View Full Version : Argent Savant gish

2017-01-11, 09:20 AM
It's probably inferior to Abjurant Champion, but a Fighter 1/Wizard 3/Spellsword 1/Argent Savant 5/Eldritch Knight 10 does hit the benchmark... And you could always use both if you want to...


2017-01-11, 09:23 AM
...I suppose? I mean, I don't really see that you're getting much out of it, and a prestige class that has a wizard chassis and loses a caster level seems an odd fit for a gish, but it's not as if it's unworkable.

Though wouldn't you be better off replacing 5 of those Eldritch Knight levels with Abjurant Champion?

Edit: And if you can get it, Knight Phantom is pretty much flat out better than Eldritch Knight.

2017-01-11, 09:50 AM
It's probably inferior to Abjurant Champion, but a Fighter 1/Wizard 3/Spellsword 1/Argent Savant 5/Eldritch Knight 10 does hit the benchmark... And you could always use both if you want to...


You are going to have to use both and even then you might not hit the benchmark

Wizard 3 + Spellsword 1 = Wizard 4 = 2th Level Spells.

Eldritch Knight requires 3rd Level spells and Argent Savant Requires the ability to cast at least one 5th level or higher Force Spell. Not to mention the fact that Spellsword requires a BAB of +4 and Wizard 3 + Figther 1 only hits +2.

Argent Savant is a bad Gish prestige class because it loses you a level of spell casting as well as up to 3 points of BAB making it almost impossible to hit the +16 BAB and 9th Level spells Benchmark. It also doesn't really add anything to the melee side of things other than extending your Force spells (probably only Mage Armor) and getting +2 to your AC with Mage Armor.

2017-01-11, 02:53 PM
Argent Savant is a bad Gish prestige class because it loses you a level of spell casting as well as up to 3 points of BAB making it almost impossible to hit the +16 BAB and 9th Level spells Benchmark. It also doesn't really add anything to the melee side of things other than extending your Force spells (probably only Mage Armor) and getting +2 to your AC with Mage Armor.
This. It's... really not doing anything for you in this build.

2017-01-11, 05:52 PM
This. It's... really not doing anything for you in this build.

:smallconfused: Odd, didn't Argent Savant boost the AC bonus from Mage Armor and Shield due to them being Force spells? And Thunderlance is a Force spell too. Okay, due to the prerequisites it's going to have to be Fitr 1/Wiz 3/Splswrd 1/AbChmp 5/Argent Savant 5/Eldritch Knight or Knight Phantom 5, but I still think it works.... What am I missing?

2017-01-11, 06:21 PM
+2-+4 AC isn't worth that much; neither is +2 attack/+2 damage even if you get them consistently-- and Thunderlance is a pretty high level spell to use consistently on a build without persistimancy. It's a magical benefit at best, and comes at the cost of BAB and CL.

2017-01-11, 06:32 PM
:smallconfused: Odd, didn't Argent Savant boost the AC bonus from Mage Armor and Shield due to them being Force spells? And Thunderlance is a Force spell too. Okay, due to the prerequisites it's going to have to be Fitr 1/Wiz 3/Splswrd 1/AbChmp 5/Argent Savant 5/Eldritch Knight or Knight Phantom 5, but I still think it works.... What am I missing?

Well, Base Attack Bonus for a start. How are you entering Spellsword at level 4?

And apart from what Grod had already said, the capstone and the protection against force spells don't really help you with your gishing. Those features are situational at best and a Gish just doesn't have the space to give up CL and BAB for the very rare occasion it fights something else with either Mage Armor up or behind a Wall of Force. Not to mention the fact that a chance to dispel any particular force spell might not even be the best use of your actions.

2017-01-11, 06:34 PM
Ah crud. Should have known it was too good to be true.