View Full Version : 3.P Kobold only campaign

2017-01-18, 03:09 AM
Just looking for some advice on creatures and encounters that an all kobold party is likely to encounter.

Here is the basic idea of the campaign as it stands.

Despite what these boards would have you believe, kobolds are the ONLY "True Dragons". A long time ago kobolds made dragons to fight for them in a great war. At some point the Dragon's gained sentience and turned on their masters. The Kobolds were cursed by the dragons and forced into their current racial standing. The dragon's, being afraid of the kobolds gaining power turned the rest of mankind on them as well, leading to the massive amount of adventures killing off the tribes on a regular basis, thus perpetuating their ignorance and keeping any from gaining too much power. Now thousands of years later, only the oldest of the dragons even suspect the truth. Many of the younger dragons have since adopted the kobolds thinking them a creation of their ancient brethren, leading to the common paizo/3.5 outlook on kobolds.

Our group of adventurers (and players) have no idea any of this has happened. They are currently level 0.6 (yes not level 1, basically a combination of kobold racial paragon with dragonwrought feat mixed in). They have recently raided a rival tribe for the symbol of tribal power, a GM mcguffin that is actually an extremely ancient dragon stuck inside an egg shaped rock. The ancient dragon recognizes the budding power inside the adventurers and will ultimately be the source of their problems. And as the dragons stirs from its slumber it will slowly get greater and greater power, allowing it to search out and exert its will to bring higher level things to fight the PC's.

What I am looking for is dragon-like creatures, from CR 1-20 that the ancient dragon is likely to send at them. Obviously dragons at some point and kobold's now but the early-mid levels is where I am having the hardest part finding viable creatures that won't slaughter the party on a whim. I have very much shown the players how weak kobold's are normally and would like to slowly escalate this until they finally get to fight the ancient dragon somehow (probably epic level)

2017-01-18, 04:42 AM
Halflings Gnomes (especially Svirfneblin) and Kobolds are sworn enemies. So I would expect at least some of em.

Further other underworld creatures that are neighbors to Kobolds, Drow & Duegar, have also conflicts with them.

edit: sry, was early in the morning. twisted halflings and gnomes^^

2017-01-18, 04:46 AM
I believe some of the younger dragons are around CR 5, so that should help with mid level. As for lower than that, I believe there is a draconic template that can be applied to non-dragon creatures, however I don't know how it would affect the CR. Finally, you might have to simply use custom made NPCs.

2017-01-18, 08:18 AM
I've thought annoy using lower cr dragons but since they are kinda new I want their first experience to be scary maybe cr 10ish at the earliest. I did however find the lesser orbs of dragon kind... lots of drain species mentioned in that I'll try to use. Any other suggestions for encounters or ways to push forward the story without forcing it down their throats?

2017-01-18, 08:56 AM
Despite what these boards would have you believe, kobolds are the ONLY "True Dragons". A long time ago kobolds made dragons to fight for them in a great war. At some point the Dragon's gained sentience and turned on their masters.

I KNEW IT :smallbiggrin:.

Halflings (especially Svirfneblin) and Kobolds are sworn enemies. So I would expect at least some of em.

Further other underworld creatures that are neighbors to Kobolds, Drow & Duegar, have also conflicts with them.

I thought that was Gnomes

I've thought annoy using lower cr dragons but since they are kinda new I want their first experience to be scary maybe cr 10ish at the earliest. I did however find the lesser orbs of dragon kind... lots of drain species mentioned in that I'll try to use. Any other suggestions for encounters or ways to push forward the story without forcing it down their throats?

You could use your own answer ...

They have recently raided a rival tribe for the symbol of tribal power, a GM mcguffin that is actually an extremely ancient dragon stuck inside an egg shaped rock. The ancient dragon recognizes the budding power inside the adventurers and will ultimately be the source of their problems. And as the dragons stirs from its slumber it will slowly get greater and greater power, allowing it to search out and exert its will to bring higher level things to fight the PC's.

A Scary Initial Encounter?? How about when the Ancient One breaks out of his egg while the adventurers are carrying it and almost kills them escaping, of course being an ancient egotistical dragon he's bound to let slip something to give them their first hint at what is going on ....

just my 2 coppers