View Full Version : Sage Advice, Adventurer's League, Summoner Wizard

2017-01-15, 09:31 PM
So, how often is Sage Advice a thing for the Adventurer's League?

I was thinking of starting a Conjurer Wizard that did a lot of summoning. I had such a character in Pathfinder and 4E D&D and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the Sage Advice clarification pretty much ruined the idea I had in mind. I despise begging or negotiating with the DM, with them having the final say, for integral class features. If I ask for a fire elemental to help fight the trolls and I get an earth elemental because the DM thinks it's more valid, that ruins both the session and game for me.

That said... is Sage Advice really a thing for AL games? It wasn't for the home games I've played. But I want to know ahead of time. If it is, guess I'll just do this character concept in some other D&D game.

2017-01-15, 10:26 PM
Not sure about AL per see, but a little helpful fact.

You won't have to worry with Conjure Elemental, since the spell have a material component that is different for each element.
But for Conjure Lesser Elemental, no component, so by RAW, the DM choose. Most would probably be okay with you choosing if you aren't trying to abuse it.

2017-01-15, 10:56 PM
If I ask for a fire elemental to help fight the trolls and I get an earth elemental because the DM thinks it's more valid, that ruins both the session and game for me.
If you're fighting trolls and your DM gives you a Gargoyle instead of a Azer, or 4 Dust Mephits instead of 4 Magma Mephits ... complain. :smallyuk: Even with the SA ruling that's ridiculous.

Or just choose CR 1 and get 2 Fire Snakes, since that's the only elemental at that CR.

Really though, it's not that big an issue. Conjurers only have one spell that it matters for, Conjure Minor Elementals, and it's 4th level. One spell level later you're able to cast Conjure Elemental and you can choose the creature. 5e Conjurers aren't really Summoners, despite the school feature they get its not their bread and butter until quite high level, and even then calling it bread and butter is a stretch. It's a much bigger deal for Druids.

2017-01-16, 01:43 AM
Basically, please don't use Conjure spells.

Yes they are awesome in video game formats when the AI gets to control them etc. But at a table top? You're just going to slow down combat DRAMATICALLY. It's never, ever worth it.

2017-01-16, 02:42 AM
While I agree with RulesJD, as for the question...

Sage Advice is explicitly *not* required to be followed by ALDMs. DMs may use it as a resource if they want, but can also completely ignore it if they want.

2017-01-16, 10:23 AM
Here is the rule for AL:

The player whose character casts the spell may select an appropriate creature from the sources allowed by the Adventurer's League Player's Guide. If, and only if, no appropriate creature is available in those sources, the player may select an appropriate creature from the Dungeon Masters Basic Rules. In the rare instance in which there is no appropriate creature in those rules, either, the Dungeon Master may select an appropriate creature from the Monster Manual.

So in AL, the player is allowed to select the creatures from the AL books and, if there is no appropriate creature, the DM selects from the MM (presumably to avoid things like Pixie abuse). Here are some lists of creatures that are applicable from their FAQ:

Conjure Elementals

Dungeon Master's Basic Rules: air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, garygoyle, water elemental

Conjure Minor Elementals

Dungeon Master's Basic Rules: gargoyle

So you have relative freedom with Conjure Elementals since you. Hose, but Minor Elementals is less useful.

2017-01-16, 10:31 AM
So you have relative freedom with Conjure Elementals since you. Hose, but Minor Elementals is less useful.

Less useful for CR 2. For the other CR, it looks like it'll default to DM picking from the MM, since afaik there aren't any minor Elementals in the Basic DMG.

Edit: but still, if the DM picks a non-fire creature when you're fighting trolls of all things, you need to tell him (politely) what a douchenozzle is he is.

2017-01-16, 10:41 AM
Basically, please don't use Conjure spells.

Hopefully they no longer exist come 6th edition.