View Full Version : Looking for a trap-filled dungeon crawl (low level)

2017-01-18, 04:53 AM
Like the title says. Looking to run a low level party through a small(ish) trap filled dungeon; a much bigger focus on lots of traps protecting an item of importance at the end over using monsters. Just wondering if there are any good modules or homemade ones that would be easy enough to re-scale that anyone knows of. Google just brings up tons of threads on traps themselves, not really any dungeons filled with traps except ToH.

2017-01-18, 12:42 PM
I don't know how low level you're talking. I would just take a small dungeon (maybe the one in A Dark and Stormy Knight) that has a couple traps and add to it until you have what you want. Use ToH and white Plume Mountain for some ideas of more creative traps.

Some additional traps I've used:
Long narrow room with a Cloudkill trap at the end. The entrance was scattered with bones that formed into a large skeleton to prevent the group's escape. I also had a pit trap to distract from the real trap. Maybe you could adapt the idea with Kelgore's Grave Mist for a lower level group.
A ring carved into the ground that, when entered, dominates the victim into forcing their companions into the circle. Ultimately harmless but can cause some entertaining roleplay.
A hallway shrouded in darkness with an open pit trap.

2017-01-19, 02:45 PM
A Dark and Stormy Knight

I love that adventure - a heavily modified version is what I use to bring parties together instead of the tavern scene. The party was level two, but after a good diversion, killing a goblin chief and scattering the rest of the tribe they are now level three. The goblins were forcing captive humans to enter 'the gauntlet'; which is suppose to be a trap filled labyrinth with a unique magic item at the end. Again, I've found lots and lots of great ideas for traps, but was hoping there might be a module or adventure out there already that fit this narrative so I didn't have to create it from scratch...

2017-01-19, 02:58 PM
I don't have an AP suggestion, rather I wanted to make sure you've thought this idea through. Traps are usually only exciting for one player (the rogue) and even then, it's just a static roll that becomes a HP tax if they fail. That's not very engaging gameplay.

Instead, consider designing trap encounters using guidelines like this: Bad Trap Syndrome Part 1 (http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/90/bad-trap-syndrome/) and Part 2 (http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/91/bad-trap-syndrome-curing-the-bad-trap-blues/). Traps that involve everyone at the table (rather than just the rogue), but still allow the rogue as the head "trap guy in chief" to shine.