View Full Version : Calling Cartographers: To the East!

2017-01-14, 05:57 PM
So, My players are nearing the endgame for my current adventure. I talked with one of the players, and me and him are going to switch places. He's DM and I'm a player. Now, This gives me plenty of time to continue building my campaign (The one I mention some month or so back being set in an Eastern style country with Oni and whatnot). I have no cartography skill to speak of, and quite frankly I can't draw to save my life. So, I have come to YOU Playgrounders, in need of your artistic skills and assistance! Submit one map or many, all will be considered (and most will probably be used). I will need 2 copies, one player, and one DM. As it stands, I need:

1: An island country, preferably a hex grid of some kind. There is a smattering of smaller islands surrounding the center island. The country is mountainous region with some lower lying areas where farms are set up. The country is covered by forest and experiences a lot of rain. Cities are sparse, with many agricultural towns in the area. The capital is central to the region. There are 4 Temples scattered about, each near an area of some elemental significance. Fire, earth, wind, and water. There will also need to be 2 Fortresses, These are the strongholds of the BBEGs. Scatter a fair number of war camps about, and a large cemetery somewhere (This is a crucial plot point). Wherever you place these, and how big you make the country, is completely up to you. Feel free to add whatever you think would flesh out the world more, as this is a fairly base skeleton.

1a: DMs copy needs all of the mentioned, the players need the primary city, the temples, and the cemetery.

2: I need The temples, each having some significance to their respected element, and a dungeon inside it. The dungeon needs to be of a roughly medium size, one that can be knocked out by a team of 4-5 in a couple of sessions, maybe. Also, ideas for a boss are welcome.

2a: The DMs copy needs all details, secret doors, treasure rooms, traps, etc... Players get a blank copy with the base layout.

3: The central city. This place is key to the story, and needs noted shops, rest points, and other useful things that a player might need.

3a: DM's copy has all the smatterings for the town, players have a blank slate.

4: The Cemetery, This is a fairly expansive area, and is haunted by Yokai spirits. Put tombs that would mark significant families and noble persons. I need a couple of Red Herrings here, as my players will be searching for a notable person.

4a: DMs copy has the noted tombs, which ones are Red Herrings, and which one is the real deal. Players copy is a blank slate.

5: The Fortresses: These need to be sprawling, with 2 layers, and lots of rooms. There needs to be a room for the BBEG in each one, whichever layer it's in is up to you.

5a: The DMs copy needs all details, secret doors, treasure rooms, traps, etc... Players get a blank copy with the base layout.

6: The towns: I'll be frank here, these aren't too important, but in case you wanted to draw these up, go ahead.

Note: These will probably be used on roll20, which is why I have requested two copies.

Another Note: Feel free to throw in anything you want that would help flesh out this story. Suggestions are always welcome.

One last Note: I may or may not need sidequests. If you have an idea, shoot it my way!

Thank you all, and may the dice be with you!