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View Full Version : New DM needs help! PC changeling?

2017-01-06, 12:20 AM
One of my player's wants to be a changeling. Not evil or anything. But I don't know the stats for it and I don't know if I should allow it or not. I mean, I don't want to spoil his fun, but he's very new to D&D, (this is his second month playing) ((we're starting a new campaign))

What should I do? What stats, special abilities and stuff is there for a PC changeling?

This is my first campaign being DM and I'm really unsure.

2017-01-06, 01:33 AM
You need the UA for Eberron. It should be somewhere on the UA index. Haha! Here it is (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/unearthed-arcana-eberron)!

More importantly, though. I had a changeling PC and the race didn't outshine any others. It's a rather restrained piece of UA and balanced in relation to the PHB races.

2017-01-06, 02:23 AM
You need the UA for Eberron. It should be somewhere on the UA index. Haha! Here it is (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/unearthed-arcana-eberron)!

More importantly, though. I had a changeling PC and the race didn't outshine any others. It's a rather restrained piece of UA and balanced in relation to the PHB races.

Just gonna let you know, I've put together a UA index with direct links to the pdfs. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20619321&postcount=3) This way, you don't have to go through wizard's annoying post database.

2017-01-06, 04:03 AM
Just gonna let you know, I've put together a UA index with direct links to the pdfs. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20619321&postcount=3) This way, you don't have to go through wizard's annoying post database.

I was looking for this, but couldn't find it. Thanks.

2017-01-06, 05:58 AM
In short, a Changeling can change (imagine!) its appearance to replicate any Medium-sized humanoid. The disguise is not perfect, but good enough to fool most passers-by.

The challenge comes when the Changeling tries to impersonate someone specific - if she doesn't have the means/take the time to familiarize herself with her subject, it gets less likely that she can believably maintain the disguise.

Important to note: the Changeling's clothes and items do not change with her. She will need additional magic/other means of beguiling herself if her clothes/items are noteworthy.

Also important: You may wish to set a baseline for exactly HOW the Changeling changes shape. For example, does it happen on the molecular level? If she has a scar, does that scar appear in the same place on the new form?

Also also important: Think about how NPC's perceive the PC. When first introduced, it's generally accepted that a person (the PC) is telling the truth about basic details about themselves (Name, age, job, fr'ex) and that person (the PC) will be remembered as such until given reason not to do so (the NPC catches the PC in a lie; someone ELSE questions the PC's lies; someone recognizes one of the PC's 'aliases').

My advice? Even if the player begs, do not allow feats at level 1. By RAW (Rules As Written), only the V-Human gets one and she is not a V-Human (in fact, Feats are optional). This prevents her from taking the Actor feat for an even better disguise-maker. :3

2017-01-06, 06:11 PM
Our player who's character is a changeling bard did not tell us she was a changeling until session 4, and even then we only found out because she caught a cold and when she sneezes her eyes change colour.

2017-01-07, 12:24 AM
Our player who's character is a changeling bard did not tell us she was a changeling until session 4, and even then we only found out because she caught a cold and when she sneezes her eyes change colour.

That is incredibly cute for a RP quirk. Hope the player got inspiration.

2017-01-07, 12:54 AM
Or I mean, just don't allow it.

I dunno, I think of Changelings as a special snowflake race.

If they really want to be changing how they look all the time, point out the Warlock class to them. Mask of Many Faces does practically the same thing without having to deal with the trouble of a Changeling in your game. Being able to cast Disguise Self at will, once you point out the strength of the ability (with you knowing it's limitations), will probably appeal to the Player in a similar way. It also gives you the DM a built in hook with the Warlock patron.

2017-01-07, 01:02 AM
Or I mean, just don't allow it.

I dunno, I think of Changelings as a special snowflake race.

If they really want to be changing how they look all the time, point out the Warlock class to them. Mask of Many Faces does practically the same thing without having to deal with the trouble of a Changeling in your game. Being able to cast Disguise Self at will, once you point out the strength of the ability (with you knowing it's limitations), will probably appeal to the Player in a similar way. It also gives you the DM a built in hook with the Warlock patron.

I think of Good drow like that.

The changeling's ability to change faces comes in fairly handy for a rogue or other sneaky characr. I also like their psychology of trying to be anything other than they are. Passers don't want to be changelings and becomers take a certain pride in being anyone else whenever they want. They're not a one-note race.