View Full Version : Changelings, over powered, blah or need more flavor?

2017-01-06, 11:35 PM
I just read the Eberron information on Changelings ( https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA_Eberron_v1.pdf ) and don't onow what to think.

Are they overpowered? Or just bleh? Or what?

They way equipment and clothing does no change sort of keeps them under control. No plate mail wearing paladin elf changing to a huge Ogre or warforge mid battle. Then again being able to turn from elf to drow at will last sesssion sure would have made me the center of attention out of my party.

So I keep picturing a robe wearing monk changeling.

What do you all think? I thought DS9 went a bit too far with theirs and I've wanted a good one ever since.

2017-01-06, 11:38 PM
It's as good as a player is creative.

Changeling Bard with expertise in Deception and the Friends cantrip?

They can blame their actions on damn near anybody. Some alter-ego, or an NPC they hate. Some guy named Glenn.

2017-01-07, 12:10 AM
It's as good as a player is creative.

Changeling Bard with expertise in Deception and the Friends cantrip?

They can blame their actions on damn near anybody. Some alter-ego, or an NPC they hate. Some guy named Glenn.

Yeah, let's screw Glenn over!

But seriously, that's actually a really powerful combo right there. Friends+magical at will disguise. At worst, you can just be some nondescript NPC, do the whole Friends thing, then shift back.

Ogre Mage
2017-01-07, 12:10 AM
I would say a great deal is predicated on your class choice and the style of game the DM is running.

As jaappleton suggested, a changeling bard or rogue is a strong choice. A changeling barbarian -- not so much.

If your DM is running a storytelling based game with a high level of intrigue, scheming and character interaction, a changeling will be a standout character. If the game is 100% hack and slash, then its abilities are wasted.

Put another way, the "three pillars of D&D" are said to be: combat, exploration and social interaction. A changeling PC will shine in the "social interaction" part of the game. It's effectiveness in the other two areas may vary.

2017-01-07, 01:04 AM
A changeling needs more of the personality moved forward from 3.5's Races of Eberron book. At the very least, having the character fascinated by change and bored by static things offers a few more interpretations beyond "I can shapeshift at will" and "nobody trusts me". Changelings aren't the sort to get angsty about not being trusted. A lot of them actually prefer it, as it leaves them freer to do what they want without worrying if people like them or not.