View Full Version : Making Rick Sanchez (3.5)

2017-01-10, 04:40 PM
So how would you make Rick from Rick and Morty into a D&D character? I'm thinking probably a Chaotic Neutral Artificer with possibly a level or 2 in fighter. As for race definitely Human for the extra skills and feat along with him actually being a human originally. For fluff I'm thinking he would probably also have the Dishonest trait (-2 Diplomacy +1 Bluff). What do you people in the playground think?

2017-01-10, 04:58 PM
Straight artificer.

Bam, done.

2017-01-10, 05:13 PM
Artificer, either epic or getting close. Lots of crafting reduction, Int as high as possible. Dude crafted a mech with stone age technology, and with access to more refined materials can do literally anything.

2017-01-10, 05:29 PM
So for intelligence I'm thinking 18 base +5 leveling +5 inherent +6 enhancement +4 deformity +4 Profane (BoVD possesion with imprison possessor on it and dominated) and I'm out of ideas there

Edit: From the link AvatarVecna gave, I got Luhix, Rick is supposed to be an alcoholic so this I guess is close enough for fluff and gives higher Int score so that works

2017-01-10, 05:34 PM
This makes for a useful resource. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=176.msg565#msg565)

2017-01-10, 06:06 PM
So for intelligence I'm thinking 18 base +5 leveling +5 inherent +6 enhancement +4 deformity +4 Profane (BoVD possesion with imprison possessor on it and dominated) and I'm out of ideas there

Edit: From the link AvatarVecna gave, I got Luhix, Rick is supposed to be an alcoholic so this I guess is close enough for fluff and gives higher Int score so that works
Couldn't you get a bit more with Aging, Venerable (+3)? Maybe a bit too much of a penalty to physical stats (-6), but you could always go with one of the younger ones.

2017-01-10, 07:29 PM
Couldn't you get a bit more with Aging, Venerable (+3)? Maybe a bit too much of a penalty to physical stats (-6), but you could always go with one of the younger ones.

True, forgot about that somehow. That would be enough to get a Intelligence score of 47 intelligence. Is there a way to increase it even further for decent amounts of time while still being human?

The Viscount
2017-01-10, 07:53 PM
If you want to represent the slapdash devices and gadgets, some levels in Gnome Artificer (human can still take it) will do just that.

2017-09-23, 09:03 PM
Here are my stats for a Rick Sanchez based in a d20 Modern game. I made him the level he is because he can make miniature universes, and turn Blackholes back into suns, and possibly time travel.

Grandpa Rick Sanchez (Smart Hero 10/Fast Hero 6/Techie 10/Field Scientist 10): CR 36; Medium-size humanoid; HD 10d6+20 plus 10d6+20 plus 10d8+20 plus 6d8+12; HP 214; Mas 14; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; Defense 30, touch 30, flatfooted 27 (+0 size, +3 Dex, +17 class); BAB +19; Grap +20; Atk +20 melee (1d8+1, Unarmed Attack), or +22 ranged (3d6/x3. Overload-15ft radius Pulls everyone in 15ft to random detrimental dimension. DC 25 Fort save to Temporary blindness for 2d4 rounds; Other Dimensions+0/--, Gate Gun); FS 5 ft by 5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ level 9 intellect, psychic resistance, scientific genius; AL Himself, and Science! Maybe family; SV Fort +15, Ref +17, Will +19; AP 18; Rep +12; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 30, Wis 14, Cha 13.***Occupation: Adventurer (Disable Device, Pilot)SQ: Level 10 Intellect: Rick receives a +10 bonus on Intelligence checks, Intelligence-based skill checks and the DC of any Intelligence-based abilities.Psychic Resistance: Rick’s highly developed brain grants him resistance to psychic attacks. He receives a +5 bonus on all saves against psychic assault and a +10 bonus to save vs. mind-affecting attacks.Scientific Genius: Rick is a genius in all forms of the word. He has proven to be one of the smartest beings on multiple dimensions. He possesses a natural aptitude beyond even his intelligence towards scientific pursuits and devices. Rick receives a +10 bonus on all Craft and Knowledge checks.***
Skills: Balance +26, Bluff +7, Computer Use +49, Craft (chemical) +49, Craft (electronic) +59, Craft (mechanical) +57, Craft (pharmaceutical) +47, Craft (visual art) +32, Decipher Script +39, Demolitions +47, Disable Device +48, Drive +36, Forgery +34, Hide +26, Investigate +33, Jump +3, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +39, Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) +59, Knowledge (History) +42, Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +47, Knowledge (Popular Culture) +47, Knowledge (Streetwise) +36, Knowledge (Technology) +69, Listen +4, Move Silently +25, Navigate +47, Perform +15, Pilot +43, Read/Write Language +10 (English, Latin, French, German, & Alien Languages), Repair +44, Research +49, Search +27, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +8, Speak Language +5 (English, Latin, French, German, & Alien Languages), Spot +4, Treat Injury +27, Tumble +27***
Feats: Acrobatic, Aircraft Operation (Spacecraft), Alertness, Attentive, Banter*, Black Market, Brawl, Builder (Craft [chemical], Craft [electronic]), Creative (Craft [visual art], Perform), Cybernetic Engineering, Dodge, Educated (Knowledge [Earth and Life Sciences], Knowledge [Technology]), Electronic Warfare, Fixer, Gearhead, Improved Brawl, Meticulous, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Speed Dial, Studious, Vehicle Combat, Vehicle Dodge, Vehicle Expert, Well-Connected***
Talents (Smart Hero): Savant (Knowledge [Technology]), Exploit Weakness, Trick, Linguist, Plan***
Talents (Techie): Jury-rig +2, Extreme Machine, Build Robot, Mastercraft +1, Jury-rig +4, Mastercraft +2, Mastercraft +3***
Talents (Field Scientist): Smart Defense*, Scientific Improvisation, Skill Mastery, Minor Breakthrough, Smart Survival, Smart Weapon*, Major Breakthrough***
Talents (Fast Hero): Evasion, Uncanny Dodge 1, Uncanny Dodge 2***
Possessions: Gate Gun, lab coat, +2 tools, Omni-Gadgets: Rick is always prepared. In any situation Rick can make a Knowledge (technology) check (DC = CR of situation or enemy +15). If he succeeds, he has a new addition to his equipment he is carrying that will allow him to deal with the situation presented to him. He has a +8 equipment bonus on any craft check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard while crafting. He can always choose to take 10 on a craft check, even if distracted or endangered. Rick can use the run action while crafting, provided he crafts in a straight line.; Wealth +6

2017-09-23, 09:14 PM
Sweet mother of god...

The build is okay enough, although I imagine people 'round here might prefer grammarie. I'm not sure what's worse, though, the Thread Necromancy or the Wall Of Text.

2017-09-23, 09:34 PM
I'm thinking probably a Chaotic Neutral

Cmon now. Let's not kid ourselves.

2017-09-23, 09:53 PM
What? You're thinking True Neutral?

2017-09-23, 10:31 PM
I had completely forgotten of this thread, but when I saw the name I just knew it was this one.

Thinking about it now, I could make Rick in like 30 seconds, that at least shows that I have improved in these last 8 months. Well, now instead of regular Rick I will have to make Pickle Rick.

For Pickle Rick would it work to get an Animated Object (A Pickle for obvious reasons), PAO it into a human, use True Mindswitch and use that to put an Artificer 20? I'm thinking having that pickle have Clockwork armor.
Edit: Before someone points out that the Pickle would be a human, it would time out after a couple minutes meaning it would go back to pickle form

2017-09-23, 10:36 PM
What? You're thinking True Neutral?
Chaotic Evil, probably. Rick kills a lot of people just because it's super convenient for him.

2017-09-23, 11:16 PM
I had completely forgotten of this thread, but when I saw the name I just knew it was this one.

Thinking about it now, I could make Rick in like 30 seconds, that at least shows that I have improved in these last 8 months. Well, now instead of regular Rick I will have to make Pickle Rick.

For Pickle Rick would it work to get an Animated Object (A Pickle for obvious reasons), PAO it into a human, use True Mindswitch and use that to put an Artificer 20? I'm thinking having that pickle have Clockwork armor.
Edit: Before someone points out that the Pickle would be a human, it would time out after a couple minutes meaning it would go back to pickle form
Would a Totem Druid 1/Artificer X that makes and uses wands of Enhance Wild Shape so that it can turn into a pickle (which is a plant) work (I dunno whether or not Enhance Wild Shape's "can turn into a plant" clause overrides Totem Druid's "can only turn into a specific kind of animal" clause)? It might require you to turn into a medium-sized pickle (the largest recorded pickle is 44.5 inches (which might be large enough to be considered medium-sized), according to a quick google search), but I think that that could be rectified with size-changing items and/or size-changing spells. You might also want to pick up a feat or two that could enhance the duration of your Wild Shape.

Actually, wait a minute, pickles are aged cucumbers, not their own separate plant. Hm. Maybe you could turn into a cucumber and cast (and then remove once you've left your Wild Shape form) Bestow Curse on yourself to age yourself into being a pickle.

2017-09-24, 04:32 AM
True, forgot about that somehow. That would be enough to get a Intelligence score of 47 intelligence. Is there a way to increase it even further for decent amounts of time while still being human?

I think Vecna, Wee Jas, and Boccob have Intelligence scores of 47-50, so I'd settle with Ricks being around there.

I think Rick is only Old at most. His physical ability is pretty good compared to teenagers and trained weapons teams.

Mr Adventurer
2017-09-24, 04:39 AM
Factotum 20.

2017-09-24, 07:06 AM
d20 Modern? Arguably anything can be created by that system if you have sufficient Craft skills.

EDIT: Whoops, missed the 3.5 tag!

2017-09-24, 07:13 PM
So for intelligence I'm thinking 18 base +5 leveling +5 inherent +6 enhancement +4 deformity +4 Profane (BoVD possesion with imprison possessor on it and dominated) and I'm out of ideas there

The problem with these stats is that they suggest Rick is only level 20. His gear and exploits easily very, very deep into epic levels.
His signature portal gun can create the effect of a Gate spell to any dimension at will. He can modify people's memories at will. He created a Time Stop effect, bringing two extra characters along for the ride, and persisted the effect for six months straight. He created a concoction that was essentially a combination of the effects of Aberrate (BoVD), Charm Person, and Permanency, which then spread to the entirety of the world. He can selectively strip curses from magical items without dispelling the beneficial effects. And let's not forget that he literally created a universe so that he could enslave the first culture that developed within it to power his brake lights.

You're trying to give him the highest stats allowed based on the limitations of a system, but Rick is barely restricted by the laws of reality itself in his own world. He's not bound to the same limitations as our heroic characters, because he's not a hero. He's more like a demon, or a really ****ed up god.

Rick has cybernetic enhancements, which could compensate for aging penalties towards his physical abilities.
He is also capable of transferring his consciousness to other people's bodies, creating clones of himself to effectively reset his age category, and in the first episode he visited a dimension where they had the technology to stop the aging process altogether, so it's safe to say he has no shortage of ways to offset the physical penalties of aging.

2017-09-24, 09:06 PM
So for intelligence I'm thinking 18 base +5 leveling +5 inherent +6 enhancement +4 deformity +4 Profane (BoVD possesion with imprison possessor on it and dominated) and I'm out of ideas there

Edit: From the link AvatarVecna gave, I got Luhix, Rick is supposed to be an alcoholic so this I guess is close enough for fluff and gives higher Int score so that works

Don't forget the Prodigy (Intelligent) NPC ability (DMG II p.160); a +2 untyped bonus to Int and an additional +4 untyped bonus on all Int checks.

Mr Adventurer
2017-09-25, 01:49 AM
Sadly his antitheism precludes the Knowledge Devotion feat!

2017-09-25, 02:40 AM
I mean, he could just be a level 1 commoner with a ****-load of gadgets.

2017-09-25, 02:55 AM
I mean, he could just be a level 1 commoner with a ****-load of gadgets.

Nah. Level one commoners can't go from stripped of everything tech in a jungle environment to complex wooden mecha in a matter of hours at most. Commoners also aren't pulling off successfully bluffing people capable of simulating a small scale reality into KILLING THEMSELVES. Or for that matter hacking into a galactic government mind messing device seemingly with code he came up with on the spot while his brain was being put under higher and higher stresses in danger of liquefying. Or after being turned into a pickle ambushing a rat, killing it, taking over its bodily functions and using them to build a little pickle body. Oh or taking down an entire government building in the same pickle body using only his wits, killing potential, and anything he can cobble together quickly from standard office items.

2017-09-25, 10:36 PM
Sadly his antitheism precludes the Knowledge Devotion feat!

He may not believe in gods, though he may qualify by means of considering knowledge itself being a gateway for achieving unlimited power. Kind of like how clerics may choose to devote themselves to an abstract ideal rather than an actual god. I'll have to check when I get home to see if Devotion requires worshiping a god who offers the domain.
Alternatively, he has said "If there's a god it's me!" So, if you consider him a god, I don't think anyone would refute that he practically worships himself, and Knowledge would certainly fall into his portfolio.