View Full Version : [SW SAGA] KotoR Campaign -- Chapter 1: The Europa

2017-01-08, 11:57 AM

Episode I
The Europa

It is a dark time for the Galaxy. Since the Empire had emerged from dark space, the Galaxy had been thrown into chaos, leading quickly to The Great War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Over the many years of conflict between these two powers, countless systems had fallen to nothing more than ruins, while countless others struggle to hang on to civilization. One system quickly joining the countless others is Coruscant.

In an unexpected move, the Empire had put forward a peace treaty to end the war between the Empire and the Republic. Forcing the hand of the Republic one last time, the Imperial fleet began an attack on Coruscant. Within hours, the Republic Senate was under Imperial control, and the Jedi Temple had been reduced to smoldering ash.

With the peace treaty signed, known as the Treaty of Coruscant, Republic and Jedi forces were forced to evacuate systems affected by the war, leaving the injured and crumbling civilizations to their own recovery. Now, fear grips the Republic as it's citizens struggle to rebuild and survive, wondering how long the Empire will hold it's offer for peace, and when the war will rage once more...


The soft hum of the ship's engines float through the air amidst the soft chatter of the transport ship, the Europa. Bound for Coruscant from the Outer Rim systems, the rag tag collection of passengers merge amongst themselves in idle chats in an attempt to make the trip more bearable. While some passengers on the ship are travelling for business and work, most appear to be in search of a new life after the Empire destroyed their homes, and the Republic refusing assistance.

The low chatter of voice quickly became over powered by a cheer from a small crowd huddled around a Pazaak table, as a tense hand seemed to have come to an end. With a soft smile, the old Jedi turned his head towards the commotion, seeming almost at peace as he watched the small group cheer the victor. "A bit of a rowdy bunch, but it is nice to see some happy faces among the crown, don't you think?"

The old man left the question in the air for a moment, leaving it with no direction to who he was talking to, before his grey eyes turned back to the two young women he had taken under his wing as Padawans, and the still shiny sparring droid he had travel with them. His Padawan Sarana had been travelling with him and his droid, FEN-C3, for over two years now, since her previous Master had been claimed by the war and became one with the Force, while his other Padawan Yin, had only just joined him when they found each other on the space port, after Yin's Master had gone missing. Now, the small group had been destined for Coruscant to report to the Jedi embassy of the events that had unfolded.

2017-01-08, 02:26 PM
Sarana has been walking with her master aboard the Europa. The last two ears of the war were the worst, and the final blow at Coruscant? It made life almost unbearable for the young Jedi. But, she reminds herself that she must remain calm. The time to strike back at the Empire will come. And when it does, she has to be ready. They pass by a game in progress, men and women wagering what little they had against others doing the same.Indeed, Master. In these dark times, it is good that anyone can find even a moments joy.

2017-01-08, 02:50 PM
Yin lagged behind Sarana and her new master as they took a small tour of the ship. She kept her hood raised, obscuring most of her face. Yin had noted the Pazaak game going on, but said nothing in response to her new master's comment. It hadn't been very long since Yin joined up with this new Jedi pair, and she was still adjusting to the change. Instead, she nodded in agreement. It was uncertain if anyone would notice given her position in relation to the others.

2017-01-08, 03:00 PM
Ciren had been taking a few glances around the ship, looking quite cheerful and happy in contrast to all of the dark, grim or tired faces aboard the Europa. She was finally gonna have a chance to help people out, and see Coruscant! Sure, it was a massive place and it was a bit ruined, but that's just semantics! Still, though, she's just sitting down right now, examining her helmet and occasionally looking up at any clocks on the ship that'd say when they'd reach their destination. She DOES note the strange-seeming Jedi, but she paid no mind to it.

2017-01-08, 03:11 PM
There were a handful of people around Sela on the ship, she had opted to take the chance to do a bit of medic work, attending to both the minor wounds of the travelers and making sure the war wounds of the veterans and refugees weren't getting any worse. Even if the war had ended, the scars, both physical and emotional, were still there.

While replacing a set of bandages on a Twi'lek woman's leg, Sela caught a glance of the robed figures passing through the ship. Jedi, it seemed, were traveling here as well. She'd never felt comfortable around them- for obvious reasons. For someone who lives as other people, people who can see through deceptions are something of your enemy. Though perhaps now that the war was over and they were less concerned with all the death, she might be able to request some aid in finding the real Sela- undoubtedly there were billions of missing people, but maybe an Alderaanian noble might take priority, especially if an impersonator brings it to their attention... A pipe dream, really. Her best bet, as usual, was to leave some distance between them.

"There you go, all set." Smiling as she sends off the last of her patients, Sela packs up her medical gear and sits back to relax, keeping her eye out all over the crowd. Even her relaxation requires vigilance.

2017-01-09, 07:05 AM
Quinn Archer

Quinn had made the rounds of the ship twice. It didn't _seem_ as if there were any bounty hunters in board looking for him, but then again you never could be too sure. The cries from the card table caught his attention, and he veered off in that direction...

2017-01-09, 10:32 PM
The old Jedi nodded back at his young Padawan as he heard her reply. "I agree. The war had been hard on everybody. Most of the people here have lost so much already. Friends, family, loved ones... Even their jobs and their homes. All their personal belongings, gone. I want you both to really see what these people are going through, and I want you to truly understand why it is that the Jedi do not allow such things. The pain of losing so much could break even the strongest of Jedi, and yet these people hold on and live, holding on to the last bit of hope they can, hoping that Corosaunt can help them get back what they call a life."

As Master Jadem finished taking the moment for his small lesson, he turned his head once more and peered around the transport, hearing a new commotion over take the cheer of the crowd. The hum of a machine quickly roars up as the shutters over the large windows looking over the stars begin to lower, shutting and securing in place in seconds. A moment after, Master Jadem quickly stepped aside, seeing a bath of eight security guards for the Europa walk past him and his young Padawans, listening in on their comms and ignoring the passengers entirely, as their quickened pace showed some urgency in their movements without needing to fully run.

As the security guards rounded the corner out of sight, Master Jadem's old grey eyes remained on their last seen position, before he finally shook his head and stepped off in their direction. "I want both of you to stay here, understood? Fen, stay with them."

As the droid nodded with his familiar metallic "Yes, Master Jadem.", the old Jedi stepped around his Padawans and walked off with his own air of urgency, following the security guards.

No longer than a minute later, a second group of men entered the passenger areas of the transport. The six men, all wearing slightly different Europa crew uniforms, started walking quickly towards the head of the ship as they muttered to themselves over a datapad, once again seeming to ignore the passengers entirely entirely.

2017-01-10, 01:55 AM
Archer glanced at the crew briefly, but really he was more interested in the card game, who was playing, and what kind of stakes were being played. Maybe there were some credits to be made...

2017-01-10, 02:03 AM
Salaban sat in the corner of the shuttle, making sure that no one could easily see what was on his datapad. Occasionally he looked up from his work to keep an eye on any passengers that got close to him as he examined them. Paranoia did help in this kind of business after all, and learning who was moving around and who was trying to get a look at what he was doing on his datapad could prove very useful in the long run. He still didn't know the nature of any work he would be able to get on Coruscant, but he knew he would find some opportunity to use his skills. To wit, there seemed to be a trio of Jedi skulking around the shuttle doing their best to not draw attention to themselves, and thereby drawing even more attention to themselves. "So my new friends. . . who exactly are you?" Salaban mumbled that to himself as he browses the HoloNet, looking for some information based on what he saw.

Doing a Gather Information roll, using Use Computer since he's using the HoloNet to find out about them. [roll0] Off to an absolutely roaring start. 3+9=12. I really should have just Taken 20 on that, and if it fails that is what he's going to do.

2017-01-10, 03:03 AM
Sela's attention is sparked the moment the shutters close. Seeing the security pass by does nothing to calm her. Either the ship's under attack, or they're getting something or someone on board they don't want the passengers to see. With swiftness and grace, she gets up and tries to get the attention of the nearest crewman, getting as close as she needs to. "Excuse me, has something gone awry? I'm on a political goodwill mission and if something is happening, I would prefer to at least leave a personal record so as to avoid an incident."

Rolling deception for the lie, and if need be persuasion to use the lie to get the information.

Deception- [roll0]
Persuasion- [roll1]

2017-01-10, 08:12 AM
The crowd around the Pazaak table seem to settle down once more as both players, a Rodian and a Sulastan, deal out their respective decks to start the next hand after the Rodian had just won a major pot. As Quinn approaches, one of the figures in the crowd steps aside, allowing Quinn into the group to spectate the games.

With a quick search over the HoloNet, you are unable to pick up much information about the three Jedi, but you are able to discover the older man's identity as Jadem Trepen, a Jedi Master, a member of the Jedi Council, and one of the Republic's strongest strategist in the war. As well, it was confirmed that he had a Padawan under him, but no information was to be found on them. As well, the mention of the second young Jedi was nowhere to be found, as if she wasn't supposed to be there.

Deception- (1d20+13)[33]
Persuasion- (1d20+8)[19]

Hearing the crew members being directly addressed, the older gentleman in the front of the group turns to look directly into Veslis' eyes, clearly not doubting or caring her quick story, and seeming rather annoyed that he was being stopped. "Ma'am, everything is fine. Please, return to your seat and enjoy your trip. We'll be on our way again in a moment." With as polite of a nod as the older man can spare while still moving in a hurry, the small group of crew members starts rushing off again towards the head of the ship.

2017-01-10, 10:16 AM
Saran a nods acknowledgement of Jadem's command, and turned her attention to her fellow padawan. She has not had much of a chance to get to know the new apprentice her Master has taken on.

Doing all right, Yin?

2017-01-10, 12:51 PM
Ciren watches the guards pass by. Huh. What're THEY panicked about? Can't be much harm coming to a transport ship, right? If a group of guards were moving at such haste then something's obviously gone wrong. Or maybe they're just doing movement drills while the passengers are aboard. Still doesn't make sense to her! After overhearing the exchange between the woman and the guard, she sighs. Ugh. Delayed again- the first time was when she was first getting onto the ship. Oh, well, it'll make it that much sweeter once she arrives! Dangit.

2017-01-10, 05:41 PM
Yin's gaze followed Master Jadem as he walked past them, despite her eyes being useless. She continued to stare in the direction he disappeared to for a moment before bringing her head back to face in front of her. It was a bit uncomfortable for Yin to stay and wait for him to return. The last time her Master had said something similar, he never returned.

Then Sarana spoke. Yin didn't know this other Padawan very well. They hadn't been traveling together long. "Yes. Just fine, thank you." She was being as polite as she could, but her mind was a bit troubled. Yin hesitated then asked a question of her own. "Does he do this often? Master Jadem, I mean. It's obvious something has peaked his interest, but why make us wait here?"

2017-01-10, 07:12 PM
Salaban turns his attention away from his datapad for a moment to look towards Jadem's entourage. It seems that there was someone of actual import aboard this shuttle. The crew didn't seem to know who precisely he was, and it looked like the old Jedi wanted it that way. Someone would probably be willing to pay for that information later on at the very least. Now, the next question people would pay for would be who accompanied the strategist on their journey, and what the purpose of his journey is. While he waited a minute or so to make sure he wouldn't be as suspicious, he soon got up from his place in the corner, idly meandering his way towards the head of the ship.

2017-01-10, 11:21 PM
Only when it's important. I trust in his judgement. And in the Force. If something does happen, it is probably better for us to be here to try and keep the passengers calm, instead of getting in the way of the crew doing their jobs elsewhere on the ship.

2017-01-11, 02:50 AM
In frustration, Sela heads back to her seat, barely sitting down when she sees a man in the corner stand up and start moving towards the front of the ship. Curious, she keeps an eye on him, prepared to follow should he not be stopped before he moves out of sight.

2017-01-11, 05:23 AM
Quinn Archer

Quinn was about to ask if he could get into a game, but then realized he'd lost his pazaak deck along with most of the rest of his worldly possessions.

He settled for watching, trying to get the thrill of the game vicariously to only marginal success. He kept an eye on the rest of the cabin; something was definitely going down and he didn't want it be the last one to the escape pods if it came to it.

2017-01-11, 08:14 AM
Once the crew were out of sight and Salaban moved towards the door, the ship suddenly jerked, knocking most of the passengers standing to the ground. A mere second after she ship stopped shaking, gunfire suddenly erupted just past the sealed doors towards the head of the ship, ending almost as quickly as it started.

As the gunfire stopped, the Europa fell deathly silent as the passengers all looked towards the door in fear, before the silence was broken by the intercom system kicking on. Where the friendly captain's voice had been heard hours ago when the ship departed, nothing came from the system now but a screeching static, and the occasional mumbled word you could make out through the noise.

As the static echoed through the passenger hall, the door in front of Salaban towards the head of the ship lost all power, watching the lights dim and flicker off, and hearing the hydraulics lock down and clamp the door shut, following the ship's security protocol during a power outage.

Acrobatics: DC 10 to avoid falling to the ground.

2017-01-11, 08:37 AM
Salaban had the unfortunate luck of being pretty much right in front of the door as everything lost power and the ship was jostled around, leading him to ever so gracefully plant his face against it as he tripped with a nice satisfying 'thud'. It took him a few moments to recover from the thud, and he had to start dealing with a nose bleed as he called out to the rest of the ship. "Blast it all this complicates things. . . " He grumbled to himself in that tone one has when their nose is plugged up. "Hey Jedi! Get over here and cover me while I open this thing up, something could've happened to your friend!" While he was talking he was taking a rag and storing it up his nose so he could work properly. Unless anyone immediately went to stop him he took out his Security Kit and began to work on the door carefully. This wasn't the time for quick errors, if he messed up and the door was even more locked down he didn't want to try dealing with two angry Jedi.

Doing the roll first to see how the rest of my post goes. If he can't do a Mechanics check after recovering I'll redo my post. Since the door has entered lockdown, I'm assuming it falls under Disable Device for Mechanics. I'm getting into a really bad habbit of immediately rolling instead of trying to Take 10 or 20. Considering the scenario I don't think it would be plausible right now after some more thought, but something I need to keep in mind.
[roll0] Acrobatics
[roll1] Mechanics

2017-01-11, 09:12 AM
acrobatics: [roll0]

Archer's chair tipped over completely and he sprawled onto the floor. Gingerly he looked around for any credits which may have also fallen onto the floor before picking himself up.

He grunted as he stood up.

"Hijacking? Boarding?" he muttered. Some people looked like they were trying to open the door. He unslung the pack holding the missile launcher but didn't pull it out yet. He stepped closer to the door to get a better look at what was going on.

2017-01-11, 06:39 PM

Ciren yelps as her chair tips over and falls. She hops up just in time, looking towards the door that the guardsmen left through. If they were all dead, well... she would have to do a better job! Glancing around, she speaks. Find cover, quick! She looks for objects she could get behind. She also tries her best to listen to the announcer over the comms.

2017-01-11, 07:18 PM
Sarana falls to the floor as the ship lurches. Recovering her feet, Sarana looks across the deck. She sees someone at the forward door, attempting to bypass the security lockdown. But as she contemplates what lies ahead, the Togruta feels a shiver of cold.

Quickly, she reached a red-skinned hand to touch the mans shoulder. Wait. There is death beyond this door. Be cautious if you want to open it. I do not know what exactly lays beyond, but it is certainly nothing good.

2017-01-11, 11:06 PM
Acrobatics- [roll0]

Sela manages to keep her balance in the turbulence, moving over to a wall near the door and placing a hand at her waist, ready to draw her blaster should the worst arise.

2017-01-12, 07:20 AM
Salaban: (1d20+9)[17] Mechanics

The systems running the door seem almost primitive to you, as you easily reroute the power systems for the door, overriding the lock down for the door, and opening with ease. As the door slides open, proof of Salana's feelings become visible. Scattered across the long hall towards the bridge lay four of the crew members that just passed the passengers, all laying motionless on the ground and at least one major blaster scorch across each of their bodies.

Connected directly to the airlock you originally entered the ship through were four long metal prongs piercing the hull of the ship to latch on and secure the boarding ship that brought the assailants on board.

2017-01-12, 07:59 AM
Yin managed to brace herself when the ship violently shook, avoiding falling over like many of the other passengers. She quickly made her way over to the man trying to force the newly locked door open and Sarana. As the door slid open and the unfortunate scene ahead of them revealed it self, Yin felt her heart begin to race. Turning to face the other passengers, Yin lowered her hood and began to speak. "Any of you who are unable or unwilling to fight, I suggest you hide for now. For anyone that has a blaster, I recommend you ready it. Stay here and protect each other." Yin turned back to Sarana. "I know Master Jadem told us to stay here, but I think it's time for us to lend a hand." As she spoke, Yin placed her lightsaber hilt in her hand. She wanted to be ready if the enemy suddenly revealed themselves.

2017-01-12, 08:10 AM
Quinn Archer

"Uh oh," he said, "looks like trouble."

He pulled the missile launcher from his pack and extended the firing tube, then unzipped a side pouch, withdrew a small rocket, loaded it in with a *plunk*, and walked over to where the others had opened the door.

"Who has weapons?" he asked, looking around.

"Let's board the boarders," he said, "soon as they remove these clamps, the air goes out of this ship, that means the only flyable ship around is the one on the other side of that airlock."

2017-01-12, 10:16 AM
Yin will note that Sarana already has her lightsaber out and in her hand.

No. Sarana says, in response to the comment from the man with a missile launcher.

When they remove their clamps, the air will evacuate this section. It needs only be sealed off, and the transport will be able to continue on our trip to Coruscant. We must stay aboard this ship and repel the boarders. We do not know who or what has boarded us. We do not know how many or what their composition is. We also do not know what lays on the other side. We could just as easily be walking into a far superior force. Or worse, they simply detach their clamps while we attempt to board them, and then we are dead as we get sucked into space.

Of course, I am attempting to talk sense into someone who thinks a missile launcher is an appropriate weapon to use inside a starship!

2017-01-12, 10:33 AM
"Well, who am I to argue with a Jedi," Quinn replied.

"You go on ahead, I'll make sure nobody else comes up behind you," he said, squatting down and facing the airlock, resting the launcher across his knees, and drawing a blaster pistol.

2017-01-12, 02:55 PM
Ciren gasps as she sees the bodies. She'd seen people get hurt by blasters, but not... dead before. She also, of course, watches something come out from under the person's cloak, but her attentions are more focused on the MISSILE LAUNCHER that someone just brought out. A missi-- no, that's too far! Even she wasn't silly enough to know that, yes, firing a rocket inside of a small ship is an EXTREMELY BAD IDEA AND YOU SHOULD NEVER DO IT. She was allowed to keep her blaster carbine, having had the necessary licenses and permissions by the Republic, and so she takes it off her back. Just... Follow others' lead. At their behest, she takes cover behind what she could, aiming towards the airlock, readied up. Can't let this stuff distract her, but would she really pull the trigger if something DID happen...? She hoped so... What the heck could they want from...?

2017-01-12, 04:53 PM
Well, this escalated quickly. Keeping her fortified position at the wall adjoining the open door, Sela draws her blaster and keeps it at the ready. She's prepared to fire the moment a threat appears, and breathes a deep sigh of relief seeing the heavily-armed man kept in check.

2017-01-12, 07:25 PM
"Jedi, where is your master? Have a feeling that he would be pretty useful right about now. If we're worried about fighting them, I can try locking down the door and making it a right pain to try and break through. Since we don't know what they're here for I have no idea how well that would work, or if they have a better expert than me. I think some of us need to guard this door, and the rest go check on the other Jedi, 'cause I don't know about the rest of you but I'm not looking forward to fighting a bunch of pirates." Salaban mo ed to crouch by the access panel he had been working on, making sure that if anyone started shooting from the other side of the door he was at least in cover while he worked.

2017-01-12, 11:26 PM
Yin turned back toward the group and addressed Salaban's suggestions. "Master Jadem is attending to an issue toward the back of the ship. He is a seasoned Jedi, He can handle himself." Yin's tone was slightly annoyed. It bothered her that someone would make the assumption a Jedi Master couldn't handle a few pirates. "As for holding this position, I agree you. We will leave FEN-C3 to assist the defensive effort, but we cannot allow the ship's bridge to be taken. My fellow Padawan and I will make our way to the front of the ship and try to ensure that our aggressors do not succeed. Those eager to fight may follow, but allow us to lead the way." Yin had never liked sitting around and doing nothing, and she didn't like to tell others to do so either. It was important to inform everyone of the potential danger and advise taking safety precautions. After all, not everyone was equipped for combat. Still, she would never refuse the right of a person to take their fate into their own hands. If someone wanted to bring the fight to the pirates and follow them to the bridge, they had just as much right as she does to do so.

2017-01-13, 12:17 AM
"FE... what?" Quinn asked.

"Look, just holler if you need help," he said, moving to a spot he could keep an eye on both the rear doors and on the airlock.

"Name's Archer, Quinn Archer."

2017-01-13, 12:58 AM
Nodding at Salaban's suggestion, Sarana That seems prudent. You should see if there is an emergency bulkhead or force screen that will activate when this docking tube is removed.

After Yin is finished, Sarana turns to the front of the ship and proceeds to make her way toward the bridge.

2017-01-13, 04:17 AM
"I never doubted that a Jedi could take on a few pirates, I was more concerned for our own hides. We don't know their numbers or goals. You're Padawan, I'm not great with a blaster, that one guy has a bloody missile launcher at the ready. I'm more than happy to take a seasoned Jedi's help in this." Salaban sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Guess that means I get to go with you two in case the Pirates did anything to the bridge." He turned his attention to the rest of the group, raising his voice so that everyone could hear him. "Everyone that is following the Padawan do so now. Once we leave I'm going to close the door behind us so the pirates can't get to the rest of you." True to his word, Salaban remained at the door until everyone that wanted to fight had made their way to follow the Padawans. Once the stragglers were through he closed the door.

The closing of the door is effectively delayed until all PCs who wanted to fight are through the door.

2017-01-13, 08:51 AM
Looking over the door, Ciren starts approaching, making sure her blaster rifle is all loaded up and ready for a good scrap. "I'll come with you guys, let's make 'em pay!" She stands by the others, waiting for anyone else who might be coming along on this trip. If these guys WERE Jedi, then she could trust them, right? Jedi are good guys.

2017-01-13, 05:31 PM
A moment of hesitation hung in the air for Sela. Combat was not her strong suit... but she couldn't help it. She couldn't leave these people in danger, she couldn't risk the loss of the ship. Keeping her blaster ready to fire, she advances through the door along with the Jedi and the motley group that went with them. "Wait for me, let's make these brutes pay!"

2017-01-14, 12:05 PM
Watching the group move towards the now open door, the crowd of civilians left in the passenger hall slowly work their way over towards the tables and the rows of seats, using whatever they can as cover, in case anything were to wrong, and keeping themselves out of the way, leaving the group alone to face whatever was to come in the rooms beyond.

Looking over the room, FEN turned back towards his Jedi companions before speaking once more. "I think it be best if I stayed behind, in case Master Jadem returns, or if any trouble were to start." With a slight nod of his head and torso, a bow he learned by watching the Jedi, yet still limited due to his mechanical body, he moved back away from the door, standing guard over the rest of the passengers.

Looking ahead into the next room, the small boarding shuttle appeared almost permanently attached as the four long black spikes punctured the hull of the Europa, anchoring it to the airlock. Ahead of the airlock, heading towards the bridge, the room splits into two paths. The first, the main ramp leading up towards the bridge of the ship, blocked by a similar door to the first, yet still powered as the lights around the door flicker on and off. Then, along both sides of the ramp, are small hatches built into the side of the ramp leading down to the maintenance tunnels between the two floors of the ship.


2017-01-14, 07:35 PM
Quinn moved next to the body closest to the airlock, to give him a vantage point where he could see both into the common room and into the boarding shuttle.

2017-01-15, 02:23 PM
Ciren cautiously moves forward, attempting to take the lead, near the first body. She didn't want the people that she presumed to be allies to get hurt, and so she just takes point. Her carbine is raised up and she's ready to go. She tries not to look at the bodies.

2017-01-16, 12:48 AM
Sela quietly edges into the room, sliding along the wall to the corner that gives her a view of both the bridge and the shuttle. She'd never seen serious battle, but bodies... bodies she was familiar with. A bit unsettling, that.

2017-01-16, 01:18 AM
"If one of you would be kind enough to cover me. I want to see what we can do to get them off this ship." He goes over to where the small shuttle had docked with their ship. If it was possible he wanted to see how he could separate their ship without doing massive harm to the Europa and themselves in the process.

Assuming it would be a mechanics roll to figure it out of it was possible. [roll0]

2017-01-16, 07:23 PM
Yin moves up to cover the group, placing herself close to the bridge. She remained quiet and concentrated on being ready for danger.

2017-01-16, 08:32 PM
Sarana looks down at the bodies with a feeling of sadness. More lies lost, and the war is over. Which means they didn't even die for anything.

Pulling herself together, Sarana steps over to the door leading to the bridge. Inhaling in a slow, controlled manner, Sarana opens herself to the Force, and tries to sense if anyone is on the other side of the door.

Taking 20 on a Use the Force check to sense anyone on the other side of the door.