View Full Version : Suggestions for a grey orc cohorte infiltrator/advisor/tactician type build?

2017-01-16, 12:15 PM
Hey everyone.

One of my players who is playing a grey orc (forgotten realms) as a Barbarian2/Cleric5 (Gruumsh)/Orc Warlord1.
He's recently acquired the leadership feat and is eligble for a cohorte and after discussing his options, he decided to go with a advisor/tactician type cohorte who has a knack for getting intel about various things he needs.

The cohorte can be up to level 6, so I was thinking down the lines of something rogueish coupled with some arcane spellcasting, the question is just what arcane spellcaster would fit with a grey orc, or other type of orc?
I have also been considering to give it some levels in Binder. Any thoughts or ideas to this?

Thanks in advance :)

2017-01-16, 11:48 PM
Bard would be good option for the cohort. It has the skill set, spells, and abilities necessary to be an advisor, tactician, and intel gatherer. Also, it can really utilize the Orc Warlod's horde by using Inspire Courage.
Bard (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=8686) Handbooks (http://www.joshuad.net/new-bard-handbook/)
Inspire Courage Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=8936)

Otherwise if you're just looking for a roguish arcane caster setup then this handbook will help you a bit: Sneak Attacking Spellcasters (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1240)