View Full Version : WoTC announced new Digital Games Studio partnership

2017-01-15, 08:56 AM
WoTC announced new Digital Games Studio partnership. I am looking forward to see what D&D augmented-reality game is about and to what unexpected settings D&D will be brought for sure!!


2017-01-15, 06:14 PM
Augmented Reality? Meh... this thing of WotC messing with "immersion" stuff will only mean something when a TRUE Virtual Reality starts to exist.

Edit: It would be cool to have some kind of digital character sheet on a google glasses-like device that uses augmented reality... but... whatever...

2017-01-15, 06:53 PM
I'm pretty sure there's no company in the world who's less competent at technology related initiatives than WotC. This will be hilarious to watch, let's hope it doesn't drag D&D down with it while it fails.

2017-01-15, 09:45 PM
Personally? I'm not holding my breath. I've felt that each step they try to take forwards is actually two steps backwards, like losing the online forums, not creating their own online character builder for 5e (I LOVED the 4e one, and still use it - the only reason I maintain the payment, and now my friends have stopped playing 4e..).

Hell, I remember about 9 years ago, they had a choose-your-own-adventure style Facebook game thing. It was basic, but fun. I'd welcome something like that back again, but it feels more like they prefer outsourcing all their development now - FantasyGrounds, the Sword Coast game, etc.

2017-01-15, 11:27 PM
I'm pretty sure there's no company in the world who's less competent at technology related initiatives than WotC. This will be hilarious to watch, let's hope it doesn't drag D&D down with it while it fails.

clearly you've never heard of palladium books :)