View Full Version : An adventure I wrote for my group

2017-01-17, 06:56 PM
The following adventure was made for 5-6 PCs of level 2. It was played over ~6 play hours (2 game sessions). It is presented as bare-bones, for maximal ease of adaptation. Feel free to steal/adapt. Let me know if there are any ?'s or !'s.
Chapter 1 – Hook

PCs are in a medium-size town. They hear of children going missing throughout the city, and decide to investigate – or are recruited into investigating.
Where the children are: they are kidnapped into the sewers, by an evil priest trying to sacrifice them for a vile ritual. They priest uses controlled swarms of giant rats to kidnap children from the poor parts of town.

Chapter 2 – City encounters

For each hour spend investigating the city, roll 1d6. This roll has the following modifiers:

Add +1 for each hour beyond the first.
Add the highest Investigation modifier in the party.
Additional modifiers as specified below.

On a roll of 15 or higher, the party discovers, one way or another, the children are kidnapped into the sewers. Otherwise, roll 1d12:

1. City folk wishing to help. If the party talks to them and accepts their help, take +1 to all checks going forward.
2. Band of ruffians harass the PCs (6x Thug)
3. Overzealous City Watch Company mistakes PCs for kidnappers (1x Knight, 10x Guard). If dealt with poorly, take -1 to all checks going forward.
4. Street theater performance. Looks like it might have something with the story, but doesn’t.
5. False prophet, orating about the kidnapped children and their imminent death. Despite of his self-important demeanor, doesn’t really know anything.
6. Noble with retainers. Looks like it might something with the story, but doesn’t. If dealt with poorly, take -1 to all checks going forward.
7. Shady fence hawking his wares.
8. Pickpocket trying to steal from PCs.
9. Street fighting performance (1x Gladiator). Challenges one of the PCs to a fight as the crowd goads them on.
10. A crowd harassing an out-of-town shaman (20x commoner vs. 1x Druid). If the PCs intervene and help the druid, the underground encounter in the Druid’s lair is friendly, and the Druid’s roaming pets don’t attack the PCs. This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
11. Giant rat attack! (10x Giant Rat trying to drag two children). This reveals the connection to the sewers immediately.
12. Eyewitness to attack. This reveals the connection to the sewers immediately.

Chapter 3 – Sewer encounters

The ‘sewers’ are in fact an eclectic collection of worked stone passages, old mining tunnels, natural tunnels, and caves. The environment matches whichever encounter needs to happen.
For each hour of search, roll 1d6. This roll has the following modifiers:

Add +1 for each hour beyond the first.
Add the highest Investigation modifier in the party.
Add the highest Survival modifier in the party.
Additional modifiers as specified below.

On a roll of 20 or higher, the Priest’s lair is found. Otherwise, roll 1d20:

1. Mouther lair. Strange sounds lead the PCs into a cave where they are attacked. (2x Gibbering Mouther).
2. Ancient Wizard’s lair. An empty study of a long-dead wizard, with his animated objects still guarding it (Animated Armor, Rug of Smothering, 3x Flying Sword). This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
3. Kobold lair (Thug, Giant Poisonous Snake, 13x Kobold). Leader has a map of the sewers, if the map is looted or bargained for, +1 to all checks going forward. PCs who speak Draconic to the Kobolds have Advantage on all social checks. This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
4. Kobold hunting party. Kobolds pepper the party with ranged attacks from one side, while their pet Gelatinous Cube blocks the exit from the other. (Gelatinous Cube, 6x Kobold)
5. Underground cavern. A cavern full of giant mushrooms. (6x Myconid Adult)
6. Stirge attack. A flutter of wings precedes a flyby attack by a swarm of flying beasts. (16x Stirge)
7. Kuo-Toa hunting party. They’re on the lookout for a bunch of renegade dwarves (see encounter 11 below) (10x Kuo-Toa). This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
8. Rat swarm. Rats come out of the cracks and attack. (16x Giant Rat). If the amount of downed rats exceeds the amount of downed PCs by 8 or more, the rest flee.
9. Carrion Crawler ambush. A pair of them, hunting together. If a PC is paralyzed, they will try to retreat and drag him away. (2x Carrion Crawler)
10. Underground graveyard. Neat rows of gravestones, some disturbed. (1 Ghoul + 8x Zombie or 10x Zombie or 4x Specter, equal chance of either)
11. Dwarves in distress. They’re on the run from the Kuo-Toa (see encounter 7 above) (4x Duergar). This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
12. Druid’s pets. A bunch of Blights roam the corridor, in search of prey for their master. (6x Vine Blight). If the party helped the Druid in the previous chapter, they do not attack.
13. Druid’s lair. A tangle of vines hides the entrance. (Druid, 2x Vine Blight, 3x Needle Blight). This encounter only happens once. If the party helped the Druid in the previous chapter, this encounter is friendly, and if the party talk to the Druid, they get +1 to all checks going forward. Otherwise it’s hostile, as the Druid is very territorial (will not pursue if the PCs flee). This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
14. Invisible Stalker or Drider (50% chance of either), who lost its way from the Underdark. If the party seem up for it, replace with Mind Flayer (very dangerous!).
15. Underground temple of evil cult. PCs disturb them in the middle of some ritual. They have no connection to the missing children. (2x Cult Fanatic, 5x Cultist). This encounter only happens once. If rolled again, reroll or treat as no encounter.
16. Lair of spiders (Ettercap, Giant Spider, 3x Giant Wolf Spider)
17. Competing adventuring party. They are reluctant to fight, but will be glad to hinder the PCs with false leads; if their leads are followed, take -1 to all checks going forward (6x Thug).
18. Pair of Phase Spiders hunting (2x Phase Spider)
19. Skill challenge – physical (chasm, grate, slippery rocks, diseased puddles)
20. Skill challenge – mental (runes, magical traps, clues)

Chapter 5 – The Villain’s Lair

1. Entrance door: Trap with Ochre Jelly (1x Ochre Jelly). DC 15 investigation to find, DC 15 with Thieves’ Tools to disable.
2. Foyer: Trap with Shrieker, two skeletal servants (1x Shrieker, 2x Skeleton)
3. Sanctum: Priest, 2x Swarm of Rats, 2x Troglodyte, 1x Flying Sword, 12 child hostages chained to posts around the lair, used as human shields.

The Priest’s relevant spells are:
Cantrips: Sacred Flame, Guidance, Resistance
1st Level: Sanctuary, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt (4 slots)
2nd Level: Spiritual Weapon, Aid (3 slots)
3rd Level: Spirit Guardians (1 slot)

The Priest has Aid precast as a 3rd level spell on himself and the 2 Troglodytes (+10 hp each).
If the Shrieker trap was activated, he will have Spirit Guardians cast when encountered.
He has the benefits of the War Caster feat.

Otherwise, he's identical to the MM's Priest NPC.

Chapter 6 – Resolution

There are a total of 12 child hostages. For each Long Rest the party took, 1d4 hostages will be dead.

If all the hostages are rescued, the PCs are hailed as heroes, and get 150% of the promised reward.
If not all, but at least half of the hostages are rescued, the PCs are praised, and get the promised reward.
If less than half of the hostages are rescued – but at least one – the PCs are congratulated, but not quite as profusely, and get 50% of the promised reward.
If all hostages are already dead, or die during the battle, the PCs are treated with suspicion by the townsfolk – some whisper they were in cahoots with the priest – and are sent away with only token reward.

2017-01-17, 08:15 PM
Seems like you got it all figured out.

About the start of the investigation, maybe there should be a reason for the PCs to be hired (should they not display immediate interest in it). Maybe there was a war some time ago that left the guard in shambles, and now the king needs to look for outside help. Or maybe the guard itself is already looking into it, but more and more of them go missing day after day. You get the idea.