View Full Version : 3rd Ed Draco-Mongrelfolk, or What Do You Get When You Mix All The Dragony Humanoids Together

2017-01-07, 04:46 PM
(This post contains spoilers for my Megadungeon setting, but it's not a big deal because you can probably figure out the plan just from the posted bounty anyway, so my players needn't avert their eyes.)

It is well-known that when you breed all the PHB races together, you get mongrelfolk.

I have an NPC who's working on breeding half-dragons, draconic creatures, kobolds, spellscales if they exist in this setting (spellscales are currently schrödinger's canon), <color>spawn of Tiamat, lizardfolk because close enough, any of the miscellaneous [dragonblood] humanoids, draconic heritage sorcerers, basically any dragony folks he can get his hands on. (Not Dragonborn of Bahamut because they're always good and always metallic.)

This guy is unlikely to be left alone by the PCs for the centuries he'd need to breed any sort of homogenous army, but... if he did, what would that army look like?

2017-01-07, 07:08 PM
Maybe Mongrelfolk with the Draconic template?

Dracotaur might fit as well...

2017-01-07, 07:11 PM
Assuming all dragon species are interfertile, something which I would personally throw shade upon...

I'd probably say have them just be humanoid dragons with a couple hit dice. Anything too large or powerful is... just too much.

(I feel like all the different types of true dragon probably create destructive interference)

2017-01-07, 07:43 PM
Assuming all dragon species are interfertile, something which I would personally throw shade upon...

I'd probably say have them just be humanoid dragons with a couple hit dice. Anything too large or powerful is... just too much.

(I feel like all the different types of true dragon probably create destructive interference)

Dragons, humans and outsiders can screw pretty much everything and make a baby. I don't see any reason the offspring or descendant of 2 of the most prolific breeders in D&D wouldn't be able to breed to create some new monstrosity.

mabriss lethe
2017-01-07, 08:46 PM
I agree with others, I feel like it would best be covered with an existing mongrelfolk combined with a low/no LA dragon based template. A dragonborn mongrelfolk with the serial numbers filed off would probably fit the bill pretty well, mechanically speaking. You'd have a +0 LA creature that's tough as nails, neither the brightest nor the most personable, but also imbued with some random draconic mutations. (some have wings, some breath an oddball breath weapon that exhibits the powers of many different draconic creatures, some have enhanced senses, etc. Some rare few might even stand out from their peers as superior specimens with the draconic template. There's still a good bit of variation because it's not a stable breed yet.)

2017-01-07, 10:25 PM
There was a 3rfd party adventure I ran though as a player that had a few draconic-mutation/crossbreed templates... Saga of the Dragon Cult (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/26017/Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-Saga-of-the-Dragon-Cult?it=1). I don't own the module so not sure exactly how they work mechincally.