View Full Version : You just got teleported to a fantasy world......

2017-01-16, 07:32 PM
And the being thats doing this is nice enough to let you pick your class and stats! Heres the rules:

78 straight buy (each stat point costs 1 and your stats, before racial adjustments, must between 3 and 18)
You can have a total of +2 LA (buyoff is in effect if you want to post a full build)
You get to pick the setting you're dropped into
you get 200 gp to buy your starting gear
Your level 1
You retain all of your knowledge and any skills you may have had before this

Heres me

Draconic Mineral Warrior Changeling Warlock

Skills:Intimidate, Knowledge the Planes, Spellcraft
Feat:Improved Unarmed Strike
Invocation: Beguiling Influence.

Setting wise id get dropped into Kingdoms of Kalamr, not sure what id spend my money on, probably just my standard adventuring stuff.

2017-01-16, 07:51 PM
Well, I'd probably go with human, then go Sorcerer for the class and Precocious Apprentice and something switching sorcerer casting to wisdom for the feats. The plan would be to take on some fairly mild challenges with a balanced party at first l, then take four levels of Druid, then a level of mystic theurge, and then go arcane hierophant the rest of the way.

Strength 6.
Dexterity 8.
Constitution 16.
Intelligence 18.
Wisdom 18.
Charisma 12.

2017-01-16, 07:55 PM
Race: Phrenic Unseelie Fey Necropolitan Grey Elf
Class: Wizard (Conjuerer)
》Str: 3 (1)
》Dex: 18 (22)
》Con: --
》Int: 18 (22)
》Wis: 18 (20)
》Cha: 18 (24)
Feat: Faerie Mysteries Initiate

2017-01-16, 08:00 PM
Kinda surprised you'd both be living to live with low Strength scores, especially yours Celestia. I mean, 10 pounds is a heavy load for you, thats like, a bucket of water.

Then again, i do physical labor for a living so im used to just chucking stuff around :smalltongue:

2017-01-16, 08:12 PM
200gp in any actual setting world? I retire!

Seriously though, keeping everything I already have from this world skillwise, plus gaining a level, with assumed ability to progress?

Bard 1
Str 8
Dex 8
Con 8
Int 18
Wis 18
Cha 18

Not sure about the rest, but I'll be working towards Fochlucan lyrist.

2017-01-16, 08:13 PM
Kinda surprised you'd both be living to live with low Strength scores, especially yours Celestia. I mean, 10 pounds is a heavy load for you, thats like, a bucket of water.

Then again, i do physical labor for a living so im used to just chucking stuff around :smalltongue:
I have an intelligence of 22. I'm sure I can figure something out. Like maybe using my 24 charisma to convince someone else to carry my stuff. Or, perhaps, spend a whole 8 gp on a donkey.

2017-01-16, 08:17 PM
You got to specify a setting, or a series of settings, or it's no fun at all.

Also, considering this would run sort of run on RL mechanics, is it possible to raise your physical stats? I think up to 14 with serious work (but not professional athlete) should be reasonable.

Or buy proficiency "IC", as it were?

2017-01-16, 08:19 PM
I have an intelligence of 22. I'm sure I can figure something out. Like maybe using my 24 charisma to convince someone else to carry my stuff. Or, perhaps, spend a whole 8 gp on a donkey.

It was less of total weight and more of you'd have trouble picking up a chair. Idk, itd just bug the crap out of me, but id be a Clawlock anyway so Strength isnt really a problem for me :smalltongue:

2017-01-16, 08:23 PM
It was less of total weight and more of you'd have trouble picking up a chair. Idk, itd just bug the crap out of me, but id be a Clawlock anyway so Strength isnt really a problem for me :smalltongue:
That's what magic is for. Telekinesis and all that.

2017-01-16, 08:23 PM
Lesser Tiefling Abjuration Domain Wizard 1
Int 20
Dex 20
Cha 10
Wis 14
Con 8
Str 8

I would drop into Greyhawk. If I'm allowed to, I would choose to be dropped into the Modified Greyhawk that I use on the current campaign I'm running.

2017-01-16, 08:53 PM
Kinda surprised you'd both be living to live with low Strength scores, especially yours Celestia.
Celestia is a Necropolitan. "Live with" isn't*one of the things she does.

2017-01-16, 09:27 PM
Race: Phrenic Unseelie Fey Necropolitan Grey Elf
Class: Wizard (Conjuerer)
》Str: 3 (1)
》Dex: 18 (22)
》Con: --
》Int: 18 (22)
》Wis: 18 (20)
》Cha: 18 (24)
Feat: Faerie Mysteries Initiate
Alternatively, I could go with this.

Race: Lolth-Touched, Primordial Giant, Dragonborn, Incarnate Construct, Half-Iron Golem, Half-Ogre, Half-Minotaur, Proto-Creature, Wood Elf
Class: Ranger
》Str: 18 (54)
》Dex: 18 (14)
》Con: 3d6+6
》Int: 3d6+4
》Wis: 18
》Cha: 18 (10)
Feats: Toughness, Troll-Blooded
Flaw: Vulnerable

2017-01-16, 09:39 PM
Lolth-Touched... Dragonborn
Someone enjoys making powerful and scary enemies fast.

2017-01-16, 09:47 PM
Someone enjoys making powerful and scary enemies fast.

I was thinking much the same thing. I don't care how great that template is, i am not letting Lolth touch me

2017-01-16, 09:50 PM
Someone enjoys making powerful and scary enemies fast.
Meh. I've got 54 strength. Let them come. :smallcool:

2017-01-16, 09:51 PM
Meh. I've got 54 strength. Let them come. :smallcool:

Daring Lolth to come get you........ you are very very brave.

2017-01-17, 02:17 AM
Meh. I've got 54 strength. Let them come. :smallcool:

Not sure how much your 54 strength is going to save you against any kind of spellcaster. Also, being Lolth-touched basically makes you Lolth's bitch, and ensures that, at the end of your likely short life, you will go to the demonweb and be tortured for all eternity, you filthy surface worlder.

Edit: Also, lol, wood elf, yeah, you'll be tortured SOOO badly.

2017-01-17, 03:19 AM
Half-Fey Human Bard 10/Sublime Chord 10 (Yes, I know, simple as pepperoni pizza. It's also great as pepperoni pizza)

Str 13
Dex 13 (15)
Con 14 (12)
Int 14
Wis 10 (12)
Cha 14 (18)

Easy enough to drop in just about anywhere and work pretty well. Ignore all those spells that target "humanoid" type, as half-fey changes type to "fey". Immune to enchantment spells and effects. Flight. Handy SLAs. Nothing not to love, without being book-throwingly powerful.

2017-01-17, 03:31 AM
Not sure how much your 54 strength is going to save you against any kind of spellcaster. Also, being Lolth-touched basically makes you Lolth's bitch, and ensures that, at the end of your likely short life, you will go to the demonweb and be tortured for all eternity, you filthy surface worlder.

Edit: Also, lol, wood elf, yeah, you'll be tortured SOOO badly.
Not if I sell my soul to someone else, first. :smallwink:

And after eight templates, am I really recognizable as an elf anymore? :smalltongue:

2017-01-17, 03:36 AM
Not if I sell my soul to someone else, first. :smallwink:

And after eight templates, am I really recognizable as an elf anymore? :smalltongue:

Hey, if you're an elf under all those templates, Lolth will know. And who's gonna want to buy the soul of someone who's soul practically already belongs to Lolth anyway, that's just asking for trouble. You're like soul contraband.

Just sayin' :smalltongue:

2017-01-17, 03:44 AM
78 straight buy (each stat point costs 1 and your stats, before racial adjustments, must between 3 and 18)
You can have a total of +2 LA (buyoff is in effect if you want to post a full build)
You get to pick the setting you're dropped into
you get 200 gp to buy your starting gear
Your level 1
You retain all of your knowledge and any skills you may have had before this.
Ritual greater, Great wyrm, Dragonwrought Kobold, Wandering, Spellhoarding, Riddled, Ravening, Xorvintaal dragon (all the abilities), Fire-Souled, Scion of Kyuss, Evolved (x1), spell stiched, Nether hound, Swarmshift
Dragonfire adept 1
Str: 24 (started at 13)
Dex: 22 (started at 12)
Con: --- (started at 3)
Int: 24 (started at 13)
Wis: 9 (started at 14)
Cha: 40 (started at 23)
Feats: Leadership, Alerness, Toughness (bonus feats), lvl 1: Dragonwrought

I have a co hort exactly like me, and on and on....

i now have an infinte amounnt of money, and followers/co-horts. Lvl 2?

Oh yea i can breath fire. good luck. and i cast spelss as a lvl 3 sorserer. and im small size.

2017-01-17, 03:44 AM
Hey, if you're an elf under all those templates, Lolth will know. And who's gonna want to buy the soul of someone who's soul practically already belongs to Lolth anyway, that's just asking for trouble. You're like soul contraband.

Just sayin' :smalltongue:
My goal is that when I die, a dozen gods will try to claim my soul, and I'll start a war. :smalltongue:

2017-01-17, 03:49 AM
Don't worry Celestria i will grant you death. I can't perma die due to an Xor ability I have so.....

2017-01-17, 09:40 AM
Don't worry Celestria i will grant you death. I can't perma die due to an Xor ability I have so.....
The Xor template does not have an LA, so it's not valid. Plus, you are stuck on the elemental plane of DWK-True Dragon debates; a noisy place where nothing productive gets done.

2017-01-17, 09:46 AM
Elan Psion going for Metamorphic Transfer and finding a spellcaster to pay to PAO me into a Beholder when I am about to hit 6th level. Painful as the ritual is, I'd sacrifice my central eye to become a Beholder Mage. :smallcool:

Then run Cerebromancer until I have all the caster levels Beholder Mage offers, by which point I should be level 15 or so, and a 20th level caster with 9th level spell access and a 13th level Psion.

2017-01-17, 09:57 AM
Build: Artificer 1 / animal 24. My build-fu is weak, but I'm gunning for bestow curse abuse right out the door, so it doesn't matter too much:

(late edit) Changing/simplifying the build completely, ditching all the item-creation stuff and just scribing a scroll on day 1. Also just using a standard legendary tiger (24 HD) rather the advanced (48 HD) version.
Str/dex/con 3(25)/9(17)/10(24). Int/wis/cha 18(20)/18(22)/18(20).

My +2 LA template will be lycanthropy, originating from a legendary tiger (24 HD). I split my 6 bonus stat points between int/wis/cha

Feats (2 starting, 8 from bonus RHD)
Lycanthropy bonus feats) Alertness, Athletic, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Run, Toughness (×2), Track.
1-4) heat/cold endurance, improved endurance (creature comfort; heading to Athas)
5) practiced spellcaster (for meeting item creation prereqs)
6 - 10) undetermined

I have 200g and 20 craft reserve exp for item creation. My artificer caster level is 5, which counts as 7 for item creation; just high enough to scribe a scroll of bestow curse, greater from the demonologist list, where it is a 4th level spell. Making the scroll alignment and class restricted reduces the cost to 171.5g and 14exp (if that's a problem, I've got plenty of room for cost reduction feats *shrug*).

I then permanently curse myself the full spellcasting progression of a (25 HD) sorcerer (see note*), which will soon provide plenty of spell slots for subsequent castings of bestow curse, greater for obtaining a variety of game-breaking perks: other spellcasting progressions, class features (i.e. dweomerkeeper's 'supernatural spell' ability for infinity cost-free wishes), massive increases to stats, a limitless number of feats (and by extension, skill points), automatic natural 20's for life, and so on. As the spoiler suggest, this is essentially Pun-Pun, but (initially) with curses.


I think I'll start out in Athas; even clueless, as a 25 HD were-tiger (massive skill ranks including survival, relatively high stats, etc.) I should be able to last long enough to scribe a single scroll; and if I can make it there, I figure I can make it pretty much anywhere. Or possibly, the were-tiger in me just wants somewhere warm and sunny to curl up and nap.

The target loses a class ability, such as spellcasting, sneak attack damage, or barbarian rage. If this class ability is a prerequiste for other abilites or feats, the target loses the use of those feats as well.Thus an equally powerful curse could then grant a class ability, such as spellcasting, etc. that individual might normally possess.

One ability score is reduced to 1, or two ability scores take -6 penalties (to a minimum score of 1).If a greater curse could inflict a 16 point penalty on someone with 17 dexterity, an equally powerful greater curse on that person could grant a +16 point boost.

The target loses the use of one of his feats. If this feat is a prerequisite for other feats, the target loses the use of those feats as well.
Thus, and equally powerful curse could grant a feat that individual might normally possess.

El Dorado
2017-01-17, 12:52 PM
I think I'd go human druid.

Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12

Feats: Negotiatior, Self Sufficient

Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Spot, Survival

Drop me off in the Moonshaes and I'll have a grand old time.

2017-01-17, 02:35 PM
Race: evolved undead dark Unseelie Fey spark Necropolitan strongheart hafling
Class: Sorcerer (familiar traded for faster metamagic)
》Str: -2/12/10
》Dex: +4/12/16
》Con: --
》Int: 0/18/18
》Cha: +6/18/24
Feat: Faerie Mysteries Initiate
Feat: heighten spell
Feat: versatile spellcaster
Feat: not sure will fill in later
Flaw: not sure will fill in later
Flaw: noncombatant
0ths-launch bolt, caltrops, detect magic, prestadigitation
1sts-color spray, magic missile.

GEAR:100g on shapesand, 20 for pack and basics (blanket, rope, etc), 8o for partial charge wands and/or alchemicals.

On top of the slas that Id get from evolved undead, spark, and unseelie fey, I would aim to get spell stitched asap for some extra goodies as well.

2017-01-17, 02:42 PM
Important question ... do I keep my same age category as well as any Flaws? (I do have Nearsighted, and whatever flaw would give me a 35% hearing loss in both ears).

2017-01-17, 03:41 PM
This is an interesting optimization exercise, since the objectives are massively different from building a regular character.

Premise 1:
You want to live as long as possible.

Premise 2:
You want to have a good life with wealth, home comforts, etc.

Premise 1 basically precludes being an adventurer: however, it does suggest some level of basic self-defense skills, because, y'know, this is D&D. You'd like to survive when things hit the fan for your city/town/world. It automatically excludes some races and templates - Necropolitan might be nice mechanically, but local opinions on the undead are likely to make your life terrible and/or short.

Premise 2 means some things that are mostly flavor in a campaign are actually amazingly useful to you. For example, not needing to sleep is a significant upgrade from the human condition and comes for free with basically any outsider template. It also means templates like Dragonborn, Half-Fae, etc are probably going to be more of a problem than they are a mechanical benefit. You want to be a common race: having fae and or divine and or hellish things happening to you unpredictably isn't good for your health.

Optimizing for lifestyle...

Moon Elf Cleric of Sune 1 (Pleasure and Charm domains)
Feat: Wedded To History (Golden Ager) (Dragon 354)
Str 8
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 16

... Looks about right. Though I'd spend way more than 30 minutes on a build if I were actually presented with this choice.

2017-01-17, 04:02 PM
This is an interesting optimization exercise, since the objectives are massively different from building a regular character.

Premise 1:
You want to live as long as possible.

Premise 2:
You want to have a good life with wealth, home comforts, etc.

Premise 1 basically precludes being an adventurer: however, it does suggest some level of basic self-defense skills, because, y'know, this is D&D. You'd like to survive when things hit the fan for your city/town/world. It automatically excludes some races and templates - Necropolitan might be nice mechanically, but local opinions on the undead are likely to make your life terrible and/or short.

Premise 2 means some things that are mostly flavor in a campaign are actually amazingly useful to you. For example, not needing to sleep is a significant upgrade from the human condition and comes for free with basically any outsider template. It also means templates like Dragonborn, Half-Fae, etc are probably going to be more of a problem than they are a mechanical benefit. You want to be a common race: having fae and or divine and or hellish things happening to you unpredictably isn't good for your health.

Optimizing for lifestyle...

Moon Elf Cleric of Sune 1 (Pleasure and Charm domains)
Feat: Wedded To History (Golden Ager) (Dragon 354)
Str 8
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 16

... Looks about right. Though I'd spend way more than 30 minutes on a build if I were actually presented with this choice.

You realise Elan meets both of those premises out of the door right? They already live forever, also meditate instead of sleeping, and they don't even need to eat or drink, they can instead spend a spell point each day to completely ignore that living requirement. Even without going a psionic class, you start off with 2 spell points, so you have the perfect living condition. If you can find some way to get endure elements, being a sorcerer isn't half bad option, and you literally do not care about food, water, shelter or sleep. Get Prestidigitation and Mending as your sorcerer cantrips and you only ever need 1 set of clothes really, it's always clean thanks to prestidigitation, and any wear and tear can be fixed with mending.

I was gonna say a whole thing about earning some frivolous spending money by setting up a "guilt-free" sweet-stand with minor creation (obtained via the hidden talent feat), but then I realised that it only makes 1 cubic foot per level, so that's pretty useless in that regard.

2017-01-17, 05:42 PM
Hello guys.

I'd want to be just a simple:

Setting: Golarion, Kingdom of Numeria (Pathfinder)
Race: Android
Class: Magus
Deity: Brigh

For: 16 Int: 18
Dex: 12 Sab: 12
Con: 14 Cha: 8

Feats: Technologist
Traits: Mathematical Prodigy, Nanite Revival
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +7, (dungeoneering) +7, (engineering ) +8, (planes) +7, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +3 (Everything from Biology major, Microbiology master and Industrial Automation technician and common sense)
Racial: Alert, Emotionless, Exceptional Senses, Constructed, Emotionless, Repairing Nanites
Class: Arcane pool, Cantrips, Spell combat
Spells: 0 - All
1 - Celestial Healing, Chill Touch, Enlarge Person, Feather Fall, Grease, Shocking Grasp, Unseen Servant
Languages: Common (Taldan), Androffan, Aklo, Hallit (Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish)

Equipment: Magi's Kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Longsword, Spiked gauntlet, Chain shirt, Spellbook
Treasure: 56gp

2017-01-18, 01:43 AM
Hmmm... My first priority is, actually, campaign setting. I'm going to want to pick one of the homebrew settings where I know (and, in some cases, can manipulate) the rules. Or one where the rules are advantageous - like where everybody in the entire world is a tri-stalt.

But, that takes a back seat to, well, what I'd do in the setting. Honestly, is probably want a setting where I could safely locate one of my few characters who could a) protect me, and, more importantly, b) would help me, possibly because they recognize me. Because I've played "me" as a character before.

But recognizing me requires that I be, well, recognizable. So, for the most part, I'm kinda limited on my race choices.

But there are more issues. I get to choose the setting. Ok. But do I get to choose where - and when - I appear? While some settings world be great if I appeared in the right place, they would mean death if I showed up in the wrong place. Actually... I imagine almost all settings have "outer space", "inside the sun", "in lava", etc, but... Some campaign settings, I might be able to safely travel across the continent to my destination, while others, I would not.

If I am only guaranteed "non-hazardous land" for my starting location, I would choose a world where there were... allies... watching from orbit, and enough free quarterstaves that I was very visible from orbit. And, you know, maybe something like Necropolitan to survive being buried under a mountain of quarter staves.

If I get to choose the exact details of my placement... off the top of my head, tri-stalt world, right when and where a particular portal was being opened. Or... wow. I know where there is some incredibly valuable, unguarded loot on several worlds.

So, even though I would min max my starting items (by making them only work for me, etc etc), it really wouldn't matter, because, with a little help from my friends, I could easily retire. Even if I didn't build a house out of quarter staves.

But would I retire? Probably not. Most of said allies wouldn't hear of it. So I'd probably have to pick classes that actually let me do something. So... Troll-blooded, Wizard (there aren't enough feats to represent how... "pampered" I'd be if I found allies, but I guess I should take as many of those feats as I can) // Arcane Spellcaster // something. Honestly, given the worlds in question, I'd love to fill that last slot with racial levels in "paragon" (epic), because I could do that in those worlds, but... To keep it to specs... I guess a combat class, like crusader?

If I had to pick a single class, then be teleport to a world, I could probably still pull off quite a bit as a wizard. Heck, even a little cross-class Lucid Dreaming, plus a custom item to boost Lucid Dreaming to the nines, could be fun.

So, yeah - cheese, with a side if fun.

2017-01-18, 02:37 AM
I don't think I can fit my pentalogy in a post... the short version: become a cleric, invent guns, profit! :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-18, 11:46 AM
You realise Elan meets both of those premises out of the door right? They already live forever, also meditate instead of sleeping, and they don't even need to eat or drink, they can instead spend a spell point each day to completely ignore that living requirement. Even without going a psionic class, you start off with 2 spell points, so you have the perfect living condition. If you can find some way to get endure elements, being a sorcerer isn't half bad option, and you literally do not care about food, water, shelter or sleep. Get Prestidigitation and Mending as your sorcerer cantrips and you only ever need 1 set of clothes really, it's always clean thanks to prestidigitation, and any wear and tear can be fixed with mending.

I was gonna say a whole thing about earning some frivolous spending money by setting up a "guilt-free" sweet-stand with minor creation (obtained via the hidden talent feat), but then I realised that it only makes 1 cubic foot per level, so that's pretty useless in that regard.

Sure, Elan is fine if you don't mind being a psionic aberration created from a potentially-unwilling person by a shadowy cabal of immortals. :smallamused:

2017-01-18, 12:04 PM
I don't think I can fit my pentalogy in a post... the short version: become a cleric, invent guns, profit! :smallbiggrin:

Gond would love you for that.

2017-01-18, 01:01 PM
Setting: Eberron.

Middle Age Draconic Changeling
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: The Traveler

Str 9 ->8(age)->10(template)
Dex 11 ->10(age)
Con 13 ->12(age)
Int 13 -> 14(age)
Wis 17 -> 18(age)
Cha 15 -> 16(age)->18(template)

Cloistered Cleric 4/Warlock1/Eldritch Disciple10/ClericX
Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Trickery

I'd snag Able Learner at 1st level, and get Beguiling Influence as soon as possible. After that, I'll have fun being ... well, whoever I feel like at the time. Max out Bluff and Diplomacy. Get some Cleric goodies to heal my eyes and ears.

2017-01-18, 03:49 PM
Goliath Fighter/Crusader

Not sure of the levels, but basically I can use a colossal spiked chain and get attacks of opportunity off just about anything

2017-01-18, 03:54 PM
On further thought, since my allies would have no trouble helping me reach at least level 20, probably in the first day, without breaking a sweat... well, what I'd actually pick would involve so much homebrew as to be completely unrecognizable, but we'll pretend it'd look something like this:

Two-Headed (3+2) Necropolitan Grey Elf Wizard // Arcane Spellcaster // Crusader STP Erudite?
Str 10
Dex 20
Con 10
Int 20
Wis 10
Chr 10
Feats: Imperial Toughness, Troll Blooded, Collegiate Wizard Apprentice
Racial bonus feats: additional item slot (head), additional item slot (throat), ???
Flaws: Vulnerable, Absent-Minded ???
Traits: Absent-Minded

If I couldn't tri-stalt... I haven't checked to see if the build is even possible, but I'd probably aim for something like...

Two-Headed (3+2-2) Grey Elf Wizard 3 / (Cloistered?) Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 10+ / Hierarch 1
Str 10
Dex 10
Con 10
Int 20
Wis 18
Chr 12
Feats: Imperial Toughness, Troll Blooded, Apprentice
Racial bonus feats: additional item slot (head), additional item slot (throat), ???Flaws: Vulnerable, ???
Traits: Absent-Minded

Things I'd attempt to add to the build: Leadership; Eschew Materials + Ignore Materials; Elven Spell Thesis + Empower Spell + Efficient Metamagic; Quicken Spell + even more Efficient Metamagic... and maybe that elven ritual for Int to HP :smalltongue:

2017-01-18, 11:28 PM
Shadow Human
Pugilist 1
HD: 1d10-3(7)
str- 16
dex- 14
con- 4
int- 11
wis- 18
cha- 5
Shake it Off class feature
Fast Heal 2 from shadow
+Improved Unarmed Strike
Power Attack
Spell Focus: Evil
Snap Kick
Iron Will

Shadow Human
Pugilist 1 Monk 1 Wizard 1 Paladin of Tyranny 2 Ur Priest 2 Bone Knight 9 Spelldancer 1 Contemplative 3
Feats: +IUS, +Endurance, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Spell Focus: Evil, Iron Will, Snap Kick, Extend Spell, Persist Spell, etc.

2017-01-19, 01:45 AM
I'm a father and husband in this world.

I would rock the very heavens with the stinkiest of cheese to gef home, obviously.

Like, I'm pretty certain I would either A) escape with ease or B) become the BBEG.

What settings/planes connect to our own? Few IIRC, very few. Prolly take at least a custom spell.

Additionally, I'd want nuthin to do with the divine or prophesied.
So settings with deities (all of them just about) and settings where my free will is coopted by prophesy (Eberron) would just rub me the wrong way.

And that's not even getting into the afterlife! No Wall of the Faithless for me no thank you.

Edit: Oh and a build... Psionic Artificer for Eberron, straight Wizard or a better arcane caster for anywhere else.
I'll be abusing Create Water + Water to Acid (St) on a Runic Guardian/Spellsong Nightingale sales abuse either way.

2017-01-19, 01:56 AM
Sure, Elan is fine if you don't mind being a psionic aberration created from a potentially-unwilling person by a shadowy cabal of immortals. :smallamused:

Except you're choosing to be changed by the wizard who brought you here :smalltongue: Equally shady, but that's the case for all your abilities anyway.

2017-01-19, 01:52 PM
Except you're choosing to be changed by the wizard who brought you here :smalltongue: Equally shady, but that's the case for all your abilities anyway.

I mean, if the wizard is inclined to meddle then they could do so regardless of whatever race I pick. Might as well get an upgrade to a body that needs half as much sleep and has better senses, you know? :smallbiggrin:

2017-01-19, 02:22 PM
Sure, Elan is fine if you don't mind being a psionic aberration created from a potentially-unwilling person by a shadowy cabal of immortals. :smallamused:

At worst, you're "you" with most of your pre-Elan memories fuzzed.

More likely, you just have to re-learn skills and such. (Class abilities, etc.)

And where do you get the idea that you're potentially unwilling? While nothing says the human has to be willing, everything in the fluff suggests that they are and that they actually have to work hard to convince the Elan council to transform them.

There is also nothing indicating that it can be done to an UNwilling human.

No-Kill Cleric
2017-01-20, 01:16 AM
Half Elf (pointy ears of weeb, aw yeah)

DEX 10
CON 14
INT 18
WIS 14
CHA 18

Skills: Perform (dance), craft (painting) knowledges,

I'd spend my gold on setting up a life for myself, bards make good money and I'm a bellydancer irl so i could pay for myself easy.

Golarion sounds like a lovely place, but any optimistic fantasy setting sounds exciting.

Feats: Iron Will, ???

I'm selling myself a bit short here, but its a start.

2017-01-20, 01:33 AM
I'm a father and husband in this world.

I would rock the very heavens with the stinkiest of cheese to gef home, obviously.

Like, I'm pretty certain I would either A) escape with ease or B) become the BBEG.

What settings/planes connect to our own? Few IIRC, very few. Prolly take at least a custom spell.

We know you can get to Earth from Oerth and Toril, at least if you're a high level archmage like Elminster or Mordenkainen(?). Exactly *how* they got there, I cannot recall if it was specified.

Sufficient time at that Inn that acts as a planar pathway, the Infinite Staircase, or Sigil should also lead back to Earth if you can end up in Planescape.

2017-01-20, 02:01 AM
You can have a total of +2 LA (buyoff is in effect if you want to post a full build)

Your level 1

You can never be level 1 with LA. Unless you mean character level?

2017-01-20, 02:04 AM
We know you can get to Earth from Oerth and Toril, at least if you're a high level archmage like Elminster or Mordenkainen(?). Exactly *how* they got there, I cannot recall if it was specified.

Sufficient time at that Inn that acts as a planar pathway, the Infinite Staircase, or Sigil should also lead back to Earth if you can end up in Planescape.

IIRC the Dreamheart from Manual of the Planes can do literally anything. The Plane of Shadow is supposed to connect to all shadows if you go deep enough. The Deep Ethereal is similar, again only IIRC. Toril deities have brought mass numbers of humans from our world to theirs before. Not sure how that works if you just want to snag one family. Then there's Ravenloft, but that is NOT an option. :smalleek:

If all else fails one imagines a custom spell could theoretically do the trick especially if epic casting is on the table.

2017-01-20, 05:28 AM
I like Phrenic Magic Blooded Lesser Celedrin Martial Wizard 1 Conjurer

Dex: 16(18)
Con: 16(14)
Int: 18(20)
Wis: 10
Cha: 10(18)

1st) Magic in the Blood
Wiz1) Improved Initiative
Flaw) Spell Focus Conjuration
Flaw) Collegiate Wizard

Class Abilities:
School Specialization (Conjuration)
Banned Schools Enchantment and Evocataion
Shift (8/day) immediate action teleport

Racial Abilities:
Energy Resistance 10: Fire
Power/Spell Resistance 10+HD:11
Immune to Sleep
Low Light Vision
Dark vision 60ft
Racial weapon proficiencies
+4 Perform sing
+2 spot/listen/search/spellcraft/know(arcana)
+1 diplomacy

SLAs all 3/day
Scorching Ray
Defensive Precognition
Force Screen
Detect magic
Nystul's Magical Aura
Nystul's Undetectable aura
Read magic

Full Build Conjurer3/Master Specialist2/Incantrix4/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil7//Archmage2. Somewhere in there gain the savage progression for Half Fey 2.

Build gives about 30 SLA/PLA usable 3/day before spells are considered. Between persisted buffs, and immediate action veils I should be hard to kill once I get rolling even if I face a day where I am less than fully prepared.

Early levels between a longbow and Scorching Ray for offense and Shift for defense I should survive most things fairly well. Having a +5 Diplomacy without ranks means that I can make friends easy enough with anyone who doesn't have a prejudice against redheads.

Not sure where I want to end up though.

2017-01-20, 01:17 PM
I think Phrenic is probably the best balance between boosting power and not standing out as some form of abomination or another if blending in with a society is an issue.

Still, the fact that it grants Power Resistance might be an issue, since it can complicate matters of healing in emergencies.

If you allow Quasilycanthrope to act a lot like how Changelings from Eberron work, only always having a sort of bestial "tell" to the disguise, then that'd probably be worth the tell just to be able to take on different personas. And having DR 10/silver would definitely help out against stubbing one's toe and the like.

2017-01-20, 01:23 PM
It is a trade off, but if you can find means to heal yourself reliably, then you are okay. Worst case, wait until the smoke has cleared, and then lower you SR/PR so a buddy can heal you up.

2017-01-20, 02:21 PM
You can never be level 1 with LA. Unless you mean character level?

You start with one class level is what i meant.

2017-01-20, 02:25 PM
Just to double check, are all ability scores starting at 1 or 0 before putting points into them?

2017-01-20, 02:52 PM
Just to double check, are all ability scores starting at 1 or 0 before putting points into them?

They start at 0

2017-01-20, 03:51 PM
Hmm... Would research allow us access to 3rd party spells? I know a few that are rather fun.

2017-01-20, 04:30 PM
Hmm... Would research allow us access to 3rd party spells? I know a few that are rather fun.

I don't know, probably. I dont run the universe you drop into, im just setting the rules for when you walk in the door :smalltongue:

2017-01-20, 04:51 PM
Primordial half-giant StP erudite with Wedded to History (Golden Ager). Needs one more template (preferably +int), but that's the basic idea. Max out intelligence, of course.

2017-01-21, 01:55 AM
Primordial half-giant StP erudite with Wedded to History (Golden Ager). Needs one more template (preferably +int), but that's the basic idea. Max out intelligence, of course.
What about divine minion? Would go great with psionics.

2017-01-21, 09:46 AM
What about divine minion? Would go great with psionics.
Mechanically, perhaps, but I'm not too keen on being anyone's divine minion. I suppose a divine minion of a sufficiently general concept could be suitable, though. "Divine minion of everything"?

2017-01-21, 10:09 AM
Mechanically, perhaps, but I'm not too keen on being anyone's divine minion. I suppose a divine minion of a sufficiently general concept could be suitable, though. "Divine minion of everything"?

You can be MY divine minion! You can take the shapes of a rust monster, skurid, or a small amount of animated shapesand.

2017-01-21, 04:25 PM
We know you can get to Earth from Oerth and Toril, at least if you're a high level archmage like Elminster or Mordenkainen(?). Exactly *how* they got there, I cannot recall if it was specified.

Sufficient time at that Inn that acts as a planar pathway, the Infinite Staircase, or Sigil should also lead back to Earth if you can end up in Planescape.

Tell me more! If/when you remember, that is.

I don't know, probably. I dont run the universe you drop into, im just setting the rules for when you walk in the door :smalltongue:

... And this is why the setting is the most important feature to choose wisely, IMO. :smallwink:

2017-01-21, 04:39 PM
Tell me more! If/when you remember, that is.

... And this is why the setting is the most important feature to choose wisely, IMO. :smallwink:

That's everything I can remember offhand. Other than that I think the name of the inn is the World Serpent Inn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?359039-So-Dark-Sun-IS-connected-to-Ravenloft-right).

If you're up for reading through archives, I believe one of the first two Afroakuma's Planar Questions threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?372289-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-5!) dealt with both the Inn and that one meeting between arch-wizards. Though planar pathways were a bit of a common topic.

2017-01-22, 03:36 AM
For race I'd probably go with Elan... because the immortality and not needing to eat or drink seems pretty tempting.

But I'd probably end up being the sort of person who couldn't resist shouting out for Pazuzu a few times and beginning the path to becoming Pun-Pun.

2017-01-22, 05:24 AM
Alright, I'll give this a go.

Phrenic Human Nomad
Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 16
Cha: 16

Skills: Autohypnosis, Diplomacy, Knowledge (The Planes), Profession (Assistant), Sense Motive.
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Improved Initiative, and Rapid Metabolism.
Flaws: Frail, Vulnerable.
Powers: Energy Ray, Know Direction and Location, and Matter Agitation.
Setting: Eberron

I'd probably try being a freelance assistant for a while, possibly in Sharn, and not reveal my nature as a phrenic creature or psion. After acquiring a decent amount of connections and wealth, I'd try creating universal/wondrous items that function like real world technologies. I'd be tempted to try spreading anarchism, capitalism, and socialism, even if it risks pissing off basically every group with considerable power. If I happen to gain more levels, I'd aim to pick up Astral Caravan and Craft Universal Item.

If everything goes according to plan, I'd end up causing a technological revolution, destabilizing the old powers that be, empowering the common folk, and building an interplanar transport network. As soon as I can manifest Astral Caravan, I'd immediately depart for Earth. Once I'm back home, I'd display my abilities online and on television, then inform the entire world that they better prepare for a potential war with a magical world full of dragons.

2017-01-23, 04:30 AM
You start with one class level is what i meant.

What about RHD? Those aren't technically class levels, so is using a race with them okay?

For example, a Feral Gnoll. Not that that's my choice, I'm just asking.

2017-01-23, 06:47 AM
What about RHD? Those aren't technically class levels, so is using a race with them okay?

For example, a Feral Gnoll. Not that that's my choice, I'm just asking.

Ya sure, lets be weird

2017-01-23, 10:05 AM
18 str
14 dex
- con
8 wis
14 int
18 cha

Human trompe loeil rogue
Feat improved initative
Feat skill focus diplomacy

Setting eberron

2017-01-23, 10:30 AM
Ya sure, lets be weird
With RHD, I'd like to be something nuts (like a great wyrm time dragon), but the +2 LA cuts that option. A spellhoarding loredrake steel dragon would still be pretty great, though. Take an erudite level, go into Mind Mage, have a great time!

2017-01-23, 11:34 AM
With RHD, I'd like to be something nuts (like a great wyrm time dragon), but the +2 LA cuts that option. A spellhoarding loredrake steel dragon would still be pretty great, though. Take an erudite level, go into Mind Mage, have a great time!

Psionic+Mindmage was also an idea I have:
Phrenic Half Fey Human Psion (Egoist)

Base Stats:
Str 8
Con 14
Dex 10
Int 18
Wis 10
Cha 18

1st Psion
4th Beholder Mage (after scrabbing the double PAO from a wizard)
6th Crebremancer
7th Mind Mage
17th Cerebremancer
21st Epic Mind Mage

2017-01-23, 11:42 AM
Phrenic Half Fey Human Psion

The maximum LA is 2.

2017-01-23, 11:47 AM
I understand it as free +2 the other +2 will be bought off otherwise it would just be the lame phrenic + magic blooded blabla

2017-01-23, 12:18 PM
I understand it as free +2 the other +2 will be bought off otherwise it would just be the lame phrenic + magic blooded blabla

The OP is quite clear. You get a maximum of +2 LA. It's a limit, nothing to do with getting it free.

2017-01-23, 01:17 PM
Lycanthropy is a +2 LA template. 'Legendary tiger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/legendaryAnimal.htm)' is a large 24 HD animal, which would make you a 25 HD "1st level" character with just +2 LA (ECL 27, but who's counting *shrug*). The template would give you oodles of stat boosts and bonus feats, to say nothing of 24 HD of stats/feats/skills to select; just having 28 ranks in various skills would trivialize anything you'd ever need to roll for (social skills, knowledge checks, survival, whatever).

Snag a SLA that's based off HD (i.e. 2 Fae heritage feats) for an effective CL of 25 for meeting item creation feat prereqs, though there are still other hurdles. Alternately, 'practiced spellcaster' and a level of artificer would allow you to craft/scribe up to 4th level spells from any class spell list ('bargain bin' spells (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=12661.0) for artificers).

If you ever want to level again, just reincarnate*, have the curse removed completely, or level drain away the animal HD and keep the base +2 LA template.

It retains any class abilities, feats, or skill ranks it formerly possessed. Its class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and hit points are unchanged.A bit of a side note, but Reincarnate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/reincarnate.htm)is completely broken as written, as you'd keep nearly everything lycanthropy and those 24 RHD gave you, but would be considered a vanilla level 1 character (i.e. with no RHD or +2 LA).