View Full Version : Gift for a druid

2017-01-14, 11:09 PM
Hello all. So in one of the campaigns I'm playing, my pc (paladin) is attempting to court a druid. Now he wants to give her something nice as a sign of his affection, has no idea what to give her.

My issue is we are low level, and at least the paladin is low on gold. He has a tendancy to shout food for his companions and give hefty donations to churches. On top of that, he refuses to take loot from the dead (doesn't agree with desecration bodies whether friend or foe).

Is there something nice that would be affordable (less than 50gp), or would it be worth talking to the gm, and offering to go on a quest to find something worthy of her? (He is the prince charming type).

2017-01-14, 11:32 PM
It always depends on the individual in question, but in the case of a druid, a piece of wooden jewelry fashioned in the shape of plant-like shapes would be a decent gift. If one cannot be bought, carving one from a dead tree would make it a more personal gift.

2017-01-14, 11:33 PM
It always depends on the individual in question, but in the case of a druid, a piece of wooden jewelry fashioned in the shape of plant-like shapes would be a decent gift. If one cannot be bought, carving one from a dead tree would make it a more personal gift.
Thats a thought. I like it :)

2017-01-14, 11:49 PM
When courting a lady, of the druidic persuasion or not, the nature of the gift is largely irrelevant. That a gift is given is what's important.

For the currency impaired or not, indulging on ones own creativity goes a lot further than splurging on expensive tokens of affection. Instead of hitting the markets in search of something appropriate, write a poem or song or create something with your own two hands. If the Paladin is of a religious nature, perhaps something that will remind his intended of his affiliations. Perhaps even asking a favour of his patron to imbue something of the natural world with heavenly grace (or infernal promise?) would be a particularly appropriate gift for a druid. Asking the Fey to assist might also be an option.

It's that or buy her a puppy. Everyone loves puppies, especially druids!

2017-01-14, 11:59 PM
It's all about effort and theatricality.

Go out to an unused field and plant seeds in a specific pattern.
Take her out there and tell her to cast Plant Growth.
Carnations shoot up and bloom in a huge heart formation, appearing as from nowhere.

Boom. Done.

2017-01-15, 01:57 AM
Find a nearby place out in the wilds, with an amazing view. A cliff overlooking the ocean at sunrise, a lake deep in the forest that's alight with dozens of fireflies in the twilight, a rolling field that looks like an ocean of grass surging like waves when the wind strikes it right...

A gift doesn't need to be anything material. The two of you, sharing a moment of beauty together in the natural world blessed by the gods... who could ask for a better gift than that?

2017-01-15, 08:36 AM
It's all about effort and theatricality.

Go out to an unused field and plant seeds in a specific pattern.
Take her out there and tell her to cast Plant Growth.
Carnations shoot up and bloom in a huge heart formation, appearing as from nowhere.

Boom. Done.

Anagram wins

2017-01-15, 10:24 AM
It's all about effort and theatricality.

Go out to an unused field and plant seeds in a specific pattern.
Take her out there and tell her to cast Plant Growth.
Carnations shoot up and bloom in a huge heart formation, appearing as from nowhere.

Boom. Done.

good one, but won't work low level (plant growth is a 3rd lvl spell, so only past lvl 6 available).

In the case of cruids, acts will speak louder then words, get an abandoned young animal, nurse it back to health. Make sure to ask her involvement and advice when appropriate and release it back to the woods. What this does is it shows you care. Giving the gift of life (without disturbing the natural order) is the greatest gift you can give to a druid.

So in short:

Step 1: Find abandoned puppy,
Step 2: Keep it alive with her help.
Step 3: Get loyal companion
Step 4: ???
Step 5: gain druid's love

2017-01-15, 10:28 AM
good one, but won't work low level (plant growth is a 3rd lvl spell, so only past lvl 6 available).

True. I think the Volo's druid NPC has it, but if she isn't quite at that level (5, not past 6) then it won't work.

Of course, you can always make it more and more elaborate until she learns it.

2017-01-15, 05:08 PM
The EvilAnagram's flower idea is really good. I would try to find this 3rd level spell (a friendly cleric could reward you with single-use amulet or so, it's harmless enough for DM to allow).

If you dare to surprise, you can find something nice in real life (brooch, carved semi-precious stone, wooden amulet) and give it to the druid's player. It's good to have some props for gaming.
When your character will give the gift, you can thoroughly describe its appearance for 1 minute: color, artistic values, shape, and when you'll spend all known words, you can end on "By the way, here's exactly how it looks!". It will be cool, unpredictable and funny.

A little more thoughts about the gift itself:
Since gift of picked flowers doesn't sound like a good option, you can find some nice gem (even semi- or non-precious can look very nice). It can be shaped of likeness of a flower or her favorite animal/wildshape.
Doesn't need to be a commission for a craftsman too: sometimes people sell this things away. You travel, your DM can allow your character to find some good elven stone. Perfect stone shouldn't be polished flawlessly, it must hold the innate beauty of nature.

Of course, wood will be just right, if you will make sure the tree wasn't killed for this amulet. Remember: there is plenty of sacred plants in druidic society:
Alder, ash, birch, elder, hazel, holly, juniper, mistletoe, oak, rowan, willow and yew. Druids often use such plants as part of a spellcasting focus, incorporating lengths of oak or yew or sprigs of mistletoe. Similarly, a druid uses such woods to make other objects, such as weapons and shields. Yew is associated with death and rebirth, so weapon handles for scimitars or sickles might be fashioned from it. Ash is associated with life and oak with strength. These woods make excellent hafts or whole weapons, such as clubs or quarterstaffs, as well as shields. Alder is associated with air, and it might be used for thrown weapons, such as darts or javelins.
Don't forget that in terms of your adventure druid can appreciate a weapon. A simple bow can become unusual one if it will be carved with intricate ornaments... again, remember to look at the source of material.
It will be sad to put it away when she'll find better weapon, but you can always give her a better one)) Or find bracers/girdle made from woven grass, with intricate pattern of material itself on them.

Anyway, the druid lady knows that your character is a paladin, and a noble one; she will understand. Your PC needs only two things: 1) to make a clear, readable declaration of his feelings and 2) to help druid character feel vivid, sudden emotion in response to the gift.

Good luck! and tell us how it went!)

2017-01-15, 05:49 PM
Honestly, putting effort into learning her "religion" is probably what would be the most impressive. You are a Warrior of the Light, dedicated to a strict set of rules and codes. Getting to know your companion better, learning her sacred plants and symbols and then use that knowledge to produce a gift. I would go for a walking stick made of oak (as mentioned before), along with a plant based perfume/oils. Maybe hunt a small furry animal and show your devotion to using all the parts by cooking a meal from the flesh, sewing a shawl or scarf from its fur and use its bones to adorn the walking stick/spear. Delivering such a gift with the right words is half the battle by the way.

"I will care for you." he said while walking closer to the spit roasted venison. "I would kill the fiercest beasts for you." *hands her the spear* "and keep you comfortable" *he walks behind her, slowly donning her the fur shawl* "and I will try to improve and make your spiritual and physical world perfect." when he starts rubbing her temples with the holy oils.

Sounds a bit creepy if you write it like that but it can work :D

2017-01-15, 09:37 PM
good one, but won't work low level (plant growth is a 3rd lvl spell, so only past lvl 6 available).

But we don't know the druid's level - I'm assuming she's an NPC, so maybe she is a higher level, so possibly she can cast it.

Hell, if I was the DM, I'd handwave it away. Narrative trumps mechanic when it fits the game better.