View Full Version : DM Help Using NPC agents as a resource for my campaign?

2017-01-07, 04:08 PM
I would like to implement a system that would allow the party to use agents to achieve an in-game system that would open up multiple possibilities, both minor and major campaign related effects while adding a small managing aspect for the players when at their base of operations.

Before I go into a bit more detail on my question, allow me to set the scene briefly. My party was on an expedition to establish an outpost on a newly discovered land/island but they obviously had issues and ended up crashing and are now stranded there with only a portion of the original expedition forces at their disposal. They've acquired the assets of a specialized exploring guild and I would like to have the agents be used in a unique or meaningful fashion while creating some fun managing beyond their characters.

What I had in mind would be something that has the party being in control of several agents that have specialties in specific skills such as path-finding or diplomacy. In essence, the party could have individual agents sent out on specific missions (either randomly generated/rolled, pre-made, or party created tasks) that the party themselves would not do but could gain some small benefits from them, possibly. A leveling system for these agents along with potential hazards and threats they may encounter during travel or a mission success rate (possibly dying or being taken prisoner or whatever) would add a bit of managing for the party, when assigning or deciding what agent should perform what task or mission. This would be something they could do back in their make-shift encampment while they rest and further progress the main story arch. The thought is that these agents would be out for a week or more at a time (already keeping track of days in my campaign) so this wouldn't be an all-encompassing mini game but rather something they could occasionally come back to and upkeep as well as giving them a reason to return to the encampment from time to time.


Diplomatic specialist could be sent to a nearby tribal village to try and negotiates some form of treaty or establish a trade route between them and the party's main base of operations. Or a scout could be sent to recon an area and bring back information of the location and any potential threats or things of interest (rolls for success % possibly) or maybe have a chance to find a quicker/safer route using game trails or something to give the party faster travel to that one area.

What I'm asking for help or ideas with: Some basic mechanics or tables to use and keep track of things when creating this agent based managerial aspect. Possible rewards, missions, setting DC for agents when traveling over one or multiple areas (hazardous or not) and so on would be some things I'm looking for. Hopefully this isn't too much to ask for and I haven't really been able to find anything anywhere else that has or covers what I'm trying to do. The first thing that comes to mind is from Dragon Age Inquisition but I'd like this to be a bit more indepth and DnD-like.