View Full Version : DM Help Balancing reanimated armor to be more offense oriented

2017-01-14, 09:10 PM
So for tomorrows session I have a maze set up, which will include some animated armors that will ambush the players-hidden amongst armors that are *not* animated. Anyways, I want to make them a bit more offensive at the cost of HP. I'm also giving them a trait which makes them completely noiseless; if players don't look behind themselves they won't notice them. FYI I am playing using Roll 20, so I can use the feature which makes anything dark that isn't in their line of sight. Anyways, so I'm adjusting the armor so the fight doesn't take too long but is still the same difficulty.

For those who aren't familiar with the stats, they have:

18 armor
33 HP average
+4 to hit melee attack, 1d6+2 dmg.

So I am thinking I want to lower the armor to 16 or 17, HP down to around 12-14, dmg changed to +5 to hit/1d8+3 or 1d10+3. Does this sound like it'd be about the same difficulty? Bear in mind, they now have a trait that makes them completely silent to allow them to possibly get a surprise attack on them, instead of being super noisy like the book says.