View Full Version : Pathfinder Building a hunter

2017-01-12, 02:16 PM
I will be starting a new game this weekend and so I am trying to get ready for it. So far in the party I am on one is making a fighter, an arcanist, one is deciding to either be a rogue or a oracle and have one who have yet to make up his mind but I think he might try doing the alchemist. So I decided to go with hunter for it sounded interesting, more so if you pick the right team work feats or at lest that is what I believe. Another friend of mine said in his game he is playing a hunter build and have a small cat which sounded like he was doing more damage then the rest of his party and would like to copy that if I can.
That said I am new to the class, I know there are a few ways that could do this though I am thinking more towards a melee primal hunter build though I would like to keep some range stuff in just to be handy. Unless there is a way to use range with overflank (which is the main feat I want to use for this.) and later if I can I was thinking of some class with sneak attack. For the game I'm not fully sure what I would be doing but sounds like we will be going underground and a lot of squeezing, might be doing something underdark.

For rules of my DM:
Level 1
Stats: 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8
Race's: Core only
Starting Gold: 300
Pathfinder books only
Single class only (for the time being)

Ideas, suggestions, and tips I will gladly take any.

2017-01-12, 02:25 PM
Get (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_pvY7jaFKbaVMModt2vLV_NCal8txJxbVbsXl7hDCc/edit?pli=1) Learnt (https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6qxya9d9sbnbir/Hunter%20Guide.pdf?dl=0).

Then come back later after you can ask a better question than "how do hunter?" because that's far too vague. There's a dozen methods, if not more. You lack the foundation required to build a character off of.

2017-01-12, 02:54 PM
Do you want to do a ranged hunter, or a melee hunter? They're both viable in their own ways. Does your group have a pretty high degree of system mastery, or are they predominantly newer players?

I did a couple lower op example builds a couple years back on the Paizo forums:

Melee Hunter (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rh77?Hunter-Builds#16)

Ranged Hunter (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rh77?Hunter-Builds#18)

It's also a very good idea to read up on one of the Hunter guides that are out there to get a fuller idea of what your possible options are, because the Hunter is a very robust and flexible class with numerous viable builds.