View Full Version : Simple Unarmed Grappler/Shock Trooper/Hulking Hurler?

2017-01-10, 02:25 PM
So what I'm currently trying to figure out is how to do a simple unarmed juggernaut style character, the big freight train that runs into battle, pummeling and hurling enemies about like ragdolls. Thing is the game I'm in is a bit more casual and laid back despite the players being experienced; none are really focused on optimization, focusing more on going pure single base class (but are really good with feat selection) all the way through which is why I though playing an unarmed character which are normally at a disadvantage would be more applicable here.

The other players are a sorcerer, cleric and fighter (dual wielder focused on speed) so i thought a big powerhouse would be a useful addition. Thing is our GM is not a fan of tome of battle or excessive multiclassing (unless you max out a PRSC and have to pick something else) which is fine since no one else really is and usually only allows the "Complete _____" books and setting based supplements like Frostburn and Sandstorm.

He said he'd be open minded to letting me use a Goliath from Races of Stone and if I can convince him to let me swap out the oversized weapons racial bonus for being considered large to qualify for PRSC's (while keeping the grapple bonuses) Hulking Hurler is a definite good choice and the lower STR potential than an actual large sized character helps balance out the game breaking nature of the Hurler. And no Warhulk; don't want to be a moron LOL

What I'm considering currently is Lion Totem Barbarian 1/Fighter 6/Hulking Hurler 3 and then something else that fits the theme well. I doubt I could get this by him but if he'd let me take Stoneblessed, Deepwarden would be pretty bad ass.

My last character was a Barbarian so I don't really feel like doing more than the one level dip for the Pounce ability then leading into the Shock Trooper tree and stuff like Brutal Throw, Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Bull Rush, etc. I doubt he'd be okay with Dungeon Crasher from Dungeonscape though being a bit far separated from core 3.5.

Also not interested in anything like Druid/Warshaper or anything like that, not really my style. Not a big fan of Monk either other than a level or two dip for unarmed bonuses.

I see this guy being more like a cross between Craig Marduk from Dead or Alive and Zangief from Street Fighter.

Overall like I said I just want a large and powerful yet simple bruiser/grappler/charger with this hardly being an optimized group but when making an unarmed character you have to do at least some optimizing. Current group level is 13 as well.

Any ideas?