View Full Version : Optimization Help with Sniper build optimization

2017-01-18, 02:07 PM
Hi there, I'm new here so bear with me. Anyway, I'm making a character for a Pathfinder with a more advance world, including the Guns Everywhere rules and pretty much all Pathfinder books allowed. Currently the character is starting at 4th level and I want her to end up as an eventual sniper with a rifle in a sort of "one shot, one kill" kind of theme. Here's what I have planned so far as far as options go, but I want some input as to which to choose and whether or not there are more helpful things for me as well.

Race: Human with stats being Dex > Wis > Con > Int> Cha > Str
First 4 levels in Marksman from the Dreamscarred Press book. DM allowed me to take the 1st level of Kaigun archetype without having to take the rest. Sniper Combat Style (duh) and Favored Weapon (Firearms)

Heres where i have problems though. So the first option is to go full 20 Marksman and take advantage of Snipers increased damage die and Vital strike route (ending at a base 4d10 x 4 with VS plus various other damage bonuses) and not have to worry about range pretty much at all. Likely get Seeking on weapon as well to shoot around trees and whatnot.

The second option is a bit more convoluted and is a Sneak Attack route:
First dip 2 levels in Slayer with the sniper Archetype. This lets me get Sneak Attack within my first range increment with my weapon (80ft to start for rifle, 160 with distance enchant). Then I would take the rest in Rogue (sniper) for all of the SA dice. With that route would VS still be worth it? Should I take 8 in Marksman for the additional damage die and end up with 10 rogue?

Either way keep in mind i'm rolling against Touch for use with guns, but FF if they're denied Dex. Do I just go with the lower AC? Anyway any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Also just as an added note, I'm not giving up the rifle or the Marksman class for flavor reasons with this specific campaign, any other suggestions are welcome though.

2017-01-18, 02:46 PM
Your DM seems pretty open about books. Are 3.5 classes available to you with his/her approval?

2017-01-18, 02:53 PM
Unfortunately not for this campaign. But pretty much any 3rd party Pathfinder is viable so that's nice

2017-01-18, 08:09 PM
Look at assassin's shot (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/assassin-s-shot)

You can combine this with VMC Rogue (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement) to go full 20 Marksman and still get sneak attack.

4d10 x4 +4d6 and you don't have to expend focus so you could take greater psionic shot too for +4d6 more.

VMC Rogue also gets you trapfinding, evasion and (improved) uncanny dodge

Accomplished sneak attacker (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/accomplished-sneak-attacker) will up you to +5d6 sneak attack if you have another free feat

If you are worried about the range of the sneak attack, Sniper Goggles (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/e-g/goggles-sniper-goggles) are a thing

2017-01-18, 08:12 PM
Check with the GM, but as written, the Augmented shot ability of Marksman clearly stacks with Vital strike. Whether this grants you 8d10 or 16d10 at level 20 is somewhat disputed.

Just saw you already know about vital strike

2017-01-19, 12:43 AM
Assassin's shot helps so much. That plus VMC Rogue will make this a much more viable build. Thanks a lot!

2017-01-19, 11:11 AM
I sketched out a build for you for a Human Marksman VMC Rogue

1(Bonus) Gunwielder
1(human) Psicrystal Affinity: Hero
1 Point Blank Shot
3 Trapfinding
5 Precise Shot
5(bonus) Psionic Meditation
7 Sneak Attack
8(bonus) Vital Strike
9 Assassin's Shot
11 Evasion
11(bonus) Improved Vital Strike
14(bonus) Improved Precise Shot
15 Uncanny Dodge
17(bonus) Greater Vital Strike
19 Improved Uncanny Dodge
20(bonus) Far Shot

I'm not certain what to put at 13 & 17. Maybe accomplished sneak attacker? Maybe Psionic Shot and Greater Psionic Shot?

2017-01-19, 02:19 PM
Well here's what I'm looking at right now:


1 Gun Wielder, Sniper Style, Psionic Power, Wind Reader
2 Evade Arrows +1, Style Technique, Favored Weapon +1
3 Style Skill, Style Mantra, Trapfinding
4 Cover Fire, Style Ability
5 Bonus Feat
6 Evade Arrows +2, Style Skill +2, Favored Weapon +2
7 Disengage, Sneak Attack 1d6
8 Bonus Feat, Augmented Shot
9-10 Style Skill +3, Evade Arrows +3, Favored Weapon +3
11 Sneak Attack 2d6, Bonus Feat, Evasion
12 Style Ability +4, Style Skill +4, Unstoppable Force
13 Defensive Shot
14 Bonus Feat, Evade Arrows +4, Favored Weapon +4
15 Style Skill +5, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack 3d6
16-17 Critical Master, Bonus Feat
18 Evade Arrows +5, Style Skill +6, Favored Weapon +5
19 Sneak Attack 4d6, Imp Uncanny Dodge, Ranged Specialist
20 Bonus Feat, Master Technique

1 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
5 Psionic Shot, Psionic Meditation
8 Assassin Shot
9 Vital Strike
11 Greater Psionic Shot
13 Imp Vital Strike
14 Far Shot
17 Greater Vital Strike
20 Imp Precise Shot

Unfortunately I don't have the feat for Accomplished Sneak Attacker but otherwise I think this is looking a lot better than what I was going for previously. I'll end up with 8d10 + 8d6 at level 20 with combining Augmented Shot and Vital Strike, and Sneak Attack and Psionic Shot. Plus any other bonuses to damage I get from staying psionically focused and enchantments and other stuff. As far as equipment goes, I'll be needing Sniper Goggles and Seeking on my weapon as must-haves. Any other equipment suggestions? Aside from the obvious ones like dex +6 etc

2017-01-19, 03:17 PM
Since you are using "Guns everywhere" are you getting to trade Gunsmithing for Gun training? That would be another damage boost (dex to damage). The rules say only gunslingers can do that, but your GM may allow it. If not, why even use the Kaigun archetype at all? Guns are simple weapons, so you don't need the proficiencies. Is amateur gunslinger even worth it?

Also, if you ditch kaigun, you can take Shroud instead. Stealth bonuses, hide in plain sight, swift action invisibility (later greater). Very sniper-like. Also you get a feat back, because you will have point blank shot as a bonus feat. Psicrystal affinity: Hero would get you +2 fort saves, alertness, and an eventually flying, tiny construct spotter to help you snipe targets. Rapid reload is another decent choice as it makes reloading an advance firearm a free action.

2017-01-19, 05:13 PM
I didn't actually see the part of Guns Everywhere that said guns are simple. So yea, I'll have to check with my DM, otherwise Shroud is way better. I was just using Kaigun for the easy proficiency

2017-01-19, 06:17 PM
Suggested powers

1: Inevitable Strike, Chameleon
2: Dissolving Weapon, Ephemeral Bolt, Deflect
3: Hustle, Dimesion Slide, Greater Concealing Amorpha
4: Pierce the Veils, Slip the Bonds, Steadfast Perception, Sharpened Edge