View Full Version : [PF] Making a dracopyre

2017-01-05, 01:41 AM
Hey fam,

I'm gonna need some help on this one. I talked to my DM, and he gave me the green card to make a template and a the way to obtain it.

As a big fan of Adventure quest, I want to honor them by putting one of their unique idea races in the campaign, a dracopyre! (Seriously I googled it and nada )

It's basically ¼ human, ¼ vampire, ¼ werewolf and ¼ dragon. Which is pretty cool, if you ask me! Now, my group me!

Thinking of the template it's self would probably+3 max. Which will contain abilities of all three creatures and possibly a unique one? Probably a boost in all physical stats too. What do you guys think?

And how would I be able to achieve it? I was thinking of an ancient necromantic ritual that would need blood of all three creatures and maybe more items. What do you guys think?

2017-01-05, 08:26 AM
AQ is still a thing? I figured people had died once people stopped saying ebil...

2017-01-05, 10:06 AM
Dhampir Lycanthrope Dragon Disciple?

If what you really want is a custom template you'll probably have to homebrew something...

Karl Aegis
2017-01-05, 10:35 AM
Draconic Quasi-lycanthrope Half-Vampire. There ya go.

2017-01-05, 03:31 PM
With +3 CR, Lycanthropic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/simple-corruption-templates/simple-corruption-template-lycanthropic-creature-cr-1) Half-Dragon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/half-dragon) Dhampir (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-dhampir)