View Full Version : Cleric build 3.5

2017-01-05, 11:36 PM
So i was wondering what the best build for a cleric is or could be.

Doctor Despair
2017-01-05, 11:47 PM
Um... Google Clericzilla for a decent path, if that's what you're interested in. Can't be much more detailed than that unless you are, too :p

2017-01-05, 11:52 PM
I just mean what are people's best builds for the cleric class. One that can be dependable for healing but can also do some damage

2017-01-05, 11:53 PM
This (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=420.0) might help.

2017-01-06, 05:08 AM
I just mean what are people's best builds for the cleric class. One that can be dependable for healing but can also do some damage

You seem to be underestimating what a cleric can do.

You say 'dependable for healing' as if it's something a cleric needs to devote build resources to. That's not the case: even at low levels any cleric can just buy a wand of lesser vigor, zap his allies with it between combats, and keep them at full HP all the time. Total cost: a few percent of your WBL.

You say 'can do some damage' as if damage is something the cleric only incidentally does. Hell no; even before going into divine metamagic shenanigans, a cleric can just buff themselves into the stratosphere, grab a two-handed weapon, and smash as well as any barbarian. Probably better; few barbarians have size-increasing magic or complete immunity to grapples.

2017-01-06, 06:48 PM
Just to add, a "good" cleric by this forum's standards could leave your table sad/angry with how you outperform them or your DM banning stuff that makes your character fun. Give us some information first, like how much experience do you have playing this game? How experienced are the other players and your DM? Years of playing or days? What roles are the rest of the party doing? Are you going to be a secondary melee or primary? Is there a ranger or such in the party? If melee is covered but ranged isn't, you could go with a Zen Archery (Complete Warrior) build. We can give you a build that will perform well, but we need more information first.

2017-01-06, 09:10 PM
Just to add, a "good" cleric by this forum's standards could leave your table sad/angry with how you outperform them or your DM banning stuff that makes your character fun. Give us some information first, like how much experience do you have playing this game? How experienced are the other players and your DM? Years of playing or days? What roles are the rest of the party doing? Are you going to be a secondary melee or primary? Is there a ranger or such in the party? If melee is covered but ranged isn't, you could go with a Zen Archery (Complete Warrior) build. We can give you a build that will perform well, but we need more information first.
This. Cleric is a phenomenally versatile class; it can be built do anything from sneaking around rogue style to slinging battle-magic to volleying arrows to summoning demons.

2017-01-07, 06:02 AM
So i was wondering what the best build for a cleric is or could be.

I'll tell you what I'd play, straight from the core books.

Human Cleric of Pelor (Sun/Strength) 1
Str 13, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14 (roughly this priority)
Concentration, Heal, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Religion)
-put at least 5 ranks in religion, then start putting ranks in heal (contrary to popular belief, heal is useful; it's basically neutralize poison/cure disease for free
-if you already have somebody in the party with diplomacy, drop it

Improved Turning, Power Attack, cleave at 3rd
-what feats you want to take depends on your party; if you don't have a juggernaut type warrior, finish out the power attack line, if you're the main caster, take augment summoning and greater spell penetration
-lots of people take combat casting; it's good but not always worth a feat if you ask me
-if your campaign is undead heavy, grab extra turning

With a good charisma score, the sun domain, 5 ranks in knowledge religion, a circlet of persuasion, a phylactery of undead turning, and maybe a level in heirophant to grab mastery of energy, you can destroy the BBEG lich in one turn. With you around, undead are simply not a problem*.

With the strength domain, along with a good strength score and your size/strength increasing spells, you can bust down even the strongest doors. At level 10, assuming an augmented strength of 23 and large size, you can make a strength check at +20 (+24 with a portable ram and a strong friend); that's wall and arcane-locked-iron-door breaking territory.

Strength domain gives you enlarge person at 1st level, to buff up the party warrior. With bull's strength that's effectively +6 to strength + large size. Divine power makes you the warrior (minus fancy tricks and massive hp) for a short time. Shield Other + Stoneskin is a mighty combination; especially with you casting healing spells while under a sanctuary effect. Righteous Might caps off your ass-kicking potential, turning you into Sauron at the beginning of lotr, basically.

And of course you have a hundred other spells to buff/debuff/whatever with. Spell synergy is an aspect of the game most newbs never grasp.

Grab a wand of cure light wounds (lesser vigor if non-core). A wand of guidance is nice for that extra little +1 to various things (I use it when the rogue goes to disable a trap, mostly). I carry a longspear to make aid-another checks when behind the warrior in a narrow tunnel (with low dex and soft cover, you aren't likely to hit with a ranged weapon). At low levels especially, I prefer to use a light shield so you can still cast somatic spells and reload a sling; at higher levels, switch to a two-handed weapon and get an animated shield.

In core, this is tough to beat.

*your mileage may vary; offer dependent on tactical ability and non-retarded party member status