View Full Version : The "Deadshot" type (fighter / rogue)

2017-01-18, 07:04 AM

I was playing with builds the other day and this idea came to me:

VHuman - Crossbow Expert

Stats: 12/16/14/8/14/10

Level progression:


Archetypes: Champion (Improved Crit), Assasin.

FS: Archery

ASI: Lvl5 - Sharpshooter, Lvl7 - +2 Dex, Lvl10 +2 Dex

Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, *Investigation (E), Insight, Perception (E), Survival.

*Investigation is for the part to gather the hit information and plan a strategy.

By level 11 you will have 2 attacks w/ hand crossbow + bonus attack (3d6) + 3d6 sneak and you have the option to go from +15 (as the ba attack adds the Dex due to main hand) all the way to +45 (for three sharpshooter)

The best part is that you can also action surge for two more attacks.

On defense you will have 17 AC w uncanny dodge.

Is this viable? And if so, what do you think? Maybe rogue 2 fast for the cunning action?

2017-01-18, 10:08 AM
One thing you may want to consider is battle master fighter instead of champion fighter. Your superiority dice get multiplied when you crit, so when you get a surprise round and hit, you'll get even more damage on that. It might not be as good if you never manage to get a surprise round though; I haven't done the math. It's something worth your consideration if you really want to "alpha strike" though.

2017-01-18, 07:46 PM
I am thinking fighter 11 and rogue 7 arcane trickster for the improved crit + 3 attacks + advantage with the hand

2017-01-18, 07:48 PM
I think Assassin would work better thematically. Battlemaster would be good as well.