View Full Version : Pathfinder Magic item of character development

2017-01-04, 03:28 AM
So, the group I'm currently playing with is both roleplay intensive and fairly inquisitive, so I like to give them little puzzles. Here's a strange item, let's see if you can find a use for it; that kind of thing. Anyway, I just dropped a new puzzle on them and I'm excited to see how it plays out.

One of my players is an archer paladin. His primary character development conflict is with overcoming his own rashness and need for vengeance (his family was killed by the big bad). Anyway, he has recently come into possession of a magic item sent by his deity as a chastisement/guide (somewhat like Fflewddur Fflam's harp in the Prydain books).

The magic item is the Bow of Peace. The gist of the bow is that it starts out as a +1 composite longbow engraved with the words, "The wise man's arrow is never launched". Over time, it gains experience, just like the players. When it levels up, the bonuses go up, but it also starts to gain harmful side effects, especially when used unprovoked, against defeated enemies, without any attempt at diplomacy, etc. This pattern continues indefinitely, and the player is free to accept the side effects or throw away the bow if he so chooses. However, if he decides to destroy the bow, its true magic is revealed and he will be rewarded for his wisdom.

I'm going to drop some subtle hints into the story, because the bow alone is way too esoteric to figure out, but I think this is a particularly fun puzzle. Typically, players either deal with awesome magic items that become extensions of their characters or with cursed objects that result in a side quest or an encounter to get them removed, so I think this will provide some nice texture as well as fitting in well with his character development (either representing the self-harm vengeance inflicts upon the seeker, or the wisdom of choosing to lay down arms and choose justice).

Mostly I just want to share this, but if you guys have any thoughts on things I should do with this, I'd love to hear it.

2017-01-04, 04:56 AM
If he's a paladin and he's killing people who've already surrendered and whatnot, his deity will be soon be withdrawing his paladin status. Won't the bow be water under the bridge at that point? Not trying to be a jerk. I think that bow is a great idea for a magical weapon. I just think that it'd fit better with a character that didn't have that particular struggle as a background. It might turn what should be a story thing into a mechanics thing when there are mechanics (paladin class rules) already in place to punish the character for breaking his class's code of conduct. I. E. the bow changed his viewpoint on things rather than the dramatic events of a sweeping adventure changing them.
I say give him a bow (named Palpatine) that seduces him toward killing indiscriminately, tempting him with the unbridled power of the dark side.