View Full Version : Smoking weapon enchantment save DC?

2017-01-08, 09:21 PM
Looking at Smoking (LoD), the +1 special ability for weapons that effectively creates a small Stinking Cloud spell (Fort save or be Nauseated)

The Smoking property says "The smoke affects any creature that enters the wielder's area", and doesn't list a set DC like most similar enchantments do.

I know the DC formula for a spell is 10 + spell level + relevant ability bonus, but does that mean it just entirely depends on the creator's stats? On that note, if the creator had a continuous item to boost their casting stat, would it increase the DC of the item upon completion of its enchantment?

It could be very loosely interpreted to imply that it affects any creature that enters your area, as in it does not require a save and just affects them, but that seems way too OP/cheesy/shady for a +1 enchantment.

Is there a rule on this? Are you just meant to use the minimum-possible casting stat for the appropriate spell (13 to cast a 3rd level spell)? Or is this just a matter of how high the creator's stats are? It's not going to be crafted by a PC, but neither does our DM want to bother with setting up individual NPCs for our crafting (we basically submit our 'bills' for what weapons we want crafted/enchanted when we're in big cities, and he approves them to indicate that we've found someone to do the job)

2017-01-08, 10:52 PM
For magic items, the save is 10 + spell level. In this case, 13. You don't add the caster's ability score bonus. This actually makes most magic items easier to save against than if the spell was cast on them directly by the Spellcaster.

2017-01-08, 11:03 PM
I was looking through the Creating Magic Items section in the DMG, and didn't really think to look in the main magic item entry.

However, it seems that you actually DO add the caster's ability score bonus, just the minimum.

"For a saving throw against a spell or spell-like effect from a magic item, the DC is 10 + the level of the spell or effect + the ability modifier of the minimum ability score needed to cast that level of spell" ~DMG p.214

So I guess for making a Smoking weapon, it would be 10 + 3 (Stinking Cloud spell level) + 1 (Bonus from minimum stat of 13) for a total of 14.

You got me looking on the right track, thanks a heap mate =)

2017-01-09, 12:25 AM
For magic items, the save is 10 + spell level. In this case, 13. You don't add the caster's ability score bonus. This actually makes most magic items easier to save against than if the spell was cast on them directly by the Spellcaster.

This isn't -quite- accurate. Magic items use 10 + spell level + X where X is the modifier for the minimum ability score required to cast a spell of that level.

For a 3rd level spell, that'd be 10 + 3 + 1 where the 1 comes from the +1 associated with an ability score of 13.

2017-01-09, 12:39 AM
This isn't -quite- accurate. Magic items use 10 + spell level + X where X is the modifier for the minimum ability score required to cast a spell of that level.

For a 3rd level spell, that'd be 10 + 3 + 1 where the 1 comes from the +1 associated with an ability score of 13.

Kelb is correct although some abilties like the scroll masters (wizard archetype) let you use your casting mod instead for scrolls and staves use your casting mod and caster level. This is generally why scrolls and simliar are not very good if they require saves.

It does have some odd side effects like having a extended/other metamagic 3rd level spell raises the DC due to the minimum level required.

2017-01-09, 07:00 AM
For a 3rd level spell, that'd be 10 + 3 + 1 where the 1 comes from the +1 associated with an ability score of 13.

Thank you for clarifying. I should have taken the time to look into the books.