View Full Version : Trying to find a replacement for d20 Modern/d20 Future

Dusk Raven
2017-01-12, 09:49 AM
So lately, I've been wanting to do some stuff in a homebrew future setting with d20 Modern, however after some internet searches and some thinking, I've decided that d20 Modern as it is, is inadequate for various reasons, ranging from lack of support to lack of features to things like "I don't like the way d20 Modern handles gun combat." So rather than try and homebrew the hell out of the system (at least at this stage), I want to expand my search for a suitable system to other d20 variants (and then to non-d20 systems if necessary, but one step at a time).

So far I've done some light scouting on a couple of other systems. One is "Modern d20" by RPGObjects, but it's almost identical to standard d20 Modern from what I can tell, and thus doesn't fix anything I wanted to see fixed. I also checked out Star Wars Saga Edition, but I'm guessing it's based off 4th Edition rather than 3rd or 3.5 (and sadly, still looks better than d20 Modern in some ways). So I wanted to ask if anyone knows of any good d20-based systems that work well with modern or future settings - or just plain work well in general.

2017-01-12, 10:14 AM
I know you've explored Star Wars Saga already, but I've used that system quite a lot.

It's not really 4th edition. I consider it really more of a hybrid between 4e and 3.5e (which in some ways is better than both of them, but the system still has plenty of flaws). I like how Saga edition tried to capture the 3.5 mentality of choosing colorful and vivid character options and paired it with the 4e mentality of streamlining and simplifying character creation.

The only problem I've had with the game is the obvious Jedi/non-Jedi disparity (as with any magic>>not magic system has), but if you're just aiming for a generic Sci Fi, all you have to do is leave out some or all of the rules for Jedi and the force. The system for Gun combat is pretty good.

Characters have no AC. Attack rolls are made against Reflex and Armor grants a Reflex bonus, but you also get an Armor bonus based on your character level (which does not stack with armor bonuses and in fact having armor prevents you from having the maneuverability from your character level bonus), so at a certain point you either keep upgrading your suit to fantastic levels, or else you end up being better off without armor.

Wielding a blaster is similar to regular 3.5e combat. You have the regular action economy at your disposal and most blaster pistols/rifles deal 3d6 or 3d8 damage on a hit. Some of the bigger guns can "autofire" to turn their attack into an Area Effect and then they can target multiple enemies and guarantee to deal at least half damage.

I've noticed that combat tends to be a bit one sided due to the Condition Track, where taking a hard hit starts giving you penalties to everything and it's a slippery slope. If the heroes are the ones getting the lucky rolls and hitting, it gets easier and easier to win. If the dice are going the other way, it goes downhill for the party pretty quick no matter what weapons the enemies are using. It kind of makes sense in any combat system based around gunfights. The people getting shot basically just lose.

The class choices are a good mix of specific and generic. Being a Scoundrel could mean being a smuggler like Han Solo, or it could mean being a slicer (computer hacker) or a con artist. Being a Soldier could mean a Stormtrooper, a resistance fighter, or just a mercenary/bounty hunter.

Finally, the crunch mechanics aren't tied too heavily into the fluff. It's dead simple to refluff the content to match any sci fi setting you want. Even if you want to include Jedi, you can refluff the stuff to generic Sci Fi Psionics pretty easy.

2017-01-12, 02:33 PM
M&M is super flexible and amazing for a futuristic game. Call powers anything but or limit it to one that make sense. The device power mimics super scientific items excellently to boot.

GURPS is great as well (as the name implies). A lot of front end work building a character but once they are done it is smooth sailing.