View Full Version : Player Help How to restrain me (I'm a lycanthrope)

2017-01-17, 02:54 PM
I'm the cleric/bard in our adventuring party, in OOTA. I got bit by a wererat, and now I have lycanthropy. We don't have any way to get rid of it, so all I can do right now is keep track of the days till I will change against my will, and lose control (fortunately, I have a way to keep track of time correctly.) We just made level 3. I don't know if we will gain any more levels before the first forced change comes around. So, suggestions wanted for:

If I know I'm going to change form ahead of time, what can I/the party do to keep me from attacking, mauling, infecting them, etc? The only things I can think of, given our resources and spells, are:

- I leave them and wander somewhere else in the Underdark to change, then try and come back to them afterwards (probably a really horrible idea)
- Have the rest of the party restrain me for the night (we still have some manacles and chains) and hope I can't get out of it. Might work? I only have a 10 STR.
- Have the rest of the party beat me into unconciousness with a magic weapon, choosing to do subdual damage, and then keep me unconscious all night? I suppose the GM could say I wake up anyway?
- Hope we find something I can be restrained in, like a small cave with a big rock rolled in front of it?

Any suggestions would be greatly helpful. Nobody else in the party has much in the way of magic, they're all assorted warriors and rogues.

2017-01-17, 03:04 PM
I'm the cleric/bard in our adventuring party, in OOTA. I got bit by a wererat, and now I have lycanthropy.

Assuming you are going to turn into a wolf and that your body mass does nto change too drastically I would suggest this.

If you have three manacles see if you can connect them to one chain. Chain your wrists in front of you when you are unchanged. Then as you are changing pace the third manacle over your muzzle this rendering your three main weapons secured. Then if possible have them pin you to the ground and then ram a sword into the ground through ones of the links maybe 2 or three from where they all join. Then you are prone, pinned prone and subdued. Also if they wanted to bonk you on the head for good measure sure.

Very situational I know but it's something. At the very basics its rendereding your claws and teeth as a non threat.

2017-01-17, 06:09 PM
I would say as long as they manacle you and secure you to something, you should be fine. I am AFB, but I do not think wererats are a different size category, so the manacles should still fit fine after you have changed. On nights you would change, have them manacle you around a tree or such, and just leave you there all night. A cage would be better, but you do not seem to have the resources for that.

2017-01-17, 06:13 PM
Chained to a tree, or something large and stout enough that it won't break or move, with a muzzle on to prevent biting or gnawing. If someone has a sleep spell or sleeping potion available, that can help as well.

2017-01-17, 06:26 PM
Hilariously wererats in this edition have a strength of 10, no proficiency with athletics and no climb speed. I'd say the best way to detain you is to drop you in a pit with sufficiently steep sides.

The Ship's dog
2017-01-17, 06:44 PM
Saeviomage makes a good point, not being able to climb very well is the really strange thing about Wererats in 5e, so a narrow and deep pit would probably be good enough.

If you really want to be sure though, carrying a pair of stocks with you would really make sure you don't get out. By 'a pair of stocks' I mean those wooden things that criminals were put in so people could throw rotten vegetables at them. If you have two of those; one for your hands and head, one custom made so that you tail can be fixed in place along with your legs; would be adequate by themselves. If you really wanted to make sure you could then tie yourself to a tree.

2017-01-17, 07:15 PM
Before I saw it was in fact a wererat we were dealing with, I was going to suggest a rolled up newspaper and squirt bottle! :smalltongue:

As an actual suggestion, the pit idea is probably best. Perhaps manacles first, then pit?

2017-01-17, 07:25 PM
Before I saw it was in fact a wererat we were dealing with, I was going to suggest a rolled up newspaper and squirt bottle! :smalltongue:

As an actual suggestion, the pit idea is probably best. Perhaps manacles first, then pit?

You know, once you've got them in a pit, with manacles on, you may as well just finish them and fill in the pit.

I mean, at some point it's going to get pretty disturbing and terrifying for the character, if this is the routine until they get cured.

2017-01-17, 07:30 PM
Have them enthrall you with cheese and shiny trinkets. Or maybe booze. Get you sleep drunk.

Though manacles are probably the best bet. Not a whole lot of strength to break them.

2017-01-17, 08:21 PM
Playing OoTA right now and just hit level 2 after the initial RUSH of the first game LOL. The Wererats are friggen AWESOME NPCs and my character gets along with them well. I myself cant decide if it would be cool to get bit or not. Let me know how its going for ya. No spoilers though please.

The Ship's dog
2017-01-18, 02:38 AM
Playing OoTA right now and just hit level 2 after the initial RUSH of the first game LOL. The Wererats are friggen AWESOME NPCs and my character gets along with them well. I myself cant decide if it would be cool to get bit or not. Let me know how its going for ya. No spoilers though please.

One of my pet peeves about D&D is the mechanic of forced alignment changes when concerning Lycanthropy or Vampirism.


That is a link to a thread about a homebrewed redesign of Lycanthropy

2017-01-18, 03:28 AM
"If I know I'm going to change form ahead of time, what can I/the party do to keep me from attacking, mauling, infecting them, etc?"

Get a dwarf or gnome engineer. (https://media3.giphy.com/media/l46C9KrpAskCj3Al2/200_s.gif)

2017-01-18, 11:00 AM
Some great suggestions. :) We don't have much to work with in terms of equipment, though we do have some chains and manacles. Probably going to have to rely on those. Not much to salvage in the Underdark!

Joe the Rat
2017-01-18, 01:09 PM
One problem with manacles: what keeps him from shifting to giant rat (a small creature) and slipping the manacles?
Some sort of pit, or a box or cage with sufficiently small spaces (smaller than a giant rat's head) could do the trick. You'd need more than a converted barrel-stem - something you can't easily chew out of.
Some sort of barrow/cart/travois/palanquin, you use it to carry your travel/camp gear, then on changedays empty it out, and lock your character in.
Or the sleeping poison thing.

2017-01-18, 02:46 PM
We don't have anything to use, really, or the ability to visit a shop and get it. We're travelling through the Underdark and only have what we can capture or salvage. We have some of the chains and manacles and such that we were held as slaves in, we have some rope nets, and other than some captured weapons, armor bits, and such, that's mostly it.

2017-01-18, 02:51 PM
What size are you when you tunr. Dimensions wise?

Also List everything you have salvaged. I'm sury we can jury rig something

2017-01-18, 02:52 PM
The hybrid form is Medium like me, but I won't have control of the PC; so he could also turn into a Small giant rat.

Some chains, manacles, locks
A few rope nets
Some shields and armor (in use by various PCs, including my own)
Some weapons (daggers, hand crossbows, club, staff)
Some ragged bits of clothing, some boots (in use)

My PC did just successfully steal the treasure from a cult and get away with it; mostly copper, silver, and gold pieces with a few gems and other small value items. Nothing magical or useful as a tool. I considered trying to melt the silver pieces and make something with which another PC could beat me into unconsciousness (they can't really hurt me easily otherwise, because I am immune to nonmagical weapons.)

We're currently fleeing in two captured boats across a big underground lake. I still have 25 days or so until a forced change happens, so we could find something different before then; I am planning now in case we don't.

2017-01-18, 03:11 PM
Melting the silver to apply it to the nets and some of the chains/manacles. Then have them wrap you in the net and chains and either stake it securely to the ground or hang you from something (driving spikes in the wall should work.) If you turn hybrid, the silvered manacles/chains should keep you in place, if not then your still stuck like a rat would be. If you turn rat, the manacles may slide off but then you'd be sandwiched with heavy chains in a net, all being silver, which would burn the rat. Either way, struggles would dig the silver into you and you'd likely wake up in the morning at 1hp and covered in your own blood after struggling in a silver trap all night until it reduced you to 0hp.

Before silvering the net, add scrap metal burrs to make a barbed wire silver net to really dig in with the silver.

2017-01-18, 03:21 PM
Melting the silver to apply it to the nets and some of the chains/manacles. Then have them wrap you in the net and chains and either stake it securely to the ground or hang you from something (driving spikes in the wall should work.) If you turn hybrid, the silvered manacles/chains should keep you in place, if not then your still stuck like a rat would be. If you turn rat, the manacles may slide off but then you'd be sandwiched with heavy chains in a net, all being silver, which would burn the rat. Either way, struggles would dig the silver into you and you'd likely wake up in the morning at 1hp and covered in your own blood after struggling in a silver trap all night until it reduced you to 0hp.

Before silvering the net, add scrap metal burrs to make a barbed wire silver net to really dig in with the silver.

I like how you are thinking, but we would need sufficient materials to burn to make a nice, hot fire, and tools to handle the molten silver, and this assuming it doesn't just burn through the rope of the nets.

2017-01-18, 03:22 PM
Melting the silver to apply it to the nets and some of the chains/manacles. Then have them wrap you in the net and chains and either stake it securely to the ground or hang you from something (driving spikes in the wall should work.) If you turn hybrid, the silvered manacles/chains should keep you in place, if not then your still stuck like a rat would be. If you turn rat, the manacles may slide off but then you'd be sandwiched with heavy chains in a net, all being silver, which would burn the rat. Either way, struggles would dig the silver into you and you'd likely wake up in the morning at 1hp and covered in your own blood after struggling in a silver trap all night until it reduced you to 0hp.

Before silvering the net, add scrap metal burrs to make a barbed wire silver net to really dig in with the silver.
Something along those lines another thought would be if the manacles are large enough, silver them, place them around your neck, wrap net around you, wrap chains around that and use whatever is lleft to spike it down. If you can also draw your arms and legs out into a cruciform position and pin that down too.

2017-01-18, 03:29 PM
If all else fails, swallow a few silver coins so you'll be too sick all night to even try and escape until your friends heal you in the morning. Might work once or twice to buy you some time to get somewhere.

2017-01-18, 03:30 PM
GM says we cannot jury-rig silver one of our nets. It would just burn through it.

Probably the best solution is to ask another party member to cripple me with the one magic weapon we have, and keep me that way until the night is over.

2017-01-18, 03:31 PM
If all else fails, swallow a few silver coins so you'll be too sick all night to even try and escape until your friends heal you in the morning. Might work once or twice to buy you some time to get somewhere.

That's a good idea I was also thinking of powdering the coins (I know can't really do in the underdark) and spreading it on the werebeast.

2017-01-18, 03:44 PM
If all else fails, swallow a few silver coins so you'll be too sick all night to even try and escape until your friends heal you in the morning. Might work once or twice to buy you some time to get somewhere.

That is the funniest idea ever, and I am totally bringing it up to the GM.

2017-01-18, 03:45 PM
Burn all of your spellslots, hybrid form can use magic.

2017-01-18, 03:51 PM
Burn all of your spellslots, hybrid form can use magic.

That won't be a problem, I'm the only person in the group that can cast any healing magic; I never finish the day with any spell slots left.

2017-01-18, 04:21 PM
Bury you up to your neck in dirt.

2017-01-18, 04:51 PM
Bury you up to your neck in dirt.

Can probably get out of that by turning into giant rat form.