View Full Version : time for a gimmick build, guys

2017-01-18, 02:30 PM
So you make yourself a bugbear ranger (16/14/14/x/14/x) and take a halberd as your weapon, and later choose the primeval guardian conclave. After level 5 (or 7 if you like the HP increase) take 3 levels of battle master fighter, and get lunging attack. Ultimately you get melee attacks with a range of 25 feet. Yes, this is functionally useless considering the fact that you can only move 5 feet in tree form, but it's still funny to me.

2017-01-18, 02:34 PM
oh, and you can grapple things from 15 feet away, which is extra funny against things that can't attack from that far

2017-01-18, 02:39 PM
That's not actually that useless in a dungeon setting, where that might be able to take up entire rooms, especially if you get yourself into the middle of the room first. Throw Polearm Master and Sentinel in there if there's room for the feats. In an open field where maneuverability isn't limited though, yeah, they'll just run around you.

Edit: I forgot that lunging attack and bugbear's long-limbed only work for a single attack and an attack on your turn respectively, and thus neither will ever work for opportunity attacks, so the Sentinel and Polearm Master part isn't quite as good as I thought. Still pretty good though with 15 foot reach for opportunity attacks though.

2017-01-18, 03:54 PM
That's not actually that useless in a dungeon setting, where that might be able to take up entire rooms, especially if you get yourself into the middle of the room first.

"so how did you come into having the nickname 'dungeon tree', tbox?"

2017-01-18, 06:27 PM
In an open field where maneuverability isn't limited though, yeah, they'll just run around you.

I don't really like when people say that enemies will just maneuver around you in the open, if you can't keep up. Especially in this case, where you're able to affect a 25' radius.

Just have your party stand "in the shade." If the enemy doesn't have ranged weapons, then they need to come close enough to make friends. If they do have ranged weapons, then either don't use this tactic, or have your casters and your own ranged combatants handle business with the added assurance that nobody in their right mind is going to try and melee them.

The Ship's dog
2017-01-19, 04:15 AM
I've always wanted to play an Ent-like race (Dryads just don't do it for me) and stomp around smacking people into the air like the assault on Isengard in LoTR.

Perhaps the subraces would be different types of tree, like the Shifter races having many different subtypes for different play styles/fluff.

2017-01-19, 08:36 AM
I'm not going to comment on RAW, as I don't think they take this particular case into account, but logically, you must be able to attack something that is grappling you. Some part of them must be within melee range of you in order to grapple you, so you can just attack that part of them. Being held at 15 ft by a branch? Cut the branch off.

2017-01-19, 09:51 AM
That's not actually that useless in a dungeon setting, where that might be able to take up entire rooms, especially if you get yourself into the middle of the room first. Throw Polearm Master and Sentinel in there if there's room for the feats. In an open field where maneuverability isn't limited though, yeah, they'll just run around you.

Edit: I forgot that lunging attack and bugbear's long-limbed only work for a single attack and an attack on your turn respectively, and thus neither will ever work for opportunity attacks, so the Sentinel and Polearm Master part isn't quite as good as I thought. Still pretty good though with 15 foot reach for opportunity attacks though.

The Bugbear's long-limbed work for all attacks made on your turn.

Lunging Attack works for only one attack though (can be used outside of your turn though)

2017-01-19, 12:56 PM
Being held at 15 ft by a branch? Cut the branch off.

there's room to argue that that's your athletics check to escape the grapple, but thematically you're right. Funny as it may be to literally hold them by the head while they swing their arms with no effect, in a more "rules as logical" type of game I would expect you could attack something that grapples you.

2017-01-19, 01:49 PM
I've always wanted to play an Ent-like race (Dryads just don't do it for me) and stomp around smacking people into the air like the assault on Isengard in LoTR.

Perhaps the subraces would be different types of tree, like the Shifter races having many different subtypes for different play styles/fluff.

I am also very excited about this subclass. I am thinking about going ranger 11/druid 9 with it, to give up the healing aura but pick up 5th level druid spells (awaken).

I am picturing very elemental type spell casting as a land circle druid (gust, earth tremor, etc...), along with summons of course. If the enemy tries to stay behind cover at range I can send wolves to flush them out, etc...

Haven't quite decided on the base race yet though, maybe a Genasi.

Not to mention the ridiculousness of wildshaping into a squirrel that then turns into a tree.

2017-01-19, 01:52 PM
Not to mention the ridiculousness of wildshaping into a squirrel that then turns into a tree.

that sound amazing

2017-01-19, 02:56 PM
that sound amazing

and then casting conjure animals for a swarm of additional squirrels to storm the enemy bird feeder.

The Ship's dog
2017-01-19, 04:17 PM
I am also very excited about this subclass. I am thinking about going ranger 11/druid 9 with it, to give up the healing aura but pick up 5th level druid spells (awaken).

I am picturing very elemental type spell casting as a land circle druid (gust, earth tremor, etc...), along with summons of course. If the enemy tries to stay behind cover at range I can send wolves to flush them out, etc...

Haven't quite decided on the base race yet though, maybe a Genasi.

Not to mention the ridiculousness of wildshaping into a squirrel that then turns into a tree.

The idea of using purely elemental damage on a pseudo-melee druid has always appealed to me.

Also, Guardian Form turns you into a 'tree-like being' not an actual tree but it's still a fun concept.

2017-01-19, 04:25 PM
The idea of using purely elemental damage on a pseudo-melee druid has always appealed to me.

Also, Guardian Form turns you into a 'tree-like being' not an actual tree but it's still a fun concept.

I'm picturing mine using ranged attacks mostly (considered a monk MC for a whomping Willow version though).

It occurred to me when I last did a ranger archer that the biggest headache was dealing with people getting into melee range with me. With 30 feet of difficult terrain surrounding me they will have to dash just to reach me.

Between sharpshooter feat to deal with partial cover and summons to chase out enemies behind total cover I think he'll make a great ranged fighter.

I do get the "tree-like being" description, but I still imagine it as being able to blend into real trees well. Puts a whole new spin on the "hide in plain sight" base revised ranger ability.

2017-01-19, 05:00 PM
Not to mention the ridiculousness of wildshaping into a squirrel that then turns into a tree.

So sort of a Large sized, wooden version of...


2017-01-20, 11:28 AM
Has anyone Considered the possibility of utilizing the Bugbears natural stealth and going rogue.

With a whip you get that sneak attack and the range advantage.

keeps you safe and still have opportunity attacks by staying behind allies.