View Full Version : Custom Sheets and References

2017-01-06, 08:38 PM
Hey all! Over the years I've put together custom and adapted sheets to help me streamline play as both a DM and a Player.
I'm happy to share them with anyone in the Playground that is interested. The download links are listed here, along with a description of each sheet. I hope someone finds them useful, and I could probably be talked into requests.
Give them a look! Maybe they'll look useful. :D


Redesigned PHB 3.5 Character Sheets:
Page 1 Options: 3 variations of character sheets, all with colour coding, an expanded skills area and other minor changes.
Colour: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8N3k5aWZScmxXSGM
Colour Skills: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8RGxsNHBTUGZ5b0k
Colour Detailed: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8WXZmeHFCZjBxWGc
The "Colour Detailed" one is a bit busy for me, but I was asked for it specifically by a friend, so someone else might like it, too. It includes a specific Ranged Attack section.

Page 2: Just one option here, with colour.
I think this is a FAR better use of space on the page. It removes the useless Spells section but keeps (and improves) the Range and Spells/Day and increases room for objects on your person, objects in your pack, languages, MUCH more room for feats and special abilities.

Attack Variations:
Use these to edit your own sheets, if you like. MSPaint will do the trick.

Character Sheet Extras:
A sheet for extras like tracking wealth, hit points, and experience. Designed to alleviate wear and tear on your main character sheets while providing much needed room. Also has a level 1-20 notes/character-planning sheet.

Magic Item Record Sheet
A sheet used for tracking gear on each body slot. I didn't make this sheet, but I did remove the original silhouette and the lines pointing to it. This allows someone to either insert or just print your own unique picture or silhouette in the blank space in the center.

All 3.5 Cleric Spells
... To level 7, at least. I'm halfway through level 8, and will finish all levels some day, or sooner if there is any interest.
For this collection I used the a 3.5 database to make my own list of every 3.5 (Not 3.0) Cleric Spell. The list is very comprehensive and effective at a simple glance, but it is always advised to double-check the full spell description until you're very familiar with it.
Colour-coded into Healing/Restorative, Damaging/Aggressive, Buffs, Debuffs, Protection, and even Cloistered Cleric. Lists Spells/Day at the top, and has a space to insert your own two Domain Spells at the top of each Spell Level page.
Features: If/# Prepared, Name, School, Components, Range, Target, Duration, Action, Useful Description, Save and SR Info, in order and all at a glance.
Lvl 0 (Includes Legend) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8VWNab3FyeUVyNjA
Lvl 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8Q01OeWxSZEZBaWc
Lvl 2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8cEQyQmJoaEhiTDQ
Lvl 3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8NThIcVY0VFQ3dnc
Lvl 4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8d0pMNUdMWjR1T2M
Lvl 5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8UVBvVkFrOWd2ckk
Lvl 6 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8TzlZUHFmTXRCSmc
Lvl 7 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2koCAip9nL8a2V2TXpRY3VmbE0
If a spell appears in two books, I always used the Spell Compendium as the proper version. I'm sure there are typos in here, but I think it's free and clear of any actual mistakes. I hope you enjoy it.

Market Prices:
A very handy list of all relevant weapon and armour market prices on one sheet. Base costs, Masterwork and Enhancement costs, It includes exotic materials like mithril, adamantine, darkwood, etc, and the price modifiers for large and non-humanoid creatures (barding, anyone?). The point of this sheet is to speed up player buying and selling. Print a few of these off and keep them easily accessible around the game room and when it comes time for shopping and/or looting, things should go smoothly.

2017-01-07, 09:36 AM
This looks like an extremely impressive amount of work…from the one page I was able to look at, after a 30-second download delay imposed by the hosting site on non-members, and after another delay from a popup to prove I’m not a robot, plus a couple of warnings from NoScript after that.

That’s too much hassle to repeat for every single one of these. There are probably more streamlined options for sharing what you’ve done.

2017-01-07, 11:09 AM
Palanan is right -- there's a lot of image hosts that don't have all the rigamarole. Google Drive, for example, gives you 15 GB for free and lets you organize by folder.

Thank you very much for your work on those Cleric lists! I love to see new versions.

Edit: Also, you probably want to remove the name of the site you sourced your spell list from. The forum rules disallow it.

2017-01-09, 02:33 PM
Thanks guys! I searched around for various file upload sites, not just picture sites. I had no idea it would be so annoying for people to upload these. I'll fix it right away. Thanks for the tips! And yeah, it was a lot of work. :D