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View Full Version : Is there a way to turn a supernatural ability into a spell like ability?

2017-01-12, 10:11 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to thoroughly abuse the 1st level distracting ember boost from the desert wind school.

2017-01-13, 01:07 AM
I'm trying to figure out how to thoroughly abuse the 1st level distracting ember boost from the desert wind school.

No, there is no way to downgrade a supernatural ability to be an SLA. Honestly, it's not really a great thing even if it was an SLA. The only two that would really apply to it are Enlarge and Extend. Enlarge does kind of help, because you could use it with long-distance charging attacks; 60 ft. would be a nice distance to flank/threaten a target. Extend would be possible, but worthless; it specifically can't take actions on your turn, but you can only give summoned/called minions orders on your turn, so... yeah, doesn't do much.

I guess technically Augment Summoning would sort of help it? But not really, not unless you can extend the duration, and then the only help it gets is hit points, Fort saves, and not getting pushed around by combat maneuvers like bull rush or overrun.

Here's a question: why not take the swordsage ACF to get a spell instead of a maneuver, and just make a real summoning? Sure, you gotta get to 3rd-level maneuvers, but it's a real spell, so you can cheese it with things like Sudden Extend and Sudden Enlarge, as well as Augment Summoning, and it'll actually last a while for you to put into combat. Better yet, this spell gives you better flexibility to call up a combat minion for flanking/threatening other targets; you can order it to attack, move around, etc., and better yet you can tell it to aid another on you (giving you bonus attack/AC for a round).

But yeah, Distracting Ember kind of sucks. That's sort of the point, though; it's meant to give you a combat bonus, not a minion. They didn't make it a Supernatural ability by mistake.