View Full Version : I Need To Spend A Lot Of GP!

2017-01-08, 02:16 PM
Specifically, I need to spend 2,566,100 GP. For this (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1062886) girl.


2017-01-08, 02:26 PM
The scariest Necklace of Natural Weapons ever?

2017-01-08, 02:34 PM
The scariest Necklace of Natural Weapons ever?

But I use breath attacks, not natural attacks!

2017-01-08, 02:44 PM
But I use breath attacks, not natural attacks!

Excuse me; I saw monk and evolutionist and assumed something natural weapon-related. I shouldn't have been so hasty.

2017-01-08, 02:46 PM
Excuse me; I saw monk and evolutionist and assumed something natural weapon-related. I shouldn't have been so hasty.

Yeah, an understandable assumption. But no, I basically made a DFA out of it. :P

2017-01-08, 02:53 PM
Excuse me; I saw monk and evolutionist and assumed something natural weapon-related. I shouldn't have been so hasty.

With 12 arms, no less.

2017-01-08, 03:00 PM
Try to get a slotless Dragon Spirit Cincture for 4000 GP? Extra breath weapon damage is always good.

If possible, get a cheap weapon that deals the same type of damage as your breath so the save DC increases by a bit.

2017-01-08, 03:03 PM
Sorry I can't look at the link, but you can't go wrong with a cowl of warding for 200k. There's also slotless things like grafts, psychoactive skins, arms of the Naga, etc.

2017-01-08, 03:05 PM
What sources are available?

If you can do 3.P, how about an illithid humanoid skin graft, which is enhanced magically (and psionically) prior to grafting? That way, all of the magical qualities are now part of the character and cannot be removed unless you're skinned alive.

Enhance it as a psychoactive skin of proteus with a ML of 15.

Enhance it as a belt of magnificence +6.

Enhance it as a tooth of Leraje.

Enhance it as a thought bottle.

Enhance it as a magic weapon with stuff that is more than just "+X to hit/+x damage," like ghost touch, metalline, throwing, distance, explosive, exit wounds, defending, and so on.

Enhance it as armor with a lot of armor enhancements, such as enervating (DotF, grants negative levels to things you attack, no save), soulfire, etc.

Enhance it as a +1 distance rod of ropes.

And lots more.

2017-01-08, 03:07 PM
Try to get a slotless Dragon Spirit Cincture for 4000 GP? Extra breath weapon damage is always good.

If possible, get a cheap weapon that deals the same type of damage as your breath so the save DC increases by a bit.

Done! Thank you!

2017-01-08, 03:21 PM
I would generate some KILLER custom magic items.

For example, a short sword that casts greater dispel on striking, a cloak of protection with a bunch of continuous spell buffs, a headband of vast intellect that can cast shapechange once per day...

Possibilities are endless.

2017-01-08, 03:26 PM
I would generate some KILLER custom magic items.

For example, a short sword that casts greater dispel on striking, a cloak of protection with a bunch of continuous spell buffs, a headband of vast intellect that can cast shapechange once per day...

Possibilities are endless.

I don't use attacks.

I already HAVE a poopton of protection buffs.

Why would I need shapechange?

2017-01-08, 03:28 PM
I don't use attacks.

I already HAVE a poopton of protection buffs.

Why would I need shapechange?A.) More options during any situation can only serve to improve your performance, even if you don't usually use them.

B.) Redundancy is great in high level play, especially if said redundancies can save you daily resources.

C.) Why wouldn't you need it? Shapechange is amazing...at least, in 3.5.

John Longarrow
2017-01-08, 03:42 PM
Not sure if its a typo or not but your sheet says she's carrying something like 1600 TONS. May I suggest a lot of wagons, teamsters, and oxen?

NOTE: Something that allows teleportation magic would be nice, especially if its easy to use.

2017-01-08, 04:05 PM
I don't use attacks.

I already HAVE a poopton of protection buffs.

Why would I need shapechange?

Why wouldn't you want shapechange? But it's just an example. You can add ANYTHING to an item. An at will 20th lvl maximized disintigrate? A 3x per day summon 9? A quickened true strike at will?

Anything can be crafted for the money you have, any spell you want into any item you want.

Not sure if its a typo or not but your sheet says she's carrying something like 1600 TONS. May I suggest a lot of wagons, teamsters, and oxen?

NOTE: Something that allows teleportation magic would be nice, especially if its easy to use.

His gold is 100tons, looks like a misprint.

edit: Looks like he wrote item cost in the weight column lol.

2017-01-09, 12:32 AM
I would generate some KILLER custom magic items.

For example, a short sword that casts greater dispel on striking, a cloak of protection with a bunch of continuous spell buffs, a headband of vast intellect that can cast shapechange once per day...

Possibilities are endless.
Sounds famliar somehow...

Being serious, he wouldn't want shapechange because AFAIK polymorphing effects like that remove his breath weapons which seem to be integral to his character and he already has fast healing 12 so his gains would be limited.

2017-01-09, 12:58 AM
Breath weapons gained through feats and class abilities are only affected by shapeshifting if they have racial and physiological requirements; otherwise, shapechange doesn't affect breath weapons at all, and even then, generally you just need a Con score.

2017-01-09, 01:47 AM
Hey, JNAProductions, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless the DM has changed the rules regarding Epic Magic items, some of your equipment may be a bit more expensive than you think.

As per the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/basics.htm):

While not truly an artifact, the epic magic item is a creation of such power that it surpasses other magic items. Epic magic items are objects of great power and value. The following are typical characteristics of an epic magic item. In general, an item with even one of these characteristics is an epic magic item.

Grants a bonus on attacks or damage greater than +5.
Grants an enhancement bonus to armor higher than +5.
Has a special ability with a market price modifier greater than +5.
Grants an armor bonus of greater than +10 (not including magic armor’s enhancement bonus).
Grants a natural armor, deflection, or resistance bonus greater than +5.
Grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score greater than +6.
Grants an enhancement bonus on a skill check greater than +30.
Mimics a spell of an effective level higher than 9th.
Has a caster level above 20th.
Has a market price above 200,000 gp, not including material costs for armor or weapons, material component- or experience point-based costs, or additional value for intelligent items.

This is important because:

Market Price

Use the guidelines for nonepic magic items to determine the market price of an epic magic item, with one addition: If the item gives a bonus beyond the limit allowed in for normal, nonepic magic items, multiply the portion of the market price derived from that characteristic by 10. Some epic characteristics, such as caster level, don’t trigger this multiplier.

Now, I think it's a silly rule personally; an obvious patch on the expected WBL for Epic PCs, but it is the RAW on the matter.

If that's the rule being followed, then several of your items are going to end up being somewhat more expensive than you anticipated. A standard +10 Constitution item (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bracersofEpicHealth) listed in the SRD is 1,000,000 gold, for example.

I'd ask about it.

2017-01-09, 01:56 AM
Hey, JNAProductions, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless the DM has changed the rules regarding Epic Magic items, some of your equipment may be a bit more expensive than you think.

As per the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/basics.htm):

This is important because:

Now, I think it's a silly rule personally; an obvious patch on the expected WBL for Epic PCs, but it is the RAW on the matter.

If that's the rule being followed, then several of your items are going to end up being somewhat more expensive than you anticipated. A standard +10 Constitution item (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bracersofEpicHealth) listed in the SRD is 1,000,000 gold, for example.

I'd ask about it.I prefer a lot of smaller items amalgamated together, spread out amongst as many body slots as I can manage, with as many cost reducers as I can get away with. AKA, regular epic items suck.

2017-01-09, 02:22 AM
I prefer a lot of smaller items amalgamated together, spread out amongst as many body slots as I can manage, with as many cost reducers as I can get away with. AKA, regular epic items suck.

That's my preferred method typically, too.

It's late so I didn't notice that JNAproductions is applying to the same game I am. I guess that's why the sheet looked familiar.

But, yeah, we're working with 4.3 million gold.

My character has exactly two Epic items, which take up about 2.6 million of that gold. That's a lot for a +8 weapon and a +12 ability booster.

Normally I'd not spend that much on two items, but this character doesn't mesh thematically with a panoply of ten thousand magical items, so I've been minimizing my items to the strictly necessary.

I'd use the homebrew'd VoP, but I need the gold for class feature things.

Anyway, there are a few epic items that aren't completely horrible if you're using Epic WBL. The Souldrinker is pretty amusing. I love the thought of dealing 2d4 negative levels with each strike.

If my character concept wasn't contingent on being sparse, I'd probably just buy a dozen or so +1 swords in different materials and enhancements for the amusement of carrying around a golf-bag of niche destruction.

I mean, for the same price of my +8 weapon I could purchase five +1 swords of bane for each legal creature type.

2017-01-09, 02:31 AM
That's my preferred method typically, too.

It's late so I didn't notice that JNAproductions is applying to the same game I am. I guess that's why the sheet looked familiar.

But, yeah, we're working with 4.3 million gold.

My character has exactly two Epic items, which take up about 2.6 million of that gold. That's a lot for a +8 weapon and a +12 ability booster.

Normally I'd not spend that much on two items, but this character doesn't mesh thematically with a panoply of ten thousand magical items, so I've been minimizing my items to the strictly necessary.

I'd use the homebrew'd VoP, but I need the gold for class feature things.

Anyway, there are a few epic items that aren't completely horrible if you're using Epic WBL. The Souldrinker is pretty amusing. I love the thought of dealing 2d4 negative levels with each strike.

If my character concept wasn't contingent on being sparse, I'd probably just buy a dozen or so +1 swords in different materials and enhancements for the amusement of carrying around a golf-bag of niche destruction.

I mean, for the same price of my +8 weapon I could purchase five +1 swords of bane for each legal creature type.Look at the post regarding magically enhancing an illithid humanoid skin graft, earlier in the thread.

Also, there are ways to get epic equivalent weapons for pre-epic cost. Unarmed strikes and launchers with ammo are the easiest.

2017-01-09, 02:31 AM
Well, I suppose there's looking over Shax's handy haversack to see if there's anything in it that would be at all relevant to you for utility if nothing else.

2017-01-09, 02:49 AM
Well, I suppose there's looking over Shax's handy haversack to see if there's anything in it that would be at all relevant to you for utility if nothing else.

Aboleth Mucus! All-ending breath weapons aside, there's a surprising number of epic-level threats that still have to breathe air.

2017-01-09, 08:03 AM
Welp, I'd suggest creating metabreath rods and stat sticks.

Metabreath is fairly straightforward in that construction, so I'll go on to the stat sticks portion.

As your character is more or less Con SAD, get a bunch of +1 daggers (probably 6 or so- the with 6 or so of the metabreath rods as well) and stick on +8 Con bonuses to it. Obviously like doesn't stack with like, so we simplify that by having those daggers give bonuses as Enhancement, Sacred, Profane, Perfection, Morale, and Alchemical, respectively.

Equivalent to 6 +5 daggers. But you end up with +48 Con, and a further 6 +1 light maces- via the MB rods.