View Full Version : Building a Character for Curse of Strahd - Crossbow Paladin

John Coake
2017-01-11, 02:01 PM
So, I'm taking part in an online Curse of Strahd campaign, and I'm playing a Paladin. I'm kinda new to 5e, I want to hear suggestions on what Oath I should choose, what spells I should take, what feat choices would be good to take, etc. Now I really wanna use a Crossbow/Bow(falls in line with backstory), so I'd prefer if people would avoid suggesting alternate weapons, unless its absolutely necessary for me to use a different weapon(I really Really REALLY don't care about optimization, I just want suggestions). I'm also wanting to go more Damage than Healing, so I'd like to see more suggestions in line with that.

2017-01-11, 02:06 PM
Nearly all your Smite abilities require you to use a Melee weapon.

So your key class feature that makes a Paladin a Paladin? The key do damage for the class? Doesn't really work.

So... Want to hear the fixes?

John Coake
2017-01-11, 02:07 PM
Nearly all your Smite abilities require you to use a Melee weapon.

So your key class feature that makes a Paladin a Paladin? The key do damage for the class? Doesn't really work.

So... Want to hear the fixes?

Okay, that's a big issue that no one made me aware of. So please, I'm all ears.

2017-01-11, 02:20 PM
Okay, that's a big issue that no one made me aware of. So please, I'm all ears.

It's OK. I myself am guilty of reading lines a little too fast, getting a concept going, and then realizing it doesn't work. :smallbiggrin:

The idea of a holy warrior wielding a Crossbow absolutely evokes a sort of Van Hellsing sort of feeling, which totally rules for a CoS campaign.

There's a few ways to still get that. Most of them involve talking with your DM.

One way is to convert Paladin into a Ranged class. So Smite does the damage it does because the Paladin is going toe to toe with evil. He's in melee range, getting knocked around. He's taking more damage. So the high damage of Smite is the payoff, right? So one way is to drop the damage of all Smites by one dice size and allowing them to work with ranged weapons. So Divine Smite doing 2d8 damage for a 1st level spell slot? Now its 2d6. Wrathful Smite (the spell) doing 1d6? Now its 1d4. That's the tradeoff. Though note, however, that this doesn't directly correlate to your OTHER Paladin abilities. Like your lv6 Aura? That impacts allies within 10ft. If you're at ranged, or sniping behind a wall.... Who is beside you to benefit?

Alternatively, ask your Dungeon Master if you can utilize the Revised Ranger instead of the Players Handbook version. Bonus damage to Undead, Fiends, etc? Yes, please. I've also heard of people using the Ranger, though instead of utilizing the Ranger spell list, they use the Paladin spell list. I actually like this, because I find the Ranger spell list WAY too AoE heavy. Though using the Revised Ranger with the Paladin spell list screams "I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE, CATER TO MY NEEDS!" in all honesty, which might irk other players and/or your DM.

If Unearthed Arcana is allowed, the Monster Slayer archetype for Fighters can be DEVASTATING in a CoS campaign. It's from the "Gothic Heroes" Unearthed Arcana article.

If no special changes to anything are allowed? Honestly, it becomes tougher. Hmm... Honestly, Fighters are some of the best straightforward damage dealers in the game. It's what they do. They lack the sexy nova spike damage of a Paladin, but they're the "I'm going to hurt you for some very good damage every single round" class. No special gimmicks, just shooting things to death, and doing it well.

EDIT: Though, full disclosure... By the numbers, Paladins (and somehow allowing a bonus action attack, even with a melee build via something like the Polearm Master feat) are totally capable of some absolutely sexy damage. I mean, they can beat the hell out things. Pun intended. And it's VERY easy to fall in love with that. How could you not? But I caution you: It's VERY easy to burn through all your spell slots and be left with nothing. It's incredibly easy to do that. Also remember that most of the Smite spells (Thunderous Smite, Branding Smite, etc) require Concentration. So you can't use your Concentration on any buffs, like Bless or Shield of Faith. I know it's easy to get focused on "I want to make enemies die super fast!", but in actual play, it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes you're far better off casting Bless than hitting with an attack.

2017-01-11, 02:49 PM
The only way paladins work with bows is by picking Devotion as the oath, to add CHA to hit. And it's decent, not good. If you want to play an archer against evil, I suggest the Monster Hunter archetype for Fighter, or an undead-hunting Ranger.

Also, minor weapon spoiler...
There are no magic bows/crossbows in the adventure.

2017-01-11, 02:56 PM
Unless you can get a change to the class paladins do not work well with crossbows. This is not just a high optimization argument but just a basic competency argument. Your basic offensive class abilities don't work with it.

Assuming your DM wants to stick to the book and you really want to use a crossbow a change in class will probably be more fun for you.

If you want heavier spell use ranger would work and has a lot of flavor of being a hunter.

If heavy armor is more your thing and casting perhaps a cleric. Clerics get their bonus damage on ranged weapons and they have the holy aspect going as well. Get crossbow expert and your at least a decent at range with a great spell casting compliment.

Fighter is best if you want to emphasize the crossbow part over the spells (go EK if you want spells). Is very effective and makes you still feel like a true warrior.

Oddly rogue is also a great choice. Crossbow expert gives you a second attack which will help you be more successful getting your sneak attacks and your skills an really show off your ability to hunt down evil.