View Full Version : Would Athasian Humans (Dr319 p26) be worth it on a Wilder?

2017-01-05, 01:25 AM
So, it's got all the abilities of a human (already really strong), but for +1 LA, it gains 2 floating +2 to any stats (can't be the same). But, more than anything, it gains an extra power known at first level, and every level evenly divisible by 5. (and an insignificant number of power points compared to the number you'd gain if you just took a level of the manifesting class instead of the LA).

With LA buyoff, this is easily a very strong pick, if not the best pick, for any Psionic character, because it just does basically everything, and you might just be one session behind the rest of the party as far as XP goes after a while.

But, let's assume it's not on the table. I picked Wilder, because bonus powers known (and feats...thus powers known) are probably the most useful for this class, because its powers known progression matches the fighter's feat progression. However, Psychic Warrior's Power Point progression is so slow that the scaling power points of the race would actually be a net gain compared to taking another level of the class (all the way to level 15), and it's powers known isn't impressive, but it's got nearly double what Wilder gets. Also, I just generally like Wilder more.

It is definitely underwhelming on the Psion, who already gets pretty much everything they ever want, and losing a level in that is actually detrimental.

So, what I see about the race, in an absolute sense (not compared to other races) for the wilder.

Extra Feat
Extra POWERS KNOWN! - Potentially +4 powers known by the time you hit ECL 21. That's nearly adding half again what you would otherwise have (excluding feats). Wow...that's sad.
Extra Skill Points
Slight bonus to exactly the stats you want, with no penalty.


Debuff to power points though it only becomes noticeable after level 10 or so. Before level 10, it's only netting about 1 (max augment) power / day loss, if that. It's definitely a hit I'd take for bonus powers, but it is a con.
...I think this race was made specifically to have "no real downsides" like all other human races in D&D. Therefore, it is even less likely to be allowed than other Dragon Magazine races.
Like other Humans of D&D, they are intentionally dull and nondescript as a species. This isn't so great for those who have a hard time fluffing something yourself. Not as bad as having a super generic class, since that's often what people use to define their characters. They also do get some mechanical options (and not just numbers) which help to define the character, despite lacking fluff though, which mitigates this greatly as well.

But, the real question is: how does it compare to other top tier races:

Humans - Well, these are basically Humans+, so woot.
Shifter - You don't get metamorphosis near as early or at all without shifter substitution levels. But, you do get so many more powers. Also, Shifter stats are actively detrimental, and shifting isn't incredibly useful.
Synad - You lose one additional power, stat bonuses, skill points, and a feat, for +2 Will saves, a few minor options, and the 1/day Multitask. All at level 1. The humans then scale. But this does have +0 LA. A potentially almost competitive option
Kalashtar - Gains a few more power points over time, and lacks the LA, netting even more PP...although that's not really what Wilder lacks. It's got minor bonuses to several things, and gains Mindlink (1/day) as a psi-like ability, which could probably be thought of as even more power points and a power known. It doesn't get the feat, or true powers known, though.
Dromite: Slower, but small. It's also got fewer bonuses (a net -2, compare to human's +4), though no penalties to anything you really care about. Has Natural Armor and rather minor energy resistance. That's nice. Also has energy ray as psi-like ability, helping to fill Wilder's role: Blaster, though it's 1/2 as powerful as just manifesting it, and you probably would have picked up the power anyway. Scent is cool. I think the humans beat this.

-Overall, I think Athasian Humans beat all of the above. Feel free to debate against that assertion.

Half Nymph: a template, and one easily added to a human, negating half of the (relative) bonuses the Athasian Humans get, for +1 more LA than them. Also has +10 total stat adjustment (+8 to things you could care about), +4 for which is to Cha. Not a humanoid. An at will aura of beauty that shakens humanoids who so much as look at them. That'll be dependant on your DM whether you get a bunch of class-levels humanoids, or just get regular monsters, but if it's the former, it's very strong.
You, however, are putting yourself 1 level behind the Athasian Human, and gaining no additional powers, so a net -1.5 (on average) loss of powers up to ECL 6, and falls further, and you lose even more Power Points.
But, if you have a DM who uses humanoids often, I'd say this is a very competitive choice.
You could technically add the template to Athasian Humans, but at +3, it's starting to be...pointless, I think.

Half Fey: a template, again can be added to humans. at +2 rather than +1 LA as well. But, you gain very good flight, and an absolute butt-ton of spells as spell like abilities, including Charm Person at will - at freaking will! +6 total modifiers (+4 to things you care about), +4 of which is in Charisma. Not as insane stats as Half Nymph, but still right where you want it. Con penalty hurts. It also upgrades Wilder to get a couple more skills per level. And straight up immunity to enchantment spells. Sure, you coulda cheesed in to undeath to get that immunity at +0LA, but cool.
In summary: I think I'd say this is a good deal better than Athasian Human, if added to a regular human, mostly because of those bloody spell like abilities and the flight. CHARM AT WILL! That's game breaking. If not for Charm at Will (maybe if it were 3/day) then it would only be a solidly better choice with some drawbacks.

Phrenic creature: No question, phrenic wins when applied to a human. Way too many psi-like abilities (which are auto-augmented, including that Psionic Dominate, which doesn't care about not facing humanoids). +8 total stat modifiers (+6 you care about), +4 being in Charisma, and to top it all off, it has Psionic Resistance, which, I believe also translates to Spell Resistance. That'll make most DMs tear their hair out.
I might cautiously allow Athasian Humans in to my game, if I knew the rest of the group was fairly well optimized for their roles. But I'd never allow a Phrenic creature in.

My analysis: What I define as broken is: "There's just nothing like it that can really compare in its role." And Anthasian Humans probably fit that pretty well. There's no non-template race that actually competes, even those normally intended for Wilder. So yeah, it's worth it for Wilders to be Anthasian Humans. Then again, that's partially because they inherit every good thing about humans, stack more good things on, and gain all of 1 LA as a downside.