View Full Version : Elephant Storm [IC]

2017-01-06, 10:53 PM
You are in the city of Launisti. Well, that's not quite accurate-you're outside the city of Launisti. There's a guard in front of you, saying "What the hell are you beasts doing here?" while you try to get in.

2017-01-07, 05:46 AM
Picking up the Druid (or pieces?) with his trunk, Kimya surveys the savannah to find the nearest elevated area or other natural barrier. He doesn't know who these people are, but these weapons that strike from far away require use of the environment. Such is the Njia ya Kiboko Kuanguka, the Way of his ancestors.

2017-01-09, 02:30 AM
"Looking for a tavern." Land Whale replies with a voice that certainly sounds serious about quenching his thirst.

2017-01-09, 07:33 AM

"I, was, wondering, who, would, speak, first..." Bruno began.

"It, would, seem, you... beat, me, to, the, punch."

The slate-gray elephant chortled deeply to himself in amusement.

2017-01-09, 10:11 AM
"Holy hell, they talk!" the guard exclaims. "Who's your owner?"

2017-01-09, 01:50 PM
Owner? Who is your owner? I did not know slavery was condoned in this kingdom.

I come as an ambassador of PACHYDERM, Protecting Animals by Correcting Habitat Yields due to Dwarves, Elves, Rare-humanoids, and Mankind. We are concerned about deforestation of ancient arboreal growth that functions as central growth points for local flora and fauna.

2017-01-09, 01:51 PM
[color=green]Owner? Who is your owner? I did not know slavery was condoned in this kingdom. How shameful.

I come as an ambassador of PACHYDERM, Protecting Animals by Correcting Habitat Yields due to Dwarves, Elves, Rare-humanoids, and Mankind. We are concerned about deforestation of ancient arboreal growth that functions as central growth points for local flora and fauna.


"What?" the guard says, after a brief pause. "Look, you're ANIMALS. You shouldn't be talking!"

Everyone, make a perception check.

2017-01-09, 04:00 PM

"What?" the guard says, after a brief pause. "Look, you're ANIMALS. You shouldn't be talking!"

Everyone, make a perception check.

We are not animals, we are Animals, beasts whose eyes have been opened and minds awakened!


Focused on the guard who, strangely, does not trust those who have given no cause for doubt, Kimya is fairly oblivious to all those around him, as well as any approaching threats.

2017-01-09, 06:27 PM
"You're also an animal pal. Unless you want us to believe you're some kind of talking statue." Land Whale retorts.

2017-01-09, 08:59 PM

Sir? I, was, given, sentience, by, the, Arcanum, Infinitas. I, am, confident, you, have, heard, of, them? Send, for, your, local, mages; they, should, know, who, I, am.

"I, can, assure, you, good, sir, that, though, we, are, elephants, we, will, be, civil. We, have, no, owners; we, are, our, own, masters."

Perception Check: [roll0]

2017-01-09, 09:24 PM
Bruno notices a rather furtive-looking man, trying to make his way through the crowd. In a brief glimpse under his cloak, Bruno can see two things of note-a wickedly sharp dagger, and a vial of green, bubbling liquid.

2017-01-09, 10:14 PM
Land Whale, we must be civil. All beings have had different experiences, and we must respect them all. All life is precious, and all viewpoints have some merit. Why it seems only yesterday that I encountered this delightful fool from the town of Centashire who considered the kobolds the most perfect race of all! He attributed this to their cunning, their connection to dragons, their...

Kimya continues droning on with parables and stories until something or someone shuts him up.

2017-01-09, 11:43 PM
Land Whale is no help in the "shutting Kimya up" operation as he stopped listening at "civil".

2017-01-10, 02:29 AM

"Also, sir, if, men, wielding, daggers, and, poison, are, not, allowed, in, your, city, then, that, man..."

He says this while pointing with his trunk.

"...is, violating, this, city's, law. Let, us, through, and, we, will, bring, him, to, this, city's, law, and, justice, organization."

2017-01-10, 03:10 AM
Land Whale looks up a bit to see over the human they were talking to and in the direction of the man Bruno indicated. He mentally prepares to charge into action. Both figurative and literally since there's not much else for an elephant to do about a combatant that isn't right in front of them.

2017-01-10, 07:32 AM
Still not seeing what Bruno pointed at because of how bad he failed Perception, Kimya launches into another lecture. Who are we to judge the responsible use of a dagger and poison at a glance? A knife is used by many to prepare foodstuffs and as a general tool. Poison is used not only for pest disposal, but some types can be used for disabling an opponent without killing. Finally, poisons and medicines often look alike, and medicine and poisons can even be the same substance! Medicine not in moderation kills, and many poisons have beneficial effects for certain conditions if properly applied and portioned.

2017-01-10, 08:58 AM

"...you, do, not, understand, subtlety, do, you?"

2017-01-10, 12:11 PM
"What?" the guard says, looking at the man. The man starts when the guard draws attention towards him, and starts to run. "Stop! In the name of the law, stop!"


Criminal: [roll0]
Guard: [roll1]
You guys as a group: [roll2] Not sure what your group modifier would be

The guard begins to chase after the man, slowly but surely, and draws his blade.

2017-01-10, 01:53 PM
Land Whale enters the town and begins looking for a tavern.

2017-01-10, 01:59 PM
Kimya follows after Land Whale, carelessly waving at and greeting the inhabitants of the town. He especially the children, as he always gets a kick out of how small they are. They are like squirrels, but humanoid!

The Glyphstone
2017-01-10, 02:10 PM
Thunderstomp had not said a word through the entire exchange, silent and motionless as he hid behind a stationary wagon near the gate despite it barely reaching the top of his legs. The owner of the wagon was cowering some distance away, also saying nothing.

"Hmmm. I will use this wagon for cover, and approach the criminal unseen."

Hoisting the hitch of the wagon with his trunk, he begins to push it along in front of him as he charges towards the man the guard pointed at.

2017-01-10, 02:16 PM
Thunderstomp had not said a word through the entire exchange, silent and motionless as he hid behind a stationary wagon near the gate despite it barely reaching the top of his legs. The owner of the wagon was cowering some distance away, also saying nothing.

"Hmmm. I will use this wagon for cover, and approach the criminal unseen."

Hoisting the hitch of the wagon with his trunk, he begins to push it along in front of him as he charges towards the man the guard pointed at.

The man sees the elephant and guard coming for him, and continues sprinting pell-mell away. The distance between him and the guard is rapidly growing, but Thunderstomp is managing to keep pace.

2017-01-10, 05:07 PM

Bruno, despite his desire to see about finding a library or the local Arcanum administration, will follow Thunderstomp for the time being.

2017-01-10, 05:09 PM
Umberto watches on, trying not to stick out too much.

2017-01-10, 06:47 PM
The guard continues giving chase, breathing heavily. "Stop... Criminal!..."

2017-01-10, 07:26 PM
Kimya doubles back toward the guard. Not to help catch the "criminal", but to ensure that medically the guard was in good condition.