View Full Version : IC - The Great Pendragon Campaign

Lady Tialait
2017-01-04, 04:37 PM
Spring 485

King Uther has lost many great knights in his battles against the Saxons. This has pressed him to call forth all his vassals to bring every man who has reached the age of twenty one to him in Windsor. The great progression of Sir Rodrick Earl of Salisbury marched across the land with young hopeful knights in tow. They arrived at the King's court where 400 young men with their lords and progressions are gathered in a mass knighting ceremony. All the squires are lined up in six great lines before the king to proclaim their loyalty and swear the oath of service.

A herald steps forward before the massive crowd. "You have all been sworn to your liege, and know them as your true and lawful liege. This has been confessed upon by all of you."

A thunderous reply comes from crowd with all the would-be knights speaking at once "I have sworn this."

The herald then speaks, "Do you also swear fealty to Uther Pendagon to defend and obey him until he depart the throne, or death shall take you?"

Again, the four hundred strong crowd echos a reply to the oath request. "I so do swear."

The herald nods and the knights are brought forth before the King himself one at a time. An oath given by each. "I do solemly swear and pledge my sword to King and Lord to defend and obey him until he depart his demesnes or death shall take me, and to uphold the honor of knighthood."

A promise is given to each from the King himself in the place of the direct liege lord of the men. "And I, for my part, do swear to defend and honor you as befits a true knight." he tapped each upon the shoulders with his blade. Giving each spurs, shield, and sword as befits a knight.

Of the three knights from Salisbury the first knighted is Sir Robert of Pitton, the King was just informed that Sir Gilbert did indeed have a son, and that Sir Gilbert was indeed a knight of the realm. He did not remember the name after it was given to him he did however remember that Sir Robert was from the manor of Pitton. "Rise, Sir Robert of Pitton, knight in service to Sir Rodrick Earl of Salisbury.". Five knights were knighted after Sir Robert, and the time in the line had given Timeus enough idleness to begin humming a lovely tune, one that almost disrupted the knight before him by distracting the King. He smiled as Timeus stepped forward hearing the lovely tune. Upon the knighting of Timeus he spoke, "Rise, Sir Timeus the Bard, knight in the service of Sir Rodrick Earl of Salisbury.". The hours pressed on as the line dwindled, and Guther's turn came he had hardly noticed the time passing for he was busy flirting with maidens gathered sisters of squires and mothers. He almost missed his summons by the King till the second calling for he was so invested in the Ladies gathered in the court. A king is not be left waiting, but he did require the sword arm, and gave a rebuke only in ceremony. "Rise, Sir Gunther the Lusty, knight in service of Sir Rodrick Earl of Salisbury."

Four hundred newly forged knights gathered in Winsor had caused the whole castle and surrounding village to break out in great revels, Sir Rodrick informed his new Vassalage that he would be staying for four days, no more, but till then to enjoy the festivities this was a great day for his subjects and his family. Great tables of food and great barrels of wine and beer are available provided by the Lords and the King. Sir Robert of Pitton, Sir Timeus the Bard, and Sir Gunther the Lusty are sat at a great feasting table smells of roasted meats and tankard's of ale sat before them. They are knights now let the celebrations begin!

2017-01-04, 05:49 PM
The hours seem to drag by and and fortunately Timeus' face was mostly covered by his wild bushy black beard, as he began gnawing on his lips in frustration. All this time standing and waiting for his turn, Timeus could be doing something far more important. Of course he would not dare make a fool out of himself on such an important event, and especially in front of the King under whose banner his father had served, shed his blood and died so heroically.

Therefore, Timeus did the only thing he could, and began absent mindlessly humming a tune. However he was so engrossed in his humming that he did not notice that he had almost interrupted his King knighting the man in front of him. Of course when King Uther named him Sir Timeus "the Bard", the newly knighted Timeus began to blush behind his beard, for this man who had just sworn his loyalty to the King was at least a few heads taller than most people gathered, and a routine of training every morning meant that he had the constitution of several bulls despite his comically short legs. Add the fact that he sports a wild bushy beard, it is no wonder why some would whisper rumors behind his back that his mother, wanted revenge upon his father's infidelity, bedded a Giant. Yet despite his immense and disproportionate size and his wild look, this Giant-spawn had the gentle soul of an artist, and his golden voice was proof that he was the Son the famous Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane, though few would guess it. Yet to be noticed, be complimented and be called a bard by his King was a great honor which he had not expected.

"My Liege gives me too much credit." he mumbles as he rises and takes his place, allowing for the next person to be knighted. Realizing that there were still hundreds of men waiting to be knighted and that this would take hours, an idea crept into Timeu's mind. Since his King had complimented his humming, he would compose a song and present it to him to commemorate this moment. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Timeus had already thought up of its title "King Uther's 400". At least this would keep him busy.

Several hours later, the knighting ceremony is over, and Timeus is still busy, although he is now silently chastising himself. Being over-excited about presenting this gift to none-other than his King, he had lost track of his original vision of its purpose. Somehow he had rhymed "Angst" with "Phalanx", "Circle" with "Hurkle" and he was still unable to find something to rhyme with "orange", "purple" and "silver". In short, his song was awful. Giving a sigh, Timeus abandons his attempt to compose his song. After all, true inspiration cannot be rushed. It would come to him, in time.

Finding himself seated in front of a table with plates of various foods and drinks. He carefully places a portion of chicken, a few sausages, some cheese and bread onto his plate, enough to satisfy his hunger and no more, while taking a small sip from a tankard of ale. Timeus notices the two knights who have been sat besides him, and remembers their names from the ceremony.

"You would not happen to be the son of Sir Gunther the Saxon Hammer..." he says looking at Sir Gunther, before turning his eyes to Robert "... and the son of Sir Gilbert the Rabid?" he says as he tries to clean the grease from the sausage which had caught onto his beard with a sigh.

2017-01-05, 12:50 AM
Ser Gunther having been brought in and placed far to the back of the 400 assembled tried his best to keep his mind clear, but could not hope but recall some stories that his late father had told him of the seemingly endless garrison duties, and the few times he had managed to escape those long boring duties and see real combat. As the 5'10" tall Gunther stood, occasionally stretching his arms at his side he kept the majority of his attention on the Herald as he recited his oath; " he says in the strong northern accent of his father, I do so swear to uphold the duties of Knighthood until death take my lord and king or my own life; I swear this not just upon my own honor, but on the honor of my ancestors whom gave me life and set the stage upon the world for me." "I swear to King, Lord, Country and to the great Odyn himself, never falter in my duties to defend those who cannot defend themselves."

Once the oaths are spoken Gunther's eye is caught by two ladies off to right side of the hall, despite the gentlemen whom they arrived with he gives them the slightest of smiles, but manages only barely to hold back a wink. Though very appreciative of this great opportunity it took all self-control to not be bored, it wasn't however for battle for the most part...it was for the ladies that he most longed. Carefully sneaking through the crowd of 400, the lusty Gunther made his way quietly enough until he approached the daughter or niece of a Duke of neighboring shire.

With a swift and practiced hand through is main of very blonde hair which betrayed him to others of a lineage that was outside the norm, and straightening his posture Gunther strides over the lovely girl of 16; "Good day to you miss. May I ask the pleasure of your name?" She looked towards him and then back and towards him again before asking; "Shouldn't you be in the progression for you Knighting?" Gunther simply smiles at her holding out his hand in a way that his barbarian features would strike as odd to some in this part of this world; though not the biggest man, Gunther's small frame was well toned and defined with lean but no less potent muscle, his hair falling just past his shoulders, well manicured facial hair and strong in line jaw and teeth, of uncharacteristic whiteness and straightness made the smile even more appealing. The lady placing her hand gentling upon his, he takes up closer to his face just slightly and plants the smallest of kisses upon her flesh, before responding to the her question saying; "It is fine, I am simply attending to one of many duties that a Knight must".Gunther states in his gruff sounding Icelandic tone. Conversation is struck between them quietly as he tries to listen for a que among-st the group of hopeful Knights as he was; during the short chat he asks is he may attend her later for a stroll around the grounds of this grand hall and perhaps even outside for some night air? She smiles back at him, her eyes with the look of a request to bold, shifted then as a slight blush reddened her cheeks. She quickly brought a fan over her face to conceal this, and responded favorably that that would be a most pleasurable walk under the stars later; it was following those words that Gunther's eyes shifted back to her from another lady of the court whom he had taken fancy too. "Then I shall see you later this even miss."And kissed her hand once more, before taking his leave and wandering elsewhere among the assembled crowd in attendance.

He had wandered a bit to far before one of the Kings honored guests pointed out that he should not be wandering and get back in among the other 399 Knights in ceremony, Gunther looked back at the assembly then towards a feisty middle age countess who had recently lost her husband while fighting the Saxon dogs. Gunther looked back at the well to do merchant thanking his for his courtesy and headed back. However, by the time he returned to his place the king had begun to look slightly impatient at being left waiting; Gunther approached his king and knelt before him begging his forgiveness and apologizing for his rudeness. The king went through the motion making proclaiming Gunther the Lusty as a true Knight of the realm, then tell him to stand as he was handed his badges of station. Gunther rose to his feet once more, thanking the king yet again, telling the highest lord, "If you should take more war to the Saxon, to keep me in mind so that I may honor the sacrifice of my great father and ancestors before him!"The king moved on bidding all assembled to enjoy the night of festivities to the fullest.

Gunther moved back among the crowds to find a table to sit at and have something to eat; it had been quite a few hours since he had lightly supped, and his thirst grew as did the itch in his loins. When he came upon his table he sat seeing another already there, none other than Ser Robert of Pitton; he greeted the his fellow Knight and asked if he join him? With a nod he was bid permission and sat and supped largely and grandly, with the manners one might see in a battle camp come late meal time. Moments later Ser Timeus approached the table and sat, turning to Gunther asked if he was his fathers son. Gunther smiled wryly towards Timeus and once again in his most exotic passed on accent, "Yes in Ser, I am the son of the late Gunther the Saxon Hammer."He continued to sup, occasionally letting his eyes wander about the room and toward the few ladies he had made short conversation and exchanged smiles with earlier. While he sat making occasional words with his fellow knights, he could not help but imagine his next conquest of love or lust this evening.

2017-01-05, 08:39 AM
Timeus nods his head at Sir Gunther, as he carefully nibbles on a piece of cheese "Well met then. I have heard of your father's exploits, some were sung by my own later father and comrade-at-arms to the Saxon Hammer, Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane." before turning to Sir Robert "And I do believe our fathers crossed swords once... the Battle of Mt. Snowden I believe. "

2017-01-05, 12:18 PM
Loud chewing follows Timeus' remark to Sir Robert as well as, "Hrph, guess that is not the best thing here to say."Gunther says swallowing a portion of chicken and swallow of wine. Following this Gunther orders another quarter chicken, half loaf of bread, half of a ham, 12-sausages, and a carafe of weak beer to wash down his food.

Gunther turns to Sir Robert and asks; "So, Sir Robert, let us hear if it is polite of your families exploits if you would!" After asking that of Sir Robert, Gunther's lusty eyes turns towards the middle aged widow giving her a wink, at the same moment a kiss is blown to him from the Duke's young daughter;Gunther returns this with a very subtle kiss in the air toward the woman, and a small wink in a direction towards a side door.

2017-01-05, 08:25 PM
"Rise, Sir Robert of Pitton, knight in service to Sir Rodrick Earl of Salisbury.". As the words rang throughout the hall, Robert himself grimaced slightly. While he was not surprised by it, he had still hoped that he would be given a title more interesting than simply "Of Pitton". His tiny home village and modest manor wasn't particularly anything to be proud of, much less be one's most memorable feature.

He returned to his spot in the lines, resuming his stoic stand at attention. If there was one thing that his family excelled at, it was standing at attention for hours at a time. He practiced the trick his father had taught him to stave off restlessness: Take in everything. Open up your senses to everything around you and construct a narrative of everything happening. In this way, you can both occupy your mind and remain vigilant to your surroundings. The man two rows behind him had a bad case of the sniffles he was trying to hide; likely hay fever, considering the time of year. The man yet to be knighted standing beside him's armor was rattling slightly, probably nerves. The one down the row was....what on earth was that humming!?

He continued staring straight ahead, but in his mind he was quickly trying to isolate the source of the blasted humming that now seemed to drone over everything else. There! Down the row just behind. Who was that? As if in answer, the King called up the man, still humming, and was dubbed "the bard" for obvious reasons. The rest of the ceremony proceeded thankfully relatively free of louder distractions (though he thought he could hear occasional muttering from "the Bard's" place in line).

After the ceremony he seated himself for the meal in a cynical mood. Sure, he was now a knight and the next few days would be filled with song and revelry, but then after he would certainly be sent to some remote castle to supplement the garrison where he would languish in obscurity, much like his father, and his father, and likely many father's before him. He was still lost in this thought when it was inturrupted by the question from nearby.

"You know of my father?" He said, indredulous, as the conversation passed him by. When his father was brought up again though, he answered. "Yes... yes my father did fight at Snowdon for Vortigern, a fact he regretted, I assure you. Other than that, I'm afraid there's not many "exploits" to tell. My father served garrison duty for most of his life, other than the battle that earned him that ridiculous "the Rabid" honorific. My grandfather died young...he..." He paused here, his great, bushy, red eyebrows twitching slightly, clearly hesitant to actually telling the story that is to follow. "Well, according to my father he was killed by a chicken-duck-woman thing, but I have my suspicions that was a fabrication, no idea what might give me that impression." His delivery is deadpan, thus despite his attempts to be sarcastic, it does not come across in his tone.

He takes a drink from his mug, then continues, "Beyond that I really don't know. Everything past my grandfather has been lost to time, as far as I can tell. So, you're the sons of the Saxonbane and Saxon Hammer? My father mentioned them, and I believe I had the honor of meeting them once, after the battle of Salisbury. Well, rather I had the honor of standing nearby tending to the horses while my father spoke with them."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-05, 08:50 PM
The feast continues, and knights begin a song across the way. A bawdy tune about a Frankish man and his bride to be, three men pull out harps and start a harmony. A small brawl breaks out across the feasting grounds about an accusation of Saxon love. Closer to the trio of chatting knights a pair of knights are talking between themselves about rumors.

"Did you hear the news? It's terrible! I heard that a thousand Saxons landed to reinforce King Hengest! He's the Devil's son that's for sure."

"King Uther has sent his son, the Prince to take care of it. Prince Madoc is handsome enough, and he talks boldly enough. But the truth will depend on how he fares in battle, of course."

"Well, I'll say it's too bad he's illegitimate. No bastard will automatically inherit. It'll be difficult, you can be sure, unless his glory is truly great when the old king dies."

"Listen. It'll take something monstrous to get rid of tough King Uther. Madoc will have to wait a long time for any inheritance!"

"But don't you think it's bad luck to talk that way?"

The pair quickly change the subject to something that isn't the death of the man they were now oathbound to protect.

"Say, did you know that Merlin has gone away?"

"They say he comes and goes at his own will."

"Yes, but he is gone again, and at such a time as this?"

The two men suddenly did not want to speak anymore, dark thoughts hovering upon them.

An older knight walks over to the Trio with a smile upon his face, he was the oldest serving man in Sir Roderik's court. This man known to both father and Grandfather all all three, his name Sir Amig "Good news boys! You three along with me and six others will be coming with me at the end of his week. Our Lord has been ordered to assist Prince Madoc with the purging of Saxon forces from Sussex. We will be the first wave, to slam against Mearcred Creek. Reinforcements will join us from Silchester after the first battle. With any luck, we will purge the Saxons from the face of the island." a grin across his face at this point is very apparent.

2017-01-06, 03:06 AM
Sir Timeus is busy adsorbing the music being sang by the knights. Perhaps not the subject that he would have liked to have heard on such an occasion, but regardless, considering his Father's lasting legacy, Sir Timeus was not one to judge. As he was about to get up and suggest that the trio becomes a quartet by joining them, he notices a familiar face approaching. "Well met Sir Amig." he nods his bushy head as a sign of respect to the older knight.

His ears perk up, and his face lightens behind his beard when Sir Amig mentions that he had been selected by his Lord to campaign against the Saxons. No sooner was he knighted, he would participate in his very first battle, thus beginning his first step in keeping with his family's tradition of never shying away when there was a war to fight. Yet the large knight cringes profoundly when he is informed about who will be reinforcing them.

Giving a sigh he locks his eyes with the older Knight "Sir Amig, far be it for me to doubt the wisdom of our Lord and our King, but we have a saying in our family; "I would trust a Silchester Knight as far as I could throw one" which is accredited to Sir Timeus the Late. Now, although I have never attempted to throw a Silichester Knight, does not mean that I shall be at ease on the battlefield, with the knowledge that they have my back."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-06, 03:28 PM
Sir Amig nods to Timeus, "I would expect the grandson of my friend to quote him to me." he gives a chuckle, "The Duke of Silchester is among those who choose the High King. His request to assist was weighted as such. This gives you two choices, either slay every saxon on the field of battle leaving none for the Silchester Knights, or learn how to throw knights dressed in armor quite a distance. My good friend, and your grandfather would have chosen the former." He then turns to the other knights, "Any other concerns?"

2017-01-06, 08:27 PM
As Sir Amig approaches the table, Gunther still with his attention on the Countess, perhaps a bit lost in thoughts that a Christian might not dare; who can really say what a Christian would or would not do, really. Gunther's attention is jolted back to the others at his table as the old knight begins to speak to them and give the encouraging news, and at this time he finally takes notice of the conversation which is taking place, his eyes a fix to Timeus for just a moment to take measure of the man and then to Sir Robert; keeping in mind his earlier statement of his fore bearers languishing in obscurity, say "Don't fret Sir Robert, you have been given a great honor to make your ancestors proud by fighting a mighty and despicable enemy and to grind their bones into the dust of the earth." Gunther follows this up with a friendly pat on the back of Robert and warm if slightly wry smile.

Following Gunther's attention turn to Sir's Amig and Timeus, "As for our allies, I am sure that King Uther has thoughts long and hard about our allies which we will go aid in Sylchestar; that is all that need be a concern for now... If "our allies" so any form of cowardliness, then let us just say that the Saxon's will not be their only concern." Gunther's face in the wake of than statement becomes quite warm, reassuring and calm, the smile intended to ease any tension that anything he may have said could cause, follows up to Amig, "Given I have been accepted and given an opportunity to prove myself in battle against a foe that my father told is without honor, can show cowardice, and has no regard for those that came before, I swear to all of you... Gunther's face hardens just a bit, but still retaining the calm demeanor. I will not let any who fight on the side of wisdom and honor, those who despite their beliefs show courage and valor in battle, have any deaths be in vane; you two, Robert and Timeus, we will make our fathers, fathers-fathers and on back smile down on us from the grandest halls in the realms of the Gods." Gunther realizing those last words smiles warmly once again, and begs pardon, looking at his assembled fellows, "We will be fine, we will return home and make our families great."

Gunther parts from the group at the table looking toward the door his eyes made hint of earlier in the evening. He then turns back ever so briefly with parting words. "For now I must make some pre-battle preparations, I will meet up with you later on, Good day or evening to you all."

Gunther walks towards the door, looking around for either woman as he does so; he see's neither in the hall at the moment. Thinking to himself with a bit of disappointment, Gunther wonders if perhaps he missed his chance... Oh well, nobody ever got anywhere by giving up, and quickens his stride out into the gardens.

Moments pass,then finally he arrives in a center area of the garden outside the hall; The smell of tree's and leaves exotic as they are, mixing with the aroma or various flowers and bushes and the sound of slowly rushing water clear Gunther's head and relax him quite a bit. As if that was difficult. After walking for some time, he begins to overhear two distinct voices; the sound of two women conversing. "Good evening Countess Francesca, I believe it is safe to assume you are out here for much needed fresh air as well?" Says the Duke daughter. A warm smile purses the lips of the Countess; "Yes, for as large as that hall was, when so many eager young men are in a space in such numbers, one can sometimes find it stuffy after a while." At this the young noble lady begins to blush, simply unable to contain the excitement she has been feeling for sometime during the ceremony, replies; "(in a giggling tone) It really can be yes." The countess simply lets this slide; years of courtly interaction having taught her that youth and romance does queer things to impressionable minds, asks; "By the rosiness of your cheeks it is not difficult to deduce that you have taken a liking to a particular knight, or the other way around, or perhaps a little of both?" The much younger lady tries to straighten her face and show a bit more propriety, realizing only now she must have given away to much, but is surprised the Countess made no specific reference to anybody in particular. She begins to fan herself and takes a seat next to the older woman and leaning towards her says, "I have indeed, but I am uncertain if I will see him for the remainder of the festivities. I do hope that maybe he saw me come out here, I would very much like to get to know him better." The Countess shifts just a bit, lowering her own fan and folding it back whispers to the young lady; "Then, pray excuse me and I will give you and your young knight as much privacy as can be expected in such a place; just be cautious and do make do anything that your father might object to." The young ladies face stays warm and thankful hearing that; the Countess takes her leave and heads back into the hall.

Meanwhile Gunther having heard a fair amount, except the hushed whispers between the women, almost panics and tries to find a place to hide for a moment, so to try to avoid any embarrassing situation. He ducks behind a bush just of the path in the garden and shortly after the Countess passes, her head turns slightly as she does so, but seems to show no sign of having noticed Gunther hiding. A few moments pass and when all is clear he gets up and back to the path, dusting himself off a bit and makes his way toward the Duke's daughter. Good evening miss. Gunther says with a warm smile and holding a single flower plucked from elsewhere in the garden. The lady of his evening Curtsy's and gives Gunther a smile that although she did not want to, betrays her over excited emotions. Gunther always the gentleman he is holds his hand to receive hers; she gingerly places it palm down into his hand and in a quick motion proceeds to lay upon it a lingering kiss, taking in the sent of her supple flesh. "I have been hoping to have some time with you in private this evening." The ladies excitement causing a deeper blush of her cheeks in the light of the setting sun, which by this time was almost gone.

The two begin to converse, Gunther listens intent and sincerely to all this fine noble specimen has to say. He takes notes of interest, likes in food and hobbies, and replies with only the most interesting tales he can muster. Being a little short, Gunther embellishes just a tiny amount and regales her with a great hunt he and his father went on in the past. This beautiful noblewoman finally able to make the blush of her well shaped cheeks settle, scoots closure to Gunther and lets a shiver loose; Gunther takes note of this, but given the thoughts in his mind, encourages this and takes his cloak from his shoulders, wrapping it around what will surely be his conquest for the night and possibly more. In his next motion he gets up from his seated position and assists the lady to her feet, leading her off the path just a bit and looking about for anybody else out here... He see's nobody... Once in a more secluded area, he wraps in arm around her waist holding her extreme tightly and close to his body, begins to nuzzle his nose and lips about her neck. She squeaks a bit and tells him this isn't proper. Gunther having only one thing on mind, especially before what is sure to be a major combat, looks her in the eyes after planting a very gentle kiss upon lips, "I would not do anything you dirty your honor, nor tarnish by own; I give you my words, that once the battle in Sylchestar is done, that I shall approach your father and make my interest and intentions clear towards you; and honor you by making you my wife." A blush of youthful naivete fills her cheeks as she begins to quiver slightly, her smiles widens and she returns a warm kiss to Gunther's lips.

Laughter and in time moans of pleasure can be heard, and heard it is; but by whom the two young lovers do not know. Just on the path another nobleman walking a hunting dog overhears this little indiscretion, but continues walking. On a separate path and very "interested" Countess also overhears the sounds that she does not mistake and take note of the voices to have for future reference... She site on a bench on the garden path and begins to reminisce of days and nights so long ago and of her late husband.

2017-01-06, 09:35 PM
"You shouldn't let personal grudges hinder your duty, Sir Timeus." Robert says, having continued eating his meal through Sir Amig's message, and the conversation that followed. He had also ate through Sir Gunther's hasty exit, though he did mutter audibly "Certainly, the greatest battle plans have been hatched in the bed chambers.", when he did so. He continued his statement to Timeus, "A knight does his duty no matter what is asked of him and who he is asked to do so with. To do otherwise is against the nature of feudalism." He places down his utensils and turns purposefully towards Amig. "Sir Amig, is it true that a thousand new Saxons have landed? Or is that an exaggerated rumor?"

Lady Tialait
2017-01-06, 09:48 PM
Sir Amig is taken back for a moment then chuckles, "Sir Gilbert often surprised me by what he overheard, too. At least a thousand Saxons have arrived, King Hengest is trying to solidify his hold on the stolen lands. That is exactly why we must strike hard, purge them before they can organize."

2017-01-06, 09:58 PM
"I see, and, if you don't mind my asking, what are the estimated totals on both sides? I'd at least like to know if I'm going on a suicide charge before doing so, let's me get my affairs in order, at least."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-06, 10:17 PM
Sir Amig scratches his beard, "Assuming you three still have the same armies your fathers had, I would guess around eight hundred on our side. While the saxons have gained another thousand, they are new to these lands, and divided across the whole of Sussex. I wouldn't concern yourself with that number, as there are easily another two thousand saxon men across their land. We should have numbers on them. Ten British Vassal Knights plus families, and the Prince's own army to be backed up by ten Silchester knights and their numbers. I'd guess the Saxons may ground a thousand men, perhaps less."

2017-01-06, 10:25 PM
Sir Robert says nothing, but nods his head in acknowedgement of Sir Amig's words. He takes a large drink from his mug, finishing off the drink within, before looking dead in the eyes of the bearded knight across from him and saying "Sir Timeus, excuse my forwardness, but would you happen to have any eligible women in your household? I have the feeling that I may need to carry on my family very quickly, and I'm not terribly picky."

2017-01-07, 06:25 AM
Timeus chuckles "Why so pessimistic friend? Our fathers and their fathers have fought against worse odds, and we are no better than them. Our cause is just, and the Lord of Hosts always favors the just." he says as he pours a drink to Sir Robert, then hands out one to Sir Amig as he makes a toast "To those who fell for the noble cause! To those who will follow in their footsteps and surpass them! To our Lord! To our King and to our victory!" he says as he takes a drink. "There are no available women in my household, but should you wish to follow Sir Gunther's lead, perhaps I can be of assistance." he says as he places his harp on the table "Should you wish to secure your family line, you have seven days. More than enough if you ask me."

2017-01-08, 01:17 PM
"Yes, yes; here, here." Robert says, half-heartedly, in response to the toast, before taking another large swig. Sir Timeus was right, of course. Even his own father's limited battle experience took him against odds greater than they were likely to face now, but it didn't change his views on the matter. "Don't mistake my words for cowardice, I'll do my duty, but even if the odds did seem in our favor, let's not forget the disaster at Eberacum last year. I see no reason not to look at the matter practically."

"On that note..." He says, looking down at the harp on the table, before sighing. "Fine, what did you have in mind?"

Lady Tialait
2017-01-08, 07:55 PM
Sir Amig nods to the pair, "Well, I'll let the pair of you get on with whatever plans you have regarding the celebrations. All this talk of wives has made me long for my blushing bride." with that he leaves to find his wife and make his own battle plans.

2017-01-09, 09:19 AM
"We shall meet on the glorious battlefield." Timeus nods at Sir Amig before turning back to Sir Robert "Well, what you shall do is lay your eyes upon the maidens fair attending this feast. Find one which pleases you and being to court her. Convince the maiden to join you for a walk and a breath of fresh air outside by the garden, and I shall just so happen to be minding my own business and singing a lovely song about a brave knight seeking a kiss from his one true love before he heads out for battle. With a few right words, her heart will melt and he rest my friend, shall be up to you."

2017-01-09, 07:01 PM
"I hope to see you after the battle, Sir Amig." Replies Robert, fatalistically, before turning his attention back to Sir Timeus. "I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not particularly suited to soft language. Still, I suppose it'll have to be done one way or another; I'll do it." He scans the room in his usual manner before finding a woman who catches his eye and, taking a moment to attempt to brush down his unkempt eyebrows, goes forward into battle, of sorts.

2017-01-09, 07:16 PM
Timeus finishes his drink, and rises from the table to patiently wait outside by the garden. Of course while he did wait, it did not mean that he remained idle. He decides to use this opportunity to prepare for the upcoming battle against the Saxons by lightly jogging a couple of laps around the garden. Once he would see Sir Robert approaching with his maiden, he would stop and execute his plan.

2017-01-09, 07:23 PM
Soon after, Sir Robert emerges from the curtain into the courtyard to meet Sir Timues, his hand covering his cheek where a mysteriously hand-shaped red bruise now lies. He had not even lasted long enough to get to the point in the plan where Sir Timeus' playing would have come into play. "Either I have inadvertently offended her, or she was attempting to liberate my face from the duel caterpillars she no doubt assumed had invaded it." He joked, in his usual deadpan manner, in a poor attempt to play off his failure. "Regardless, it did not go well."

2017-01-09, 07:36 PM
Timeus stops his exercise and looks at the mark left on Sir Robert's face. "I suppose its true when they say that love is a battlefield. Regardless, I am not one to judge when it comes to appearances." he says as he strokes his bushy beard "Do not let this dishearten you my friend. It is obvious that this one was not destined to be yours. Yet the day will come when you shall find a maiden who recognizes that those caterpillars upon your face will blossom into beautiful butterflies come spring." he says as he leads Sir Robert back into the hall "Tell you what, let it not be said that I was the only one too shy to court a maiden fair the evening of achieving my knighthood." he says as he sweeps his arm across the hall "Find a maiden. Any one you choose and I shall attempt to court her. In the worse case? You shall not be the only one leaving with that brand upon your face."

2017-01-09, 07:52 PM
"Very well." Robert responded, simply, wanting very much to move past his own ill conceived attempt. He lifted the curtain, peaking into the large room beyond for no more than a minute, before closing it once again. "To the far left of the room; with the auburn curls. She's wearing black, indicating she's a widow, but her outfit otherwise only borders good taste, and she seems very comfortable with the company of men. She's even somewhat pretty."

2017-01-09, 08:16 PM
Timeus nods as Sir Robert indicates the woman he had suggested, and taking a deep breath to steel his resolve, marches with fierce determination towards the woman. The fact that the hall was crowded meant nothing, as the large man used his size to clear his way through, like a ship parting the waters in its path, until he stood in front of her, as Sir Timeus took a good long close look at the woman. Yet within a moment, the knight falls onto one knee as he takes the woman's hand and kisses it.

A short while after, Sir Timeus the Bard can be seen gently leading the woman who was almost as tall as him towards the garden. He seems to be whispering into her ear, while she responds with a giggle as she whispers something back into his. As they walk outside Timeus risks a quick glance at Robert, the broad smile on his face clearing thanking his friend while at the same time apologizing before he picks a flower and places it into the woman's hair.

Sir Timeus would be quite busy for the rest of the evening.

2017-01-09, 08:53 PM
Sir Robert watched Sir Timeus with mixed feelings. The irony was not lost on him that the son of a man who had battled against his own father was now bedding a woman with his assistance. Still, Sir Timeus had been as helpful as he could have been in his own endeavors, and had given Robert no reason to feel any ill will. It had been his own failings, not Timeus', that had led to the slap he still nursed. He would spend the rest of the night alone in the courtyard, drinking away his loneliness.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-10, 05:18 PM
As promised, Sir Rodrick doesn't interrupt the party for his vassal knights for four days. The celebrations were mostly winded down either way by the time Sir Rodrick gathers his vassal knights to march back to Castle Salisbury to ready for the coming attack. The march back is mostly uneventful and takes all of the fifth day. Rodrick gathers his knights before him war chests placed in a row to signify where he wants each of his knights to stand.

"Each of you are to go home and gather what levy and family you have. Take from your war chests what is needed for the coming battle. We will purge the Saxon scum from our lands for the glory of King Uther and the honor of our forefathers." He then dismisses almost all the knights save four, Sir Amig, Sir Robert, Sir Gunther, and Sir Timeus.

"Sir Amig, my good friend. You mentioned these three for special reasons? What are those reasons?"

Sir Amig nods and then begins to speak, "Sir Robert is in need of a wife, and I would like to request on his behalf that come this winter he be allowed to marry my granddaughter. She is sixteen and given her homely appearance she has no prospects. His father was loyal and strong, and his grandfather died to creatures of the fey. I would be overjoyed to join our two families if you would allow it."

Sir Rodrick nods, "Who am I to stand in the way of two families uniting? You have my blessing for a Christmas wedding." He then smiles at Sir Robert, turning to Sir Amig, "The other two?"

Sir Amig gestures at Sir Timeus, "This man has brought up a worthy concern about our assigned allies. The Silchester knights are not known to be the most loyal. I concur in his questing of the wisdom of being backed by such men. My Lord, what are we to do if the Silchester prove untrustworthy on the battlefield? Are we to fight both them and the Saxon?"

The Earl nods in thought, "King Constantin was murdered by his own guard, Silchester Knights if I remember correctly. This has been explained as an attempt to give British power to the British, not the Romans and certainly not the Saxon. I believe we can trust the knights of Lord Silchester to support King Uther, he is the Pendragon after all." He looks solemn for a moment, as if uncertain then claps his hands looking up. "Now what is the issue with Sir Gunther."

Sir Amig sighs, "Sir Gunther caused many disruptions during the party. Rumor had it that if the King was married he would have tried to seduce the Queen herself."

Sir Rodrick nods then looks Gunther in the eyes standing tall and glaring at him, "Your actions speak of my own. Do you see me as a common beast who would not respect the basic rules of conduct? Do you see me as a honorless cur who would covet my neighbor's wife? As long as you act as if I am a base creature of nature, displaying that to the world I see no reason you should be given any privileges." Sir Rodrick shaking with anger at this point calms himself, "Sir Amig, would you say a man who acts like the devil himself should fight with such vigor?" Sir Amig nods, not knowing where Earl Rodrick was going with this, "Very well, Sir Gunther the Lusty, you will be the first to clash with the hoard of barbarians. The Saxons will crumple on your blade or you on theirs. As you have brought me shame, you will bring me glory or I will be rid of you."

2017-01-10, 07:58 PM
Gunther not wavering as he is being confronted on "his behavior", Softens his gaze toward Earl Roderick and says "If I have shamed anybody it would be mine own honor; but I do thank thee for the chance to fight at the head of the assembled host against the hordes of Saxon dogs." Sir Gunther takes a moment to pause his speech, taking in a breath he looks towards Sir Robert of no significant title except his home, and to Sir Timeus the Bard and lowers his head towards them both briefly and says to both, "To both of you I swear that no Saxon shall take you to the great halls where your fathers lie; I welcome this chance too welcome you both as brothers in arms, and sincerely apologize for any shame I have brought to you in any way." Sir Gunther takes another pause and then turns back towards Earl Roderick "I give you my word as a man in your service and knight that I shall not cause you a loss of face on the battlefield; as honorable as my father was, he went to his last battle unwisely, I will not make the same mistake. As for my conduct during the party, well, a man cannot be blamed for wanting to further his own line."

Gunther then asks permission of Earl Roderick to make preparations to head back to his home in Shrewten to gather his levies and knights and awaits the Earl's response for his request to make haste before heading to battle.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-10, 08:03 PM
Lord Rodrick almost growls as he speaks to Gunther, "Your line will not be continued in bastardage. Leave my sight, Sir Gunther." waving Gunther off and watching him leave before turning to his knights still present. "Any other concerns?"

2017-01-10, 08:34 PM
Timeus concern about the Knights of Silchester is not put at ease by his Lord's words, or his uncertainty, considering that his King is of Roman stock. Regardless, it would seem that at the very least Lord Roderick has taken his mistrust of the Silchester Knights seriously. If they were to have his back during the battle, then Timeus would need to be wary.

The tall knight watches the heated exchange between Lord Rodrick and Sir Gunther silently and with concern. He was none too pleased about the shame he had brought upon his Lord, yet Timeus was glad that Sir Gunther was being given a chance to redeem himself and his honor. Still, when the lustful knight gave him his word, Timeus answers "Calm yourself my friend, do not be enslaved to your passions, whether they be on the battlefield or elsewhere." he says as he motions for Sir Gunther to slow down, this coming from a man who cannot remain idle for more than a few moments "It pleases me that you wish to redeem yourself for your action, for every sinner must be given a chance to change his ways. But if it is the Lord Almighty's wish that I yield my spirit to Him upon the battlefield, then I shall gladly accept His will. Be careful of the oaths you make friend, for although I am deeply touched by your concern for my well being, and that of Sir Robert, we are both sworn Knights in the service of Lord Roderick and King Uther the Pendragon." he says with a tone of finality "I would be more concerned with your own well being my friend, for you are the very tip of the King's sword, and if you let your passions take over your soul, then you too shall be entering the battlefield unwisely unprepared."

Once Sir Gunther leaves, Timeus faces his Lord Roderick "Yes my Lord, may I ask for a moment of your time for a personal request?"

Lady Tialait
2017-01-10, 08:43 PM
The Lord motions to Sir Timeus, "Please, ask your personal request."

2017-01-10, 08:46 PM
Just as Sir Gunther begins to march away he stops and turns to Sir Timeus and listens to his words; although the emphasis is not one he pays to much mind, he cannot help but smile towards his comrade in arms. "Sir Timeus, your words do not fall on deaf ears, but my Lord and King, are perfectly separate from my King in the Great Halls of the valiantly fallen." Gunther takes a brief pause before continuing, "I do not mean, nor would I ever profane your God, but my ancestors come first, and my aim is to make my father and his fathers proud and to make the Saxon pay for every ounce of blood they all have spilled upon these lands. If I am lucky then my line is going to continue, and before I depart with my sum of 41 good men I mean to reflect on towards the All Father and ask for His wisdom."

Gunther finally departs from Timeus's company with a very courteous bow from the waist, then straightens and marches as a soldier of his station should.

2017-01-10, 08:59 PM
Timeus stands in attention before Lord Roderick "My Lord, before you stands a man, whose heart cannot be called his anymore. For you see my Lord, upon the day I received my knighthood, I willingly gave my heart to a woman who was happy to receive it and keep it as hers. Therefore, I humbly request your permission and blessing to take the lovely Lady Indeg as my wife. Furthermore, should my request meet with your approval, I would ask to selfishly further request that we get married on the Feast of Saint Stephen, one day after Sir Robert and Sir Amig's granddaughter are united."

2017-01-10, 09:16 PM
"My Lord, you honor me with with your blessing, and of course, I thank you as well, Sir Amig. You are far too kind." Sir Robert speaks with an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, as even his usual stocism is unable to hold back the immense grattitude he feels towards his his Lord and the knight who squired his father. He also recognizes the significance of setting his wedding day on the christian solstice, even if he does not celebrate it himself.

After Sir Roderick and Sir Gunther's talk, Sir Robert initially goes to speak, but his words are pre-empted by Sir Timues, who's own words share Robert's sentiment. Or at least, they do, until he starts mentioning his christian god. He had never quite understood the christian preoccupation with sins. Wrong-doing had consequences in this world, there was no reason to ascribe some esoteric punishment to them.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-10, 10:21 PM
Sir Rodrick taps his chin, "I think it would be better for one of you to take your bride on Christmas eve, and the other on Christmas. A wedding on the final days of the Advent, what could be grander? Perhaps you could act as witness to each other's love." He waves, "That would be acceptable, you two are dismissed."

As the pair are leaving the Lord can be overhead speaking to Sir Amig, "Perhaps we should have Sir Gunther redubbed Sir Gunther the Hasty." to a chuckle from Sir Amig.

2017-01-11, 04:35 AM
Timeus bows to his Lord in gratitude, and also to Sir Amig who took enough value of his concerns to raise it with their Lord. As Timeus and Sir Robert exit the room, the large knight gives Sir Robert a heartfelt slap on the back "You see my friend? Everything worked out in the end, and we are both to get married come Winter, God willing. As you were the one who guided me into the embrace of the Lady Indeg, I would be honored if you were to attend our wedding with your own wife, for I insist that you get married the day before me. Perhaps you were unsuccessful during the feast, yet out of us three, you shall be the first to wed." he says with a smile.

2017-01-11, 06:52 PM
Bowing in kind, Robert leaves along with Sir Timeus. He actually has to twist his mouth to conceal the smirk forming in response to Rodrick's joke. Once outside with Timeus, he takes the slap on the back with good courtesy, and responds "You do me too much kindness, Sir Timeus, truly. You and Sir Amig have done far more for me than I for you, and I could not in good faith pre-empt your wedding."

2017-01-11, 06:56 PM
Timeus shakes his head "Perish the thought. I failed in assisting you, and then failed in lifting your spirits. You on the other hand aided me greatly. There is no need for modesty. My wedding shall take place after yours, I shall not have it any other way."

2017-01-11, 07:01 PM
The duo would continue on much like this as they leave the castle, with others continuing to overhear them insist to the other that they should take the later spot. No conclusion would be reached between them, even up to the day of the battle.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-11, 07:41 PM
The days pass, and the Knights gather their families and levy along with the seven other knights under Sir Rodrick. All stand a thousand strong, family knights and vassal knights standing waiting for the Prince's command. Atop a hill the great Dragon standard waves above the Prince Madoc gold flakes glittering in the morning sunlight off his banner.

The men lined up from Earl Rodrick's vassalage are Sir Amig the Old with his emerald banner with three golden chevrons cross them, Sir Neroven of Baverstock with his orange banner with charge of ant in blue, Sir Hewgon of Wylye with banner of yellow with a golden sun in the middle, Sir Semond the Elder his banner tattered brown holding no lines nor charge, Sir Aliduke the Wise holding proud his blue banner with a cornucopia in yellow, Sir Caulas the Blue who's banner reflects his name being blue field and blue charge outlined with white lines and being a lion, and Sir Guy of Tisbury holding his banner of Byzantine purple holding no charge but quartered by two lines of silver. The knights had been gathered as their Lord had commanded, and the day was right for war. No rain had fallen for at least two weeks, and the Saxons stood ready on the opposite side of the Mearcred Creek, without steeds for any of them. Axes at the ready to defend themselves the feeling as though they wished to delay the attack was advantage for the Prince.

The Prince addressed the kngihts of Salisbury, "We shall purge the Saxon scum from our lands this day! On my command you shall all charge into glory! It has been requested that Sir Gunther of Shrewton lead the charge with his family knights, and I have agreed this is correct. Sir Amig shall follow with Sir Caulas and Sir Timeus with family knights. Sir Hewgon, Neroven and Semond are to follow to crush these heathens. The rest shall be reserve to follow in should the others fail."

The Prince then holds his blade aloft, "For Britannia! For our King!" commanding the knights to positions.

2017-01-11, 08:06 PM
Sir Timeus arrives riding on his charger, leading the men of his household under the banner of a flaming red bull. Upon his armor he is wearing a Roman cloak, one dubbed by some within his family as "The Kingsbane" as his late Grandfather Sir Timeus the Late, had worn this family heirloom as he saw two Kings murdered before his eyes. Sir Timeus the Bard wore this cloak as a reminder that he had not forgotten the the deeds done by the Knights from Silchester.

Behind Sir Timeus are another twelve knights from his household, consisting the venerable Sir Otho the Haggard, brother of his grandfather, four uncles, three cousins and his four elder illegitimate brothers. Behind them are the rest of the able bodied men of his household including the peasant's levy making for fifty men.

As the Prince makes his speech, Timeus is seen with his eyes closed lost in prayers as he touches the wooden cross hanging around his neck. As soon as the Prince orders the knights to put themselves in position, Timeus opens his eyes and looks at the Saxons, his determination now absolute. The time for praying was over, and soon it would be time for action. Yet there was still one pending matter.

Spotting Sir Robert, Timeus takes a moment to trots towards him "Well met friend. We still have yet to agree upon the matter of our wedding, therefore I have a solution. I suggest a friendly wager: He who slayes the most Saxons will get to pick the days of the weddings. What do you say?"

2017-01-11, 09:22 PM
The knights of Pitton arrive on the battlefield, headed by Sir Robert, who is looking surprisingly in good spirits, compared to his more dour mood for the majority of his time at Windsor Castle. He rides atop his chestnut destrier, along with his step-brother, two cousins and three uncles, fellow knights all. Each carries their personal banner, and above all of them is Sir Roberts own: A red gauntlet garbed hand atop a maroon field, with only the index and middle fingers outstretched, representing the the bowfingers. Two black feathers drape off of the gauntlet at the bottom, a reference to Sir Gilbert the Rabid's sigil, a dead raven pierced by an arrow. Behind the knights stood the thirteen other fighting men of Robert's household, and behind them the thirty-nine men of the Pitton levy.

Robert's eyes have an uncharacteristic fire to them, as he surveys the battlefield. For a moment at least, the anticipation of his first true battle, to finally fight the enemy of his family, eroded his stalwart cynicism. The spectre of imminent death hung over him, true, but now he had something to strive for. He was going to be wed soon; he simply couldn't die. Not here. He was now resolute in this fact.

He listened to the Prince's speech intently. Reserves. Not uncommon for his family. He might've resented this position, had his circumstances not changed so recently. Less glory now, perhaps, but a chance to live and continue his line. He had barely even noticed Sir Timeus come up, and when he heard his suggestion for a wager, he let the intoxication of the battle get the better of him.

"I'll gladly take up any such wager. Any cause to kill more invaders is a good cause to me." He had not even considred until after Timeus had left that his own position as reserves may make it difficult for him to keep up with such a wager. No matter though, so long as he survived to his wedding day, he would be content with whatever the outcome.

2017-01-13, 12:02 AM
Early morning Gunther and his troops arrive in the point position of Uther's army now ready to march Mearcred Creek; he turns back toward his men after surveying carefully the field for signs of Saxons also readied upon their line. He rides to each one of his knights for a final inspection and giving each a stern commanding look as he checks them over for readiness. Once this is done his family hearldry: (A Large round shield of blue field, center stage is the Eye of Odin in Sable free floating flanked by an Iron Valkerie to each side of the eye.) flaps in the cold morning breeze, he similarly rides through his rank of peasant levies to each of these men he gives a reassuring smile of impending victory and glory for them all, before riding back to the head of his men, as he will be at the point of the point flanked by two of his half-brother: Guntherbjorn and Bardr; his other knights including Sir Farthwurst on the left flank, and Geoffrey on his right, with Sven, Bryan and Jean making up the knightly middle of his units ranks.

With one last turn toward his men he gives a pre-battle speech to them all, peasant and knight alike.
"Today i may as well make you aware that we are leading this charge into the inferior and un-pious Saxon army due to an indiscretion of my own, which none of you bear, that is for me only; however I do very much appreciate that all of you are here with me for this fight. There is not much else I can say to you except: Elsker familien, være lojal, og utstillingen visdom og Valhalla skal din belønning!
Love Family, Be Loyal, and Exhibit Wisdom and Valhalla Shall Be Your Reward!"

With that Gunther take his longspear in hand and spurs his horse towards the battle yelling towards the Saxon ranks "You all shall die by the spear of Odyn's wisdom and might this day! His words echoing through the light bright morning glare and probably a very light fog as behind him most of his men, the comforting thought is that his two closest family members ride the closest to him as he leads by example.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-13, 01:13 AM
Prince Madoc gestures to the army, "Charge these men, slaughter them and claim this land for our men! Forward!" with his cry the men he had commanded to go forth first surge forward.

2017-01-13, 01:57 AM
Gunther and his two family members charge forward in the lead off attack towards the Saxon ranks, spear leveled and his eyes focus clearer than on anything he has done his whole life before this moment. As the charge picks up to a full gallop, Gunther puts his spurs into the Charger just a little bit more coercing just that little bit extra that makes his horse seem to leave a blaze of fire in its wake towards his target...A burly Saxon covered head to toe in a great black bear skin as large as Sir Timeus the Bard.

The spear leveled and aimed true, Gunther right as he would impact with the lead Saxon forces, reigns his charger to leap right over the lead rank clearly and launches his spear with a thrust as mighty as the All Father himself into a giant Saxon leader; As the spear leaves Gunther's hand he releases a roaring shout that could possibly be heard for miles. Once the blow is landed, he reels his charger to move around the back of the bear skin covered now run through Saxon, Gunther and his two uncle and half-brother bring down another 10 to 15 men because of the surprise as the rest begin their skirmish.

As the battle now gets into full swing unbeknownst to Gunther at this time, Bardr takes an axe in his leg as his horse is brought low covering him with its body taking him out of the fight. Gunther continues all the while continuing his bloody rampage through the Saxon ranks with each kills he calls to ancestor which the kill is dedicated too.

2017-01-13, 03:00 AM
Timeus takes his place in front of the knights and troops of his household as he waits for Prince Madoc to give the command. Finally he would follow in his father's footsteps, and those of his father before him. Yet he remembered the words of Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane, veteran of many battles. It was not the battle itself which filled mean with dread, it was those moments before the command to attack, that dreaded wait. The wait for the command would give men time to think, to look upon the dreaded enemy and think of what may or may not happen, and now, as Timeus waited for the command before he charged into his first battle, he saw the wisdom in his father's words. It was at this moment that he realized just how much he wished that he could have fought side by side against the Saxons with his father

So Timeus starts to hum.

At first he starts to hum to himself a song well known within his houshold. He hated this song, yet his desire for his father's presence over-rode any shame that he might have felt. The first to realize what Timeus was humming was his grandfather's brother who lets out a hideous smile as Timeus nods his confirmation. One by one the Knights of Dinton Manor joined in the humming until even the levies had also joined. Once the humming was over, Timeus now began to sing the words of the song they had just hummed.

O King Hengest, Saxons, barbarian devils and damned devil's kith and kin, eunuchs to Lucifer himself!
What the devil kind of fighters are you who cant not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse?
The devil s**** and the Saxons eat!

You shall not you sons of whores make subjects of British Christian sons!
We have no fear of your army, for by land or sea will battle with thee,
so **** thy mother!

You Frisian scullion, goat-******s of Sussex and swineherds of Thames,
pigs of Kent and fool of all the world and underworld, idiots before God,
grandsons of the Serpent and a crick in our ****!
Pig snout, mares, arse, slaughterhouse cur,
I'd plough your wives if they weren't already your daughters, bred of incest with your mothers!

So I declare, you low-lives, that you won't even be shoving s***for us Christian British!
Now my song will conclude, for though I can see my fate,
let these, my last word haunt you till the seventh generation:
"kiss my ass!"

So sang Sir Timeus "The Last Words of Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane" in honor of his father who would be looking down, and urged his troops to join in song, who were more than willing to hurl insult upon insult at the Saxons. Soon the singing had reached a frenzied pace as the only thing now holding the Knights of Dinton was Prince Madoc's command.

Once the command is given, Timeus gives a great shout, as he begins his charge towards the Saxons, all the while singing his father's bawdy song over and over until he and his men clash onto the enemy. Perhaps it was the song which rallied the courage of his men and belittled the enemy, or perhaps it was Sir Bardolf's spirit smiling down upon them, or perhaps it was simply their hatred for the Saxons. Either way, the Knights of Dinton threw themselves against the Saxons with such ferocity, that the enemy was taken by surprise, fighting like men possessed.

Yet, despite the ferocity of the attack, Timeus did not let himself get carried away by blood lust, instead remembering his father's stories of the battles he had fought, and taking heart of the advice and warnings that had been given. As he charges, he spots a Saxon barking orders to hold, and goes straight for him, wishing to deny his command. Taking advantage of his charger's might, Timeus manages to land a devastating hit, not enough to kill the man, but to knock him out. Perhaps he would be traded for ransom, but for the moment Timeus does his duty and rallies his men for another devastating charge. Left and right the Knights and men from Dinton are causing great casualties to the Saxons.

2017-01-13, 03:42 PM
Robert orders his men to hold, as he was commanded, to wait in reserves as the rest of the army, including Sir Timeus and Sir Gunther, charge forward ahead of him. He saw the two armies smash into each other, in a flurry of horses and steel. However, off to the side, he noticed one band that seemed to have broken off from the rest of the Saxon army, charging towards his own position. He readied his flatbow and called to those in his army with their own bows the words his father taught him.

"Bows ready, Nock, Mark, Draw, Loose!" He cried. However, over the tumult of the battle nearby, Robert had neglected to make his voice loud enough to be heard, and so his men drew out of synch with the others, and some didn't draw at all. Arrows flew, but since many had not had time to prepare properly, their aim suffered. Robert's own arrow, aimed square at the large, helmeted commander at the front, hit it's mark but veered slightly to the right of his sight, lodging in the Saxon's shoulder. It didn't slow him down, and Robert wondered if it had even penetrated the man's leather.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-13, 05:48 PM
The Saxons fight against the army of Prince Madoc losing the first clash with the great actions of the Knights. Several of their commanders killed or captured in just the first clash.

Sir Gunther's bloodlust has inspired his men to fight harder clashing blades with axes up ahead of the second wave. The thunderous clash of spears, axes, and swords drowning out any cries of pain from both sides. Battle cries of both the men of Sir Gunther to their God and that of the Saxon men nearly indistinguishable calling both the God Odin and Wotan in a chorus of zeal and violence.

Sir Amig moves beside Sir Timeus and strikes down a Saxon who had beared an axe against the knight with a clean movement of his sword. "Move in men! We have to push to their leadership!" with his command the knights of his house move to circle Sir Timeus, Sir Caulas, and himself along with thier household knights. The levies push forward.

The reserves mostly stand ready for their command to charge in, but not the men of Sir Robert who take up their bows along with their head of house peppering the battlefield with arrows to thin the numbers and weaken the resolve of the Saxon men. A glance from the Prince himself to Sir Robert and a nod urges on the rest of the reserve knights to pull out their own bows and start their own archery lines. Through the example of Sir Robert of Pitton they knew even those held back from the charge must find the glory of battle.

2017-01-13, 07:41 PM
Timeus nods at Sir Amig, yet the task was not as simple as his father's friend might suggest. "We need to keep pushing forward!" he grunts as he parries a blow from a large Saxon with his sword, and answers with a shield bash to the face, knocking the Saxon. Timeus continues to look forward, knowing that his half brothers behind him would capture the target for ransom "If we threaten their war camp, their leaders shall have no choice but to either flee or engage us!" he shouts at Sir Amig.

2017-01-13, 09:17 PM
Sir Robert looks to the rest of the army, puzzled. Why had they not also drawn their bows? Why had his own family knights seemed so surprised when he gave the order? Volleys were a common occurance on the walls, why had the army even brought bows if they had not planned to use them? It slowly donned upon them, that while he had brought his bow for war, the rest of the army had brought them for hunting and foraging parties. To them, they were a tool, not a weapon. Sir Robert didn't consider himself an innovator, but it nonetheless heartened him to see his Prince take his lead, recognizing that the tactics of a counter-siege could be used in open battle as well.

Emboldened by this, Robert readied his bow once again. "Ready your bows!". This time his unit moved as one.

"Nock!" Arrows are drawn in unison. The Saxons return fire with thrown spears. Robert hears cries behind him as a few find their mark.

"Mark!" Bows are lifted into the air, aimed ahead of the Saxon advance. His own bow is aimed square at the Saxon commander once again. A spear whizzes past his head, dangerously close. He keeps the commander in his sights.

"Draw!" He draws back on his bowstring, focus closed. His only barely notices his cousin fall to a spear a few feet to his left. He does not know if he is alive or dead, but he cannot allow his concentration to be broken.

"Loose!" His unit fires as one. Saxons fall, but the commander remains standing. Robert's arrow veered off in almost exactly the manner as before. He thinks he even hit the exact same spot as last time.

2017-01-14, 09:12 PM
As the battle winds on, and losses hit Gunther's knights and men from the fray his Vanguard duties have wrought, a moment on the battlefield gives a moment to quickly survey the field. As Gunther look about he spots his half-brother Guntherbjorn who rides up to him, "Guntherbjorn have you seen the rest of my Vanguard?"

Without a pause he gives his report as best he can, "Gunther, I must report that I have not seen some of our other brothers; but besides myself..", at this moment a mere three other men come up to Gunther's position and stand by his half-brothers side. They confirm that Gunther's uncle has been gravely wounded but still alive. Gunther take a moment then says, "Guntherbjorn, you take these three men and fall behind the fighting of the other knights and men, pointing out Timeus' standard and gather the wounded and pull them to the rear. As soon as that is done tend to the wounded and Guntherbjorn, you ride back to my position and rejoin me in combat."

Gunther then spurs his horse back into the fray alone sweeping his sword down on every Saxon man he see's slashing several of them down and furthering his Kings fighting against the invaders. The fighting continues for many more hours, after about another two hours of fighting Guntherbjorn finds and rides back to Gunther's side assisting him in the battle.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-15, 12:44 AM
The great grouping of knights that made up the first charge and the vanguard close in on each other into a collection, this is the signal Prince Modac was waiting for, "Knights! Ready your steeds! Onward to Victory!" his blade pointing forward to call for the charge of the reserves and to destroy the Saxon forces. The Prince himself rode with the reserves to bring the thunder of hooves to the battlefield as the majority of the men meet the forces of Sussex.

In the melee within a few feet of both Sir Gunther and Sir Timeus, Sir Amig is thrown from his horse to vanish in a wash of combat.

2017-01-15, 05:10 AM
The battle is getting more fierce but the Knights and men of Dinton are able to continue the push, demonstrating even greater ferocity. Timeus hears the sound of the reserves charging, and grabbing his charger's reigns, prepares to join them, envisioning himself gaining glory as he would attack the Saxon war camp and bring down their commanders, perhaps even their King. Yet at that moment, in the heat of combat, Timeus notices that Sir Amig is thrown off his horse, and is lost in the chaos.

Timeus cringes at the dilemma at hand. On one hand, he had the chance to perhaps surpass even his own father's achievement and win an everlasting name for himself during his first battle. On the other hand, there was a brother in arms who was in need. Of course Timeus does know that in battle sometimes it is better to sacrifice one life in order to save many, not to mention that he risked losing his bet with Sir Robert. After all, his kill count was awfully low despite the fact that he was fighting in the thickest of the battle for so long.

It takes all but a few seconds for Sir Timeus to make up his mind. To hell with glory, let someone else claim it, and to hell with is bet. He would never forgive himself if he knew that he could have saved his Grandfather's friend but instead chose to do nothing about it. Quickly taking a look among the chaos of battle, Timeus is fortunate enough to locate Sir Amig, who was desperately trying to defend himself from a small group of Saxons.

Sir Timeus does not hesitate, and gallops to Sir Amig's rescue. With cacophony of combat ringing, one the Saxons does not notice Timeus riding towards him, as the large knight strikes him on the neck from behind with the flat of his blade, landing a devastating blow. Using the confusion of Timeus' arrival Sir Amig dispatches his other foes. Perhaps it would have been easy to just kill the Saxon from the back, but Timeus found it dishonorable to stab a man... even a Saxon in such a fashion. He would leave the backstabbing to the Knights of Silchester, the Picts and the Saxons. He was better than them.

Riding in front of Sir Amig with his charger to shield him, Timeus gives him a salute with his sword "Rise Sir Amig! Your King has not yet given you permission to die! Grab a horse, and lets get back at what we do best. The reserves have been committed but the day is not won yet!"

2017-01-15, 06:24 PM
The order was heard and Sir Robert immediately mounted his horse, charging forward toward the Saxon detatchment with barely a pause to fully mount. Unfortunately, in his haste, he had actually neglected to give the order to his own men to mount up, leaving them struggling to catch up. His uncle, meanwhile, had been even more hasty, charging ahead of his commander. A spear from the Saxon counter volley hit his uncle's horse square in the eye, causing the great beast to crumple under it's rider. This time Robert nearly stopped to check on his uncle, but he was too late. Before he knew it he was already charging headlong into the Saxon line, directly over the commander. Soon after, the rest of his knights joined the fray, followed soon by his unmounted men. The Pitton men had finally entered the fray proper.

2017-01-16, 08:40 PM
As battle continues Sir Gunther's horse whirring in the thick of combat mixed with the sounds of sword on sword, sword against flesh and bone and the sounds of dying Saxons', Gunther brings his horse to bare causing it to rear and raising his sword high into the air like the great Odin he utters words forth before spurring his horse to charge over any Saxon in the way in an effort to trample as many as possible and making less opposition for the rest of the army with which he fights; "For King, country, the line of Gunther, and Odin may the hooves beneath me strike like lightning and sound like deafening thunder to bring my enemy low like the dogs they are!"

Gunther's horse charges over the horde of Saxon's in his path crushing many; at points in the fray he pulls at the reins rearing his charger to strike a Saxon here and there during his daring charge knocking those who would attempt to raise a spear against the valiant steed into the mud of the field of combat. With great skill it might seem to the Saxons as though Sir Gunther was riding on the back of Sleipnir as hoof beats at the filthy invaders then continue across the battlefield trample more into the ground.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-16, 09:31 PM
The Clashing of blades continued to be deafening as the combat continues.

The Pitton men entering the fray with their surge forward into combat meets the men of Timeus' family. Sir Amig finally finds a horse though he is badly wounded and calls for the retreat of his men thinning the numbers still standing. Swarming around both fresh reserves and battered first wave are more Saxons with their axes, a seemly endless supply of men. Atop the horses though a single tent can be seen pitched behind enemy lines. Standing out front of the tent a man standing head and shoulders above any man British or Saxon barks orders in his native tounge to the men. This is King Aelle the declared master of Sussex, and the secret to ending this combat.

Gunther however cannot see this man, the Vanguard has been mostly destroyed and the only way to continue the fight is through pure grit and pushing through. The four brave men mounted on their steads can only see Saxon axes swinging toward them, and blood soaked to where even the vivid colors of heraldry cannot be seen through the coating.

2017-01-17, 05:30 AM
Timeus is relieved to see the wounded Sir Amig retreat although having his men retreat does mean that the men of Dinton and those Pitton would be hard pressed. Yet in the chaos of combat, Timeus is tall enough to spot the Saxon's camp, and the man who is undoubtedly their King. Gripping his sword tightly, it takes Timeus mere moments to make up his mind. If he is able to defeat the Saxon King, then this battle would be over, probably saving countless lives.

Not thinking about the odds, Timeus urges his charger into a gallop, as he begins to charge towards the Saxon King. Like a Bull that is his standard, he begins to lead a charge through the Saxon horde. As he deals blows left and right, his attention momentarily wanes, and does not notice until too late a Saxon axe swinging towards him. He tries to raise his shield, but is unable to do so in time, wounding his arm instead. He grunts in pain, yet continues his push.

2017-01-17, 09:33 AM
The men of Pitton charge forward, never loosing momentum as the charge headlong into the main Saxon force. Sir Robert bids them to keep going forward, using their cavalry to trample the Saxons, rather than engaging directly. Robert can see the Saxon King, and also notices Sir Timeus' men charging right alongside them. He judges quickly. Even with both of them charging at full speed through the barbarian army, at this rate they'll be slowed to a standstill before they get there. He does not waste a moment. He's a supporting player. Timeus is the one with the makings of a hero. He orders his men to split and charge the sides, opening a wedge in the Saxon army. His men follow the order, charging as one against the now flanking Saxons, his knights opening the gap, while his foot soldiers close in from behind, widening it.

Just then, Sir Robert almost meets with disaster. His charge is suddenly halted by an enemy holding a spear steady right at his his horse's chest. He pulls on the reigns at the last second, his charger rearing up just before the deadly weapon pierced the beasts heart. The horse comes down again right onto the offending Saxon's head, landing a solid, though not fatal, blow.

2017-01-17, 06:58 PM
Sir Gunther continues to push and push and push further into the Saxon ranks eventually losing track of some others of the army he is apart of; his charge ends as Gunther continues to fight, sword in hand on horseback. Gunther calls out too anybody who might hear him, he tries this several times over and over while fighting on. Whirring his charger he begins to move back to point where he could survey the field. After fighting through 10 and even 20 Saxons he finally breaks free into an opening a little bit further away from the direct fighting, and realizing the reality he saw, began to ride back towards the point where the charge for this battle originally began, fighting through any Saxon that attempted to stop this fighting retreat. But in the mean time, he is still in the thick of the fighting and figured he may as well make the best and kill as many as he could manage during the start of his retreat.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-17, 07:08 PM
The Saxons are mostly destroyed, hundreds of bodies littering the battlefield some stacked into makeshift barricades. Mud caked on every shield that had fell onto the ground, and given that it had not rained for weeks the mud was created by the flowing blood. Birds had began to gather around in flocks around groups of the dead where the battle had past. To this scene the Knights of Silchester arrive clean and ready for the fight. Prince Madoc motions for them to enter the fray, or at least what is left of it.

King Aelle holding his great axe and glittering in chain mail meets the knight's approach, bringing his axe over his dead and shouting, "For the glory of Wotan!" a crushing amount of power brought behind the axe to the knight before him, bring the man to the ground off his horse broken in two. He glares at the approach of Sir Timeus as to challenge him to single combat.

2017-01-17, 07:36 PM
Timeus continues his charge towards King Aelle undeterred by the Saxon's great strength. His father would have done no less and so would his grandfather. The Knight from Dinton swings his sword despite his injuries with all of his power, as it would seem that these two giant men are towering above rest upon the battlefield in this personal duel. Sword rings against the great axe over and over again, as Timeus looks for an opening to strike, yet is unable to do so.

It then dawns upon Timeus that for all the warnings he had given his friends about being cautious, he had failed to take his own advice, as he realizes that for all of his courage, the Saxon King was clearly not only a seasoned veteran, but also a much better fighter. Now being forced on the defense, Timeus wonders if this is how his father felt when he knew that his end was near. Unlike his father, he would not have time to compose a song of his own, yet Timeus is satisfied that even it would mean his death, he would try to distract the Saxon King long enough, so that he would be unable to give orders against the coming reinforcements from Silchester.

Timeus attempts to parry the great axe as he charges, but his shield is reduced to splinters by the terrible might of King Aelle as he passes by. Realizing that the Saxon King is swinging his axe for his back, Timeus is only able to turn his charger so that he can face King Aelle and his axe, for though it would be his time to die, Sir Timeus the Bard refused to that minstrels should sing of the disgrace of dying from a blow to the back.

As he takes the blow to his chest, the last thing Timeus remembers himself saying was "You have only managed to desecrate my wardrobe." before darkness took him.

2017-01-17, 07:41 PM
As Gunther continues whirring, slicing Saxons and trying to get to better position, is when he spots his half-brother Guntherbjorn riding through to try to find him; caked in blood and looking almost Saxon himself Gunther turns to regard his indirect sibling. "I don't see any hope in cutting through, we need to make our way back to camp!"

Gunther says to half-brother quickly, as at that moment he barely notices a grouping of 30 converging on his position, Gunther makes a quick retreating position to Guntherbjorn and begins to ride fast through all, giving very little care whilst spurring his charger into and past a full gallop, occasionally turning his head to make sure he is at least being followed by Guntherbjorn. The ride continues and continues, until at last Gunther reaches the base camp where his wounded have been brought, regards the three peasants still standing and milling about just about lost; seeing good men peasant or knight still bleeding, Gunther shouts at the men to pass the gause sitting in the supply chests... the other men look back at Gunther, even seeing one bold enough to step forward and ask, "Why should we? We're no nursemaids." Gunther looks towards the man who dared to question his order, only barely able to keep from striking the man for his insolent's. "Because I told you to, that is why! These men whom you fought besides earlier are near death but able to be saved; now go get the medicinal supplies from the chests and help me to keep these men alive, or find yourself at the end of my sword yourself."

The three men make haste toward the supplies to gather what is needed, by this time Guntherbjorn arrives quickly dismounting, tying his horse and making his way inside the tent.

2017-01-17, 08:22 PM
Sir Robert surveys the battlefield quickly. The Saxons are clearly broken. A few isolated fights are still happening here and there, but the battle is over. His own forces are badly battered, and are of little use for the remainder of the fight. Thoughts he had pushed out of his mind in the heat of battle, that of his wounded, possibly dead family members, came flooding to him. He ordered the remainder of his men to gather all of their wounded they can find and regroup back at camp. Just as he his about quit the field himself, he sees it. Sir Timeus had rushed ahead. He was charging for the Saxon king. And in an moment...it was over. For some reason unfathomable to Sir Robert, Timeus almost seems to intentionally turn into a blow; thrown from his horse. Body bleeding and broken.

Robert bids his horse charge forward. For a brief moment he contemplated the irony that it was a knight he had scarcely just met that was spurring him to action, rather than his own kin, but he coudln't dwell on it now. Before the thought had even completed, he was within axe range. He could see in an instant that he was outmatched. His stance was air-tight. However, atop his steed, Robert had the highground, and used it to full advantage. The Saxon king raised his axe like lightning; standing on the ground he woulnd't have had a chance to block it, the momentum would crush through any defense he mustered. However, from his vantage point, he was able to hit the monstrous axe with his sword at the height of it's arc, before it could bring it's full weight down. It was only a small opening, but it was enough. He swiftly brought his own sword down on the King's head. A solid blow near the ear. It wouldn't cause anything more than superficial damage, but it was enough to send the barbarian reeling.

Rather than press his advantage, Robert took the opporotunity to dismount, haul the limp body of the Bard onto his horse, and then quickly re-mount and thunder off before his enemy could recover. Eventually reaching the camp, he had the Chirgeons take Timeus while he recieved the headcount from his half-brother. His cousid, Baldut, had taken a spear to the neck. He was badly wounded, but alive. His uncle Morak, however, was missing. Noone could find his body, dead or alive. Likely he had been taken prisoner by the Saxons, along with a fair number of other men unaccounted for. His losses, overall, had been bad, but not quite as bad as he had been expecting, truthfully. Still, his inexperience had cost them. Despite the day being won overall, Sir Robert could not help feeling like it had been a Phyrric victory.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-17, 08:31 PM
The battle is finished, the Silchester Knights handle the clean up and the surviving knights are called to the camp at the back of the British side, Prince Madoc had collected the knights to congratulate them.

"A well fought battle, men. We have forced those Saxon dogs into the sea where they come from. My father will be proud of our accomplishments." He goes down the line shaking the hand of each of the knights in congratulations, starting the with Silchester Knights and moving to the Salisbury knights who still stand.

He gets to Sir Robert, holding out his hand to him, "Well done, and you rescued your fellow man. A great deed indeed. I will be sure your Lord rewards your loyalty and valor greatly. If you are in need of a wife, I could arrange a courtly marriage for you."

He moves on to Sir Gunther before letting Sir Robert answer, as his eyes told him what he needed to know, "I now know why my father named you Lusty, your Lust for Saxon blood could not be denied today. We need more men like you, if you do not have a wife, I could arrange a courty marriage for one such as you."

2017-01-17, 08:46 PM
Sir Robert nods at the Prince's acknowledgement, greatfully shaking his hand "You do me great honor, my Prince, but I am already to be wed to the granddaughter of Sir Amig this winter." He responds, simply.

2017-01-17, 08:54 PM
Sir Gunther on his way over the to his Majesty Prince Madoc, he picks up a rag to wipe his hands clean from having helped with the wounded; Gunther when the Prince gets to him smile's largely and bows his head, "I was only doing to my duty my Prince, for King and country and my home and family. None the less, I do have need to marry and would be honored by your offer."
Gunther raises his head back up, and ask's the Prince if he may be released to take count of his his wounded and take count of his losses or captured. Prince Madoc grants this request as he moves along, leaving Gunther to his task.

As the last of the Gunther's wounded are brought in by Guntherbjorn and two of the three peasants the picture is clear; 3 of his household knights, his family though distant are captured; 20 men in the levy killed in the fighting; and 15 wounded. Sorrow overtakes Gunther but that is quickly washed away, there was to much work to be done and little time to do it in. He takes the count and orders the three unhurt men to see that the as many of the killed as possible get decent burials, at least that was the Britain custom and he would observe it out of respect. Among the killed however and sadly close to the end of the row in count, was Jean; he had noticed his uncle Bardr and Sven badly wounded, but he did not know what to think when he saw one of his knights laying dead in this area of the camp. Gunther knelt besides the man, though not his favorite half-brother, he said a prayer so that the knight would find his way to whatever valorous halls he believed in.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-17, 09:05 PM
The knights congratulated and the battle finished, all the knights are sent home. Where the Knights of Salisbury are greeted with a feast, while not sumptuous it is plentiful. Then they are sent to tend to their manors for the rest of the summer months, and oversee harvest come autumn. The crop is plentiful and the peasants are pleased, but the harshness of winter is soon befalling the land. In late Autumn the Supreme Collegium gathers to declare a high king, and Uther Pendragon is declared High King of Britians to great joy. Though this is short lived as King Aelle in the south and King Hengast in the north reclaim much of the land they had lost. This had put the court of King Uther in a poor mood, rumor had it he even sent a man into exile for singing a song for him. With a King in poor mood Lord Rodrick has declared this not to be a time for poetry or entertainment but for preparation to purge the Saxons from the land.

Sir Amig is unable to walk due to his injuries and his age, Earl Rodrick announces to the Knights of his land, come spring there would be a tournament to decide a new Champion of his house.

The tone of the land is very grim with the first fall of snow, and a harsh winter begins.

2017-01-17, 11:31 PM
Winter of 485, Gunther and Robert head towards Sussex in order to free their relatives being held in the court in King Aelles courts in the wake of the battle of Mecred Creek. On route Gunther leans to Robert and suggest a bit of hunting; he pulls his spear and ties his horse to nearby tree, while suggesting Robert put his falconry skills to the test. After several hours Roberts falcon spots a nice sized boar, Gunther takes steps behind a tree in front of the boar and signals to Roberts to cause the boar to spoke so that it will run in Gunther's direction; stepping out from behind the tree at the last moment and spearing the boar, and completing the hunt.

Travel continues until Gunther come arrives just outside Sussex at Aelle's palace; Gunther takes a deep breath with the thought that Robert is looking for a way to rescue the captured knights. He dismounts his ronsey and places it in a safe area, and heads up to the gate. "I am Gunther the Lusty of Shrewton, I have come to discuss terms of my defection and the village of Shrewton itself. Gunther is ushered in as his meeting with King Aelle has already been set. Gunther is brought before the King of Sussex and kneeling before his majesty and begins to make his offer with one term. "I will defect to Sussex and bring the people of Shrewton with me, so that I may break from those who enslave and hate me, and in return I only wish to have my family by the names of Sir Reginald Farthwurst, Geoffrey of Canterbury and Bryan Gunthersson."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-17, 11:36 PM
King Aelle arrives personally to see what this British Knight wants, scowling at him the whole time he speaks he then moves quickly for a man his size and age and embraces Gunther in a massive hug. "By Wotan, this is great news!" Pulling the much smaller man off his horse and pulling him into to the castle to discuss the details of the defection. A great roasted beast is brought out to celebrate their new alliance. Great barrels of ale are guzzled by the King and his men and offered to Gunther. The King's own daughter is sat next to Gunther to flirt with him.

2017-01-17, 11:48 PM
While Gunther approaches the King to begin "negotiations", Sir Robert sneaks into the party in hunting leathers. It's surprisingly easy, as the guards are not at the height of their vigilance, themselves caught up in the revelry of the night. He sees the Saxon King briefly, rasing his compatriot up in his embrace. It's strange seeing the man that, less than a year ago, was trying him and very nearly succeeded in doing so with Sir Timeus. He takes solace, however, in the fact that they are pulling the rug directly from under his moustached nose, as he slinks down the steps into the castle dungeon.

Again, he finds the way remarkably unguarded. Only one passed out guard stands between him and the prisoner cells. A light step is all that it takes to make his way through. He carefully unlocks the door; a disturbed snort from the guard resonates through the stony walls. Robert freezes, the key still in the lock, before the guard sighs sleepily, signalling him to continue. He manages to unlock the cells, wordlessly bidding the prisoners within to follow his steps. Carefully, they make their way back up the steps and slipping out the gate back past the drunken guards. It would not be long before their disappearance was found and the alarm sounded, but by then they would all be long gone. Now he just needed to make sure Gunther managed to escape, and the plan would be completed without a hitch.

2017-01-18, 12:04 AM
Gunther gets into the feasting sometime after he makes known his intentions to the King of Sussex regarding defection. In the meantime Gunther makes the best of his time in the sumptuous feast and drinking, and flirting with daughter of king Aelle, keeping just the right amount of drink in her hands as he woes her with gentle kisses and whispers. "I would give you a great life in my manor and none would hate you, only love would be what you would be your gift each day." As the feasting and drinking continues Gunther suggests to Aelle's daughter to find a more private place to better get to know each other; at about this time he begins to hear an alarm sound even from the outer courtyard just outside Aelle's palace. Its at this time he turns to the kings daughter and quickly asks for her to come with him, leave this place I can make your future so much better you in Salisbury with no negative effects or feelings. With a sincere smile and kiss on the ladies left cheek he begins to feel his left foot begin to twitch; with much control, which most would not suspect he has, he keeps his outward nerve out of notice. and keeps his eyes locked with her's as he leads her to the stables for a ride.

Eventually one way or another Gunther departs King Aelles' castle and with an impressed Saxon Lady, and hopefully full success in his mission.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 12:27 AM
Gunther, Robert and company ride back to Salisbury with their dead beast, and Saxon Princess in arm.

2017-01-18, 03:40 AM
Sir Timeus is surprised when he slowly regains consciousness after several days of having passed out. His first reaction is to try and get up, but a bolt of pain from the deep wound in his chest banishes any thoughts of trying to move for the time being. Looking down at his wounds, Timeus blinks several times before remembering that he had foolishly decided to throw his own advice to the wind and pursuit fame and glory. He chuckles at how foolish he was, yet he was grateful to still be alive. When he hears of how Sir Robert saved his life, he sends a message to his friend, as he was unable to even get on his feet conceding the wager he had made. Once again he had lost to Sir Robert and was even more heavily in his debt.

It took almost three months for Sir Timeus to fully recover, yet being bedridden was the worse of punishment that the large knight could have faced. The prospects of spending months doing nothing was nothing but pure torture for a man who could barley sit a few moments idle. After a huge argument with the nurses which could be heard throughout Dinton Manor, and which only ended when his mother had to intervene personally by bopping his head with a wooden spoon. Sir Timeus who fearlessly challenged King Aelle a the Battle of Mecred Creek and was struck down feared his mother when she wielded that dreaded spoon since childhood. Regardless, Timeus cared deeply about his mother, and he knew well that life with his father had not been easy for her, and childbirth was harder yet, for Timeus was such a big baby that he had almost killed his mother. This always filled him with some measure of guilt, and thus not wishing to cause her any further grief, he accepted the fact that he would remain inactive, and took it as a form of punishment for for recklessness.

It wasn't long before the nurses had to deal with a new headache. While Timeus had agreed to remain in bed, the Manor was soon filled with the sound of his booming voice singing, as the Knight had decided that if he was to remain bedridden, then he might as well take the opportunity to compose the song that he had promised to deliver to King Uther when he was knighted. Yet inspiration was hard to come by, and Timeus spent several frustrating and fruitless months of trying to find the right words, and subtle nuances which would make this song fit for a King. Naturally this meant that his singing would only stop when he was eating or sleeping, which almost drove several of his family members insane.

Finally, as Timeus had recovered well enough so that he could walk around and even perform some menial labor, inspiration finally hit him. It is said that Timeus had kicked out the nurses and barricaded himself in his chambers for three days and three nights, refusing to come out, or even eat and sleep. On the third day, as his family had gathered outside his chambers, worried that Timeus might have gone mad, when all of a sudden the doors burst open, and Sir Timeus the Bard emerges, with a triumphant look on his face, as he claims that he had written his greatest masterpiece, and to prove it, he sang the Ballad of King Uther's Four Hundred to his kin first, and many tears were shed that day from the sheer beauty of his song.

Timeus was convinced that his defeat at the Battle of Mecred Creek was nothing short of Providence. Yes he had almost died at the hands of King Aelle, and he deep scar would always remind him of his first battle. Yet Sir Timeus had gained something far greater, for he would finally have a masterpiece to his name. One that he could sing instead of having to sing the bawdy song his late Father had composed shortly before his heroic demise.

The arrival of winter sees Sir Timeus deciding to not take too many chances before his wedding at least. He remains at Dinton Manor as he continues to work on his arts, while also trying to keep himself in shape. Bad tidings arrive that the Saxons had reversed the gains that they had made, and perhaps Sir Amig's forced retirement meant that Timeus could participate in the Tourney come spring, yet there was more worrisome news. His Lord, Earl Rodrick had declared that the people should single mindedly focus on the preparation for war, and ignore what makes life worth living, song, music, poetry and dancing. Even worse, news had reached that King Uther had banished a man for daring to sing in his presence, so foul was the mood at the King's court.

Mere weeks before his wedding, Sir Timeus the Bard is left with another decision. He could accept his Lord and King's decisions, regardless of how much he disagreed and found it unjust, or he could speak up against what he felt was wrong and make an appeal to Earl Roderick and King Uther, demonstrating to them that if the purpose of their existence was merely to wage war and to kill, then they would be no better than the barbarian that they were trying to expel from their lands. On one hand, he could play it safe, keep his head bent and get married. On the other hand he could speak up and risk imprisonment or even banishment.

Once again it only took Sir Timeus a few moments to make up his mind, as he makes his way to the estate of Earl Roderick to plead his case. Timeus shakes his head, realizing that he would never learn.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 03:51 AM
Sir Timeus arrives at Earl Rodrick's court to find the place very gloomy indeed. The Earl had relied upon the services of Sir Amig to keep any amount of cheer and good humor during the dour winter months. Normally the Earl kept a few minstrels around his grounds to keep out the winter gloom, but the whole of the castle was silent as the knight arrived. A massive hall to hold all the knights in the realm was at the center of Salisbury castle just in case the King would take court here, and this room had a long table sitting at the head of it the Earl sat wearing simple garb and picking at was left of his dinner while scowling at any who dared enter his hall. This is when Sir Timeus entered to a scowl.

"Sir Timeus the Bard, to what do I owe this pleasure? You saved the life of Sir Amig, I would not deny you audience, but shouldn't you be training your sword arm and skill with steed?"

2017-01-18, 04:20 AM
Sir Timeus kneels before Earl Roderick "My Lord, thank you for accepting to see me." Rising as he bares his Lords scowl he answers "My Lord will be pleased to know that I have indeed followed your orders and have been training. I have even regained most of the feeling in my left arm." he says as he flexes his muscles to prove his point "Come the Tourney this Spring, I shall be ready, and God willing earn the honor of being your Champion. Yet my Lord there is something else that has caused me great concern. Perhaps the body may be well prepared, but it seems the spirit is lacking in these lands as of late. It is important to keep the body prepared, yet what is the point, if the men, women and children of these lands are unable to enjoy what makes life worth living? Have no doubt about it my Lord, the Saxons will be defeated and ousted, for our cause is just. Yet we fight for more than expelling the Saxons out of our lands, we fight to preserve our ways and our traditions. If we are to banish song, dancing, poetry and the arts from our lands and focus only on war, then we have allowed them to corrupt our very souls."

He motions at the empty and silent castle "I recall your Halls being alive with the sound of music and laughter my Lord, yet now we have allowed the Saxons to take away what matters the most and all I hear is dreaded silence. That terrifies me more than the cacophony found on the battlefield and hence why I have worked up the courage to speak up to my Lord . Do not get me wrong, we should be preparing ourselves for what lies ahead, yet we must not forget that we are better and more civilized than those barbarians with whom we fight. The people need to know that, and we too need to be reminded"

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 04:33 AM
Earl Rodrick motions for Sir Timeus to join him at the table, "All the land we gained in our summer campaign was lost by harvest. King Uther was pronounced High King with all save the Duke of Silchester, the Earl of Kent, and the King of Eburacum, and he does not call for celebrations and song. It is required that we respond to somber times with somber demeanor, hopefully come Easter court song will return to this land. There is a time for poetry and song, and there is a time for preparation for war. We are now in the latter, the former will come soon enough, my friend."

2017-01-18, 05:26 AM
Sir Timeus nods, and is honored to be told to sit at his Lord's table "The Knights of Silchester and the Duke of Silchester shed blood and earned glory at the Battle of Mecred Creek on behalf of the King's son and in our King's name, yet they refused to acknowledge him as the High King. Indeed my Lord it is true that they cannot be trusted, for their actions speak on their own. I hope our King takes this to heart the next time he calls upon them." he says. The thought of the Knights of Silchester beings to also sour Sir Timeus' mood as he remembers what Sir Amig said about having to learn how to throw the Knights of Silchester.

"But look at us my Lord. No sooner than we being to talk about the situation our mood darkens. I do not disagree with my Lord's wisdom, in that we are in a period of war and must prepare as such while looking forward to times of peace. Yet at the same time that does not mean that during times of peace we forgo our fighting skills completely and ignore our preparations and training should war return, only to be caught unawares when conflict strikes. So too, during times of war, one should prepare but by doing so, should not forget the power that song and music can bring to the spirit. It is dark times like these that we must be remembered that no matter how dire the situation may be, there are those who came before us who fought in in far dire situations and defeated the odds. We must remember of the peaceful times and for what we are fighting for, thus giving us hope and courage."

"I was almost killed by King Aelle. However what I first thought to be nothing less than divine punishment for my arrogance that I could strike down a King ended up being a blessing, and so I do not regret my brash action. The Lord works in mysterious ways, for while I was bedridden for months and unable to train my body, instead I enriched my soul. It was not easy my Lord, and several times I felt almost defeated, and despaired yet just like overcoming a psychical obstacle this too was a challenge that I overcame, for I was struck by divine inspiration and finally wrote the song I had sword to dedicate to our King on the day I was Knighted."

"And how my household wept for joy! And how their spirit were raised as I sang about the four hundred knights sworn to fight and die for our rightful King! The last time they were roused was when they sang "The Last Words of Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane" before their charge at the Battle of Mecred Creek, and they fought like men possessed. Perhaps the King has not called for celebration, I cannot blame him for that. But should the King be reminded that he has hundreds of brave loyal knights willing to rally underneath his banner and turn the tide once more."

"If my Lord finds me worthy of his favor, allow me to make a selfish request... a wager. Allow me to sing to you The Ballad of King Uther's Four Hundred, the song with which I aim to surpass my father. If my Lord is not moved, if his spirit is not raised once my song is finished, then I shall humbly admit defeat, and bother my Lord no longer with this issue. Yet if my Lord is moved, I would request that my Lord joins me at our Leige's court and speak on by behalf him before I deliver my gift to our King and request for clemency for the man who was banished because he sang a song in front of the King's presence."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 06:36 AM
Earl Rodrick nodded, "Fine, Sir Timeus, I will speak on your behalf if you move me with your song. However, if you do not you will not wed for five years."

2017-01-18, 07:02 AM
Sir Timeus listens to his Lord's offer. "Not being able to wed for five years is a hefty price to pay indeed my Lord. Very well then, I shall wager my line upon my voice." Standing up in front of Earl Roderick, he snaps into attention, and clears his throat, before testing his voice a few times until he is sure that he is ready. He then unleashes his powerful voice unto his Lord, so that it echos in the empty hall and is heard by the soldiers manning the walls.

Sir Timeus the Bard does what Sir Timeus the Bard does best, he sings putting all of his passion and feelings as he sings about the four hundred young boys following their father's footsteps and bowing in front of their King, to rise as Knighted men sworn to fight and die for their liege. About the hopes and fears as they take their weapons and stand in front of the Saxon hoard, fearful but hopeful that not only would they survive, but earn glory and fame in the name of King Uther the Pendragon. Some of those dream would perish, others would be shattered, some would be unrealized and some would succeed. Yet those who perished had played their part, and are now at rest. Those who survived will draw from their ultimate sacrifices for King and Country until they would join them, for all men must die. And though one day they shall die, this song would serve as witness, to the deeds of the knights who served their King.

Having finished his song, Timeus looks at his Lord "And so my Lord, my song ends. If it is well composed and to the point, then it was what I wanted. If it is worthless and mediocre, that is all I could manage."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 07:12 AM
The Earl wipes his eyes and nods, "I will speak to the High King about the soul of Britain, it must be protected with the vigor that her body is. You are good friend Timeus. I will be off come morning to speak to his majesty myself." With that Timeus was dismissed to tend to matters of his family.

The rest of the winter went most normally, marriages were had and the celebrations of Christmas and the new year were enjoyed by lord and peasant alike. So ending the year 485.

2017-01-18, 07:53 AM
In the days and weeks before christmas in this year of 485, Gunther, while attending to his duties after his trip to Uther's court and hasty marriage and consummation of his vows to woman that could only be described as "mannish"; decides to take his mind of the low standards and attend to matters of stewardship, though truly not the thing he ever felt built for, it was refreshing to finally, actually see what war wrought upon his own small lands and people. 15 able-bodied men should not have seemed like so many, however against the small size of Shrewton, he now saw just how large that number really was. Also on his mind, was visiting his new manor which his...wife, he had to hold back less than pleasant thoughts and a laugh, come the break of the snow. For now he went over tireless papers and requests from the villagers, with so many upset, or more so worried about their own survival, Gunther decides that the best way to take their minds off the bad or negative was to find one thing to enhance their focus on rebuilding and repopulating these small lands.

The following day, Gunther himself heads out to the village center, calling to all its residence to come and listen to his words. "Good people of Shrewton, I am here to let you know that I am not cold to your suffering and loss; indeed I have lost family as well, but this is winter and sometimes we lose those who are closest, and indeed those losses following a spring/summer war made these sting all the worst. But we cannot be consumed by loss and sadness, for sure the Saxon is not, we must persevere and strive to bring new life to these lands, for let it be said that since my ascendancy the Britain shall become barren. Britain shall be strong come the summer as more children are born." Gunther takes a brief pause before continue, lightly clearing his throat. "Taxes will continue to keep the thought of all the death of this year at bay, but I shall grant a bit of a lift to the burden we all bare, for let is be known that for every child up to 3 per household, no more, that is born and lives to 15 years, shall be granted to their family a tax relief of two shillings per 2-quarters of a year."

Chatter goes up among the assembled people, and even some questions. Gunther takes these one at a time and welcomes the aire of import he feels, and thinks, 'now this is what I was made for, War and Politics', and smiles to himself and then continues to answers questions and alleviate some of the people concerns. Even he had to admit that their concerns were warranted, for how could they breed more in such a harsh winter? For this he answered with on a slight lightened heart and a quick laugh, then his face became serious. "Yes this winter is quite harsh, and yes survival does look bleak; but i say to what remaining men were left, and any who moved here given vacancies that in order too keep up your spirits you are too seek the company of the wives and women more, keep your own lines alive, for this will keep you warm on the coldest nights, and happy in the bleakest parts of this winter."

Gunther was quite aware that their houses, cottage dwelling would have to be made more sound against the cold, and in good form offered to help those of Shrewton to make more secure, at least as much as he could those dwellings just a little bit warmer and more hospital to children come next year.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-18, 07:05 PM
Year 486

The Winter finally releases her grasp, leading into spring. All the courts are buzzing with rumors and gossip with the various news that has come with the flowers and the animals emerging. One such rumor is that King Aelle has became more violent and has threatened to push forward harder then ever before calling forth as many men from Saxony as can be sent to reinforce him. Another rumor is that King Uther recalled the man he had exiled for singing and had him organize a royal choir that would bring music to his court for all time, regardless of mood. The most exiting rumor was fully true, and vibrant in Salisbury, the Tournament with a prize of being named Champion to the Earl. Rumor had it that Sir Robert of Pitton was going to join, and as the Grandson in law of Sir Amig, many of the knights declined to join the tournament as not to upset Sir Amig. Very few knights indeed joined the tournament only Sir Gunther the Lusty, and Sir Timeus the Bard arrived to the Tournament along with Sir Robert of Pitton. The courtyard was made out for ten knights to bring family and court members and only three arrived.

Even with just the Earl's own court, Sir Amig's family, and the three knight's families they place was still abuzz with gossip.

"But isn't it terrible about Maldon and Colchester! My ma has three cusins living with her now! Those horrible savages! Oh, it's the end of Britain, I say. I am praying every day that King Uther strikes every one of them dead!"

"Listen, darlings, it's everywhere. My last lover, that monk, told me that the vile Franks are even worse! They've overrun the last Roman outpost in Gaul. The barbarians are everywhere."

"And who can be surprised? Since the Great City of Rome fell, everything there has been dismal. Maybe it's the end of the world."

"But arn't you afraid that they're coming here? Those savages are probably marching here right now!"

"We have nothing to worry about. When I was in the King's court I saw Merlin is back. The kitchen had his usual plate of food out there. He's looking a little wan and tired."

"Well I'll say you would, too, if you had to sleep for six months without eating! Like a bloody bear, he is!"

The Yeomen and peasants will gossip afterall. To settle the gossiping crowd Earl Rodrick extended his hands to calm them, "Welcome my knights, we are to begin the tournament of the Champion. The winner will be in my greatest confidence and be privy to my thoughts. Fight well knights, and you shall be granted my boon." He claps his hands to start the tournament, and the preparations for the joust are started.

2017-01-18, 11:42 PM
A fresh new year and of all things a tournament truly bring in the new year of 486; as Gunther dismounts his horse and his wife and lover are helped from theirs, he looks at Guntherbjorn, Geoffrey and Reginald, "So what say you three, join me in the tournament and have a chance one way or another to attracting an un-taken woman to your beds?" As he nudges Geoffrey in the ribs lightly, its about time you also found yourself a wife, but I will make you an offer, I will lend you aid if you should ask me for assistance in the task, and I may "help" you out. Gunther takes his wife's arm and lead her to a seat, the whole walk when his head can turn and slightly sour look on his face, though not obvious as too why.

In no time not only Gunther is signed up, but so are his three half-brothers who survived the battle of Mecred Creek in celebration. As he walks, his eye's occationally wander scanning the room quite carefully for young beautiful women in attendance of this great tourney; but only time will tell who he shall find and attract as Gunther in here for more than one reason, at that other reason is Beauty, that is what he desires to marry for next, but in the back of his mind he senses a smile and then at that moment for all to see, he smiles at his wife, as uncomely as she is and very sincerely, very honestly grants her a kiss. For all who witness this public display it would seem as just that, but behind that, Gunther is pleased that this woman has granted him a son on the way; now too cross his fingers and hope that fate does not take the child from him.

That is fine though, Gunther shall modify fate just a bit and find another who may grant him more son's.

2017-01-19, 12:08 AM
Sir Timeus the Bard arrives following a produceful yet harsh winter. Now fully recovered following his near death experience, it would seem that the large knight had become a little more bulky for although Timeus had championed for the soul of Britain not to be extinguished, he had taken his Lord's words to heart and went through a tough training regiment, while at the same time composing his songs and trying to produce an heir. He was disappointed in himself for still being childless, though not through a lack of effort as the poor Lady Indeg could attest. Being a lover to a man who was mocked as being a giant-spawn is no easy task.

Saluting his Lord as Earl Roderick announces the commencement of the tourney, Timeus leads his horse towards the spectator's stand, where he spots the Lady Indeg. Bowing his head at her he announces loudly for all to hear "Lady Indeg, my beloved wife, love assures that we are never alone. As I fight, I wish your love to guide me and to keep me safe. Would you allow this Knight to fight for your honor?"

The Lady Indeg, blushes as her friends begin to giggle at her husbands proclamation and request. She makes a motion at her husband, and understanding it, Sir Timeus lowers his lance, allowing his wife to tie a piece of cloth on it, thus granting him his favor. Again, Timeus bows his head thanking her, returns to where he sees Sir Robert and Sir Gunther.

"Well met friends. It has been too long." he greets them "I hope you have fared well this past Winter." Naturally some rumors had reached Timeus' ears regarding certain exploits, yet he would rather much hear the details from the source itself, but would not pry.

2017-01-19, 11:10 AM
Sir Robert is of mixed spirits come the tournament. When he had first heard the news he was elated. When he was young, he had quickly come to the realization that, given his family's track record, the best way for him to stand out would be to win a great tournament. To that end, he spent countless hours training against a sackcloth dummy and pooring over records of past tournaments; trying to hone his skills. His father had beat him when he found out. He called it foolish dreaming, and told him he should focus on more practical skills.

Initially, young Robert had heeded his father's words, however new encouragement came from an unlikely place. Gilbert the Lesser had married the widow of Sir Paloran, a minor Salisbury knight. Sir Paloran had a son with his wife the year prior to his death, and in an uncharacteristic act of compassion, Sir Gilbert had brought in the newborn into his household along with his new wife, raising him as his own. Sir Paloran's holding had, by decree of the Earl of Salisbury, been bequeathed to Avane, Paloran's widow, and by extension to Gilbert himself.

This left Paloran's son, Antowain, in a strange position. He was the son of a knight, but he had no inheritance to call his own, and his mother had instilled too much respect for his step-father to betray his trust. This left young Antowain with one recourse. A tournament. If he could win a large enough tournament, he may be able to gain the favor of his lord, and perhaps be given a plot of land of his own. It was even more important to him than to Robert, who at least had his father's inheritance to look forward to. Thus, Antowain and Robert, both feeling that tournament's were their last, best hope for personal honor and glory, trained in secret away from their father. They sparred against one another (Antowain had always been a better swordsman than Robert), they raced, they jousted; they became fast friends over their common goal.

Unfortunately, just as Antowain's goal had the chance of coming to fruition, fate snatched it away. Over the winter, Antowain had caught a bad cough. Despite the pleas of his half-brother and mother, he refused to slack on his training in favor of bedrest. He knew of the coming tournament, and he felt he had to be ready, for he knew not when another opporotunity would present itself. He was found collapsed in the snow, sword in hand and training dummy before his frail form. He was quickly rushed to bed, but it was already too late. He passed away later that night from pnemonia.

So now Robert stood, about to enter the tournament he and his brother had prepared so hard for, only to not have his brother by his side. His cousins, Behad the Stern and Baldut the Smiling, would still join, but they would be no replacement for the brother who had prepared him for this moment.

Also in attendance was, sitting alongside her father, his beautiful wife, Esalde. Sir Amig's daughter had turned out to be everything Robert could ever ask for in a wife. Lovely as a pale moon, of somber disposition; not without a rugged side but not so much as to be unlady-like. They had hit it off nearly instantly upon being married. Upon the commencement of the tournament, he rode over to where his lady and grandfather-in-law were sitting. He first thanked Sir Amig profusely for all he had done for him, and continued to do, before removing from his pack the delicate flower he had picked for precisely this moment.

He handed the flower towards his wife and...promptly dropped it. He watched in stunned horror as his horse shifted it's stance, crushing the flower under it's hoof.

He did not say another word. Without making eye-contact he quickly bid his horse forward to the staring point of the tournament. He would apologize profusely for this later, but for now was far too embarrassed to say another word. He met with Sir Timeus and Sir Gunther, but still reeling from his failed attempt at asking his lady for favor, he only managed to respond to Sir Timeus with a ""Uh, yes, it was quite well...how was yours?"

2017-01-19, 02:57 PM
"Winter was harsh, but productive. I made sure not to remain idle." He says as as he pats his arm. "God willing the next time I meet King Aelle I shall spare you from having to save me." he says with a hearty laugh.

2017-01-19, 02:59 PM
Managing to compose himself from his previous embarrassment, Robert responds with a reserved chuckle. "I think that should Gunther or I meet Aelle again you may need to be you who does the rescuing."

Lady Tialait
2017-01-19, 08:49 PM
The Tournament beings as so many before it with a joust. The Jousting lineup is announced by Earl Rodrick's page,

"In the first round, the House of Gunther the Lusty against the House of Timeus the Bard, the winner of that joust shall face against House of Robert of Pitton, then the loser will face off against the winner of that Joust. The Jousts will be best two of three. This will create a total of nine jousts this evening. Please, Sir Knights ready your lances and get into position."

2017-01-19, 09:11 PM
Gunther before heading off to ready himself for the jousts this day, having found and walked along side both Timeus and Robert for a chat seems to be enjoying himself with the conversation and anticipation of the events to come; After a while of listening turns to Timeus, "Ha ha ha, you should have seen it, there I was after having been embraced as if brotherly almost, uncomfortable as hel, worried but not outwardly. I decided to take him up on his offer to be seated next to His majesty's daughter,"
At that moment Gunther takes a pause and waves sweetly to both his wife and his Saxon lover sitting upon the bench seating; "so anyway, drinking and reveling and feasting, conversing about my manner of entrance, HA! as if I would honestly defect to serve some giant blow hard."Gunther lets out a very boisterous laugh and almost pats Timeus on the back, before forcing his own hand to stay by his side, the hesitation in the action being very obvious.

"But in the end with Robert's help we rescued 1 on his family knights and 3 of mine own, and I walked out of King Aelle's castle with a prize under one arm and their dinner in the other. I honestly was a bit confused as to which was the pig, but before the end of the night, I ate them both."

With that he give's both men a very quick and slight bow of the head and bids them good luck and parts ways for the moment to get ready of the jousts.

2017-01-20, 05:09 PM
Sir Timeus' gaze wonders to the stands, as he spots the Saxon Princess. Rubbing his arm at the memory of the injury that her father had bestowed upon him, he manages a weak smile, as he tries to stifle his laugh at the thought of Sir Gunther not only eloping with such a large woman under his arm, but also the thought of Sir Gunther demonstrating why he was named "the Lusty". "You must allow me to immortalize your deed in song. I already have its title "The Saxon King's Daughter"! Once the Tourney is over, I shall ensure that it is sung in every tavern in Salisbury!" he says actually giving a painful slap on Sir Gunther's back. "My apologies my friend, sometimes I do not know my own strength." He then hears the trumpets announcing that the Jousting event will be starting. "We better not tarry. Good fortunes my friend, and may the best man win."

Timeus mounts upon his horse and trots towards the jousting ground, waving at the cheering people as his name is announced. He cares little about winning the title of Lord Roderick's Champion, and normally he too would have abstained from this Tournament out of respect for his grandfather's friend, Sir Amig. Yet his Lord had announced this Tourney, and it would be humiliating if none of his knights turned up, not to mention that being given the title of "Champion" is meaningless unless earned through trials and difficulties. Sir Timeus perhaps may not care to be Champion, but he would still do his best, and most importantly enjoy himself.

Sir Gunther and Sir Timeus arrive at their positions and face each other. The crowd cheers as Lord Roderick stands from his seat to announce the start of the jousting. Timeus finds himself humming again as he waits for his Lord's signal to begin. Once his Lord gives the signal to commence by lowering his hand, the two Knights urge their steeds to gallop with full fury, the crowd going wild. Timeus had spent a good part of the winter training with the lance under the gaze of Sir Otho the Haggard, his grandfather's brother and also a veteran of several battles. His grand-Uncle was especially harsh with Timeus' training, considering that he carried his older brother's name, Uncle Otho wanted Timeus to be worthy of carrying it, and Sir Timeus the Bard was not one to shirk from a doing what he considered his duty. And his training paid off, as Timeus finds an opening in Sir Gunther's defense, and lands a blow right in his friend's chest, shattering his lance, and knocking him off of his horse.

The crowd hold their breath at first then erupt into cheers, as Sir Gunther rises from the ground, and his horse is brought to him. The first round went to Sir Timeus who was given a fresh lance for the second round. Again the two knights face each other and lower their lances, waiting for their Lord's signal to commence. Timeus is feeling confident about his abilities as Lord Roderick lowers his hand and both Knights urge their horses to gallop at full speed towards each other. Again, Timeus is able to notice an opening which would allow him to deliver a clean blow. Just as Timeus is about to thrust his lance, Gunther accidentally lowers his own, instead of striking Timeus, wounds his horse instead. However at that moment, Timeus launches his own attack, again hitting Sir Gunther square in his chest. However Timeus was still unaware of how strong he had become due to his training, and the force of his blow not only shatters his lance, but sends Gunther flying back a good distance before crashing violently onto the ground.

In the rush of his attack, Timeus had not realized just how strong his attack was, and instead was looking at his horse's injury as he slows it to a canter. However instead of hearing the people cheer, instead there is only silence coming from the crowd, broken by an occasional gasp. Turning around, Timeus then realizes to his horror that his friend had not gotten up and was laying motionless on the ground.

Fearing that he had just killed Sir Gunther, Timeus jumps off his horse and runs as fast as his legs can take him. "Praise God..." He sighs a deep breath of relief as he sees that his friend is breathing shallowly. He was badly wounded, but at least he wasn't dead. Waving towards the crowd he yells "Make haste! He's injured! Bring a Chirgeon!"

Lady Tialait
2017-01-20, 05:19 PM
A team of men lift the limp Gunther off the battlefield, and Timeus is declared the winner of the first round of jousts. Gunther is taken to a tent to be tended to, but would not come back awake this day, perhaps this week. His family Knights would have to continue the joust without him. The names of Sir Robert of Pitton and Sir Timeus the Bard are called to joust next, Sir Timeus is no longer riding upon his injured Charger, but a fresh Rouncy. Sir Rodrick stands to announce himself, instead of his herald.

"While it is not proper to allow the injury of a knight's steed in games of sport, Sir Timeus failed to without his full strength against Sir Gunther, hence I will allow the family of Gunther the Lusty to continue to fight in his stead. Sir Timeus, if you wish you may claim Sir Gunther's own steed as recompense for his carelessness. If not, a fee shall be levied upon the House of Gunther for such actions."

2017-01-20, 05:38 PM
Sir Timeus bows in front of his lord. The look on his face is that of shame. Not only had he failed to check his own strength, but now his Lord was giving him an option, either take Sir Gunther's horse, or have him pay a fine. Considering that Sir Gunther had risked his life to save his kin by facing King Aelle because he lacked the resources to ransom them, Timeus did not know which would be the fairer option... or if either option was fair.

After several moments of silence as the Bard weighs his options, his shoulders slump as he makes up his mind "My Lord... I will reluctantly accept the steed." he says with a sigh. Timeus reasons that it would be better to accept the horse, and allow Sir Gunther to keep his money to upkeep his house and family.

Lady Tialait
2017-01-20, 05:58 PM
As the pair of knights arrive at their points to Joust the crowd was once against cheering, Sir Rodrick signals for the Joust to begin and the pair of knights move swiftly towards each other. The cheering coming to a sudden stop as Sir Robert drops from his steed, once again Sir Timeus the Bard had not only unhorsed his opponent, but dropped them to near death. The huge man had learned how to bring forth power, but not control it seemed. The crowd was silent once again, as Sir Timeus dismounts and calls for the Chirugeon.

With two of the knights participating down and out for a while, Earl Rodrick calls Timeus to him.

"Sir Knight, you are truly the most powerful Knight in my realm. We had planned greater entertainments for the evening, but it is clear that you would simply injure more of my much needed Knights. Hence, I declare you to be my champion as you keep honor and loyalty in your heart." with that he raised Timeus' arm as best he could.

Months pass before the knights are called upon again, it is mid summer in fact. The three knights are called to Sir Rodrick's court where he embraces Sir Timeus before speaking to all three.

"Our Lord has been fighting Saxons on all fronts, however he has not called upon our forces this year. As such, I would have you patrol my lands and protect the garrisons. Sir Timeus will be in charge, as is his right as Champion of Salisbury. Sir Gunther, you will follow the orders and commands of your betters."

With that the trio are dismissed to begin their summer long patrol of the lands.

2017-01-21, 09:14 AM
A week or so after the jousts, he is greeted by his family who inform him of events given the fact that he was out for the count; Gunther makes that first move in as long, reacting to some residual soreness, "What?!, son of a......." After a few moments Gunther comes back to his senses and takes note, so his steed was payment for killing Timues's; that was fine, but the notion that Roderick would call any other knight his better's, that was an outrage, after all they were not better, but merely stronger. Gunther gets himself dressed while having of his family knights read him his orders to patrol the garrisons for the summer, "Hrpm, very well; ready of my rouncey's and I shall head out to meet up with Sir Robert and Sir Timeus at once."

Gunther takes another few moments to contemplate another big decision, but after just about a minute, he passes the message that Guntherbjorn shall steward his lands while he was on patrol for as long as Gunther himself was not personally around. As he heads out to his stable he is greeted by his squire, and lets him know that he shall ride out with on patrol in order to learn of more duties of a knight and the worst part of politics. Reginald Farthwurst nods and tells Gunther he shall ready his horse just as soon as Gunther's was ready; Gunther tells him to be off to ready his horse as he readies his own. About an hour later the depart to meet up with the rest of his patrol, the only conversation that passes between Gunther and Reginald is that of the rescue he undertook during the past winter and some basic business; Gunther's mood had taken a turn on the ride. A day or two go by and Gunther and his squire make to the meet up point where the patrol will start, greeting the other two and introducing his squire formally.
"Good day to you Sir Timeus and Sir Robert, this is Reginald Farthwurst my squire, he will be along with us for the patrol as I feel that is would be a great learning experience for him."

Gunther turns back as he dismounts to walk his horse for a bit, his face twisting just a bit as if he'd swallow a nasty juicy bug on the ride, but this was not the case. The slight of his lord in Salisbury stung to much for such a small action and it was beginning to irritate him; nonetheless, Gunther did his best to temper his anger with thoughts of the next woman or women that would be his conquests.

2017-01-21, 06:18 PM
And so, Sir Timeus the Bard was crowned the Tourney winner and named Champion of Salisbury. Back at Dinton a great feast was held, and even the peasants were allowed to spend a few days celebrating, including those of Timeus' other holdings in Newton and Newton Tony. For several days, the halls in Dinton Manor were filled with the the sound of the various household knights singing loudly. Yet the man of honor, Timeus himself was in a somber mood, for perhaps he had won the title of Champion of Salisbury, but he had done so by almost killing his two friends. As he carefully nibbles on a piece of boar, he tells himself, that he would be singing this night, as it would be right. It wasn't long before his kin began the Champion to begin singing. Alright perhaps just one song... or two.

For a few months after the Tourney, Timeus continues to keep himself busy, training with his Uncle Otho, trying to finish composing "The Saxon King's Daugher" and of course trying to produce an heir with the Lady Indeg. Considering the intensity with which he went upon each task one could not be sure which one was his priority.

Then, a message arrives from Salisbury Castle. Investigating the letter's unbroken seal, Sir Timeus opens it, realizing that it has come from his Lord Roderick. It would seem that his presence is required. He makes immediate arrangements for his departure, and taking his Squire Felix with him head to his Lord's Castle. Upon arriving, he is greeted embraced by Lord Roderick. Timeus is careful to gently return the embrace "My Lord." he says after Lord Roderick releases him from his embrace and nods his head.

He then listens carefully as he is given his first assignment as Champion of Salisbury. Patrol duty. Timeus remembered his father complaining about this type of duty, and would often joke about how he would once in a while require a break from all the Saxon slaying that he was so fond of. Regardless, Sir Timeus would take this duty very seriously. Being dismissed by Lord Roderick, Timeus rides to where he is to meet with Sir Gunther and Sir Robert.

"Well met friends." he says as he nods at them. It seemed weird that he was now officially in command of these men. He gives a polite nod at Reginald, before turning to his own Squire "And this is my Squire... Felix." who is busy trying to catch up on Timeus' Rouncey. Timeus himself is riding the Charger which was given to him during the Tourney, opting not to tire his old Charger.

"Let us get to the task given to us by our Lord. We shall start our patrol Northward." Sir Timeus commands.

2017-01-21, 06:59 PM
Gunther listens to the orders given him by Timeus carefully and nods his head in compliance and acknowledgement. Shortly after the ride starts, for reasons unknown Gunther begins to sing off key softly but audibly, "We rode on a winter's morn, towards King Aelle's castle for further glory. Robert key keen eye out, and I rode with thought about. To task we set to rescue kin, and wishing for fun and dining in. Upon the castle when we did approach, walking valiantly to the gate, and Robert with eyes as keen as a hawk did make his way around the back. Embraces, dining, drinking and flirting, when all was said I walked out smiling; with prize under arm and hog in hand, their dinner stole and so with Aelle's future."

As the little story song ends Gunther turns very slightly towards Timeus; "I wished to apologize to you personally for not keeping my lance more level good Sir; you rode very well, and I am honored to serve again with you." Gunther takes a briefly pause as his eyes go back to the rode and horse, "My only wish is too ease Sir Rodericks opinion of me a a bit. Might you have any suggestions for me Sir Timeus?"

Gunther gently pulls the reigns to keep his horse on track as it had started to veer just a bit, with a careful guide of his knees to aid his horse is back on track in a second. They ride long along the road north of Salisbury, Gunther takes a moment to scan carefully the surrounding area with the same diligence as he had shown in the battle the previous year.

2017-01-21, 07:27 PM
Sir Timeus smiles as Sir Gunther begins to sing, not commenting on the fact that he was singing off key. "There is no need to apologize Sir Gunther, and I am unworthy of your compliments." he says shaking his head "Perhaps my horse was injured, but I caused you even greater harm through my carelessness. It is I who should apologize." turning towards Sir Robert "And to you Sir Robert as well, for having seen the result of my strength against Sir Gunther, I was yet unable to keep it in check against you. I was careless, and I almost killed two of my Lord's best knights."

"Not only did I take a title which should have passed to the one who was favored by Sir Amig, a title which was of little interest to me, but I also took your Charger. Alas, I had intended on using my Rouncey, but our Lord left me with a difficult decision. Either claim your Charger as my own, or your family would be fined. How could I allow your family to be fined, when you faced King Aelle to free your kin because you lacked the funds? Thus I fear I have done you both a disservice. I pray you find it in your hearts to forgive me."

He considers Sir Gunther's request for some advice "What you ask is no easy task Sir Gunther. While it is true that you redeemed yourself for your past misdeeds by charging first and proving your worth at the Battle of Mecred Creek, just because your sins have been forgiven at the price of your blood, and that of your kin, it does not mean that Lord Roderick has forgotten. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to mend. Not impossible, but difficult. You wish for our Lord to see you in a more favorable light? Earn his trust, and if you are unsure as to what is needed to be done as to earn it? See those whom he trusts and place their deeds and failings next to yours. Should you judge yourself wanting, then mend your ways."

2017-01-21, 07:42 PM
While Gunther rides along listening to Sir Timeus's words while on patrol, his first words catches his attention, "Ha ha ha, now there Timeus, you are extremely worthy of my compliments, and as for the joust, ha ha, if I had held my shield just a tad higher as well as my lance against you it may have gone better." Gunther takes a breath and waits for Timeus to continue, before continuing. "I learned a good lesson during the tournament which I have already stated. My wish that the charger serves you as well as it served me during the past battle. And I do respect the decision to spare me a fine; after all, jousts are dangerous, there was no wrong doing on my part, and you judged the decision well." Gunther turns his attention back to the road and listens further to Sir Timeus, keeping watch vigilantly.

2017-02-02, 04:34 PM
Timeus nods at Sir Gunther, feeling much better at least that he had cleared this matter up. Keeping and eye out for any potential trouble, Timeus decides to change subject "I have heard whispers that the Arch Druid Merlin has returned." He knew that this mysterious druid has helped King Uther, and his brother before that, but something about Merlin bothered the devout Christian knight. "What do you make of Merlin? I know little about him, nor can I say that I understand his ways." Perhaps a Pagan would be able to enlighten him.

2017-02-02, 05:08 PM
Gunther suddenly pulls his horse to a halt, almost causing Sir Robert an embarrassing falls if not for a very lucky grab at the smaller knights chest plate backing; then Gunther looking at Timeus with an odd look, perhaps questioning why he would ask such a question before Gunther utters his response; "Melyn? I cannot say that I am necessarily an expert on any religion, but what I know from stories older than most civilization speaks of a wild mad man in search of ancient knowledge." Gunther takes a moment to clear his throat in anticipation of a lengthy conversation while gently reining his horse back to movement. "What my great grandfather believed is that the All Father with great wisdom and even at times incredible foresight watched over all of the branches of Yggdrasil; it is also said that he and his kinsman and children have even come here, to Midgard in an effort to defend and assist men in keeping terrible monsters and demons at bay." Gunther continues just a little bit longer telling Timeus about many deeds and wise judgments that Odin himself has made, and even of a time long from their present when He and his kin would go to the last Great Fight of Ragnarok.

"I suppose if you are asking me Sir Timeus what I think of Merlin's purpose, that is not for mortal men to know necessarily; however, delving into such matters should be done with great caution, and some of the answers will be things that you may not be prepared for." Sir Gunther straightens his posture, still leaving a slight relaxed slouch so to not stiffen his muscles to much after a brief stretch. "Ha ha! I believe that his appearance will bring great change, and quite possibly a lot sooner than any of us think; I believe that Merlyn is simply the form that the All Father has taken to assist us mortals in the great fight, possibly fearing some of there working to be the work of Ettin's form another realm."

2017-02-02, 06:01 PM
Sir Timeus listens carefully to the tales that Sir Gunther told him, all the while instinctively reaching for the wooden cross hanging from his neck. "I shall be honest with you, I do not like the idea of our King relying on powers forbidden by the Almighty. Powerful kings in the past have done so, only to be lead down the road of ruin. I pray that our King's soul is kept protected, and that he follows the example of our Lord Christ Jesus when he was tempted by the devil. In an instance, he was offered all of the kingdoms of the world, yet the Lord Christ refused, instead chose to die upon the cross for us all. We Christians believe in a fundamental promise: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again." he too begins to explain to Sir Gunther about the Great Dragon, the Whore of Babylon, the Angels who shall blow the trumpets hailing the beginning of the End, and the Second Coming.

"So as you can understand, we Christians have been warned not to trust Merlin's powers. Yet, I shall put my hand over my mouth, for our King has chosen to trust him. I just hope that he will not come to regret it, as he did when the Duke of Silchester refused to support him as the High King... despite the trust he placed upon him and his knights at the battle of Mecred Creek."

2017-02-02, 07:38 PM
Gunther waits until Timeus comes to a natural brake when he then begins to speak again in response. "Tell Sir Timeus, in the last 10 years before Rome fell, if their leaders had such a being, or man such as Merlin or the equivalent, do you think that empire would still have come to ruin in the western half the world? Probably so, but only because perhaps the reason Rome fell in the first place is because those who lead Rome did not truly have the wisdom to rule."Gunther takes a breath, and fights what would have been a tear if not for his resolve. "I have been witness to foolishness and heard of such; my own father died because his last battle as valiantly as he fought, went into battle foolishly; this is not an insult to his memory, this is a lesson for myself not to make the same mistake, a way of teaching. If distrust in a man such as Merlin starts with one such as you for example, then it could spread; I believe that in fact as I said, the All Father takes many forms rarely, but when this is necessary is it not done without intense thought. Trust that our King is wise and that he will only use what information Merlin presents that is a true; do not let Piety blind you to somebody just because he believes differently unless those differences might lead to destruction."

As the three knights continue their riding Gunther can sense something as if in the very air, "I do not mean any disrespect to your Geessoos, but Gods who spread dissent are enemies of all who wish to do right." Now then, what should concern us is when King Aelle will do now. Gunther exclaims, changing the subject to current events that do not challenge personal religious beliefs, but in the back of his mind a single thought crosses his mind; "If King Uther makes a foolish move that does not lead to this country better, then I will simply follow a wiser king that next comes along."

As the ride winds on and on, the group have further conversations of the nature of the spiritual, all the while Gunther keeps two things in mind, a keen eye on enemy moves and listening to these words that bring trouble for his own faith.

2017-02-02, 08:06 PM
"Rex Angliae Dei gratia, my friend." answers Timeus in Latin "Rex Angliae Dei gratia." he says again, but this time more firmly. "Perhaps our views on religion may differ, but we all kneel swore a sacred oath. You before Odin, and I before God to serve our Lord and our King. Perhaps you may have earned many unflattering titles Sir Gunther, but that of an oathbreaker would ill suit you. Should our King make a wrong choice... for we are all Humans... then it falls upon us... no... it is our duty to speak up and demonstrate to our King the errors of his way."

"After our gains at the battle of Mecred Creek were reversed, our King and as a result, the Kingdom itself fell into gloom and despair. Our King's mood was so foul that he forbade any form of entertainment, including singing... going as far as banishing a man for daring to sing in front of him. This gloom even effected our Lord Roderick, who said that our time would be better spent training for war, and thus even Salisbury fell into despair. Yet, seeing this wrong, I could not stand still. I made a passionate plea to Lord Roderick about the soul of Britain, and how the Saxons were managing to poison it through our King's unwise acts. I went so far as to place a bet with Lord Roderick, that if I was not able to move him with my masterpiece "King Uther's Four Hundred" then I would not wed for five years."

"A daunting prospect, yet it fell upon me to speak up against this wrong plaguing my King and country, and thus I wagered my line and heritage for the Soul of Britain for my arguments were just. The result? Well... I did get married." he says with a smile.

He then considers what King Aelle would do next "Well... considering you did steal his daughter through a ruse, it would not surprise me should his aggressiveness increase several times fold. Where I in his shoes and my own daughter elope with a foreigner in such a fashion? I would have already been tearing up his manor seeking to restore my daughter. I pray that you never fall into King Aelle's hands, for I fear you may have brought a poisoned chalice into Salisbury." After all, Salisbury had been attacked once by the Saxons. Perhaps this would be something worth mentioning to Lord Roderick upon his return.

2017-02-02, 08:33 PM
"Ha ha ha, my Christian friend, you worry so much; as for King Aelle, ha ha, you should have seen him like a drunken fool embrace a man who made quite a noticeable sight on a battle field. If King Aelle wishes my death then let him come to my home by himself and challenge me if he is a truly man enough. Ha ha ha! Aelle would have to first admit that must as Loki once tricked a couple Ettin's by disguising his half-brother in woman's garb, he also let himself be deceived by abandoning wisdom for drink. I took a risk in an effort to get back that which was precious to me, and in turn I've taught him the meaning of losing that which is precious to him."

Gunther lets out another quick laugh, but then stops abruptly. "But in all seriousness, he let himself be deceived and has learned the price of his foolishness; I don't think if he still has some reason he will not make that same mistake again." With that Gunther rides a little closer to Timeus and slaps him on the back, "The only thing that matters to us is protecting the country from the forces or King Aelle, and all other enemies of this realm!"

2017-02-09, 07:12 PM
Robert rode along behind the other two, his squire in tow, lost in his thoughts as Gunther and Timeus carried on their conversation. The tournament had been his. Although the fact had not truly sunk in at the time, it was clear in retrospect that his grandfather-in-law had sacrificed much to put things in his favor. He had known what the last competition in that ill-fated competition had meant to be. Archery, an art Robert excelled at. Sir Amig had also been putting in good words with Lord Roderick for weeks, possibly longer. It was clear that Amig had wished for him to succeed him as Champion of Salisbury.

And yet, here he stood. Despite every advantage given to him, Timeus had bested him. Not merely bested, but humiliated. Both Gunther and himself had been laid low in a single stroke. Put up in bed for months. At times, in his darkest moments, Sir Robert wondered if he should have left Sir Timeus laying there at Melcred Creek. He tried to put this from his mind. It was not Sir Timeus' fault. It was Robert's own weakness that had let down Sir Amig. His own weakness that had let down the memory of his half-brother. His own weakness that had condemned his family to yet another generation of mediocrity. No, if anything Timeus was frustratingly righteous. Personable, kind, brave; very difficult to dislike. What exactly made him so much greater than Robert? Was it his worship of his dead god? Did that sacrament of symbolically canibalizing his savior grant him his strength? Was it his breeding? Luck? Raw skill? The answer was important, because if it was something that Robert could change in himself he would gladly do so to spare his family yet another underperforming knight. If it was not something he could emulate, then was it best to simply accept his position?

Finally, his eyes lit up, though his expression remained dour. He had a solution. At the very least, this would prove to himself whether it was worth the effort to even try to surpass the new Champion of Salisbury, or relegate himself to a subservient position. He broke his silence, "Sir Timeus." He said, firmly yet flatly. "What would you say to another wager?"

2017-02-09, 07:19 PM
Sir Timeus raises an eyebrow at Sir Robert's proposition "A wager? It would seem that every time we place a wager, I lose." he says with a chuckle "What type of wager do you have in mind?"

2017-02-09, 07:41 PM
"I feel that is debatable, but regardless, I've seen you ride. You seem comfortable in the saddle. I suggest we race." He takes a look at the surroundings and calls to his squire, "Braddoc, take an axe and travel down the edge of the marsh, up the hill and to the other side. Set up some long branches for markers, and cut some logs and lay them across the pass for hurdles. Set a fire to let us know you're finished." As the boy goes off, he turns back to Timeus. "We race to Braddoc's fire. First one there is the victor. And to make things interesting...the wager shall be...our sons. The first born son of the loser will be pledged as the squire to the victor."

2017-02-09, 08:00 PM
Sir Timeus lets out a booming laugh "I am afraid that I would be doing you a terrible disservice my friend should I accept! How can I pledge something which I do not currently possess? Or something that I may never possess for that matter? For as we speak, I am still heir-less! And who knows if my beloved wife will chose to bestow upon me a daughter? It would be most unfair to you, if you were to best me, and all I could send to squire you is a girl!"

"I cannot in good conscience wager something I do not have. It would shame me greatly to not be able to uphold the terms. Instead, I propose as follows: we shall race, and the victor shall be treated to a feast with his wife at the manor of the one who he has bested. Then, God willing, should we both produce fine young boys to carry our line and name, then we shall race once more, and the terms shall be as you said. Is that acceptable?"

He turns to Sir Gunther "I also propose, that Sir Gunther acts as a neutral arbitrator, for the sake of fairness."

2017-02-09, 08:15 PM
Robert shaked his head, "I do not object to Sir Gunther being arbiter, but as for the wager I must insist. Putting it off until later...will not do, and a feast is simply not high enough stakes. Besides, we are still equal in this. My wife is with child, true, but I know not whether it will be a son or daughter. I have no doubt we will both produce sons one day, and if by some unconcionsable stroke of ill fortune one of us does not..." He hesitates. Would he be willing to bear that shame should it come to that? His resolve hardens. Should he lose here, no shame would be greater than the life he would resign himself to. "If not, if within ten years the loser does not bear a son, than instead the loser shall squire the winner's daughter. If that is somehow still not possible, than the winner may chose whomever he wishes from the loser's house as his squire."

2017-02-09, 08:30 PM
Sir Timeus furrows his brow at the proposition "I had thought that this wager would have been like our previous competitions, yet it would seem my friend, that this race holds great significance for you. I apologize, for now I understand just how much you are willing to put on the line to defeat me." He takes a moment to consider the terms "Very well then Sir Robert. If it will aid you in vanquishing that which torments you, I shall accept your conditions. May the best man win fairly, and may old grudges be buried after that!"

As Timeus urges his horse he can be heard saying "Either way, I have faith that you will sire a boy." while having a smile on his face.

2017-02-10, 10:18 AM
They camped for a few hours, waiting on Robert's squire to finish laying the course. Finally, smoke can be seen rising up from over the tall hill in the horizon. Robert takes his position at the makeshift starting line and wishes Timeus luck. He positions his horse at the start and, when the signal is given, takes off. Timeus pulls slightly ahead at the begninning as they thunder down the edge of the marsh along the line of sticks, however, at the end of the first stretch, one of the logs Braddoc had set up laid across the path. Robert's charger easily cleared the obstacle, however he didn't see Timeus clear it along with him. Robert didn't look back, his eyes set squarely on the path in front of him.

He would not see Timeus again for the rest of the race and, although he had some trouble when he came across the three log piles Braddoc had set up (Robert hadn't asked him to do that. He wasn't sure whether to be impressed by the boy's initiative or angry at him for not following orders.). Still, as he first saw Braddoc in the distance, and then passed the smouldering embers of his campfire, Robert was elated. It was a small victory, but to Robert it was still significant. At the very least, he had proven to himself that it was within his reach to excel at the knightly arts.

2017-02-10, 11:37 AM
As the race begins, Sir Timeus urges his charger on. Even if he had not placed a wager with Sir Robert, Timeus was one to always do his best, and he was determined to win. Yet despite his best efforts, it would seem that for once, Sir Timeus' large size actually proved to be a hindrance, as he quickly finds himself woefully lagging behind Sir Robert. Still urging his horse on, Timeus was struggling hard with the obstacles laid on the track.

All of a sudden, as he tries to clear an obstacle consisting of three logs, the charger is unable to make the jump, and losing his balance, Timeus is thrown off his horse and falls unceremoniously onto the hard ground. It takes him a moment to get up again, for he was under no illusion that he could win this race anymore, and he first checks himself for injuries, then checks his horse. "Thank God for small mercies." he says as he mounts his horse once more, pleased that there were no injuries.

Eventually, Sir Timeus reaches the finishing line, were naturally Sir Robert was there waiting. Trotting his horse up to Sir Robert, Timeus locks his eyes with him, and lets out a hearty laugh "Didn't keep you waiting long I hope?" he says as he gives a slap on Sir Robert's back "Did I not tell you that every time we place a wager I lose?" he says laughing some more "You bested me. There can be no doubt about that. And as promised, should the Good Lord will it, my first born son shall squire for you. Just as Sir Timeus the Late surpassed his father before him, so too did Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane surpass his father before him. And just like I strive to surpass Sir Bardolf the Saxonbane, it is my most solemn hope, that I live to see my son uphold the proud family tradition and surpass his father. I and my family shall be looking forward to see the results of your training."

"Unless of course, I am unable to have a son... which in that case, you have better be prepared to be surpassed by your own daughter." he says with a smile to Sir Robert, yet the tone of his voice indicated that he was completely serious. If it would have to come to having a girl as a squire, then Sir Timeus would do no less than to properly train her in the knightly ways as he had promised.

Lady Tialait
2017-02-10, 11:21 PM
The three knights at the finish line with their squires speaking post-race are interrupted by an old hunched over man, weathered by years of hard life in the fields. "Good sirs, my lords, may I trouble you please. I have a wayward goat and I cannot find her, her milk is the only pleasure my family has, and my daughters have not been able to find her. Please, could I ask this favor of you?" the man looks worried that he will not get a positive response.

2017-02-11, 02:31 AM
Sir Gunther nods to Timeus in acknowledgement in taking the role of neutral aribiter; this is a great honor and would be a test of his wisdom. Gunther smiles sincerely at his two contemporaries. As the conversation and final agreement to of the race conditions and terms of loss and victory are settled, Gunther when he hears that Robert if he loses, would offer a daughter to squire as a shield maiden..at first Gunther smiles, but then with a serious look towards Robert as if asking him; do you understand the danger and honor you would offer? Gunther then nods towards Sir Robert and says aloud and quick between the throng of words between the two, "Very good Sir Robert" nodding at Timeus acknowledging this is a great honor to offer a daughter, "Sir Timeus, you are strong and wise, but yet you wished for me to help you understand the Pagan mindset to some of our ways; well this is offer to squire a girl is definitely one that does not happen often. Indeed Sir Roberts future daughter may indeed make a valiant and honorable and strong Skaldmaer. This is noble of Sir Robert and I am honored to witnessed this occasion."

2017-02-11, 03:29 AM
"Is that so?" says Sir Timeus scratching his beard. He had not considered the fact that Sir Robert's religion allows for women to become warriors. "It seems there is much I do not know about your ways. I would like to hear more about these... Skaldmaer." This exotic notion... for a Christian man at least... could make a great material for a new song.

As Sir Timeus' mind is already racing to find the correct words for his latest song, an old peasant arrives, asking for their assistance. Timeus listens to the man's plight, and slightly cringes when he mentions that he has daughters, for obvious reasons "My good man. We are knights sworn to Lord Roderick, and to protect these lands and its people. Even if we can aid in the smallest on plights, then we have taken one more step into making these lands a better place. These are my companions, Sir Gunther and Sir Robert, and I am Sir Timeus. Pray tell, where and when did you last see your goat?"

2017-02-11, 04:36 AM
Sir Gunther nods to Sir's Timeus and Robert, then at the peasant and simply and seriously exclaims, "I would be honored to aid a subject of Lord Roderick and our King Uther the Pen-dragon by assuring that his people and his realm prospers."

2017-02-11, 10:10 AM
Among the satisfaction of victory, Robert felt a twinge of guilt when Timeus brought up the contingency of their bargain. Truthfully, when he had thought of the stipulation of what would happen should the loser of the contest not have a son, it had not even crossed his mind that Timeus might be the one to bear that burden. He had only been thinking about the ramifications for himself, not Timeus. But no, he thought. Ten years was a long time. Surely Timeus would have a son by then. There was no need to let his guilt foul his mood.

He turned his attention to the old man. He gladly nodded in solidarity of his companions acceptance, but he did not say anything, for Timeus had already stolen the most pertinent questions from his head.

Lady Tialait
2017-02-11, 11:04 AM
The old man points in a northernly direction where several hills sit and a fairly dense wood. "I believe I saw her that direction yesterday, my lords, sirs." he nods thinking to himself, "And thank you sirs, my lords, sirs."

2017-02-11, 06:14 PM
Timeus takes a look at the wood that the peasant pointed at, before turning his attention back at him "Fear not, we shall do everything we can to ensure that your goat is returned to you... er.... your name being?" Sir Timeus asks "And for that matter were is your house?"

Lady Tialait
2017-02-11, 06:17 PM
The old man shuffles his feet and looks down, "My apology sir, my lord, my name is Emrys Merde. My home is not but a few hours walk away, I was taking the goat out to graze when it ran away."

2017-02-11, 06:30 PM
Sir Timeus nods "Very well, you may return home Emrys. Rest assured we shall do what we can." nodding to Sir Gunther and Sir Robert, he begins to head towards the forest that the old man had indicated.

2017-02-11, 08:04 PM
"If we're looking for a goat, we should probably split up. I doubt there's anything out here any one of us can't handle, and it will take forever to comb the entire forest as a group. Plus, we'll be less likely to spook the goat if just one of us find it."

2017-02-11, 08:11 PM
As Gunther and his squire ride along the road towards the indicated area he asks, "if that is good with Sir Timeus then we shall be off to start the search." With that said the two put their spurs into their rounsies and take off with lightning like speed in the direction to begin the search.
After some time of riding Gunther says in a loud enough range to his squire to stay close and keep your eyes sharp!

Lady Tialait
2017-02-11, 11:24 PM
No sooner did the trio of knights head out still well within earshot of each other does Sir Robert's sharp eyes catch sight of a huge black goat standing on top a nearby hilltop, a rope tied to it's neck and wrapped around the arm of a massive one eyed creature laying next to hill yet still visible. The creature is laying on his back and with a tree trunk laid across his chest, his barreled chest taller then both horse and rider of even the biggest of knights or saxon kings.

2017-02-12, 11:19 AM
"Stop!" Robert said in a hushed tone while bringing the giant and the goat to the other's attention through hand gestures. He dismounts and attempts to gather everyone close to discuss the issue.

"What do you think? I do not believe the creature is asleep, based on it's breathing, so sneaking up on it would probably be foolhardy. Does anyone know if giants can talk? Perhaps Sir Gunther and I could pull a Saxon King on it."

2017-02-12, 12:23 PM
Sir Timeus dismounts, and takes a good long hard look at this creature. Ever since he was a child, he had wanted to see a giant with his own eyes, and now that he was finally so close to one, the large knight seems mesmerized at the sight, absorbing everything. All of a sudden Timeus snaps out of it, and turns towards Sir Gunther and Sir Robert

"Ever since I was a child, I had promised to myself that one day my adventures would lead me to behold a Giant. For when I was little, I had already surpassed my brothers who were several years my senior, in size. I had often heard rumors... would often be called "Giantspawn". Naturally, I would often brush these rumors aside as nonsense... yet now that I've seen one..." the thought that his father, despite his infidelity would stoop so low as to sleep with such a creature, or that his poor mother would sleep with such a creature to punish his father disgusted Sir Timeus to his core "... I feel quite insulted." he says bitterly.

He thinks for a few moments, combing his mind if he knew anything worth mentioning about the giants, before shaking his head. "Unfortunately, I know only that a giant is big. I do not think its a good idea for the pair of you to pull another ruse like you did with King Aelle... after all..." he says turning to Sir Gunther "Would you really be comfortable with siring a Giantspawn like me?" he says with a smile trying to work off his bitterness with a jab at himself.

2017-02-12, 05:13 PM
Gunther while riding out and completely missing sight of anything unusual then hears oddly the loud, hushed tone of Sir Robert warning to be quiet, as Gunther turns to Robert then in the direction of the ettin and his milk goat the only thing that comes to mind is, "By Thor's Hammer!" His squire also stops, his jaw sagging low than normal as well. When gathered together too discuss what to do about this massive creature, at this point Gunther had made up mind; although he knew not specifically what or how to deal with this giant, he did remember a story his father passed onto him from his great grand father at some point. As the conversation continues Timeus then pokes a bit regarding performing ruses, Gunther looks at Timeus in a way as to suggest he should not be ridiculous; but then Gunther smiles out of nowhere and says to Timeus.. "I could think of worse things than siring a giant, however, first the creature would have to be capable of reason, this is something I don't believe a creature this large is capable of.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

This Gunther gives a large man a friendly pat on the shoulder and tells him, "I kidd Sir Timeus, and I meant the one eyed giant before us, not you." Talking to this monster is not something that Gunther would deem as unwise he lets his companions know, and that if he believed something to be unwise and he, Sir Gunther would not do it, then it must be one of the most fool-hardly things one could ever do on this Earth. The smile lingers on Sir Gunther's face even as he looks back in the giants direction and begins to think of a way to slay the beast... As Gunther try's to think of how to deal with the monstrosity, and over hearing what Sir Robert was suggesting, he begins to get a few idea's; Then says to both of the other two "the horses of me and my squire are adequate for patrol, but for speed not to effective, what I suggest is set a trap around the giant that would cause him to when it rises from its slumber will get to its feet and trip shortly after that basic movement; the other part of the trap is to make sure that this second part is an impaling weapon large enough to kill a giant, or at least large enough to injure the beast." Gunther then takes a pause with one finger held a loft to indicate that he is only pausing and thinking of something as alternative, "or perhaps we could wait for it to rouse if Sir Timeus really wants to tempt fate talk to it and challenge it to an eating competion and in turn convince the giant to eat something that may kill it, but this doesn't seem wise to me either, I ha ha ha, suggest my first idea, a trap."

2017-02-12, 05:20 PM
Timeus scratches his beard "Our mission is to retrieve the goat. If we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed, then all the better." he says as he looks at the goat tied around the Giant's arm. "If we could find a way to liberate the goat from its bond... two of us could act as bait, rouse the giant with some noise and ride off... assuming that the Giant would give chase, the third of us who would be hidden, can use this opportunity to take the goat."

2017-02-12, 05:49 PM
Gunther looking at the giant then back and Sir Timeus with a look of disbelief at the hesitation in the large knights eyes and words replies, "Sir Timeus there is lies the problem, if all we do is liberate that really large goat from its giant master then there is still a problem as the giant will most likely seek to retake its property." Gunther then scratches at his chin and thinks again before his next words. "I would propose a rope, pulley and spike trap built around the giant with what supply's we all three can put together; we build this around the giant so that when its roused it trips the trap, is struck slightly dumb and triggers the rest of the trap to find itself falling on the spike. I realize I am not leading this band, but this seems to me to be a better suggestion that talking with it or stealing a goat the size of a destrier and risking a giants wrath. I suggest that you consider I my idea and we do our duty to protect Lord Roderick's lands, for both him and our King.?

2017-02-12, 06:22 PM
Sir Timeus shakes his head at Sir Gunther "I have never heard of a Giant in Salisbury, let alone reports that there has been a Giant causing problems to our Lord's land and his subjects. Should we follow your plan, we may very well be causing harm and may kill an innocent creature, as it seems none of us knows of the Giant's ways. It is true that our duty is to protect our Lord's land and his subject, but we are also expected to deliver justice on our Lord's behalf, and were is the justice if we condemn this creature to death if it has done nothing wrong? If this creature is deemed to be a threat, then everything changes and it would be as you say, but as things stand we know nothing."

Turning his gaze to Sir Robert he asks "What say you of this situation?"

2017-02-12, 07:15 PM
Robert's brow furrows as he contemplates the situation. "Well, Sir Gunther's concerns aren't entirely unfounded. If we were to just take the goat back to its owner, the giant would likely simply retake it. It is not as if the goatherd could stop it. However, we know nothing about these creatures. There could be others about, and if we kill it, we may just be plunging Salisbury into a war with giants for all we know. Plus, the goat did look rather large...the goat may be the giant's rightful property."

2017-02-12, 10:22 PM
Sir Gunther listening to the options and plans of his contemporaries continues listening while trying to think of the best course of action, although he does feel some disappointment in himself for having failed to convince both Sir Timeus and Sir Robert of his plan, he does begin to see the wisdom of their concerns and also realizes that had he succeeded he may well have started a war worthy of Gods. Gunther continues to listen until an opening in the conversation presents itself, then he makes one final statements, placing his right hand against his chest and slightly bowing towards the other two knights. "Then I believe there is only one course of action here, that is a combination of both Sir's Timeus and Robert's earlier idea; I will solve this dilemma through diplomacy with this Ettin and attempt to reach an understanding."

Sir Gunther looks to Sir Timeus for approval as he leads the trio before asking the two, "I will require the assistance of you both in setting up a negotiating table on that hill not to far from and within eye shot of where this giant sleeps at present, that is where this negotiation shall commence."
With that Sir Gunther calls to his squire to begin preparations as they await Sir Timeus's final decision.

2017-02-13, 02:56 AM
Sir Timeus again scratches his beard "You are correct Sir Robert. We do not even know if the goat belongs to the giant. We would be nothing more thieves. Yet Sir Gunther is also right... we need to understand the Giant's nature." after a few moments of considering the options he says "I believe there is one way to determine the Giant's nature. I shall rouse it from its slumber with song. Music has charms to sooth the savages of beast. Should it react in a way which allows us to talk with it, we can go with Sir Gunther plan... but suppose it does not... we would need to resort to a second plan."

Lady Tialait
2017-02-13, 12:55 PM
At that moment the Giant starts to stand looking at the group of Knights heaving his massive tree trunk over his head and starting to move towards to knights aggressively. It seems he wasn't sleeping, and had noticed the knights. He tosses the goat into the air to catch it in the horns on it's head and hold it there. Now he wishes to remove them so he can return to resting.

2017-02-18, 10:43 AM
Robert barely thought as he drew his bow. All of the talk of planning immediately left his mind as self preservation took over. He nocked his arrow and instinctively aimed for the creatures most vulnerable looking area: His single eye. Robert drew, and loosed. His aim was good, and the projectile found it's target.

2017-02-19, 03:17 PM
With loud gasp and sound of an arrow flying toward the giant hitting it square in the eye, now leaving the giant blinded in its single eye, and now stumbling around with the really big goat still attached to his wrist; a thought occurs to Gunther given the size of this massive brute and the potential damage it could do. Gunther quickly looks about, then after a mere few moments draws his sword after taking a run around the giant a bit long. When he gets behind the giant whose feet having shifted stance slightly to it right, Gunther takes the advantage of this moment to make use of his speed to leap quick stepping atop the goat, then bounding with his next motion onto the giants back, grabbing with his empty left hand the massive tunic of the giant of similar cloth, and pulling himself up while trying to climb with one empty hand mainly and feet to traverse the brute as quickly as possible.

At the top of his climb Gunther tries to in a moment to steady himself, attempting to only move his body with giants uncertain movements. Once Gunther's footing is steadied just a bit, his sword, blade held for a downward thrust into top of the giants neck so as to attempt to affect or sever its spinal cord in an effort to bring the giant down as fast and efficiently as possible.

Gunther brings his sword downward in a thrusting, stabbing motion towards the giants neck, not quite realizing just how resilient the brutes skin or perhaps bone, whatever the cause, Gunther's sword in despite for some reason how well the thrust was, defects, causing the balancing knight to lose his balance, and teetering on the giants now even more unsteady shoulders, not knowing whether of in which direction he will fall...

2017-02-19, 05:58 PM
All of a sudden, the whole matter got complicated, with Sir Robert reacting to instinct, and blinding the Giant, while Sir Gunther managed to jump onto it, yet was unable to deliver a blow, and instead falling down and founding himself in danger of being crushed. With mere seconds to think, Sir Timeus climbs on his horse and begins to sing, while banging the flat of his blade against his shield. Anything to distract the Giant as he sings loudly, yet is careful not to bite his tongue as he rides seeking for a large boulder or trees which may be an obstacle.

Lady Tialait
2017-02-21, 09:48 PM
The Giant moves towards Timeus' singing, swinging the huge tree as he moves, he cannot see and blood drops out of his one massive eye from where the arrow hit it. His tree trunk doesn't hit Timeus nor his horse, instead striking Timeus' blade and sending it flying threw the air as he chases the now unarmed knight.

2017-02-25, 06:15 PM
An arrow whizzes by the Giant's head, getting nowhere neart the dangling rope Robert had been aiming for. He curses and quickly starts to knock another arrow.

2017-03-02, 10:56 PM
Gunther finally now getting to his feet, grasps his sword and calls for his to bring him his horse, "Reginald! come bring my horse!" Mere moments later Reginald come round a corner around the hill the giant laid atop with Gunther's rouncy in tow; "here good sir your horse!" Gunther gives a very quick nod of thanks to his squire for his quick action replying as he mounts the mounts the horse gives Reginald further orders, "Reginald take the sword I have given you for holding and duty and ride out to try to find Sir Timeus, but do not engage in combat, if you find him merely give him your sword and ride back to a safe point. And do try to stay away from the giant, this you should be able to manage as he is blind."

Gunther then puts his spurs into in his horse to full gallop with his sword held out firmly in his hand for a ride by attack on the giants hamstring. The rouncy makes all good haste almost as no horse of its type would usually be seen making, but alas the horse does as its rider commanded; within moments the giant in sight Gunther pulls his sword arm for the strike positioning the horse to be able to ride veering away afterwards, riding on the giants left, once within sight Gunther swings the sword all but narrowly missing the very broad target. With the disappointing miss non the less he pulls the reins to the left and the horse begins to veer for a possible second attempt at another point this day.

As Gunther rides away he pulls his sword arm closer to his body shaking his head in disappointing miss. Reginald after his master rides out also sets out on his ride to find Sir Timeus, the sword still for now in the scabbard at his side. The squire puts his heels into the his own rouncy to fulfill his further duty, which he intends to perform just as good as his prior duty bringing Gunther his horse; this next task he intended to perform even better so as to bring further glory to both himself and Gunther.

2017-03-03, 06:20 AM
Sir Timeus is focusing hard to keep ahead of the rampaging giant, no easy task considering he is still singing at the same time. He expertly guides his Rouncy to jump and avoid fallen trees and other obstacles, while ensuring that he kept perfect balance while still managing to maintain a distance from the pursing Giant. To others watching, it would seem that this was a different Sir Timeus who had clumsily fallen off his Charger while trying to clear much lesser obstacles. Timeus had lost in his race against Sir Robert, but now he was riding as Sir Timeus, Champion of Salisbury and he had a duty to lead the Knights entrusted to his care by Lord Roderick, even if it meant taking the brunt of the Giant's attack. This was no longer fun and games, but a life and death situation, and Sir Timeus rode knowing full well of the responsibility resting on his broad shoulders.

The large knight also had a huge problem, he was unarmed after losing his sword. It was good that he was able to divert the Giant's attention, but it was now a menace and it had to be killed before it could create problem for the innocent peoples of the land. Yet try as he might, Sir Timeus was unable to spot it, but instead notices Sir Gunther's squire riding towards him and holding out a sword.

"Well done lad!" he cries out as the large man uses his size to his advantage and stretches out to grab the sword while maintaining the horse's course and his balance "Get to safety!" he orders as he snatches the sword and unsheathes it. Armed again, Sir Timeus smiles as he formulates his strategy. First he pulls on his horse's reins, to slow it down, allowing for the Giant to catch up with him. As soon as the Giant raises the log it is using as a weapon to swing, Sir Timeus sees the opening he was looking for, and twisting his body to the side he manages to turn around and using his strength to his advantage, deeply pierces the Giant in its guts, before freeing his sword with a slashing move. As soon as he does that, Sir Timeus urges his Rouncy into a full gallop once more as the blind Giant hollers in pain.

It was a painful blow, but the Giant was still not dead. Now Sir Timeus needed to execute the second part of his plan, which would take full advantage of the fact that Sir Robert had blinded it. Still galloping at a great speed he notices a large boulder, one large enough for the blind Giant to crash into or trip over, yet for that to happen, Sir Timeus would have to trick it to run straight into it.

Deciding once more to gamble everything, he bends over and whispers into his horse's ear "I know you can do it girl..." as he urges it to gallop as fast as he can, and just before he reaches the boulder, he urges it to jump over it and shifting his weight at the same time. For a moment it would seem as if the Rouncy is about to hesitate, yet perhaps it was Sir Timeus' encouraging words, or perhaps the Knight had a Patron Saint watching over him, as the horse, carrying the large and heavy Knight is able to cleanly jump over the boulder and land safely behind it, while Timeus is able to keep his balance and gives a sigh of relief.

Lady Tialait
2017-03-04, 03:16 PM
The giant roars as Timeus' borrowed sword cuts deep into him, he makes chase as best as the blind hulk can not noticing that there is now a great stone between him and his target. He tramples forward falling on the stone his massive body hitting the ground and shaking it for a good half mile around. His brow hitting the stone with such force as to open his head allowing the contented to spill upon the earth.

At that moment a clapping can be heard from behind the knights when they look to see who is cheering them on, it's the old man who set them on this quest. He stands tall instead of hunched letting out a laugh. "Yes, you will do. I can make use of such brave knights. Leave your steeds with your squires and follow me." He doesn't wait for a reply and simply starts walking away. Somehow each of the knights know that this is the Archdruid Merlin and whatever he is asking them to do must be of great import.

2017-03-04, 04:09 PM
From behind the boulder Sir Timeus watches as the blind Giant trips over and is slain by the force of the impact. He takes a moment to make sure that it is truly dead before taking a look at the boulder which he had just jumped and realizes the folly of his plan. He could not believe that he had managed to clear this obstacle, and on his Rouncey no less. With a trembling hand, he pats his horse, after all she did save his life. It is at that moment, that he hears the old man, laughing and somehow realizes that this was the Archdruid Merlin that he had been talking about with Sir Gunther a short while before.

Sir Timeus gets off his horse as Merlin tells them to follow him. Taking the borrowed sword, he first takes a moment to give his thanks, as he stabs the sword into the ground in front of the slain Giant, turning it into a makeshift cross, he kneels and gives a quick and silent prayer to God. Having finished his prayer, the knight takes his sword, and noticing that somehow the Giant's goat had survived the wild chase, cuts the rope. Calling his Squire over to look after his horse, Sir Timeus follows Merlin while taking the giant goat with him. Catching up with Merlin he says "Here is the goat." He was not pleased that he was tricked, however the fact remained that Timeus had promised to return to the old man with a goat, and now he had fulfilled that which he had promised.

2017-03-04, 08:49 PM
With tremor caused by the giant crashing to the ground Sir Gunther turns his head his smile turning to a scowl of dislike towards the old man who had put him and his compatriots on this, what he now knew a fools errand. "By all the Gods across the world, and we had the misfortune to meet an avatar of Loki himself!" A bit irritated not just at this trickery, but also in himself not finding himself capable of delivering his death blow to a giant, Gunther looks at Sir Timeus, his scowl softening a bit but now only a slight displeasure over his face. What would his father or grand fathers think seeing their descendant not being able to kill an ettin upon who's shoulders he had managed to climb or leap upon? This thought lingered perhaps a bit longer than should have, but when this old man started walking away into the woods Gunther called to his squire quite loudly to come and take his horse; a few moments passed that Reginald came to do as he was bid, Gunther dismounting his steed started out to follow in the direction of Sir Timeus and the old man, this trickster of the of the Gods to see what it was that is so important.

Gunther continues to follow in pursuit of Merlyn through the woods, making a good pace eventually walking along side Timeus. "What a joke that this old man should play us for fools only to remark with half jest at the least of our bravery. What say you to this my christian friend?

2017-03-08, 09:39 PM
Robert was a bit thrown off by Merlyn, frankly. He had planned to give the goat to the old man, and now that he seemed to be uninterested he was a bit lost as to what to do. He began awkwardly following along, but then stopped and, an idea having entered his head, went back to the giant's corpse. He took his knife and carefully sliced our the giant's eye, being careful to keep the arrow still lodged inside intact. Once done, he put the grisly trophy in his pack and quickly jogged back to follow the old druid.

Lady Tialait
2017-03-10, 03:01 AM
With the three knights in tow the Archdruid walks into a nearby forested area. The surroundings go from lightly wooded to deeper and darker woods. The greens become more and more deep in color and the ground underfoot gains the quality of mush as if everyone is walking on a great bundle of moss. For what seems days the group follows Merlin he never speaks and never turns back. While time passes slowly, no one tires, and no one gets hungry. Day and night have no meaning as the canopy of foliage blocks all light and fireflies spring up to provide what the sun cannot. They four men continue walking as the deep green turns darker still, becoming a mottled mess of black and green till Merlin stops. "There! Protect me now, good knights, for the sake of your king and your lives!" he points his staff at what looks like a group of moss, and for what seems at least ten minuets of Merlin standing their pointing his staff at a clump of moss on a rock it bursts open revealing a man riding a horse a sword in each hand. Swords, Man, and Horse the same dark green color as everything else. Charging forward with impossible nimbleness, charging between trees that it would be difficult to get the Knight's horses to walk through.

This green man and horse moving towards the group, Merlin moves away towards a nearby lake that seemingly just appeared. "Quickly, do your jobs knights." he commands before walking off.

2017-03-18, 03:39 PM
Roberts reflexes kick in and he begins to draw his bow. However, this time he takes a moment, observing his surroundings. Within a moment his heightened family senses have taken in every detail. A knight and horse made of moss? No, wait. The rider has no legs. Made of moss? Something doesn't seem quite right there. Something underneath...

With none of the knights having their horses, they are at a disadvantage at the seemingly mounted enemy. If it sought to charge...he had to get out of the way; maybe disarm him? That was it. He aimed his bow at one of the creature's blades. Beneath the moss he could see they were not part of the monster. He loosed an arrow and a scraping noise rang out as the arrow scraped against the horseman's blade, missing it by only the narrowest of margins.

Robert was already racing for cover the moment he realized he had missed his mark. He ducked behind a tree, hoping it would provide him cover from a potential charge then, out of breath and already trying to knock another bow, blurted out to his compatriots, "They are one! Flesh and blood!"

Lady Tialait
2017-03-23, 07:47 PM
The moss creature moves quickly across the swampy land as if gliding towards Timeus rearing backwards as the two blades move to strike him. The first hits him in his shoulder, and the second misses cleanly. The horse comes down and his hooves smash into Timeus' chest pushing the man back, but not knocking him down.

2017-03-24, 11:18 AM
The battle now in full swing as this leprechaun bears down on Gunther and Timeus. The shouted words of Sir Robert of the horse and rider being one still resounds in Gunther's head, as the moss knight heads directly for Timeus, smashing into him, one of its swords biting deep in the large knight as a knife into butter seemingly. The moment that this creature or creatures rears on its hind legs to smashing down on Sir Timeus again Gunther springs himself towards this mossy knight as if propelled by a catapult with his arms open to grab 'hold of it; Gunther having leaped towards his distracted foe, wraps his arms around its body shouting as he wrestles for control, "I got you now leprechaun!" as control is gained, Gunther finding himself with on of its swords arms by the wrist twists it to pull one sword from its grasp, grunting in the struggle to gain not only safety for himself and his companions, but the wish that this creature will have to grant to Gunther once captured. He lets out more vocalizations while trying still gain control in the grapple, "Give it up!"

Gunther finally and half victoriously gets firm hold of the moss knight and one of its swords in his right hand while this creature in his powerful grapple, as slight smile rides across his face, but then he loses the smile for now as he still has a lot further to go before this day is won. Gunther looks over at Sir Timeus during his struggle and partial success, shouting a question at the big knight, but the any thing further feels as if straining to wind himself, so he keeps his lips together and concentrates on the most important task.

2017-03-24, 12:45 PM
Sir Timeus' opinion of the Arch-Druid and his paganistic ways are in no way improved after the old man leads them deep into the forest, before simply commanding them to defeat this new foe without giving so much as a reason. Preparing his sword he watches as Sir Robert attempts to shoot an arrow but misses, but still at least his friend warned him that rider and horse are one, so he reasons that striking at its legs would not count as a deed unfitting a knight.

The large knight grunts as the weird creature whom Sir Gunther was calling it a "Leprechaun" strikes him, yet he is able to stand his ground. For an inexplicable reason he sees Sir Gunther climbing upon this creature and attempts to wrestle the dangerous creature into submission. "Are you out of your mind?" he calls out to Sir Gunther as he attempts to strike its leg, the cavalier manages to parry Timeus' strike.