View Full Version : [M&M 3E] Infirmis, Mutata, Viventes - Issue 1: Whatever Happened to Howard Hughes?

2017-01-09, 11:26 AM
Issue 1: "Whatever Happened to Howard Hughes?"


Mars. The planet of hope, new beginnings and a better life. The grudges of the past century brought to this new planet a bounty of fresh crimson blood. But today is part of a new century. The grudges and rivalries of the past have mostly been swept away as new ones came in their wake. Settlers of all nations and creeds, be they former allies or sworn enemies, have found their way onto the red planet to escape. Escape the troubles and politics of Earth, a messy divorce, old enemies, or just to get away from it all. It is a rough life. Deadly especially for the unprepared or for those who set out on their own without the proper powers or equipment. Due to the harsh environment, it is either very expensive or very foolish to set out on ones own especially with the threat of raiders, rogue military elements and the ever present random threat of random attacks by Martians and thus people band together in order to have safety in numbers and have some of the Changed with them as well to have a better chance at survival. Still... it is worth it. The promise of untold fortunes from mining the mountains of that most important and necessary of metals: Cavorite. In this grand "Cavorite Boom", miners carve out that grey gold, while the shopkeeps, homsteaders and bankers support them and the artists, musicians and painted gals provide the "entertainment".

Truly, Mars is a dangerous place but what treasures are not without their risks?


JANUARY 9, 2017

New Olympus, the shining jewel of the Mars colonies. The Red War, thankfully, sparing most of the city unlike its sisters Bianjing and Hope. Due to being situated on the primary crater atop Olympus Mons, it is the primary spaceport, politcal and commercial center on the planet with the spaceport itself occupying a full third of the city itself. The great powers of Earth, nation and corporation alike, as well as a great many of the lesser nations have embassies and satellite offices in the area near the heart of the city. Foundries labor in the vast caverns within Olympus Mons, tended by normals and Changed alike while powered by endlessly spinning Cavorite dynamos in order to refine, process and ship the vast amounts of that precious metal to feed the ever growing needs of Earth. Up on the surface, it is a riot of colors with neon advertisements extolling the wares of the Federation of Allied Merchants - Iordanos, Lebedev and Ybarra and other corporations in a hundred languages and sitting atop dazzling skyscrapers (in the art nouveau style) home to ambassadors, executives, politicians and their entourages and hangers-on.


Soon after receiving the box and phone containing the invitation to the Global Frequency, you received message to come to a certain bar in the docks section of the city at a certain date and a certain time. Today is that day. The bar's name is the Drunken Bull. A good old-fashioned saloon serving the choices of Spanish tapas, Brazilian churrasco and other more exotic fare.

Stepping inside, you are met with a cacophony sights, sounds and smells. A red-headed bartender mans the bar while various tables are occupied by a group of American Rough Riders playing poker after a long day patrolling the outskirts and surrounding homesteads and junctions, a large group of dark-skinned Berbers in deep discussion, and other assorted men and women deep in their cups. Off to the side, you see a large area surrounded by a steel cage. Inside, you see two oiled-up Turkish wrestlers trying to pin one another while a large crowd surrounds them and Filipino kristos run around taking bets. In a corner booth, you see an old man in riding leathers drinking from a German beer stein, faded posters on the wall behind him illegible from years of cigarette smoke. In the center, you see an Iordanos, Lebedev and Ybarra executive (apparently slumming it with his two-man entourage) watching a raised platform as a Chinese band plays the latest hits from Seoul, Cape Town and Berlin. The sweet and savory scent of Wagyu steaks wafts in from the kitchen along with hints of garam masala and other spices.


As you walk in, the bartenders raises his head slightly to you and gives a curt nod before going back to cleaning glasses and serving more alchoholic inebriation to his customers. Above him are several large screens featuring a friendly match of Rugby between the Sheffield Iron Men versus the New Zealand All-Blacks, the live coverage of the Superbowl featuring the final match between the Cleveland Browns and the Seattle Seahawks, a replay of Macau Grand Prix and many more sports events.

As you step in, the old man spots you and raises his beer stein in greeting. It is quite surprising to see the Emperor's own attendant and former instructor of the Jannisaries, Gehrman Köller. Strange to see him away from his charge.

He waves at you to come closer and pats the seat right next to him in the booth.
The executive slumming it out here with the the unwashed masses is Solomon Zobel, a relatively high-up vice-president in the Hotel & Travel division of the vast corporation known as Iordanos, Lebedev and Ybarra. With him are Jackson Tanner, a young up-and-comer who looked more at home as an American Football linebacker or a damn good Viking or pro wrestler who had somehow managed to worm his way into Zobel's inner circle and the lovely Celestina Bing Bing, the genius that arranged that successful acquisition of the Hilton chain a year back.

It is no secret that Zobel has the ear of some people very high up the corporate ladder but favors do come with a price.
You see a very familiar face amongst the people near the wrestling pit. If it isn't old Zeb Crocker back from the dead, or close enough to count. Rumors had it that he was last seen about 2 weeks East of Olympus Mons, going on again about hitting the big time in another of his crazy hot tips on untapped veins of Cavorite. But that was a few months ago when he tried borrowing money from anyone within a day's ride from heree willing to lend him the necessary funds to conduct a one-man expedition to god knows where when he got caught in one of the dust storms that frequent the area. Afterwards, rumored had spread that he was taken by raiders, attacked by the Martians or killed by some of the local mob that me inadvertently pissed off. He was the kind of guy that seemed to be the embodiment of sleaze and who one was merely cordial with at best. Apparently, he must have struck it rich or absconded with the loans and hid in the Drunken Bull since he seems to have no problem betting thick wads of cash on the outcome of the wrestling match.
You see a very familiar face amongst the people near the wrestling pit. If it isn't old Zeb Crocker back from the dead, or close enough to count. Rumors had it that he was last seen about 2 weeks East of Olympus Mons, going on again about hitting the big time in another of his crazy hot tips on untapped veins of Cavorite. But that was a few months ago when he tried borrowing money from anyone within a day's ride from heree willing to lend him the necessary funds to conduct a one-man expedition to god knows where when he got caught in one of the dust storms that frequent the area. Afterwards, rumored had spread that he was taken by raiders, attacked by the Martians or killed by some of the local mob that me inadvertently pissed off. He was the kind of guy that seemed to be the embodiment of sleaze and who one was merely cordial with at best. Apparently, he must have struck it rich or absconded with the loans and hid in the Drunken Bull since he seems to have no problem betting thick wads of cash on the outcome of the wrestling match.

Also in attendance is a feller' from Second Amendment he swindled a fortune out of last year. He sits at one of the tables near the Berbers staring daggers at you from the atop the rim of his glass.
Entering the bar feels like going home. Save for the variety of morphs, it looked just like any other bar in the Inner Solar System back in your time. People are still gambling, the booze is flowing and though the bar chow smells a lot better than the usual fare.

2017-01-09, 12:07 PM
Adam enters the bar discretely, blending into the masses as if he were some tired exec. who needed to drown his troubles in alcohol.

stealth [roll0] to not get noticed
deception [roll1] to get dismissed if noticed

Ordering a drink Adam takes a seat at a table for three, glancing around as if looking for someone, and occasionally sighing as if they were running late. As he does so however he makes sure to scan the crowd, looking for either someone who looks to be at home here and is paying attention to him, that is someone who could have called him here, or those who look cluelessly out of place as they look for others, that is, people who may have been called here like himself.

perception [roll2]
persuasion (treated as investigation via well informed) [roll3] (DC 15)

I'll also use well informed to check if I have any dirt on the three aforementioned corporate guys, just for future convenience now that I know they're in town. [roll4] (DC 15, but probably 25 for well hidden secrets.)

2017-01-10, 04:26 PM
Sameen enters the bar as herself. She could be anybody, but someone wants to meet her, and it helps then to wear your own face.

Imagine her surprise at the sight of an old friend.

She tries to blend in with the scenery (not literally), moving to join the old man.

[roll0]: Stealth to be unnoticed.

2017-01-11, 01:39 PM
Hefting phone he was given via the mysterious box, and the even stranger invitation to the Global Frequency, something he had never heard of, he stepped out into the night of the New Olympus. It wasn’t much he spent time in the big cities these days, but he never got used to the general hubbub that failed to follow the fringe settlements.

Of course, he had seen his fair share of cities, and he felt as if he knew this one keenly, but the feeling this kind of city gave off, was well…palpable almost, it felt different, smelled differently, but he smiled. He was at home in large cities just as well with small settlements. They all came with the same kit nowadays, flickering neon signs, smoke, steam, and steel girders, the only thing different was the size. Same clientele, same miscreants needin a spankin, and the same con artists, only they wore a slightly different face.

Cept maybe the corps, they stayed away from the settlements, mostly.

Smiling, he brushed his pocket on the way up to adjust his hat, ensuring his new phone was still present, and his abilities to avoid being pick pocketed hadn’t rusted into ruin.

Nodding to himself, he took off, after the Drunken Bull.

Stepping inside, he looked around for a moment, nodding and tipping his hat at anyone who looked his way, and then, all of a sudden, he was taken back, through time, and memory, he suddenly stood, mouth watering, as his mother’s Tika Masala, the pungent odor of garam masala, turmeric, and coriander washed over him, she turned to smile at him lovingly, and he smiled right back, the table was set for three, his father, was out tending to the farm, but he should have been home by now…

Billy shook his head slightly, sending the foggy memory to the depths of his mind, another time, another memory, not right now.

He eyed the gambling over by the wrestling and saw a familiar face, looking around, he saw no immediate need to go anywhere, the summoner was not apparent, and so he could do something while he waited.

Moving his way through the crowd, he approached Zeb.

“Well if it aint ole Zeb Crocker.” He said with mock surprise. “Last I heard, you been taken by a dust storm, and were dead six or seven different ways.” He eyes the wads of cash “You found that vein you were spouting about then?”

2017-01-11, 04:16 PM
Fen takes a step back, putting himself closer to Wayne, and pats the shotgun under his coat. "Full crowd here," he notes. "I'm not sure I like their look - especially that one," he nods to a man at one of the tables near the Berbers. "He looks mighty sloshed. Anyhow, whata' we supposed to do here, you think?"

2017-01-18, 01:15 AM
Bounty hunting was often tedious work, and this was no different. He'd sat motionless for hours, perched on the terrace of the facing building, comfortably cloaked, casing the joint. He'd poured over every inch of it's layout through his VISER, as well as the face of every patron. The phone, the message. It felt like a trap, which is why he'd left the device tucked away in a safehouse he could sacrifice.

As the hour drew near, his senses sharpened. He adjusted his holocloak to make him seem like just another Martian, bone-tired after a day in the mines, in search of refreshment and companionship. He waded through the crowd, scanning faces. Somewhat to his surprise, he recognized one of them, an intermittent employer.

Sol sauntered over to the lanky old geezer and took a seat, leaning back casually. "Fancy, meeting you here." The phrase Eschaton had given to Adam to identify himself when meeting in disguise. "Can't be a coincidence...you set this meet up? Could've just gone through the usual channels..."

2017-01-18, 04:18 AM
Adam smiles broadly with a hint of merriment crossed with sardonic relief in his air. In truth he was neither merry nor relieved, but he certainly wasn't going to break character just because a familiar face arrived. "Ah? Nah, that's gotta be the boss, ya know? I'm a stickler for the proper channels myself." Half-consciously wiping his face on his sleeve as he looks around, again to stay in character, Adam feels through his inner breast pocket for a bit as if having trouble finding it before he passes a folded napkin with two codes on it to the bounty hunter, an address and encryption code for the pertinent info he's gathered on the global frequency, and below it four codes with which to access a secret account containing the standard payment of Bentons. "Still, it's good to see a familiar face, you know?" Glancing idly at the bar he adds "Oh, and feel free, it's on me." Adam had long since learned to be generous with contacts, otherwise you loose them, even his standard payments were a bit larger then people's asking fees. Plus, with his full time hobby of extorting the rich and powerful he wasn't in any danger of running out.

2017-01-18, 04:01 PM
Billy nods at Fen's comment, he was right, the crowd that gathered here was a full riot of people, the whole range.

He looked as he was directed to the man, and nodded "Acquaintance of yours? we don't have time to pick up your gambling debts Fen."

2017-01-19, 01:30 AM
"I never drink on the job..." Sol replied, and it was true. Debauchery should be earned with danger. He expertly palmed the codes with such finesse as to make a magician blush. "So if it wasn't you, who then?"

2017-01-29, 12:25 PM
Billy nods at Fen's comment, he was right, the crowd that gathered here was a full riot of people, the whole range.

He looked as he was directed to the man, and nodded "Acquaintance of yours? we don't have time to pick up your gambling debts Fen."

"Nothing of that sort," Fen lies. "He just reminds me of someone I once knew - a nasty sort." He sidles sideways into the room, eyes flicking from face to face. "You reckon someone's gonna meet us?"

2017-01-29, 10:15 PM
Adam nods as if he expected the offer to be excused, and inconspicuously gestures to the paper again as he drinks, still carefully surveying the room in his peripheral vision.

Info on the encrypted site
The Global Frequency is a secret group of unique and skilled individuals dedicated to finding the hidden secrets of the world and making it a better place. Most of the general public doesn't know about them but rumors of their presence in various incidents have been circulating the Internet for at least a decade now.

The only contact saved in the phone, and the one instructing us to come here, Aleph, acts to coordinate different members of the group and tell them what they need to know.

"For the moment lets just have some fun and blend in. I'm interested to know what foundation supports it all." Adam waved his hand vaguely as if he were spewing drunken nonsense, but the bounty hunter had never known him to truly get drunk, so that at least must be an act.

2017-02-01, 05:40 PM
"You mean yourself?" Billy replies with a smirk.

"I'm not sure, why don't you go get a drink, I'm going to talk to my old acquaintance here" he says, looking around as if to expect the person who had summoned him here to show up all of a sudden. Knowing his luck, there would be a bomb in the club, and it was set to go off in a few minutes.

2017-02-01, 11:04 PM
"Hm." Solomon grunted as he looked over the report on his HUD. "And here I thought I was paranoid..."

2017-02-02, 09:38 PM
"You mean yourself?" Billy replies with a smirk.

"I'm not sure, why don't you go get a drink, I'm going to talk to my old acquaintance here" he says, looking around as if to expect the person who had summoned him here to show up all of a sudden. Knowing his luck, there would be a bomb in the club, and it was set to go off in a few minutes.
"No," Fen says, laughing nervously, "Of course not. You're such a joker, Wayne." He wanders over to the bar and orders a beer.

2017-02-06, 10:08 AM
Nobody seems to take notice of your movements as you make your way to the old man. Most of the other bar-goers are too busy with their drinks, too caught up in their own little worlds.

Gerhman takes a sip from his beer stein before setting his pale grey eyes on Sameen. "The emperor has been missing you, fraulein. The children in the Academy have missed you as well. Why haven't you visited in a while?"

Setting his stein back down on the table, he continues. "We all know that your duties for the crown lead you to being unavailable for periods of time but now it seems...different. Has anything happened?"

Please roll Perception and Insight

You manage to walk in and blend in with the crowd for the most part. The only one who seems to notice you is Celestina Bing Bing and even then it takes her a few moments to recognize you and whisper something in Zobel's ear.

Taking a look around, there are a couple of people who stand out. A couple of cowboys hanging out by the wrestling cage and a woman talking to an old man in one of the booths.

Jackson Tanner is a hotshot new junior executive in his early twenties from Agricultural HQ in Boise, Idaho that would suck up and brown-nose any higher up that would have him. Apparently, he's in Zobel's good graces and he's being inducted into a good old secret society. A Skull and Bones kind of affair. Rumors conflict though if Zobel is merely taking a shine to the boy or if he's being made into one of his boy toys.

Celestina Bing Bing is an International Business relations genius. Specializing in Mergers and Acquisitions, she normally operates around the Pacific Ring of Fire region but her business acumen did handle that tough affair with the Hilton chain to sufficient aplomb last year.

Solomon Zobel is of very old stock. Currently in his mid-50s (though looking like a spry 40-year old), he comes from old Spanish nobility and rose to fame in the 80s by raising the Zoble line from some poor landless nobles to a significant junior partner family in Iordanos-Lebedev-Ybarra.
Zeb cragged old face breaks out in a ****-eating grin as he cackles a bit too maniacly for your tastes. "Its gonna take a whole lot more than a Martian dust storm to send me to the undertaker."

He takes a look around conspirationally and motions for the both of you to come closer. "Actually boys, I think I might have just hit the jackpot on this one. Its quite a big motherload. Big enough for a guy like me to retire on and then some." he says in a low whisper. "In fact, I think it might be enough for me to retire and give a hefty payday to a couple of good kids who won't screw over an old man."

Zeb begins to daydream with a big gap-toothed grin. "Maybe I'll retire to somewhere with a lot of water. Tahiti seems nice..."

The bar continues to fill up as more and more patrons come in and order drinks. A few minutes pass before Billy, Dirk, Adam and Sameen receive messages on their special phones. The message reads as follows:

Greetings Sameen! I'm glad you have been able to come. Since you have accepted this phone, you are now part of the Global Frequency. Well... it technically should be called the Solar Frequency since you are off-planet and all but "Global Frequency" has a better ring to it.

You can call me Aleph and I'm speaking on behalf of Miss Miranda Zero who oversees operations within our group.

If you take a look around the pub, you will see a corporate suit sitting next to what appears to you as a Martian miner who is practically to the gills in top-notch cyberware. You are to meet up with them and watch some television. I understand something very interesting is about to come up in today's programming. Your old friend, Herr Köller, is also allowed to join in. If he wants to that is.

Greetings Mr. Jonkavard! I'm glad you have been able to come. Since you have accepted this phone, you are now part of the Global Frequency. Well... it technically should be called the Solar Frequency since you are off-planet and all but "Global Frequency" has a better ring to it.

You can call me Aleph and I'm speaking on behalf of Miss Miranda Zero who oversees operations within our group.

Please inform your associate, Mister Kandor that it is unacceptable to let his phone stray from his personal space at any time. It is important that we are able to contact you at any given time of the day. Who knows. Maybe your specific skill set may be of need to others. Likewise, other agents are just a call away and ready to provide their experience and expertise.

You are about to gain some guests in your little drinking session. A minimum of three people will arrive at your table. You are to get to know at least the skills of your companions and watch some television. I understand something very interesting is about to come up in today's programming.

Greetings Mr. Wayne! I'm glad you have been able to come. Since you have accepted this phone, you are now part of the Global Frequency. Well... it technically should be called the Solar Frequency since you are off-planet and all but "Global Frequency" has a better ring to it.

You can call me Aleph and I'm speaking on behalf of Miss Miranda Zero who oversees operations within our group.

If you take a look around the pub, you will see a corporate suit sitting next to what appears to you as a Martian miner who is practically to the gills in top-notch cyberware. You are to meet up with them and watch some television. I understand something very interesting is about to come up in today's programming.

Greetings Mr. Friendly! I'm glad you have been able to come. Since you have accepted this phone, you are now part of the Global Frequency. Well... it technically should be called the Solar Frequency since you are off-planet and all but "Global Frequency" has a better ring to it.

You can call me Aleph and I'm speaking on behalf of Miss Miranda Zero who oversees operations within our group.

If you take a look around the pub, you will see a corporate suit sitting next to what appears to you as a Martian miner who is practically to the gills in top-notch cyberware. You are to meet up with them and watch some television. I understand something very interesting is about to come up in today's programming. Also, you might want to keep an eye on the man who drinks with Berbers. It is to my knowledge that he holds a grudge against you because of losing a significant amount of money last year. Well... good luck with that. :)


After some brief introductions...

Adam, Billy, Dirk and Sameen receive another message:

Please show this message as well to your current companions who currently are not in the possession of one of these phones.

Congratulations! All of you are now part of a temporary cell for the Frequency. You will be tasked to do some tasks while on Mars and perhaps elsewhere. This cell will be in existence only until the mission has reached a satisfying conclusion. Please stay tuned to any one of the many television screens currently functioning within this fine establishment

2017-02-06, 10:57 AM
While it didn't show on his face, Adam was rather disappointed. After all that the findings of his investigation had been revealed by the people themselves in their introduction. Clearly he ought to dig deeper... Vaguely he informs his companion "They want you to take the phone with you everywhere." Before shrugging as if he didn't particularly care, then, waving to a waiter he orders a couple rounds of drinks and some harfon flakes. Harfon flakes may not be as nice as the macadamia nuts he was used to, but the plant grew on mars so it was all you were likely to get at most bars. "It seems we'll soon have company."

2017-02-09, 02:57 AM
"Of course they do..." Sol had steel in his eyes. "Sounds like they think we're their dogs. I work by contract, not decree."

2017-02-09, 10:09 AM
Adam nods, fully understanding the sentiment. Certainly he didn't like carrying a tracker if he were to start "working" either, but for that he could always hire a good secretary or re-rout the calls which left him unconcerned.

2017-02-09, 12:34 PM
Sameen checks her phone at the buzz of an incoming message, then replies, "I've been... on a job. Speaking of which, duty calls. I'd love to chat more later, but apparently now I'm busy." Sameen closes her eyes for a moment, her features shifting subtly, changing from merely somewhat pretty to incredibly beautiful. She gets up, puts a practiced sway in her step, and approaches the suit. "Buy me a drink?"

Using Morphic Form to put 2 points into Enhanced Advantage (Attractive x2).

Perception to see if anyone else is interested in the suit: [roll0]
Deception to seduce suit: [roll1], +5 if Attractive applies.

2017-02-20, 08:07 PM
She gets up, puts a practiced sway in her step, and approaches the suit. "Buy me a drink?"

Adam glances at the woman, but his glazed over eyes seem to slip past her just as casually as he replies. "Nah, maybe next time. 'fraid I'm meeting some coworkers from the office tonight. Boss is a stickler for the rules and doesn't allow plus ones." Helplessly Adam shrugs turning back to the table.

2017-02-20, 09:59 PM
Billy frowns at the message on his new phone. He eyed around and saw the particular people he was to meet, he moved in their direction, and nodded, not saying a word edge wise.

Something was off, but the message indicated it wasn't going to be happening in this particular establishment. So he found a bar, leaned against it, and watched the TV, as dictated.

2017-02-21, 11:04 AM
Dirk sidles over to the indicated location, sipping on his beer to keep his face obscured. With one eye focused on his potential enemy, he directs the rest of his attention to the television.