View Full Version : E6 Need ideas for an Artifacts effects

2017-01-06, 12:09 PM
Ok, so my party is looking for an ancient Dwarven Crown and have currently gathered 2 of the gems set in it. One Gem gives a permanent Mind Blank and the Other gives them a 1/day CL 12 Righteous Might. Now i need to figure out what the Crown itself does and what the Gem taken by a Beholder does.

The Beholder is basically a scientist who roams the pathways to the Dwarven city grabbing stuff to experiment on. The crown is in possession of a Half Troll Mineral Warrior Unholy Scion Azurin Incarnate who controls the ruined Dwarven city where he got the crown.

Anyone got any ideas?

2017-01-06, 12:20 PM
I suggest having the gem give the ability to cast something. Just imagine the look of horror on the players' faces when the beholder drops its antimagic field on them, then launches a magical assault. Remember, artifacts ignore AMF's.

Alternatively, it could simply let its user ignore AMF's, or use a certain ability in an AMF X times a day.

2017-01-06, 03:09 PM
Perhaps the crown has been instrumental to the victories of the dwarfs who maintained their power. Through ancient secrets of dwarfish crafting, what if the crown, once per day, allows the one who wears it to relive a moment that they or one of their recently departed ancestors experienced, effectively causing the event to be rewritten, but with a +1 bonus to some relevant roll made for every time it's happened? Throughout the nation's history, this could have allowed the reigning dwarfish monarch to win every contest of skill among his own people, to win most battles taken in far off lands providing that they had an heir, and to gradually make sure that their kingdom stays prosperous.

The gem that a beholder stole might weaken the crown's ability while also allowing the Beholder to notice the shifts to the timeline, effectively making it the only member of the royal family (and other special royal allies in the know) who can notice when the crown changes something.

Stealth Marmot
2017-01-06, 03:32 PM
Last Gem gives True Seeing.

when worn the Crown gives +4 Charisma enhancement bonus and the ability to use Contact Other Plane to speak directly with a Dwarven deity once per month.

2017-01-06, 03:51 PM
The last gem allows the bearer to treat any mirror as a Mirror of Mental Prowess as long as he's holding it such that it's reflected in the mirror when he activates it. The dwarven kings would have mirrors lining their halls and pick one reflecting people supplicating before them to use the Telepathy feature, and would also tend to use it to scry out threats and even travel to different parts of their kingdom.

2017-01-06, 04:32 PM
In my opinion the gems should be somewhat thematically linked. For that reason I suggest going with the theme of each gem protecting Body, Mind, and Soul respectively, where the gem of Mind Blank protects the Mind and the gem of Righteous Might protects the Body. Now all that is left is a gem that protects the spirit. For that I suggest a gem that can, once per day, cast True Resurrection as an immediate action on a touched target, and will automatically cast it on the bearer of the gem if he dies. For bonus points, if you have not already named the gems, you could give each one a dwarven name of what it protects.

As for the crown, I believe it should have something to do with leadership, specifically bolstering those around you. A good leader after all inspires confidence and excellence in those who follow, and the dwarf king's crown should enhance that aspect. For that, I suggest that the crown allow the wielder to project any one Minor Marshal Aura, Major Marshal Aura, and Dragon Shaman Aura simultaneously. For the Major Marshal Aura and Dragon Shaman Aura have a +3 bonus, and for the Minor Marshal Aura the wearer's Charisma score for the Aura's bonus is treated as 20 or his actual Charisma score, whichever is higher. The Auras can be changed once per round as a free action.

In addition, since the gems were to be mounted on the crown I think each should give a minor, more RP focused bonus effect when mounted in the crown appropriate to what the gem enhances. The effects should also be consistent with the crown's theme of leadership. Here are my suggestions:
Gem of the Body: all allies within 30 feet are affected as if by an Endure Elements and a Protection from Chaos spell.
Gem of the Mind: the wearer gains telepathy out to 100 feet
Gem of the Soul: the wearer is under the effect of a constant Deathwatch spell and can use Speak with Dead at will