View Full Version : What's in Your Library?

2017-01-15, 05:08 PM
As the title says, the question is "What's in your wallet library?" Which DnD 3.5 books do you have, and which ones do you want to get. I have the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Spell Compendium, Magic Item Compendium, Complete Arcane, Complete Warrior, Epic Level Handbook, Unearthed Arcana, Tome of Battle, and the Arms and Equipment Guide. What's next on my list is the Dragon Compendium.

2017-01-15, 05:19 PM
Physically, 3.0 PHB signed by Gary Gygax, 3.0 MMI, 3.5 PHB, 3.5 DMG, MMII, Book of Vile Darkness, several third party and soft cover random stuff. PDF... a lot. Pretty sure I have all of the WotC material plus all of the PHB base class first Quintessentials from Mongoose(which I also have physically) and a myriad from AEG as well.

2017-01-15, 05:35 PM
*Deep breath*

Dragon comp, Players guide to faerūn, Epic lvl handbook, Arms and equipment, Book of exalted deeds, Book of vile darkness, Champions of ruin, Champions of valor, Cityscape, Complete adventure, Complete Arcane, Complete Champion, Complete Divine, Complete mage, Complete Psionic, Complete Scoundrel, Complete warrior, Monster manual 1, Monster manual 2, Monster manual 3, Monster manual 4, Monster manual 5, DMG, DMG 2, Races of destiny, Races of stone, Races of the wild, Magic of Faerūn, Races of Faerūn, Faiths and Pantheons, Stronghold builders guide, Tome of magic, Elder Evils, Unapproachable east, Frostburn, Races of eberron, Sanstorms, Master of the wild, Deities and demigods, Dragon magic, Drow of the underdark, Dungeonscape, Dragonomicon, ECS, Expanded Psionic handbook, Demonweb pits, Fiend folio, Fiendish codex 1, Fiendish codex 2, FRCS, Monsters of faerūn, Heroes of horror, Libris mortis, Lords of madness, Magic item compendium, Magic of eberron, Magic of incarnum, Manual of the planes, Oriental adventures, Planar handbook, Players handbook 2, Players handbook, Races of the dragon, Rules comp, Savage species, Secrets of sarlona, Spell comp, The book of nine swords, Unearthed arcana, Weapon of legacy

I don't know what to get next.

Now i need to put this in order.

2017-01-15, 06:19 PM
It's easier to list what I don't have. I only bought first-party books, so 3PP books aren't considered. I also only have a few Eberron books as I'm a Forgotten Realms fan.

I don't have Complete Mage, Complete Champion, Complete Psionic, Dragon Magic, Exemplars of Evil, MM 4, MM 5, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, or Expedition to Castle Greyhawk for "base" books.

For Forgotten Realms, I don't have Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land, Anauroch: Empire of Shade, or Mysteries of the Moonsea.

For Eberron I DO have the campaign setting and the Explorer's Handbook.

These are physical books only. Digitally I have, to my knowledge, a complete first-party collection for 3.5.

2017-01-15, 06:29 PM
PHB 2e
PHB 3.0
PHB 5e

Savage Worlds

2017-01-16, 01:03 AM
From last time I did a "stocktake"...


Arms and Equipment Guide

Barrow of the Forgotten King

Book of Exalted Deeds

Book of Vile Darkness

City of Peril


Complete Champion

Complete Divine (x2)

Complete Mage

Complete Psionic

Complete Scoundrel (x2)

Complete Warrior

Deep Horizon

Dieties and Demigods

Draconomicon (The Book of Dragons)

Dragon Compendium Volume I

Dragon Magic

Dungeon Master's Guide

Dungeon Master's Guide II

Dungeons and Dragons Basic Game

Dungeons and Dragons Player's Kit

Dungeonscape: An Essential Guide to Dungeon Exploration

Elder Evils

Exemplars of Evils: Deadly Foes to Vex Your Heroes

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

Expedition to the Demonweb Pits

Expedition to Undermountain

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

Fortress of the Yuan-Ti

Frostburn: Mastering the Perils of Ice and Snow


Hero Builder's Guidebook

Heroes of Battle

Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

Lord of the Iron Fortress

Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations

Magic Item Compendium

Magic of Incarnum

Manual of the Planes

Map Folio I

Map Folio II

Miniatures Handbook

Monster Manual II

Monster Manual III

Monster Manual IV

Monster Manual V

Monsters of Faerun

Oriental Adventures

Planar Handbook

Player's Handbook (x2)

Player's Handbook II

Psionics Handbook

Races of Destiny

Races of Eberron

Races of Stone

Races of the Dragon

Races of the Wild

Rules Compenium

Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand (x2)

Savage Species

Stormwrack: Mastering the Perils of Wind and Wave

Stronghold Builder's Guidebook

The Fall of Frostsilver

The Shackled City Adventure Path

The Sinister Spire

Tome of Magic

Unearthed Arcana

Weapons of Legacy

Dragonlance Campaign Setting


Eberron Campaign Setting

Explorer's Handbook

Magic of Eberron

Marked Man

Player's Guide to Eberron

The Graywall Incident

Things Fall Apart

Voyage of the Golden Dragon

Whispers of the Vampire's Blade

Champions of Ruin
Forgotten Realms

Champions of Valor
Forgotten Realms

Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
Forgotten Realms

Dragons of Faerun
Forgotten Realms

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Forgotten Realms

Lords of Darkness
Forgotten Realms

Magic of Faerun
Forgotten Realms

Player's Guide to Faerun
Forgotten Realms

Power of Faerun
Forgotten Realms

Serpent Kingdoms
Forgotten Realms

Shining South
Forgotten Realms

Sons of Gruumsh
Forgotten Realms

Forgotten Realms

Dragondown Grotto
Fantastic Locations

Fane of the Drow
Fantastic Locations

Fields of Ruin
Fantastic Locations

Hellspike Prison
Fantastic Locations

The Frostfell Rift
Fantastic Locations

The Fright at Tristor
Living Greyhawk

Third party:

Adventure I

Adventure II




Legacy of the Dragons
Arcana Unearthed

Love and War: The Sourcebook of Knights and Chivalry
Atlas Games

Common Ground I: Churches, Inns and Merchants
Bard's Productions

Allies and Adversaries
Bastion Press

Bastion Press

Strongholds and Sanctuaries

Mysteries of the Drow
Dungeon Crawl Classics

Palace in the Wastes
Dungeon Crawl Classics

Talons of the Horned King
Dungeon Crawl Classics

The Devil in the Mists
Dungeon Crawl Classics

The Scaly God
Dungeon Crawl Classics

The Sunless Garden
Dungeon Crawl Classics

Vault of the Dragon Kings
Dungeon Crawl Classics

Midnight: Epic Fantasy in an Age of Shadow
Fantasy Flight Games

Monster's Handbook
Fantasy Flight Games

Devilish Dens
Fast Forward

Carnival of Tears
Game Mastery

Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale
Game Mastery

Entombed With the Pharaohs
Game Mastery

Gallery of Evil
Game Mastery

Guardians of Dragonfall
Game Mastery

Hangman's Noose
Game Mastery

Seven Swords of Sin
Game Mastery

The Demon Within
Game Mastery

Citadel of Fire
Goodman Games

Dark Tower
Goodman Games

Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor
Goodman Games

Advanced Player's Manual
Green Ronin

d20 Freeport Companion
Green Ronin

Mutants and Masterminds RPG
Green Ronin

Kingdoms of Kalamar: Campaign Setting Sourcebook

The Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Primer

The Root of All Evil

Villain Design Handbook

Twin Crowns: Age of Exploration Fantasy
Living Imagination

A Player's Guide to Ptolus
Malhavoc Press

Arcana Unearthed
Malhavoc Press

Ruins of the Dragon Lord

Ultimate Monsters Volume 1

The Ruins of Rackfall
Monkey God Enterprises

The Treasures of Elbard
Monkey God Enterprises

A Family Affair
Necromancer Games

Bard's Gate
Necromancer Games

Dead Man's Chest
Necromancer Games

Shades of Gray
Necromancer Games

The Book of Taverns
Necromancer Games

The Coils of Set
Necromancer Games

The Diamond Fortress
Necromancer Games

The Doom of Listonshire
Necromancer Games

The Mother of All Treasure Tables
Necromancer Games

The Six Spheres of Zaihhess
Necromancer Games

The Tower of Jhedophar
Necromancer Games

Tome of Artifacts
Necromancer Games

Flight of the Red Raven

Tower of the Last Baron

Treasure of Chimera Cove

Legends of Excalibur: Arthurian Adventures
RPG Objects

Mithral: City of the Golem

Relics and Rituals: Excalibur

The Book of Familiars
Troll Lord Games

The Lost City of Gaxmoor
Troll Lord Games

Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game (x2)
Wizards of the Coast

The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
Wizards of the Coast

Player's Guide to Blackmoor
Zeitgeist Games

2017-01-16, 01:09 AM
PHB 3.5
MM 3.5
DMG 3.5
Leatherbound PhB 3.5
Lords of Madness
Libris Mortis
Fiendish Codex I
Fiendish Codex II
Heroes of Horror
Races of the Wild
Races of Destiny
Races of Eberron
Fiend Folio
Complete Warrior
Complete Divine
Complete Arcane

I also have the 4e PHB, DMG, and MM and the 5e PHB, DMG, MM, Volo's Guide, HotDQ, and Rise of Tiamat, a 1t edition box, the 2e Illithiad, and a couple miscellaneous FR books from 2nd edition as well.

Barbarian Horde
2017-01-16, 04:17 AM
All the Faerun stories.
(havn't read them all yet)


Obscure 3.5 WoW material

2017-01-16, 05:14 AM
I have this collection - not because I'm made of money, but because I've been collecting pretty consistently since 3.5 launched.

3.0 PHB, DMG, MM (1 copy each, don't use them)
PHB (I think I have 5 or 6 copies of this. I find it really handy if everyone at the table has really close access to this one for obvious reasons 1 of them is a update edition)
DMG (I have 3 copies of this. 1 was my original, 2 I got as part of a package deal with a a guy I met, and 3 is my updated errata copy).
MM (just one copy)
Complete Warrior
Complete Arcane
Complete Mage
Arms and Equipment Guide
Complete Adventurer
Deities and Demigods
Drow of the Underdark (Sort of on permanent loan to me).
Epic Level Handbook (Odd since I've never been in a campaign this high)
Heroes of Battle
Magic Item Compendium
Oriental Adventures
Rules Compendium
Spell Compendium
Tome of Battle
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

S&S Excalibur
S&S Divine and Defeated

D20 Modern
D20 Past
D20 Future
D20 Weapons Locker
D20 Menace Manual

Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Saga edition)
Starships of the Galaxy

(Both of my Saga books are in a box somewhere, and one of my D20 books is on loan).

Professor Chimp
2017-01-16, 08:00 AM
The core 3.5 books (PHB, DMG & MM), Expanded Psionics Handbook, most of the Complete Books except Scoundrel and Champion. And that's it for physical books.

When talking digital version, I have pretty much every official 3.5 book published except Drow Of The Underdark.

2017-01-16, 08:11 AM
The majority of the products for Advanced Second Edition - everything that wasn't setting specific.
All of Birthright, Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms, Planescape, and Ravenloft.

All WotC published material for 3.0 and 3.5.
The Everquest (3rd party) stuff for 3.x.

All WotC published material for 4th edition.

All hardcover (Paizo) Pathfinder products, lots of softcover stuff.
Every available Hero Lab package for Pathfinder.
Dreamscarred Press - Path of War line & Ultimate Psionics.
Drop Dead Studios - Spheres of Power line.
Frog God Games - All of their hardcover pathfinder content.

2017-01-16, 01:02 PM
Must not feel jealous... :smallfrown:

2017-01-16, 03:17 PM
Soft cover PHB 3.5
Dungeons and dragons for dummies
2 ed compendium of monsters

100 or so TSR / wizards of the coast paperback novels .

I got all the LoneWolf game books :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-16, 04:45 PM
I don't personally have any physical copies of any of the books, but my DM has (that I know of off the top of my head, from 3.0 and 3.5)...

MM 1-3
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Complete Adventurer
Complete Arcane
Complete Divine
Complete Scoundrel
Complete Warrior
Deities and Demigods
Epic Level Handbook
Fiendish Codex I + II
Magic Item Compendium
Manual of the Planes
Psionics Handbook
Races of the Dragon
Races of Stone
Races of the Wild
Rules Compendium
Spell Compendium