View Full Version : Dmm new to this build.

2017-01-06, 03:46 PM
So im part of an eberron campaign. (Only the deity that are in eberron setting are allowed)

An im gonna play a cleric of the sovereign host with the magic and war domain.

Magic for wand of arcane spell
War for buff (especially for divine power and free weapon focus)

So i saw the dmm persist build. And i wanted your help to maximize my turn undead usage.

Im planning going human(no template allowed) cleric and i dont know what to prestige to.(im also new to cleric and we are lvl 10)

All the book are allowed except campaign setting specific. Exemple forgotten realm are not allowed.
No flaw, no trait. No template
49000 gp (was thinking on buying a nightstick (dm allow just one) and a Reliquary Holy Symbol.

Is there any multiclass/prestige that could help give me more turn undead?

P.s.: we start at lvl 10 but i can only have 2 total classes for multiclass/prestige.

So cleric/paladin is okay but cleric/paladin/sacred exorcist is not okay.

Tnx in advance

2017-01-06, 05:27 PM
The usual trick is to have as many different pools of turn undead or similar as possible for fueling your DMM.
With only 2 classes, that's a max of 2 pools. Sacred exorcist grants turning undead, which means your cleric levels should give you something else. If you go Azurin instead of human, there's an ACF for clerics that gives a separate pool (Rebuke dragons? I'm not sure).
now you have 2 pools, and each 'extra turning' feat you take gives you 2*4=8 extra turnings, enough to persist another spell.

If you're set on human, there's other classes you could stack with cleric, but as far as I'm aware all of these mean you lose at least 1 caster level.

2017-01-06, 06:07 PM
I stay with human for skill and bonus feat.

If i lose 1 or 2 caster lvl is no big deal.
As im focusing on a melee buffer cleric. So i think i can lose 3 caster lvl to still be able to cast 9th lvl spell if that the case that good.

So if i that cleric with rebuke u dead and prestigetosacred exorcist and take turn undead that would work??

2017-01-06, 06:25 PM
With only 2 classes, that's a max of 2 pools.

(Rebuke dragons? I'm not sure).

Twurps is right: the hard reality of things is that unless you can pick up extra classes or extra domains, then you're going to be capped by what you can get via items. Eberron has the Sovereign Speaker PrC, which grants you an extra domain at every level. If you're using Eberron deities, then you can effectively be a Cleric of an ideal, since deities in that setting aren't real (spoiler? I think you're told that in PGtE, though). There's enough domains that you can pick a a domain with a distinct turning pool for all 10 levels of the class. Pick up Extra Turning at least once, since it applies to every domain/ pool you have.

I'm AFB, but iirc RAW, the Shroudcrown (PGtF) gives you a separate turning pool if you started with rebuking. Emerald Eye Patch (DM) also grants a pool, and Cloak of Charisma will of course give you more uses.

Multiclassing Pal isn't going to give you more turns, it's just going to stack with Clr for the potency of your extant pools.

Rebuke Dragons (DM) replaces your existing pool for a pool of dragons, which is only useful if you're planning on picking up a second regular turning pool afterwards.

2017-01-06, 06:32 PM
As the dm have told me once the game start i can multiclass as much as i want it just the 10 first lvl that he want to be limited.

At start im limited to 2 pool but after i can go as much as possible.

2017-01-06, 06:38 PM
As the dm have told me once the game start i can multiclass as much as i want it just the 10 first lvl that he want to be limited.

At start im limited to 2 pool but after i can go as much as possible.

Take Sovereign Speaker at level 6 for your single PrC. That gives you 5 extra domains, and thus you could have 6 turning pools, plus possibly a few more from the items I mentioned, right as you start at level 10.

2017-01-06, 06:43 PM
Sweet thank

2017-01-06, 06:50 PM
Take Sovereign Speaker at level 6 for your single PrC. That gives you 5 extra domains, and thus you could have 6 turning pools, plus possibly a few more from the items I mentioned, right as you start at level 10.
Well...sort of (if the starting domains are locked in as Magic and War, then you only get 4 turning pools, not 6), but none of the extra ones can be used to fuel DMM, since it only works with turning or rebuking undead, not turning or rebuking air/earth/fire/plants/constructs.

2017-01-06, 07:14 PM
Ah ok tnx good to know that xD

Also can a good cleric have rebuke undead?

2017-01-06, 07:29 PM
Ah ok tnx good to know that xD

Also can a good cleric have rebuke undead?
Only through multiclassing, e.g. if you take levels in Dread Necromancer.