View Full Version : Oil and rogues

2017-01-12, 12:52 PM
I am on my phone so I apologize for any weird formatting. If you have a rogue with the tavern brawler feat can you throw an oil jar(?) And apply your sneak attack dice to the damage? Does the jar breaking apply damage as well?

2017-01-12, 01:33 PM
By the rules, no.
An improvised weapon has no properties, and sneak attack requires the weapon to have either the finesse property or be a ranged weapon.
A jar of oil is neither.
Your DM might be nice and allow it, but the rules do not.

2017-01-12, 03:21 PM
One use I have always had for Oil as a rogue, throwing it into fire as a distraction, improvised weapon, or throwing it on people and grabbing nearby torches (candles) if any are nearby, again DM dependant here.

Sir cryosin
2017-01-12, 04:17 PM
You can use rogue fast hands ability to pour it on the enemy then hit with a weapon that's on fire.

2017-01-12, 07:09 PM
Throwing the jar should be fine (it doesn't need the Thrown tag, that is specifically for weapons that can be thrown and not count as an improvised thrown weapon per page 148 of the PHB and that generally have higher range), but reliably breaking it is a very different story. Unless you are using jars custom-made to break, glass is surprisingly hard to shatter and doubly so if not thrown against an unyielding surface. So most oil jar throws would end with 1d4+Str damage and an unbroken jar lying at the target's feet.

2017-01-13, 03:38 PM
Throwing the jar should be fine

I meant throwing the contents on someone not the whole container as well:smalltongue:

2017-01-13, 11:33 PM
I meant throwing the contents on someone not the whole container as well:smalltongue:

You can throw the container much further than trying to splash the contents outward in a cone-like shape. Maybe a line actually? I'm not actually sure on the fluid dynamics of that, probably just a line of 10ft or 15ft? Generally when stuff in vials and jars are thrown it is implied that the container goes with it and breaks on contact.

2017-01-14, 08:33 AM
You can throw the container much further than trying to splash the contents outward in a cone-like shape. Maybe a line actually? I'm not actually sure on the fluid dynamics of that, probably just a line of 10ft or 15ft? Generally when stuff in vials and jars are thrown it is implied that the container goes with it and breaks on contact.
Oh I agree entirely, I feel I should have added clarification to my post. If I want to cause a distraction by chucking oil into a fire then yes I'll throw the whole thing to get it to smash, in a social/pre combat setting where I am imtimidating the oik infront of/lying on the ground in front of me then I'll splash the contents on them and threaten them with ignition.