View Full Version : DM Help Warhammer 40K Daemons in Pathfinder/Starfinder

2017-01-10, 03:12 PM
Hello there, everyone. I'm working on a Pathfinder/Starfinder adventure based on the Warhammer 40k universe and was wondering how the Daemons in that series would be statted. My initial thought was using demons or oni as a substitute, but the more I look through their abilities the less certain I am of this idea. Qlippoths were one idea, but I still don't think I've gotten it truly right yet. What would you folks advise?

2017-01-10, 03:31 PM
I would advise to read the Mishmash fanfic ""The Open Door" for a fun way how Daemons would interact with ... just about anything.
Its on fanfiction - net.

2017-01-10, 04:07 PM
It depends on which chaos god the demon comes from. Most of your Khornate demons would actually be devils-bearded devils, barbed devils, warmongerer devils. While Khorne is a demon in the 40k Sense, he has a strange lawful aspect and twisted sense of honor. A disciplined might makes right approach to things-he prefers open combat and abhors magic as it is dishonorable. I would argue he could be LE, although there are plenty of CE things about him. Compared to Tzeenech and Slannesh he is very lawful. You would also have some daemons to serve Khorne, like the Horseman of war. In 40k the game Khorne demons are tough and agressive, with no magic and unmatched raw power and combat skill.

Nurgle is a mix of daemons and demons, and is probably neutral evil for alignment. A big sell is that daemons are immune to poison and disease, and acid. Likewise, a fair amount of them spread disease and of course the horseman of Pestilence/Famine. You have the dretch and hezrou demons who fit the plaguebearer model decently well. Nurgle demons are slow, but very hard to kill and use poisons/disease.

Tzeenetch is less evil and more straight chaos, hence the name Lord of Change. I would go with proteans for his demons, as they are everchanging and while they can use physical force, their main ability is in entropic energy attacks and warpfire etc. Tzeenetch favors using magic over physical combat.

Slannesh is hard CE, debauched hedonistic excess. Quippoth work in the fact that they are strange forms, but I would go with most of your demons and some daemons for slannesh, and Div's would also work well. In 40k, they are fast and do a lot of damage but they are fragile.

2017-01-10, 11:45 PM
Hello there, everyone. I'm working on a Pathfinder/Starfinder adventure based on the Warhammer 40k universe and was wondering how the Daemons in that series would be statted. My initial thought was using demons or oni as a substitute, but the more I look through their abilities the less certain I am of this idea. Qlippoths were one idea, but I still don't think I've gotten it truly right yet. What would you folks advise?

Use the pathfinder Daemons?

You could use the 4 Horsemen as the 4 Chaos Gods, as they seem to be fashioned in that way anyways. War (Khorne), Pestilence (Nurgle), Famine (Slaanesh), and Death (Tzeentch).