig in panties.

This sounds like the first arc of "Dragon Ball".

Teenagers get to meet the man of their dreams, and their hearts are all a flutter. Even the boys.

Nightmare On Elm Street

Here, sir, have all my internets, that was most excellent!

Jay R
2017-02-15, 09:50 PM
A government official uncovers a treasonous plot against the king. To save the kingdom from the dangers of foreign influence, he attempts to bring the plot out into the open, but his efforts are subverted by the illegal acts of four men who break the laws, brawl, kill, conspire with the king's enemy, and smuggle to prevent the evidence of treason from being discovered.

The Glyphstone
2017-02-15, 10:12 PM
A government official uncovers a treasonous plot against the king. To save the kingdom from the dangers of foreign influence, he attempts to bring the plot out into the open, but his efforts are subverted by the illegal acts of four men who break the laws, brawl, kill, conspire with the king's enemy, and smuggle to prevent the evidence of treason from being discovered.

Three Musketeers?

Hiro Protagonest
2017-02-15, 10:14 PM
A government official uncovers a treasonous plot against the king. To save the kingdom from the dangers of foreign influence, he attempts to bring the plot out into the open, but his efforts are subverted by the illegal acts of four men who break the laws, brawl, kill, conspire with the king's enemy, and smuggle to prevent the evidence of treason from being discovered.

Multiple video games.

Jay R
2017-02-15, 10:18 PM
Three Musketeers?

Yes. Very good!

Two parents have had their children kidnapped. So they set out to rescue them, of course, and kidnap several dozen more in the process.

2017-02-15, 11:17 PM
A young man dying of a terminal illness wanders the world and stumbles upon a conflict between eco-terrorists and an inspirational community of misfits, he is torn between the two mainly because of an unrequited crush.

Princess Mononoke

A police detective is forced to work with her stalker and eventually succumbs to Stockholm syndrome

Castle... or Lucifer I guess

An ex-con widower falls in with delusional old people and tries to get his life back together despite being haunted by his wife and the subject of an elaborate plot

American Gods

After they rescue their messianic yet apparently mute leader a group of former paramilitary turned insurgents mount a successful rebellion culminating in the genocide of the ruling class


A master strategist, bored with his successful but shallow life, gets blackmailed by his government into interfering with the transition of power of a sovereign nation, faces unexpected peril and a ends up with a new appreciation for what he has at home

The Player of Games

A delusional slacker murders several people to be with the woman of his dreams

Scott Pilgrim comics (he's not as delusional in the movie)

A man tries to survive cancer despite having basically no support structure and being assigned a shockingly unethical therapist

50-50. A good movie to be sure but Anna Kendrick's character violates almost every ethics rules psychologists have

2017-02-16, 04:37 AM
Yes. Very good!

Two parents have had their children kidnapped. So they set out to rescue them, of course, and kidnap several dozen more in the process.

That's 101 Dalmatians. That was an easy one.

Jay R
2017-02-16, 09:23 AM
That's 101 Dalmatians. That was an easy one.

Very good. Yes, mine will always be easy unless I provide the answer. This is about seeing the story from the other side, not about failing to.


A man marries a woman he’s only recently met. Afterwards, he discovers she’s from another race (though it doesn’t show). He demands that she hide her origins and adopt his culture completely, as he hides who she really is from his boss and the neighbors. Meanwhile, her mother is equally contemptuous of him and his race. Visits from members of her family produce difficulties, awkwardness, and fear of discovery.

2017-02-16, 09:27 AM
Very good. Yes, mine will always be easy unless I provide the answer. This is about seeing the story from the other side, not about failing to.


A man marries a woman he’s only recently met. Afterwards, he discovers she’s from another race (though it doesn’t show). He demands that she hide her origins and adopt his culture completely, as he hides who she really is from his boss and the neighbors. Meanwhile, her mother is equally contemptuous of him and his race. Visits from members of her family produce difficulties, awkwardness, and fear of discovery.

Classic '60's Bewitched. Am I right?

Jay R
2017-02-16, 09:41 AM
Classic '60's Bewitched. Am I right?

Yes, indeed.

2017-02-19, 03:17 AM
A couple more from me:

A young girl implements the world's most elaborate scheme to get someone else to solve a Sudoku puzzle for her. There are multiple casualties.

An episodic series of investigations and tribunals held by people under duress where they confront, amongst other things, the deep societal prejudices against serial killers with multiple personalities and against people who frame other people for murder.

2017-02-19, 08:05 AM
An episodic series of investigations and tribunals held by people under duress where they confront, amongst other things, the deep societal prejudices against serial killers with multiple personalities and against people who frame other people for murder.


I.need 10 characters

2017-02-19, 05:48 PM
Group of friends decide on dangerous walk across continent -- despite huge numbers of easily accessible teleporters. At the end, they decide they don't want what they came for, and go back.

Final Fantasy X. Seriously, you're in the ruined-a-thousand-years city, but you can still go teleport to play Blitzball at any time?

2017-02-19, 07:49 PM
One more:

Members of a [racial classification]-supremacist group try to disrupt the reproductive cycle of an ancient 'fossil' species.

Hiro Protagonest
2017-02-19, 07:51 PM
One more:

Members of a [racial classification]-supremacist group try to disrupt the reproductive cycle of an ancient 'fossil' species.

Um, plenty of sci-fi and fantasy...

2017-02-19, 08:09 PM
One more:

Members of a [racial classification]-supremacist group try to disrupt the reproductive cycle of an ancient 'fossil' species.

...is it Worm?

2017-02-19, 10:10 PM
...is it Worm?
Hmm, I don't actually know Worm, so that wasn't what I was thinking of. Mine involves some Gilbert and Sullivan, at least two scuzzy fathers, and a lot of annoying flying insects.

2017-02-19, 11:43 PM
A couple more from me:

A young girl implements the world's most elaborate scheme to get someone else to solve a Sudoku puzzle for her. There are multiple casualties.

Summer Wars?

An episodic series of investigations and tribunals held by people under duress where they confront, amongst other things, the deep societal prejudices against serial killers with multiple personalities and against people who frame other people for murder.

Ace Attorney.

One more:

Members of a [racial classification]-supremacist group try to disrupt the reproductive cycle of an ancient 'fossil' species.

Mass Effect. Your earlier hints clinched it.

Let me try one out:

The imposter to the throne of a mighty magocracy decides to take the time to be a father to his double's bastard son. And fails miserably.

2017-02-20, 12:40 AM
Mass Effect.

Well, technically Mass Effect 2, since that's the only one where Shepherd is working with Cerberus. But yes.

2017-02-20, 02:04 AM
A magic weapon's second choice of wielder teams with a dog and a duck to find a mouse.

2017-02-20, 02:51 AM
A magic weapon's second choice of wielder teams with a dog and a duck to find a mouse.

Kingdom Hearts.

2017-02-20, 02:58 AM
Kingdom Hearts.

Bingo. Let me try another.

An ex-Catholic takes a holy mission to New Jersey.

2017-02-20, 03:07 AM
Bingo. Let me try another.

An ex-Catholic takes a holy mission to New Jersey.

Random guess: Dogma? But not sure if Bethany used to be Catholic...

2017-02-20, 03:13 AM
A couple more from me:

A young girl implements the world's most elaborate scheme to get someone else to solve a Sudoku puzzle for her. There are multiple casualties.

An episodic series of investigations and tribunals held by people under duress where they confront, amongst other things, the deep societal prejudices against serial killers with multiple personalities and against people who frame other people for murder.

999 and Dangan Ronpa.

2017-02-20, 03:25 AM
Correct! One last one before I go to bed.

A scientist's extraterrestrial experiment is made difficult by sarcastic subjects.

Fiery Diamond
2017-02-20, 04:44 AM
Summer Wars?

Ace Attorney.

Mass Effect. Your earlier hints clinched it.

Let me try one out:

The imposter to the throne of a mighty magocracy decides to take the time to be a father to his double's bastard son. And fails miserably.

Crap, now I have to google to find the name of the book. I'm pretty sure I know what story this one is - I read the whole book, but I hated it. The son was a terribly unlikable person.

Ah, found it. The Lightbringer series (of which I only read the first book).

2017-02-20, 05:03 AM
Correct! One last one before I go to bed.

A scientist's extraterrestrial experiment is made difficult by sarcastic subjects.


A very old, often irresponsible man, regularly abducts or baits along younger people, often women, dragging them into mostly life threatening situations.

2017-02-20, 05:15 AM
Area man just want to live alone in peace, but local delinquents keep kinkshaming him.

Diamond is Unbreakable

2017-02-20, 06:39 AM
999 and Dangan Ronpa.

Indeed you are correct.

The Troubadour
2017-02-20, 10:56 AM
Random guess: Dogma? But not sure if Bethany used to be Catholic...

She did. To quote from the movie:

Bethany: "I think God is dead."

Janeane Garofalo's character: "Spoken like a true Catholic."

A very old, often irresponsible man, regularly abducts or baits along younger people, often women, dragging them into mostly life threatening situations.

"Dr. Who", I imagine.

The Glyphstone
2017-02-20, 11:04 AM
A disaffected, unemployed intellectual fosters a violent uprising against the government and assassinates the head of state.

Half-Life 2

Surprised no one took a shot at this. Giving any more specifics would be a shoo-in reveal, I think.

2017-02-20, 11:14 AM
Extinct creature manipulates children into a cult of behavior that makes the Stepford wives look like feminists.

Barney & Friends

A paladin, barbarian, cleric, warlock, ranger, and rogue form a party to stop an evil wizard opening a portal to unleash an army of demons.

The Avengers

A nature documentary on a fish's feeding habits.


2017-02-20, 12:24 PM
Nature documentaries on the migratory habits of various types of fish.
Finding Nemo & Finding Dory

A surprise guest provides much excitement and zany adventures for a group of camp counselors preparing for opening day.
Friday the 13th

Family goes on a space vacation together where the youngest son meets his older self
Lost in Space the movie

2017-02-20, 12:49 PM
Batman vs. Superman.

Death Note.

Walrus vs. Carpenter.

The second arc of Death Note.

2017-02-20, 01:29 PM
Group of friends decide on dangerous walk across continent -- despite huge numbers of easily accessible teleporters. At the end, they decide they don't want what they came for, and go back.

Final Fantasy X. Seriously, you're in the ruined-a-thousand-years city, but you can still go teleport to play Blitzball at any time?

Misunderstood orphan is ostracized and bullied by his peers. Once he grows up, he meets the woman of his dreams and she agrees to marry him, but their plans are ruined when her 'friends' crash their wedding.
Final Fantasy X again

Ghosts play soccer
Mario Strikers Charged... You thought I was going to say Final Fantasy X one more time, didn't you?:smallwink:

2017-02-20, 05:51 PM
A little girl finds herself separated from her adopted family, spends a great deal of time around a pedophile, and is accosted by The Boogeyman, who turns her against her family.

This is only part of the story, so I'll leave it and see if anyone can guess it.

2017-02-20, 07:40 PM
The Boogeyman or the Boogie Man?!

2017-02-20, 07:56 PM
The BoogeymanThis one.

I was in a rush.

2017-02-20, 08:53 PM
This one.

I was in a rush.

Yoi have to admit, it makes a helluva difference XD

2017-02-20, 09:24 PM
A little girl finds herself separated from her adopted family, spends a great deal of time around a pedophile, and is accosted by The Boogeyman, who turns her against her family.

This is only part of the story, so I'll leave it and see if anyone can guess it.

Coraline? It doesn't happen in that order, but she is separated from her 'adopted' Other family at the end and the Other Mother could be counted as a Boogeyman who turns her against her original family.

2017-02-20, 09:38 PM
Coraline? It doesn't happen in that order, but she is separated from her 'adopted' Other family at the end and the Other Mother could be counted as a Boogeyman who turns her against her original family.

Nope. (In particular you're missing the bit about the pedophile.)

I'll give another hint

I'm only describing the events of one chapter.

The Glyphstone
2017-02-20, 10:22 PM
Nightmare Before Christmas?

2017-02-20, 11:29 PM
Nightmare Before Christmas?

No.It's Interlude 25 (Bonesaw) from Worm.

The guy Bonesaw makes friends with is implied to be a pedophile(albeit one who doesn't act on his urges), Bonesaw encounters Fortuna Contessa(referred to as The Boogeyman on several occasions), and as a direct result of this encounter Riley(Bonesaw's real name) remembers who she used to be and that the Slaughterhouse Nine(a group that Bonesaw considers to be her family) kind of murdered her mother, father, brother, and dog.(She was 4-7 at the time, and the Nine's leader is a master at twisting good people into monsters)

Remembering this, coupled with another realization results in her betraying the Nine.

2017-02-21, 01:25 AM
A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story.

Edit: This may have been a little too obfuscated. Let me add that the story involves a lot of families. And food.

Edit 2: OK, I guess I was way too obfuscated. Here's another way to describe the same story:
Young brash upstart tries to disrupt old, stodgy industry whose entrenched controllers can't see the advantages of the upstart's new ideas. In an extended flashback, we see that those entrenched controllers were once young brash upstarts themselves who wrestled control of the industry from the previous entrenched controllers.

2017-02-22, 07:51 PM
Okay, I'll leave this one to be guessed:

The War to End All Wars actually happened. Lo, humanity's technological achievements overstepped their control, and the vast part of the population was driven to extinction. Now, they are simpler but wiser, the nations of the world have taken to a live-and-let-live policy, and repeating the mistakes of the past is not to be thought of.

Of course, any civilization, even this one, has its malcontents. This bunch are especially ragged; they need to loot corpses to survive; and as such they aren't able to make any real dent in the state of the world - until the day one of their agents manipulates, by overtures of friendship, someone who happens to know the keystone to that peace - disposing of him once he's outlived his use. And yes, the information is completely good, their plan totally works, and the cycle of human folly is back in full swing.

The Glyphstone
2017-02-22, 08:47 PM
A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story.

Edit: This may have been a little too obfuscated. Let me add that the story involves a lot of families. And food.

Edit 2: OK, I guess I was way too obfuscated. Here's another way to describe the same story:
Young brash upstart tries to disrupt old, stodgy industry whose entrenched controllers can't see the advantages of the upstart's new ideas. In an extended flashback, we see that those entrenched controllers were once young brash upstarts themselves who wrestled control of the industry from the previous entrenched controllers.

Gotta be something involving vampires, probably of the World of Darkness flavor (either Old or New could fit).

2017-02-22, 10:39 PM
Gotta be something involving vampires, probably of the World of Darkness flavor (either Old or New could fit).

Nope. One last hint: It's a very well-known story, at least in the US (even among non-nerds). I'll bet the majority of Americans would recognize at least one quote from the story.

Lord Raziere
2017-02-22, 10:45 PM
Nope. One last hint: It's a very well-known story, at least in the US (even among non-nerds). I'll bet the majority of Americans would recognize at least one quote from the story.

........Star Wars?

2017-02-22, 11:00 PM
A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story.

Edit: This may have been a little too obfuscated. Let me add that the story involves a lot of families. And food.

Edit 2: OK, I guess I was way too obfuscated. Here's another way to describe the same story:
Young brash upstart tries to disrupt old, stodgy industry whose entrenched controllers can't see the advantages of the upstart's new ideas. In an extended flashback, we see that those entrenched controllers were once young brash upstarts themselves who wrestled control of the industry from the previous entrenched controllers.

Citizen Kane

Okay, I'll leave this one to be guessed:

The War to End All Wars actually happened. Lo, humanity's technological achievements overstepped their control, and the vast part of the population was driven to extinction. Now, they are simpler but wiser, the nations of the world have taken to a live-and-let-live policy, and repeating the mistakes of the past is not to be thought of.

Of course, any civilization, even this one, has its malcontents. This bunch are especially ragged; they need to loot corpses to survive; and as such they aren't able to make any real dent in the state of the world - until the day one of their agents manipulates, by overtures of friendship, someone who happens to know the keystone to that peace - disposing of him once he's outlived his use. And yes, the information is completely good, their plan totally works, and the cycle of human folly is back in full swing.

I was going to say Equilibrium, but not so.sure.

I love your description. Any other clues?

2017-02-22, 11:12 PM
........Star Wars?

No, doesn't really match "A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story." Leia successfully rescued Han from the carbonite, after all.

Citizen Kane

No. Not sure how that would match the 'woman strives' bit either.

Lord Raziere
2017-02-22, 11:40 PM
No, doesn't really match "A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story." Leia successfully rescued Han from the carbonite, after all.

Technically Padme strives to keep her lover from being imprisoned by the clutches of the Dark Side and she does fail.

Fiery Diamond
2017-02-22, 11:57 PM
Nope. One last hint: It's a very well-known story, at least in the US (even among non-nerds). I'll bet the majority of Americans would recognize at least one quote from the story.

Book, movie, folk tale? Literary masterpiece, pop culture item? I'm from the US, and I have no idea what story you're referring to. Narrowing down the medium might help.

Edit: Although now that I think about it, maybe it wouldn't, for me at least. I can't actually think of ANY stories that fit either the first description or the second description, let alone both.

2017-02-23, 01:27 AM
A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story.

Edit: This may have been a little too obfuscated. Let me add that the story involves a lot of families. And food.

Edit 2: OK, I guess I was way too obfuscated. Here's another way to describe the same story:
Young brash upstart tries to disrupt old, stodgy industry whose entrenched controllers can't see the advantages of the upstart's new ideas. In an extended flashback, we see that those entrenched controllers were once young brash upstarts themselves who wrestled control of the industry from the previous entrenched controllers.

Isn't it Dante's Inferno? (The original)

2017-02-23, 02:59 AM
A woman strives to keep her lover from indefinite imprisonment, and probably torture. She fails, though she is still trying at the end of the story.

Edit: This may have been a little too obfuscated. Let me add that the story involves a lot of families. And food.

Edit 2: OK, I guess I was way too obfuscated. Here's another way to describe the same story:
Young brash upstart tries to disrupt old, stodgy industry whose entrenched controllers can't see the advantages of the upstart's new ideas. In an extended flashback, we see that those entrenched controllers were once young brash upstarts themselves who wrestled control of the industry from the previous entrenched controllers.

The Godfather, specifically, the book.

Kay is watching Michael Corleone damn himself. By the end of the book, she is a strong Catholic, so she believes he is literally damning himself to an eternity of Hell. The very last scene of the book is her ritualistically making herself as pure as possible so she can say "the necessary prayers for the soul of Michael Corleone".

The young brash upstart is, of course, Virgil Sollozzo, who wants to break the Five Families hold on the criminal underworld. His new idea is selling drugs, which Vito Corleone refuses to do. In an extended flashback, we see Vito Corleone's rise to power, as he goes from being a poor immigrant to the Godfather, dismantling the previous Mafia family in the process.

At least, that's was I was thinking.

2017-02-23, 07:13 AM
No. Not sure how that would match the 'woman strives' bit either.

I never seen Citizen Kane. But the idea of a young reactionary growing to become the new establishment he fought against when young, the whole tale told as a flashback.. well, that was such a ringer for Citizen Kane, i thought I'd give it a try.

I guess Godfather 2 also makes sense.

2017-02-24, 04:31 PM
A bunch of things happen, but it's told in such a confusing manner and from so many points of view and so many chronological skips that the reader ends up with no idea what just happened or even how many characters there were in the story.

Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. Seriously, why did they make us read that book in high school? Were the teachers trying to turn us off to reading?

2017-02-24, 05:08 PM
Okay, I'll leave this one to be guessed:

The War to End All Wars actually happened. Lo, humanity's technological achievements overstepped their control, and the vast part of the population was driven to extinction. Now, they are simpler but wiser, the nations of the world have taken to a live-and-let-live policy, and repeating the mistakes of the past is not to be thought of.

Of course, any civilization, even this one, has its malcontents. This bunch are especially ragged; they need to loot corpses to survive; and as such they aren't able to make any real dent in the state of the world - until the day one of their agents manipulates, by overtures of friendship, someone who happens to know the keystone to that peace - disposing of him once he's outlived his use. And yes, the information is completely good, their plan totally works, and the cycle of human folly is back in full swing.

So, what is it?!?!

2017-02-24, 05:11 PM
It reminds me of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind but some parts I can't twist to fit.

2017-02-24, 08:28 PM
I love your description. Any other clues?

Sorry about the wait; I'm internet-lite. Tad bit addicted and trying to fix that.

The description omits two crucial details: the part that clarifies the setting, and the totally cause-justifying bit of information attained from the duped informant. (No, it's not Equilibrium, but as I'm totally unfamiliar with Equilibrium, I can't drop a hint to distinguish the two. Sigh.)

2017-02-24, 09:48 PM
Sorry about the wait; I'm internet-lite. Tad bit addicted and trying to fix that.

The description omits two crucial details: the part that clarifies the setting, and the totally cause-justifying bit of information attained from the duped informant. (No, it's not Equilibrium, but as I'm totally unfamiliar with Equilibrium, I can't drop a hint to distinguish the two. Sigh.)

Arrggg... Manga? Anime? Video Games? Movie? Tv series? Novel?

Its eating at me..

2017-02-26, 06:43 PM
Book series. (Probably for a younger audience than you're picturing.)

2017-02-26, 08:23 PM
Book series. (Probably for a younger audience than you're picturing.)

Oohhh... Hum.. i never read them, but mayne its the Divergent book trilogy?

Post apocalyptic.. could have been Hunger Games or Maze Runners, but the whole "use corpses to survive" doesnt fit it.