View Full Version : Looking for smooth, modern, pretty Zelda style top-down 2D adventure games.

2017-01-08, 04:46 AM
Basically I'm looking for games which are to Zelda what Dust: An Elysian Tail and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams are to Metroid and Castlevania.

What suggestions do y'all have?

2017-01-08, 04:55 AM
Hm... well, there's Ittle Dew 1 and 2, off of the top of my head.
Or 3D Dot Heroes (or something to that effect).

I'm sure others can come up with more. :smallsmile:

2017-01-08, 07:00 AM
Hyperlight Drifter immediately comes to mind.

2017-01-08, 07:13 AM
By the way, I own a PC and don't use any other platforms at home. Also, I vastly prefer Steam to other distribution channels.

Feel free to mention games that don't have a PC version or distribution over Steam for the benefit of other people who visit this thread.

Also, Ittle Dew looks neat, but the others are kind of 8-bit retro looking, which isn't what I'm looking for in this thread. I like some games that are like that, but one of the criteria for the examples I picked was that they have smooth edged graphics rather than blocky retro-styled graphics.

Edit. I'm looking at some videos of Ittle Dew, and I find myself disappointed that the characters aren't voice-acted. I don't have much nostalgia for needing to read text in adventure games, and I really like the way Dust: AET did the voice acting.

So, it's not a requirement, but any recommendations will get bonus points for good voice acting for all of the conversations in game.

2017-01-08, 08:17 AM
So, it's not a requirement, but any recommendations will get bonus points for good voice acting for all of the conversations in game.

If you can somehow find it, Blood Omen 1 is a very good top-down Zelda-style game with a dark gothic vibe and great voice acting, and works well with modern PCs when using CubanRaul patch. Problem is, it's not modern. It's still fun and the only thing I really know otherwise; lurking this thread with interest.

2017-01-08, 11:27 AM
If you don't mind a bit of subversion, take a look at Rack n' Ruin. It's very top-down zelda with its dungeons and things.

2017-01-08, 03:47 PM
If you can somehow find it, Blood Omen 1 is a very good top-down Zelda-style game with a dark gothic vibe and great voice acting, and works well with modern PCs when using CubanRaul patch. Problem is, it's not modern. It's still fun and the only thing I really know otherwise; lurking this thread with interest.

Blood Omen isn't really smooth, modern, or pretty though.

It's one of those things I'd class as an interesting not-quite-success (and they were clearly more interested in the increasingly convoluted narrative than the gameplay as the series went on).

Possibly worth playing as a historical curiosity.

2017-01-08, 05:51 PM
Blood Omen isn't really smooth, modern, or pretty though.

Not like I haven't said otherwise. Though it is a fun game; I wouldn't call a historical curiosity something I actually enjoyed. Clunkiness is a bit of a subjective notion. And it does tell a decent story that gets further elevated by its voice acting.

2017-01-09, 02:04 AM
Hyperlight Drifter immediately comes to mind.

Here to +1 this. Hyperlight Drifter is extremely reminiscent of a Link to the Past, but mashed with more of a Dark Souls styled "learn to kill everything with your sword and dodging" mentality. Looks very nice and plays well if you use a controller. The dialogue is not voice acted, but it is told entirely through 2d images in speech balloons instead of reading words on a screen.

2017-01-09, 04:16 AM
Here to +1 this. Hyperlight Drifter is extremely reminiscent of a Link to the Past, but mashed with more of a Dark Souls styled "learn to kill everything with your sword and dodging" mentality. Looks very nice and plays well if you use a controller. The dialogue is not voice acted, but it is told entirely through 2d images in speech balloons instead of reading words on a screen.

Seconding hyperlight drifter, and another that come out of my mind now is Cross Code,


I remember some other games I can recommend, but I'm at work now so I can't freely search. I'll find them later when I'm off work :)