View Full Version : Pathfinder Does the worldwound have its own Parade Armor?

2017-01-11, 12:41 PM

2017-01-11, 01:28 PM
Most wealthy countries with standing armies have a different uniform for use in showy noncombat situations such as parades, coronation ceremonies, and so on. The appearance of this armor varies by the country of origin and the branch of the military, but still provides some protection in case the soldier needs to fight while in parade dress.

Unsurprisingly, considering the inherently chaotic nature of demons, the Worldwound has no government and is instead a loose coalition of demonic tyrants with the strength to rule their weaker kin. They are united by one common purpose: to cause as much misery and destruction on Golarion as possible. The country is split into many, many petty fiefdoms, each ruled by a demonic master. Whether they rule through sheer force (as is favoured by the more powerful demons such as balors or mariliths) or through subtle manipulation (favoured by succubi and glabrezus), each realm is its own nightmare, and each is equally hostile to mortal life.

I'm going to say no.

It's not a country, it's just a hodge-podge of demons seeping out of a portal to hell that have some vague semblance of organization sometimes when it suits them.

2017-01-11, 01:43 PM

The "Worldwound"`No.

Individual Demon Lords? Yes.

Templars of Baphomet having their own show-off-piece? Certainly.

2017-01-11, 02:42 PM
The "Worldwound"`No.

Individual Demon Lords? Yes.

Templars of Baphomet having their own show-off-piece? Certainly.

I don't even think they would.

Most demon lords, with the exception of Shax and Pazuzu, don't wear anything remotely resembling clothes. Maybe a few bits of metal here and there and the occasional loin-cloth for demonic modesty (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/7/70/Kostchtchie.jpg).
But most of them are just some variant of gibbering (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/5/57/Xoveron.jpg)horror. (http://pathfinderwiki.com/mediawiki/images/5/57/Xoveron.jpg)

They have their individual symbol, I suppose. But most demons (http://www.tribality.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/dungeons-dragons-seeks-out-the-mainstream-with-its-new-adventure-out-of-the-abyss-0902-body-image-1441228195-size_1000.jpg) don't even wear armor.

It just seems like more of a Cheliax sort of thing.

2017-01-11, 03:00 PM
The Worldwound, no, but Mendev likely would. Of course, since it's a ceremonial thing, you'll only see it rarely. The crusaders favor practical armor.

2017-01-11, 11:08 PM
The Worldwound, no, but Mendev likely would. Of course, since it's a ceremonial thing, you'll only see it rarely. The crusaders favor practical armor.

Hmmm...I could make mendevian parade armor fit my backstory.