View Full Version : Pathfinder item question

2017-01-12, 07:10 AM
Can anyone point me towards Pathfinder items that protect against mind-affecting magic and death effects? Complete immunity would be best, but I'll settle for save bonuses or rerolls.

2017-01-12, 09:46 AM
Mind Buttressing armor gives you +2 on all will saves and makes you immune to charm and compulsion. +2 armor bonus effect.

Mind Sentinel medallion gives +2 on all mind affecting effects (resistance bonus), and grants an extra save against domination or confusion effects.

Cap of the free thinker grants a once per day reroll of a failed mind affecting saving throw.

The Crown, Orb and Scepter of Heaven, if wielded by the same character, puts you under a continuous magic circle against evil, preventing all charm and compulsion from affecting you.

A scarab of protection will absorb 12 death effects and grants SR 20.

A lion cloak grants a +2 resistance bonus on mind affecting and fear effects.

A seducer's bane bracelet is a unique item: It grants a + 5 resistance bonus on all enchantment effects, and grants the ability to know when an enchantment is used against the wielder. In addition, the enchantment caster falsely believes that the enchantment worked.

A black soul shard can stop 1 negative level per week.

This took me a bit of searching to find, I am sure others exist, and per the custom item rules, you can add permanent deathward to any item for a cost of 56,000

For a cost of 240,000 you can put mindblank permanently onto an item, but that's a tad out of most character's price range.

2017-01-12, 07:36 PM
If custom items are allowed you could get a continous Protection from evil/whatever needed that provides pretty good protection from mind affecting stuff while also giving some hand bonuses to AC.