View Full Version : Annnd more help!!

2017-01-10, 05:07 AM
Ok so the player liked the storm atro idea and class change. ..now another player wants either ( dbz) piccolo or friza ....and i was wondering if there was a homebrew i could look into. .plus i dont know where to post this lol

2017-01-10, 07:52 AM
Ok so the player liked the storm atro idea and class change. ..now another player wants either ( dbz) piccolo or friza ....and i was wondering if there was a homebrew i could look into. .plus i dont know where to post this lol

It sounds like you already had a previous discussion about something somewhere? Might want to at least link that to give people some context, and perhaps elaborate on what you want, since we can't read your mind.

2017-01-10, 10:19 AM
now another player wants either ( dbz) piccolo or friza ....and i was wondering if there was a homebrew i could look into. .plus i dont know where to post this lol

Cleric solves both. Piccolo can use Searing Light for his special beam cannon; Frieza can use Finger of Death for her... finger of death? I don't remember. Both can use gish buffs to be gishes. Clerics get Wind Walk, so they can both fly. Just remember that DBZ is a higher-power setting, so if you're not starting out at higher levels, you players won't feel very much like those characters. I don't think even in dragonball was Piccolo ever "weak".

2017-01-10, 11:05 AM
It sounds like you already had a previous discussion about something somewhere? Might want to at least link that to give people some context, and perhaps elaborate on what you want, since we can't read your mind.

....im honestly not sure if i can since im on my ...i just typed mind. ..i mean phone. ( lots of things i cant do on mobile) ...plus the thread probly wont help much since i never remembered to actually post the class i remade ( between work a baby and sleep it honestly slipped my mind) ...errrr long story short im teaching new people how to play and they want to make things complicated fast lol. ..and i dont really watch dragon ball z so. ..im not really sure what they do all that well

. i know piccolo can stretch his arms and shoot a laser from his finger tips. .and freiza has multiple stages ( weak stage 1 to ...full power form pretty much) and he also shoots a laser from his finger lol

In regards to the other poster!! A cleric would work fairly well for that i guess aside from lack of stretchy and green for piccolo( although im betting there is a race like that..or hell he can be plant monster!!!) and then lack of " forms" for freiza ...my idea for that was just a mage with polymorph self and be a goblin to start then go big. .then small and muscles lol ...idk new players like to ask for things and i try to accommodate them ( if only to show it can be done. ..just not by me without help)

2017-01-10, 11:14 AM
Emulating the Elder Scrolls in D&D is one thing, but DBZ? That's going to be a lot harder because it's just SO different.

By that same token, Piccolo is going to be A LOT easier to do that Freeza simply on the fact that he's not as powerful or as complicated (although I guess you could leave out the transformations entirely and maybe be okay).

For Piccolo, I'd actually recommend Wu Jen. It's got a lot of cool, unusual spells on it's spell list. There's buffs and ranged attacks, and don't forget to grab giant size if you get up to 7th-level spells.

Alternatively, Warlock provides all day flight and energy blasts, and some other neat tricks. It's not the worst place to look for something DBZ-styled.

2017-01-10, 11:23 AM
Clerics have several spells that extend your reach; they also have a good number of transformation spells.

Wu jen is a good idea, too.

2017-01-10, 02:00 PM
Psionics? Something like a Psychic Warrior (with Expanded Knowledge for an energy blast), Wilder, Psion/Slayer, or Ardent would make an excellent ki-powered gish.