View Full Version : What is your artificer build?

The Shadowdove
2017-01-11, 12:32 PM
Hey folks,

Tons of artificer talk going around. I finally got a good look at it and see why WOTC has so many people's interest this time around.

If willing, let's see your builds!

2)stat priority
3)preferred archetype
4)feat preference
5)construct choice/use
6)weapon choices(if any)
7)must have spells
8)skill choices
9)tool choices
10)playstyle in/out of combat
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

I expect there may be debate and disagreement among fellow tabletop players in regards to things like this, but please do so without insulting each other.


2017-01-11, 01:35 PM
Right now I'm imagining a great owl riding support alchemist. Vuman for feat, taking burglar, alchemist, and gourmand feats from the ua when possible. *edit* not sure of order really. Having the corresponding tools from the artificer class for expertise (assuming expertise and x2 profficiency from feats stack). If they don't stack drop burglar and grab master of disguise. Picking up poison and some other tool from the class. I'd grab the alchemical jug and give it to the owl so it can lay oil for the alchemist fire twice a day. If I end up with poisoner I'd consider using the jug to start poisoning weapons for the party, if I can't find ways to make poison throughout the game.

Edit: May even take inspiring leader or healer

2017-01-11, 04:51 PM
My build is simple.

"This is my Boomstick!"

A dwarf riding a mechanical bear, shooting into the enemy horde.

Since I'm going ranged, Dex. is a must, and the Sharpshooter feat is perfect.

Spells will focus on movement/stealth with some utility. Expeditious retreat, invisibility, and magic weapon are examples.

Skills will be Int. focused, save maybe stealth.

Tools will befit a blacksmith/tinkerer.

Playstyle is tinker, shoot, tinker, shoot, blow-up, shoot, tinker.

I would also ask my DM if I can reflavor a rapier as a bayonet on my Thundercannon.

2017-01-11, 05:46 PM
1)race - High Elf (Booming Blade)
2)stat priority - (De>Int>Con)
3)preferred archetype - Gunsmith 17/ Rune Scribe 3
4)feat preference - Mobile
5)construct choice/use - Giant Vulture (In the Shape of a Gargoyle).
6)weapon choices(if any) Thunder Cannon/ Rapier (Lightning Rod), and a Sling (For sue with Rune Scribe)
7)must have spells: 1- Cure Wounds/Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat//Shield of Faith 2-EnlargeReduce/Blur/invisibility 3-Glyph of Warding/Fly/Haste
8)skill choices - Investigation, Nature
9)tool choices - Thieves Tools/Poisoners Tools/Mason's Tools/Wodocarver's Tools(Common, Elvish, Gnomish)
10)playstyle in/out of combat - Ranged Combat with some control via Rune Scribe abilities (Proning, zoning, slows) - Out of Combat, Jack of All trades, macgyver style.
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.
-My character is a self described shaper of nature, his creatures are made of magic wood and stone primarily (no metal to be specific), he creates automontons, boomsticks, and everything a normal stone/wood crafter could, but with a lifetime of skill. He's take the art to a higher level, learning how the source of ancient magic, runes of magic, can shape and improve the fabrics of nature.

Mechanically, he can make a booming blade attack against targets (Using his lightning rod) and move away without AOO, this is used to get out of sticky situations, he has inscribed his self made thunder cannon with runs of fire and wind, giving it improved damage/range. He also has a specially inscribed Sling with earthen magic, that he has a special knack for knocking people off their feet.

His pet will aid his attacks early on and later can make a viable mount/packmule.

The Gunsmith is rather straight forward damage dealer imo, but Rune Scribe (Which fits attribute-wise perfectly) give him tons of utility, which is exactly what he needs.

2017-01-11, 05:56 PM
The High Elf Hipster:

1)race - High Elf.
2)stat priority - Dex > Int > Con > Wis.
3)preferred archetype - Gunsmith.
4)feat preference - Sharpshooter.
5)construct choice/use - Giant Eagle.
6)weapon choices(if any) - Thunder Cannon.
7)must have spells - Cure Wounds/Sanctuary.
8)skill choices - Arcana, History....
9)tool choices - Tinkerer's tools, Smith's tools.
10)playstyle in/out of combat - Jump on the Giant Eagle, fly high and shoot
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc. - This elf is a rebel, he dosen't like simple things like bows and spells, he likes guns, and he uses magic to improve his technological research on guns, also, you probably don't know about nothing about guns, it is something really underground.

2017-01-11, 06:07 PM
Variant Human Alchemist, Int-Con-Sab-Des-Car-For. Taking Proficiency in Cooking utensils and the Gourmand feat. Also getting Healing and Poison. Starting with Fire flask and Healing Draught, getting acid flask or thunderstone next.

Goal is to be the greatest cook, adventuring to create new recipes and discover new ingredients. His infusions will be specially prepared dishes.

His construct will be either:

- Giant spider, because of its abilities to climb, take creatures alive with it's web, or knock down with poison, very sneaky ambusher and can be used as a mount. When you need that meat fresh.

- Giant Constrictor Snake - ability to Grapple and restrain enemies, large HP pool, can apply different poisons to its fangs to add extra damage in the bite attack.

2017-01-11, 07:17 PM
- Giant Constrictor Snake - ability to Grapple and restrain enemies, large HP pool, can apply different poisons to its fangs to add extra damage in the bite attack.

I'm afraid not, the Beast must be of the Large size category.

2017-01-11, 09:53 PM
For me, I'm thinking of a kobold alchemist, with giant vulture construct, reskinned as an urd. Probably armed with crossbow, and a spanner-club. Spellwise, I've not thought too closely, but I may try to ensure Mending is in there, because I want him to be a bit OCD about repairing things, including doors that get kicked in. And I will name him and his companion construct T'Oh-J'Am, and Big Urd.

This is of course in contrast with the two NPC artificiers I have to make now - a dwarf named James Hynesson, and a kobold named Savage Ardom. They like blowing stuff up. "When in doubt - Explosive Runes". "Am I missing some eyescutes?" "I deny your planar reality, and substitute my own."

First thing the PCs will discover with these two - is it really possible to build a peasant railgun?

edit: Construct will totally be humanoid named Busted, used for testing purposes!

2017-01-11, 10:06 PM
I'm afraid not, the Beast must be of the Large size category.

I'm pretty sure "or smaller" is implied. Why limit weaker options?

2017-01-12, 01:16 AM
probably varian human (as most things are), stats 8/14/16/16/10/8, feat would be either healer or lucky. take alchemist subclass, try to usually use the fire for 2+ targets, made easier by using giant toad as construct- bite auto grapples (and restrains, giving them disadvantage on dex saves), then the thing carries them to the next closest enemy. Preferably if there's 2 already next to one another, go for that.

Spells for me would be picked first and foremost as combat buffs, so shield of faith, blur, haste, etc. Nothing is super impressive to me on paper besides haste, but I'm sure some play experimentation would help out with that.

Start with smoke stick as my third formula, possibly useful to gimp enemy casters while I myself can still sling out potions without seeing my targets due likely to a mechanical oversight. take the heal pot at 3, then the thunder stone at the next level to try to force enemy backlines uncomfortably close to my melee allies.

2017-01-12, 01:41 AM
Vuman Alchemist, riding a dragonlike eagle construct, chilling & tinkering, dropping bombs on uppity monsters.

Kind of a wandering inventor/hot shot big d@mn hero. Uses a wand of Magic Missle, & a Staff of Defense. Not sure if the Giant Eagle/Owl/Vulture can fly forever witnout getting tired... if so I'd rig a palaquin to its back & chase adventure!

Or a Big Game Hunter with a thunder cannon & Gregory the taxidermied & clockwork insides Rhino. Always adventures in style with Retainers & portable furnature

2017-01-12, 03:29 AM
2)stat priority
3)preferred archetype
4)feat preference
alertness, sharpshooter
5)construct choice/use
Swarm of poisonous snakes, I'd leave them ontop of me and use their cover to hide while carrying them around. I'd treat them like a power armor suit.
6)weapon choices(if any)
thunder cannon and two hand axes
7)must have spells
cure wounds, magic weapon
8)skill choices
investigation, sleight of hand, arcana
9)tool choices
tinker's tools, smith tools
10)playstyle in/out of combat
Comically small hardened mercenary. He takes things a little too seriously. He doesn't drink but is extremely interested in cigars going out of his way to find rare imported cigars and spending much of his wealth protecting areas where his favorite leaves are grown. Hopes to retire on his own tobacco farm one day but needs to find a nice halfling lady to settle down with, but his standards are crippling to his game.
edit: oh, combat and all that. He'll spring for the flying broom eventually and mostly cruise at range and snipe targets, he'll avoid actually sneaking if at all possible and come up with a new half baked excuse as to why that's a good idea. Within enclosed environments, he'll send his armor out to spy on things.
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.
I don't know what more you need, he's a halfling merc in power armor.

2017-01-12, 04:18 AM
Did mine in the main thread but came up with something new today/yesterday so yeah

High Elf

2)stat priority
Dex Int Con Cha/STR Wis

3)preferred archetype

4)feat preference
Mounted combatant/more depends on stat rolls

5)construct choice/use
Rhino or Allosaurus/inbuilt with silverd weapons for transport/battle

6)weapon choices(if any)
Gun and longbow

7)must have spells

8)skill choices

9)tool choices
Posioners Kit

10)playstyle in/out of combat
Ranged attacker depending on animal buddy either riding him around or having him stick close/help out rest of party

11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.
Basically an assassin for hire

2017-01-12, 04:33 AM
I just want a dwarf gunsmith riding on a large, four-legged robot version of himself.

2017-01-12, 05:32 AM
I'm pretty sure "or smaller" is implied. Why limit weaker options?

A Giant Constrictor Snake is Huge.

2017-01-12, 10:11 AM
5)construct choice/use
Swarm of poisonous snakes, I'd leave them ontop of me and use their cover to hide while carrying them around. I'd treat them like a power armor suit.

That's not even an avaible option.

It is not Large, its a swarm (it have never been an viable option, not even for Rangers)

And no, this is not balanced to be a pet (have in mind the quantity of resistance and inmunities this thing have)

2017-01-12, 10:17 AM
2)stat priority
dex int con cha
3)preferred archetype
aerial chavalier( gunslinger
4)feat preference
5)construct choice/use
as long as its some sort of bid bird dont care
6)weapon choices(if any)
thunder cannon and home brewed missle launcher
7)must have spells
8)skill choices
to be decided
9)tool choices
10)playstyle in/out of combat
snipe from air bomb if needed
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

2017-01-12, 10:37 AM
1) Race: Tiefling (Feral, winged variants)

2) Stat priority: Dex, Int, Con, everything else

3) Preferred archetype: Gunsmith

4) Feat preference: Sharpshooter

5) Construct choice: something flying (probably a demonic-looking bird with giant vulture stats)

6) Weapon choice: Thunder Cannon

7) Must-have spells: none

8) Skill choices: Arcana, Investigation, Sleight of Hand

9) Tool choices: thieves tools, blacksmith tools (for repairing and tinkering with my weapon), and something else

10a) Playstyle (Combat): Fly into air, shoot at peasants on the ground with my hell-powered gun

10b) Playstyle (Non-combat): The Sherlock Holmes-type character. Investigating the scene, looking for clues, and getting himself out of jams using his mind.

2017-01-12, 12:36 PM
1)race - Warforged

2)stat priority -
If rolling for stats is allowed and my rolls are good enough that I don't really have a "dump" stat: Dex>Int>=Con>Cha>Str>Wis

If I have bad rolls or point buy/array, where I have at least one dump stat:

3)preferred archetype - Gunsmith

4)feat preference - Sharpshooter

5)construct choice/use - Giant Vulture stats, mostly to fly me around, and also to hold me while I snipe. It has the Int to activate my infused items if I want to give it something as well.

6)weapon choices(if any) - Thunder Cannon.

7)must have spells - Combat buffs to pass out to the party. Shield of Faith, False Life, Haste, etc. Also, Cure Wounds for backup healing.

8)skill choices - History, Investigation, Medicine. Persuasion and Insight from Guild Artisan.

9)tool choices - Smith's Tools from Gunsmith, Mason's tools and Leatherworker's tools from the base class. Tinker's Tools from Guild Artisan

10)playstyle in/out of combat - In combat, I have the bird carry me and snipe from forever away with Sharpshooter. Out of combat, I'm a blacksmith whose been alive for a long time, and so has learned a thing or two. I work hard to be the best at my craft, and want to see the world to get inside the people's heads, to know what items people want the most, what would be the most helpful. Depending on which stats I have, either he both makes and sells the items, as his Charisma is decent enough to sell them, or he only makes the items as the gruff blacksmith and has someone else to work the storefront.

11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

With DM approval, I'd be fluffing my Thunder Cannon and Wondrous Inventions as modifications to my own body. The Thunder Cannon would be implanted in my arms, like the palm blaster things in the Iron Man suit. I'd make them detachable, and carry around normal arms as well, if the DM complains that the gun should be something that could conceivably be taken away. The different shots available at higher levels would just require putting the ammo in different compartments, and rotating the arm to the right orientation to use the special shot.

The same goes for the Wondrous Inventions: Goggles of Night are just new eyes that can better see in the dark, a Robe of Useful Items is a button you install on your arm that opens a compartment and spits out random stuff, etc. There would be some items it would be difficult to do this for, like a broom of flying, but I probably just wouldn't pick those.

Ultimately, at level 20, he'd pick up Wings of Flying, which would just manifest as a jet pack expansion to his back, and he'd be able to just fly around and snipe people, potentially using his bird as a spotter. If possible, I'd ask the DM to see if I could pick up Eyes of the Eagle instead of one of my other item choices, but that would be the only item that I would almost certainly, definitively want to have, especially with low Wisdom.

2017-01-12, 12:56 PM
1) firbolg
2) Int>Con>Wis
3) alchemist
4) observant/alert
5) Giant Owl stat block, appearance would be of a treant about the size of a dogwood tree, would fly by turning self into a tree-sized umbrella Mary Poppins style.
6) crossbow/staff
7) to add, mostly for infusions though
8) nature, perception, investigation
9) herbalism and poisoners kits
10) lob concoctions in combat, be a keen observer of environment when not in combat, study plants and animals, gather samples, make notations, etc...
11) Idea is all of his alchemical concoctions are really plant and animal extracts and reagents he gathers from nature. Instead of vials he lobs seed pods stuffed with reagents he gathered from poisonous plants or animals for example.

2017-01-12, 03:10 PM
That's not even an avaible option.

It is not Large, its a swarm (it have never been an viable option, not even for Rangers)

And no, this is not balanced to be a pet (have in mind the quantity of resistance and inmunities this thing have)

How does that work, is swarm assumed to over ride beast? It appears to be both. It isn't large I'll grant, but I assume the entry is intended to read "large or smaller", if not there's probably a larger beast swarm out there.

2017-01-12, 05:45 PM
Beltick "Tick" Ironfoot

1)Svirfneblin(Deep Gnome)
3)Ranger 3(Deepstalker)/Artificer 17(Gunsmith) - Deepstalker allows first round double shot ambush, 120ft Darkvision, and most importantly Close-Quarter fighting style(or Archery).
4)Sharpshooter, Alert, Skulker, Svirf Magic
5)construct choice/use: Sabretooth Tiger as mount/combat companion.
6)weapon choices(if any): Daggers as backup weapon.
7)Cure Wounds, Magic Weapon.
8) Investigation, History, Sleight of Hand - Stealth/Perception from bg.
9)Smith's tools, Brewer
10)playstyle in/out of combat: Stealth/Investigation/Theives Tools outside combat, with 120ft Darkvsions+No disadv to Perception from Skulker makes him a decent night scout/watch. In combat, first round Ambush, then second round Blur+Reload while they close. Then just blast away in melee.
11) A cowboy type, wide brimmed leather hat, tinted goggles, handkerchief over face etc. Adamantine Breastplate if he can get his hands on it.

Obviously not optimal, but I like the idea of a rogue cowboy, a western feel ranger, blasting with his magic-infused gnomish blunderbuss invention.

2017-01-12, 10:05 PM
Beltick "Tick" Ironfoot

1)Svirfneblin(Deep Gnome)
5)construct choice/use: Sabretooth Tiger as mount/combat companion.

Change the construct to a Crag Cat from Storm Kings Thunder, as this helps with your own non-detection
It only has 34HP, AC13 and 40' movement, but it also has:

Nondetection: The cat cannot be targeted or detected by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

Pounce: If the cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the cat can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Spell Turning: The cat has Advantage on saving throws against any spell that targets only the cat (not an area). If the cat's saving throw succeeds and the spell is of 7th level or lower, the spell has no effect on the cat and instead targets the caster.


2017-01-12, 11:29 PM
Hey folks,

Tons of artificer talk going around. I finally got a good look at it and see why WOTC has so many people's interest this time around.

If willing, let's see your builds!

2)stat priority
3)preferred archetype
4)feat preference
5)construct choice/use
6)weapon choices(if any)
7)must have spells
8)skill choices
9)tool choices
10)playstyle in/out of combat
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

I expect there may be debate and disagreement among fellow tabletop players in regards to things like this, but please do so without insulting each other.


1)Feral Tiefling
2)Int > Dex > Con
4)Magic Initiate(shocking grasp for getting out of melee, move earth for utility and.... dunno yet for the 1st level spell) Lucky and maybe Elemental Adept if the DM lets it fly. Wouldn't take all of them, but they're up for consideration
5) On the fence; first inclination is a spidery thing but that Crag Cat that was mentioned is pretty compelling.
6) Not planning on using weapons. Shield in one hand, and a free hand (for shocking grasp in melee, or bombs)
8)Investigation, Deception, Arcana
9) Tinker's Tools, Alchemist's
10) In combat... Bombs. ALL OF THE BOMBS. damage or battlefield control as appropriate
11) Planning to play him as a deranged scientist with delusions of grandeur, always on the cusp of a scientific breakthrough but only if he can find the unobtanium he needs to complete his research.. Tiefling makes this especially good because of the free Thaumaturgy cantrip (which is c'mon, just made for melodrama)

2017-01-13, 01:06 AM
1)High Elf or Eladrin

2) Int = Dex > Con > Cha > Wis > Str; however I am the kind of person that dislikes dump stats per se and like having nothing below 10 if it can be helped.

3)Alchemist getting Healing Draught right away, rest is depends on what the campaign might be heavy on or if we got anyone that might take advantage of smoke, speed, etc

4)Gourmand because I think an Alchemist would be good at cooking, also the Alchemist feat but mostly only if I get odd Int; possibly Tavern Brawler because Alchemist's Fire (the item, not the feature of the class) is considered an improvised weapon I think? I like damage over time

5)Sabre Toothed Tiger; I just like its stat block and the fact that it can make stuff prone.

6)Longbow and Longsword because Elf

7)1st: Alarm, Cure Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Shield of Faith
2nd: Aid, Enlarge/Reduce, Invisibility, Lesser Restoration
3rd: Fly, Haste, Revivfy
4th: Death Ward, then between Arcane Eye or Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
This isn't in order per se though and some things might get replaced.

8)Arcana, Medicine, Nature

9)Brewer's Supplies and Herbalism Kit

10)Give out all the trinkets for buffs in combat and tossing Alchemist's Fires (the item) and Alchemist Formulae for a bit of control, healer and chef outside of combat, also maybe some stealth stuff cause Tiger has +6 stealth

11)Can cook a pretty amazing Philosopher's Scone ;D

Background: I generally, if I can, work with the DM to make a custom one. I'd probably take Alchemist's Supplies and Cook's Utensils so I can benefit from the doubling with the feats I mentioned since it wouldn't stack with the level 2 stuff. Sure it is a little game-y but I don't really game the stats so much beyond racial. Also I'm not sure what I'd have for the two skills as well, maybe Perception (because you gotta pay attention to cooking and alchemy stuffs) and History (traditional recipes).

Multiclassing: Maybe, but only a level or two into Wizard for Find Familiar and a tradition, probably Abjuration.

2017-01-13, 03:03 AM
Change the construct to a Crag Cat from Storm Kings Thunder, as this helps with your own non-detection
It only has 34HP, AC13 and 40' movement, but it also has:

Nondetection: The cat cannot be targeted or detected by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

Pounce: If the cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the cat can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.

Spell Turning: The cat has Advantage on saving throws against any spell that targets only the cat (not an area). If the cat's saving throw succeeds and the spell is of 7th level or lower, the spell has no effect on the cat and instead targets the caster.


I couldn't find the stats on these, thanks. I've got him as part of the dwarven Ironfist clan, based in the north, so Crag Cat is the perfect fit, they are found a lot around Citadel Adbar :)

Limited Gish
2017-01-13, 04:15 AM
1)race - high elf (booming blade)
2)stat priority - (de>int>con)
3)preferred archetype - gunsmith 17/ rune scribe 3
4)feat preference - mobile
5)construct choice/use - giant vulture (in the shape of a gargoyle).
6)weapon choices(if any) thunder cannon/ rapier (lightning rod), and a sling (for sue with rune scribe)
7)must have spells: 1- cure wounds/longstrider/expeditious retreat//shield of faith 2-enlargereduce/blur/invisibility 3-glyph of warding/fly/haste
8)skill choices - investigation, nature
9)tool choices - thieves tools/poisoners tools/mason's tools/wodocarver's tools(common, elvish, gnomish)
10)playstyle in/out of combat - ranged combat with some control via rune scribe abilities (proning, zoning, slows) - out of combat, jack of all trades, macgyver style.
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.
-my character is a self described shaper of nature, his creatures are made of magic wood and stone primarily (no metal to be specific), he creates automontons, boomsticks, and everything a normal stone/wood crafter could, but with a lifetime of skill. He's take the art to a higher level, learning how the source of ancient magic, runes of magic, can shape and improve the fabrics of nature.

Mechanically, he can make a booming blade attack against targets (using his lightning rod) and move away without aoo, this is used to get out of sticky situations, he has inscribed his self made thunder cannon with runs of fire and wind, giving it improved damage/range. He also has a specially inscribed sling with earthen magic, that he has a special knack for knocking people off their feet.

His pet will aid his attacks early on and later can make a viable mount/packmule.

The gunsmith is rather straight forward damage dealer imo, but rune scribe (which fits attribute-wise perfectly) give him tons of utility, which is exactly what he needs.

thank you so much for reminding me of runescribe.

2017-01-13, 05:42 PM
Hey folks,

Tons of artificer talk going around. I finally got a good look at it and see why WOTC has so many people's interest this time around.

If willing, let's see your builds!

2)stat priority
3)preferred archetype
4)feat preference
5)construct choice/use
6)weapon choices(if any)
7)must have spells
8)skill choices
9)tool choices
10)playstyle in/out of combat
11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

I expect there may be debate and disagreement among fellow tabletop players in regards to things like this, but please do so without insulting each other.


I'm actually going to get to play an artificer next Wednesday in our group session and I'm stoked!

1) Lizardfolk - I know this isn't as optimized as it could be, but I've been itching to play one ever since I got Volo's. The unarmored defense is nice, and seeing as I'm going gunsmith, the free natural weapon is also a plus. Cunning Artisan fits very nicely with Artificer as well.

2) Point Buy starting at level 5, 13 16(ASI) 16 14 10 8. Once again, not the most optimized setup, I considered putting the 13 in charisma to leave multiclassing into warlock available, but I want to play the full class if at all possible. I know Int could be higher, but given that Gunsmith relies on...guns, I wanted to prioritize dex for AC and hit. The 13 in strength, while not the best, will help me utilize the Lizardfolk's natural weapon if the enemy ever closes in.

3) As above, gunsmith. Alchemist looks fun, and perhaps next time I'll try it out, but not today.

4) Don't have a lot of room for feats, but sharpshooter is obviously on my mind. If I were to reroll as Vuman it'd be a must.

5) Probably gonna start with a rhinoceros textured as a triceratops, or some other reptilian beast. I prefer a pack animal over anything else, with the flavor that all my artisan kits are actually built INTO the construct to make it a portable forge/moonshine still. At any rate, I like that I could texture any animal to be a reptile/dinosaur to fit my fluff.

6) As above, guns, bites, and companion attacks. If I stick with rhino, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be charging into combat when it hits the fan.

7) This is the one I'm most concerned about, as the spell list is so limited I don't really know what to do with it. Shield of faith and cure wounds will be on my list, because my party lacks a dedicated support. I'll be sharing that responsibility.

8) Arcana and History for class skills, perception and stealth from lizardfolk, and athletics and survival from background.

9) Smiths, Brewers, and Masons.

10-11) The setting I'm playing in is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Fallout 4 style, save for a technological reset. All mortal races live in caves / Underdark, with a select few going above ground to find resources and lost tech.

Guillaume Dufont (you can call him "Guy" if he likes you) is a crocodilian lizardfolk with a thick Creole accent. He was once a miner and prisoner in the penal colony in which he lives, but one day he discovered lost old-world tech, and more or less Iron Man 1'd his way out.

Respecting his intelligence and envying his technology, the penal colony forgave his trespasses and gave him an ultimatum: work for the colony as a guide and gain freedom, or have all tech confiscated and be stuck in the mines for the rest of his life.

Guillaume is an agreeable enough fellow, but he harbors a very intense hatred for his superiors, and in particular Humans, who he believes (somewhat justly) to be the cause of the war that blighted the planet. For now, he'll go along with his captors' demands, since he would prefer to be a free lizard than to be a dead one.

Final note: I'm from the South IRL, and am very familiar with our stereotypes. Guillaume, therefore, is a slowtalking, gun toting, slightly racist Lizardfolk that brews moonshine in his spare time.

2017-01-13, 06:51 PM
NeeWaa, Kobold, Artificer, and his Companion:



2)stat priority
Int = Dex > Con > Wis > Cha > Str

3)preferred archetype

4)feat preference
sharpshooter if gunsmith.
possibly magic initiate(wizard): Find Familiar, Chill tough, and Ray of Frost?

5)construct choice/use
Crag Cat - non-detection, pounce, and spell turner are awesome (or Giant Owl for flight)

6)weapon choices(if any)

7)must have spells
Sanctuary, Magic weapon

8)skill choices
Arcane, Investigation

9)tool choices
thieves tools, poisoner, herbalist.

10)playstyle in/out of combat
be mounted on the CHOMP, and use: Grovel, Cower, and Be and Pact tactics to help land attacks for either me or CHOMP

2017-01-14, 01:23 AM
1)High Elf or Eladrin

2) Int = Dex > Con > Cha > Wis > Str; however I am the kind of person that dislikes dump stats per se and like having nothing below 10 if it can be helped.

3)Alchemist getting Healing Draught right away, rest is depends on what the campaign might be heavy on or if we got anyone that might take advantage of smoke, speed, etc

4)Gourmand because I think an Alchemist would be good at cooking, also the Alchemist feat but mostly only if I get odd Int; possibly Tavern Brawler because Alchemist's Fire (the item, not the feature of the class) is considered an improvised weapon I think? I like damage over time

Alchemist feat?

2017-01-14, 01:48 AM
Alchemist feat?



• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. If you are already proficient with them, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.
• As an action, you can identify one potion within 5 feet of you, as if you had tasted it. You must see the liquid for this benefit to work.
• Over the course of any short rest, you cantemporarily improve the potency of one potion of healing of any rarity. To use this benefit, you must have alchemist’s supplies with you, and the potion must be within reach. If the potion is drunk no more than 1 hour after the short rest ends, the creature drinking the potion can forgo the potion’s die roll and regains the maximum number of hit points that the potion
can restore.

Mad Puppy
2017-08-14, 02:54 PM
I know this is an old thread but this seemd the right place to put this...
I'm in the process of making a new character after my Arcane trickster met an untimely death. We are 5th level currently in a homebrew campaign. This is what I've got for a concept so far.

Hannibal (A-team reference build)

1)race: Rock Gnome
2)stat priority: INT>DEX>Con>Chr.Wis>Str
3)preferred archetype : alchemist
4)feat preference
5)construct choice/use: Rhinocerous
6)weapon choices(if any):
Ranged weapons (shortbow, Sling), Hammer

7)must have spells
8)skill choices:

9)tool choices:
Thieves tools, Disguise kit, Tinker & Alchem

10)playstyle in/out of combat: prefers to stay out of up close combat, Likes to be smart in his combat choices as in "outside the box thinking" (using the Cap of water breathing with stinking cloud for example), will hurl the Explosives/Acid (maybe using a sling to get extra distance?). His tinker objects are a Wind up marching Toy (used to deliver timed bombs), aPocket watch that he is always working on to make better, and a Firestarter(fire piston).
Think Hannibal from the A-team + Randal (from Time Bandits), Cigar smokiing commically small mercenary type

11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.
A Guild Artisan turned mercenary, loves Cigars and is always looking to aquire a new rare brand, a master of disguises, and Ranged attacks. Looking to own a Tobacco Farm when he retires
Always trying to Foil his Rivals schemes. He is the most ambitious, greedy, and probably the most intelligent of the bunch. He also has a Map to an unknown and still undecippherable location, with a very complex legend. He wears his Hair short and Died Blue as is his Mustache/Beard (goatee style)

His Rival is a Goblin Alchemist Artificer (Green Goblin based NPC with a little Mad bomber what bombs at midnite mixed in) who rides around on a giant mechanical Bat and hurles his Jack-o-lantern explosives, cackling and Yelling "BOOM Baby", "Yeah! Keep playing with fire, superpants, you don't know how much fire you're playing with! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!", "Eat Ceiling"....and constantly talks to himself as if he is having a conversation with someone else.

"So he says to me, you gotta do something smart, baby, something big! He says you want to be a somebody, right, and I go yeah baby, yeah yeah! What do I gotta do? He says you got bombs, blow up the Club, it's packed with victims…you'll go down in history and I go Yeah baby 'cause I'm the Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

2017-08-15, 10:25 AM
Race: Vuman(Crossbow Expert)
Archetype: Gunsmith
Feat: Maybe Sharpshooter/ Medium Armor Expert, might focus on stat boosts
Construct: Polar/Cave Bear or Saber-tooth Cat(But looks draconic, w/ a very dwarven aesthetic)
Weapon Choice: See Archetype above
Spell Choices: Cure Wounds, Magic Weapon, Revifiy
Skills: Arcana, Investigation
Tools: Thieves, Navigators, Cartographers, Smiths
Playstyle:For combat, he gets right up in mid- close range, wearing half plate more than likely. Out of combat he doesn't really know how to people, leaves that to party face, and would much rather be in his forge playing with his toys.

Criticisms: Make it a half-caster for pete's sake

2017-08-15, 09:15 PM
I made an air genasi with the gunsmith archetype, and RP'd him as a noble air guard. I prioritized Dex>Con>Int. At next level I went goggles of the night as I was in the sunless citadel. Basically the tactics I use is to levitate and snipe from a perch.

2017-08-15, 11:57 PM
depending on how picky your DM is on the creature chosen, i highly recommend giant octopus. sure, it's technically a water creature. and you'll probably want a cart to move it around. but the grapple is amazing.

Mad Puppy
2017-11-15, 07:45 PM

2017-11-16, 04:31 PM
Nester Pennyworth III
Variant Human Alchemist (lvl 5)
Motivation: Pushed into an arranged marriage to save the family business, but learned that his wife to be is penniless. Actually cares deeply for his betrothed and has begun the risky business of adventure to funnel cash nck home and keep both family’s honor/social standing in tact.

stats: Int 18, dex and con 14, others 10
Starting feat: Healer

construct choice/use: Giant Spider when it comes available. Our current campaign is an endless series of dungeon crawls and flight is Impractical. Taking inspiration from Teen Titans’ Gizmo, the Spider acts more like a harness that he can climb into/attach and lift him up.

weapon choices: At tge rare times that he cannot use his alchemy, Nester uses an envenomed dagger +1 or crossbow. He makes it a habit of harvesting posion after any encounters involving such deadly creatures.

When it gets heavy, he has a forearm device which rotates and dispenses various wands Hawkeye style. This includes entanglement, magic missile, and a wand of lightning bolts.
Superior attunement has been a great benefit in this area.
must have spells: Sanctuary, and crafting potions of expeditious retreat are my main go to spells. My martial buddies like the mobility, and I commonly use Sanctuary so I can go about the battlefield and administer aid as needed.
8)skill choices: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion (Nester is the team Wikipedia)
9)tool choices: Thieves Tools, Herbalist Kit, Poison Kit, recently learned Navigator’s tools.
Brew potions, collect poisons, and bypass traps. I stay busy.
10)playstyle in/out of combat
In Combat: my party is a Champion, a Barbarian, and Devotion Paladin. They wreck face so I mostly hang back and either burn or melt stuff. If we encounter enemies that cause them problems then that becomes my focus. Nothing quite like lobbing a Thunderstone begind a weak mage and blowing him face down towards our front line.
I will also use Sanctuary on myself and then go to hurt or downed allies to administer first aid via healer’s kit.

Out of Combat: this is Nester’s main domain.
Our campaign involves a lot of exploration of highly dangerous, you touch the wrong thing and die type stuff. Identify and Detect Magic rituals have saved lives. Lots of knowledge and trap removal and investigate checks.
Saved the day once when we were trapped behing a classic iron barred door while cieling crushed us trap, by melting the door lock.
Drift Globe and Robe of useful items have been amazing.....

11)any other information you'd like to share. Stories, advice, criticisms, cool ideas, etc.

Driftglobes work underwater. When we fought the Black Dragon in Forge of Fury, it changed the game to drop the driftglobe in the lake and use it’s Daylight Function.

Solved a puzzle/challenge centered around moving a magical ball by placing a door from the Robe of Useful Items as an impassable barrier.

Handing out infused magic items before a boss fight helps everyone.

In old school dungeon crawls where magic items are more common, Superior attunement is a great feature for expanding your capabilities.

Robe of Useful items keeps being useful. Better to use it’s items for moments of glory than to save for a rainy day that never comes.
It also helps that I got enough cash from it to buy a cap of water breathing, which I feel came along with it.

I love the class. One of the most versatile characters I have played in ages.

2018-08-30, 05:22 PM
I have a 4th level artificer made with the new Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron info. I designed him to take the challenge of making a whole character without info from the PHB.

1) Dragonmarked human with the Mark of Making. The Intelligence and Dexterity are nice, and Spellsmith is irrepplacable.
2) Dex/Int/Con/Wis/Cha/Str. I prefer Dexterity over Intelligence because of my primarily combat-based build.
3) Gunsmith, so I can be a sniper. Even just at 4th level, that 3d6 damage is amazing, especially with the +1 from Spellsmith.
4) I didn't actually go with any feats just yet, though Sharpshooter would be great since my build is just maximizing damage output, and that +10 is just great.
5) Being 4th level, I don't have a construct yet, but once I get one I will probably take Giant Vulture, with a dragon-like appearance. The main reason I'd go with this is to have it near me at all times to benefit its Pack Tactics.
6) Really the only things I use are my Thunder Cannon, which is the main target of my Spellsmith bonus, and a humble dagger, which I imbue with greenflame blade via Magecraft, when I do have to get in close. I also wear studded leather armor.
7) The spells I currently know are cure wounds, longstrider, sanctuary, and shield of faith I kind of act as support in the party, imbuing a set of vials with cure wounds or shield of faith and passing them out if I have no need for on-the-fly casting.
8) I go with Arcana, Medicine, and Investigation, so I'm good at discovering things and being a source of knowledge.
9) Tools aren't really a core part of m build, though Alchemist's Supplies are endlessly useful for an artificer such as myself without the Alchemist subclass.
10) In combat, I act as the long-range tank/crowd control, stepping out to the back ranks and taking down big tanks with my thunder cannon. When needed, however I can go in with my greenflame dagger and take out big low-health groups in melee. Out of combat, I utilize my Investigation and Detect Magic, along with Perception and Insight from my background, to be our group's trap-finder and general detector of things.